首页 > 轻工行业标准(QB) > QB/T 2537-2001 皮革 色牢度试验 往复式摩擦色牢度
QB/T 2537-2001


标准号: QB/T 2537-2001

中文名称:皮革 色牢度试验 往复式摩擦色牢度


英文名称: Leather color fastness test - Reciprocating rubbing color fastness










采标情况:eqv ISO 11640:1993




标准价格:10.0 元









本标准规定了用毛毡在皮革表面进行往复式摩擦,以确定皮革表面摩擦色牢度的方法。本标准适用于各类皮革。 QB/T 2537-2001 皮革 色牢度试验 往复式摩擦色牢度 QB/T2537-2001 标准下载解压密码:www.bzxz.net



Classification code: Y 46
Light Industry Standard of the People's Republic of ChinaQB/T2537-2001
eqv ISo 11640:1993
皮革色牢度试验往复式摩擦色牢度Leather-Testsforcolourfastness-Colour fastness to cycles of to-and-fro rubbingIssued on Nov. 15, 2001
Issued by
China National Light Industry CouncilImplementedonMay01,2002
This standard is equivalent to IsO 11640:1993 Leather-Tests for colour fastness—Colour fastness to cycles ofto-and-frorubbing.
The compilation format of this Standard is different from the format ofISO 11640:1993, this Standard alsorefines some individual regulation, is convenient for the domestic usage, will not affect the technicalrequirements and testresults ofthis Standard.The descriptions are as follows:1) Regulations in Clause 6.2 of SI0 11640: take out the hair felt from the water before usage, squeeze the watercontent and keep the weight of the hair felt about 1 g. This Standard is modified into: take out the hair felt fromwater before usage,put it on the middle of four pieces of absorbent filter paper (respectively two upper piecesof paper and two lowerpieces of paper,keep the test surface contact with the filter paper horizontally), then put(900 ± 10 g) weight on the filter paper.Keep it for 1 min, squeeze the water content and keep the weight ofthe hair felt about 1 g. Through test verification, the added content can meet the regulations in ISO 11640. Atthe same time, the test personnel can adopt unified test methods, the operation is more accurate, which canreducethetesterrorand ensuretheconsistencyofthetestresults.2)Themodificationcontentsof Clause6.4aresamewithspecificationin1).3) In Clause 7.2, the content “for the suede leather and similar leather, because of relatively large fractionimpact, please do not load heavy block in the test and keep the total mass of test head as 500 g\ is the note inStandard ISO 11649. In combination with China's actual situations and to facilitate the usage, we will make theabove specification as the official clause of the Standard and add the content “including clothing leather on theobverseside\
4)The Annex AofIsO 11640: 1993 International Standard recommends the commercial sources of instrumentsand materials to be used in this test method standard and Annex B specifies the name and number of IUFinternational standards relevant to this Standard, which are not quoted in this Standard.The test results of this Standard have no comparability of the test results in QB /T 1327 - 1991 Test Method ofColorRubbingFastness on Leather Surface.This standard was proposed by Comprehensive Business Department of China National Light IndustryAssociation
This standard is under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee of Standardization for Leather IndustryNational Technical Committee of Standardization for Leather Industry is responsible for drafting this standard.The chief draftsman of this standard: Zhao Liguo.1Scope
Leather-TestsforcolourfastnessColour fastness to cycles of to-and-fro rubbingThis Standard specified to repeatedly rub on the leather surface with hair felt to determine the method ofrubbing color fastness of the leather surface.This Standard applies to various leathers.2Normativereferences
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of thisstandard. At time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, andparties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the mostrecenteditions of thestandards indicatedbelowGB250-1995GrayscaleforassessingchangeincolourGB 251-1995 Gray scale for assessing stainingGB/T6682-1992Waterforanalyticallaboratoryuse-SpecificationandtestmethodsQB/T 3812.2-1999 Leather - Conditioning of test pieces for physical testsQB/T2464.23-1999Leather-testforcolorfastness-colorfastnesstoperspirationFZ/T60004-1991NonwovensDeterminationofthickness3Principles
One side of the leather to be tested is rubbed with pieces of reference wool felt under a given pressure for agiven number of forward and backward motions. The change in colour of the pieces of felt and of the leather isassessed with the grey scales. Any other visible change in or damage to the surface of the leather is alsoreported.
Note: in the test process, because of the movement of colored matters such as: coats, pigments, dyes, dust andthe color movement caused by other possiblereasons, the color of hairfelt will be affected on certaindegree.4Apparatus and materials
Be in accordance with the stipulation of subclause 4.1.1~4.1.3, and subclause 4.1.4 is option.4.1.1 A testing platform
a)Ahorizontal,completelyplanarmetalplatformb) A holder for fastening the leather to the platform, leaving 80 mm exposedc)Adevice with which the leathermaybe extended atleast20 %linearly in the direction ofrubbing4.1.2Afinger
500 g ± 25 g in mass, removable, yet able to be fixed firmly in place, with:a)aarea oftestheadmeasuring15mmx15mm;b) a device for attaching pieces of wool felt (see 4.2) to the test headc) a weight piece of mass 500 g + 10 g to load the finger up to a total mass of 1 kgd) Adjusting device, adjust the test column horizontally to make the test head contact with the test samplehorizontally.
4.1.3AdevicefordrivingthecarriagetoandfroWith a distance of travel of 35 mm to 40 mm at a frequency of 40 cycles/min ± 2 cycles/min for the completeforwardandbackwardmotion
