
初中英语?人教版?八年级上册--Unit5Do youwant to watch agame showUnit5第5课时Section B4-Self Check测试时间25分钟测试日期年月日学生姓名分数―I.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子
1.He isreading an有教育意义的magazine.
2.1预料to comeback ina week.
3.The story出现in allthe nationalnewspapers yesterday.
4.Mo Yanis af writeraround the world.
5.Give meyour rwhy youwant to go thereby yourself.II.用所给词的适当形式填空
1.1hope youhave anenjoy trip.
2.He triedeatmore vegetablesand lessmeat.
3.If youare asuccess basketballplayer,you willbecome rich.
4.1likecomedy becauseI thinktheyre funny.
5.In somewestern countries,people thinkFriday isan luckday.III.单项选择
1.―What doyou thinkof soap operas―To behonest,I can/t stand.A.it B.them C.her D.him
2.I dontthe heat,for Kmused tohot weather.A.like B.mind C.know D.stand
3.―What areyou doingthis weekend一Im notsure,but Igo tothe museum.A.might B.must C.need D.should
4.―Are yousure youcan dowell intomorrows test―I thinkso.Ive goteverything.A.serious B.simple C.ready D.enjoyable
5.Our mathteacher Mr.Zhang wasill,so Mr.Li hisplace toteach usmath yesterday.A.took B.gave C.made D.happened IV.根据汉语意思完成句子
1.我计划查明这件事的真相I__________________________the truthabout thething.
2.他在这部电影里男扮女装He agirl in the movie.
3.我们准备去参军We arethe army.
4.我希望代替他去完成这项工作I finishthe workhim.
5.你知道这个村庄发生了什么事情吗?Do youknow inthe villageV,完形填空In April2007,a16-year-old boynamed CharlieMcDonnell wasstudying forhis exams考试at home.He wasbored,so hewent
1.He founda video视频of anotherboy likehim.The boywas sittingin hisbedroom andtalking abouthow boredhe was/I cando betterthan that!”thought Charlie.2he madehis first video,and heposted发布it on YouTube underthe name Charlieissocoollike.Two daysafter Charlieposted hisfirstvideo,he had150followers.He3to makemore videos.A fewmonths later,Oprah Winfrey,a famousAmerican TVhost,4one ofhis videoson herprogram.It madeCharlie5and he had moreand morefollowers.To saythank you6all hisfollowers,Charlie madea videocalled ChallengeCharlie.He askedpeople tosuggest提议funny ordifficult thingsfor7to do in hisvideos.He8many thingslike wearingall ofhis clothesat onceand paintinghimself purple!Oh,and9did Charliedoinhis examsback in2007Well,he gotgood10,nine As and oneB!He saysthat hewants todo agood jobonYouTube.So far,its goingvery well!l.A.far B.back C.outside
2.A.So B.lf C.Though
3.A.helped B.waited C.decided D.dreamed
4.A.missed B.showed C.found D.sent
5.A.lucky B.popular C.useful D.serious
6.A.from B.with C.to D.on
7.A.them B.you C.her D.him
8.A.tried B.forgot C.won D.watched
9.A.where B.when C.why D.how
10.A.ideas B.jokes C.grades
0.reasons VI,阅读理解Charles Darwin达尔文was bornon12February,
1809.His fatherwas awell-known doctorand theson ofa stillgreater doctorand scientist.Darwins fatherhoped thathis sonwould alsobecome a doctor.Asaboy,Darwin likedtowatchnature andcompare whathe sawwith somethinghehadread in science books.But hedid notstudy verywell atschool.At sixteen,Darwin was sent toEdinburgh Universityto becomeadoctor.But hewas interestedinthehistory ofnature.Then hewassentto study at Cambridge University.There hestudied until
1831.Some timelater,he heardthat aship,the Beagle,was goingon a trip to South America.As hewanted tobe ascientist,his professoradvised him togo.He leftEngland bythe shipin December
1831.After fiveyears hereturned home.In1842,Darwin livedin Kentand continuedhis studiesthere.Darwin understoodthat plantsand animalsare notalways thesame andthey reallychange.In1859,Darwin finished his famousbook The Origin of Species《物种起源》.It madea greatvoice intheworldof science.In1872,Darwin wroteanother importantbook.Darwin continuedhis studiesinscienceuntil hedied in
1.What didDarwins fatherdo A.A scientist.B.A doctor.C.An engineer.D.A pilot.
2.Why didDarwin studyin EdinburghUniversity A.Because hewanted tobe adoctor.B.Because hedidnt studywell atschool.C.Because hisfather wantedhimtobe adoctor.D.Because EdinburghUniversity wasgood.
3.How oldwas Darwinwhen hefinishedhisstudyat CambridgeUniversityA.22years old.B.32years old.C.28years old.D.24years old.
4.Which ofthe followingis thecorrect orderabout Darwinsexperiences a.He livedin Kent.b.He tookatriptoSouthAmerica.c.He studiedatCambridgeUniversity.d.He studiedat EdinburghUniversity.e.He wroteanother importantbook.f.He finishedTheOriginofSpecies.A.c―d―a―e―b―f B.d―c―b―f―a―eC.d―b―c―a―f―e D.d―c―b―a―f―e
5.What isthe passagemainly aboutA.Darwins works.B.Darwins dreams.C.Darwins life.D.Darwins family.参考答案I.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子I.educational
5.reason II.用所给词的适当形式填空
2.to eat
5.unlucky III.单项选择
3.A考查情态动词辨析根据Tm notsure可知,此处表示〃可能〃去博物馆故选A
1.A句意我们的数学老师张老师病了,所以昨天李老师代替他教我们数学take onesplace意为〃代替……;取代……〃,故选A IV.根据汉语意思完成句子
1.plan tofind out
2.dressed uplike
3.ready tojoin
4.hope to;instead of
5.what happenedV.完形填空1-5DACBB6-10CDADC VI.阅读理解BCADC。
* 声明:资源收集自网络或用户分享,版权归原作者所有。
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