4.1.4Option,but not essentiala) A device of adjusting the position of the finger at direction on horizontal plane to the direction of rubbing, sothat two or three positions may be used for rubbing on one piece of leather;b)amotortodrivethecarriageforward andbackward (see4.1.3)c)a deviceforpreselecting a given number of cycles.4.2Rubbingmaterial
Square pieces of white or black wool felt, measuring 15 mm x 15 mm, punched out of a sheet of pure wool feltmeeting thefollowing specificationpHofanextractmadebyshaking5gofgroundfeltwith200ml ofdeionizedwaterpolyethylene bottle: between 5.5 and 7.0;mass per unit area: 1750 g/m2 ± 100 g/m2;thickness,determined inaccordancewithFZ/T60004:5.5mm±0.5mmThe black felt shall be dyed with Acid Black 24 (CI 26370)4.3Vacuum-desiccatorvesselorotherglasscontainersuitableforevacuation4.4 Vacuum pump
(4.5) for 2 h in a
Capableof evacuatingtheairofthedesiccatorvessel (4.3)to5kPa (50mbar)within4min.4.5 Deionized water
Grade3inaccordancewithGB/T66825 Test specimens
Test specimens shall be rectangular pieces of leather, at least 120 mm long and, for each position of the finger[see4.1.4a)],atleast20mmwide.NOTE 2 Usually with one set of conditions (conditioning of leather and felt, number of cycles, etc.) only onespecimen is tested. In case of dispute, it is strongly recommended to test several specimens, sampled fromdifferent positions.
6Airconditioningof testspecimens and pieces offelt6.1DryleatheranddryfeltWww.bzxZ.net
ConditioninaccordancewithQB/T3812.26.2 Wet felt
Wet the felt by placing pieces of felt in deionized water(4.5), heat to boiling and allow to boil gently untilthe felt pieces sink.Then decant off the hot water and replace with cold deionized water.Allow to stand untilthe wetted felt pieces have reached room temperature. Take each piece of felt from the water just before use andsqueeze or wipe it in order to reduce its water uptake to approximately 1 g. The wet pieces of felt shall not beallowed to soak in thewaterformore than24h.6.3Wet leather
Wet the leather by immersing specimens in deionized water(4.5) in such a way that there is no contactbetween specimens. Place the containing vessel in the vacuum desiccator, produce a vacuum of 5 kPa and holdit for 2 min. Restore normal pressure. Carry out this procedure two more times. Just before use, take thespecimens out of the water and remove excess water on their surfaces with blotting paper. The specimens shallnotbeallowedtosoakinthewaterformorethan1h.6.4FeltwettedwithartificialperspirationsolutionWet the felt with artificial perspiration solution prepared as specified in QB/T 2464.23, proceeding as describedin 6.3above.Justbeforeuse,take eachfeltpiece outofthe solution,Place the test sample in the middle of four pieces of blotting filter paper (respectively two upper pieces and twolower pieces in horizontal contact with the filter paper).Place the (900 ± 10 g) weight on the filter paper and keep it for 1 min.squeeze or wipe it in order to reduce its uptake of artificial perspiration solution to approximately 1 g. The feltshall not be allowed to soak in the artificial perspiration solution for more than 24 h3
7.1 Mount a conditioned specimen on the apparatus and stretch it 10 % in the direction of rubbing. If thespecimen cannot be extended linearly by 10%, Strength the test sample to the tolerant maximum stretchablelength.
If the specimen at 1o % extension does not remain stable during rubbing, stretch it sufficiently to achievestability.In both thelatter cases, statethe extension in thetestreport.7.2 For normal leathers, attach the weightpiece so that the total mass of the finger is 1 000 gDue to the higher friction on suede leathers and suede-like leathers (including the clothing leather on theobverse side), it may be desirable in such cases to carry out the test with a total mass of 500 g (i.e. without theadditional weightpiece).
7.3 Attach a piece of conditioned felt to the finger. Place the finger horizontally contacted with the leather andcarry out a number ofcycles,selected from thefollowing list:5,10,20,50,100,200 and5007.4 If required, repeat the test with another number of cycles with the finger in a fresh position on the specimen(or a new specimen) and after replacing the felt by a new piece.7.5 Release the specimen and pieces of felt and assess the rubbed area on the specimen and/or on the pieces offelt for change in colour and staining, respectively, as specified in 7.6. Wetted specimens and pieces of felt shallbedried at ambienttemperaturebeforeassessment.When the black hair felt is adopted for the test of white leather or leather in light color, it might cause thesurface color of leather changed because of the rubbing effect of hair felt. Under this situation, we cannotevaluate the change of leather color, which can only be evaluated after the test at new place with white hair felt.Note l:Before assessing the change in colour of leathers having a finish,it can be useful to apply a colourlessshoe polish and polish lightly with a woollen fabric. Similarly, with suede leathers and similar leathers, it can beuseful to brush with a brush in the direction of the nap.Note: 2. the effect will be better if we adopt colorless wax emulsion paints. Under certain circumstance, if thewax emulsion is unsuitable, we can only adopt the brightener and organic solution that include wax content. Ifthe shoe polish, brush polish and brightener are adopted, it's necessary to specify the material composition orotherdetailed situations in thetestreport.7.6 Assess the change in colour of the leather and the staining of the pieces of felt with the grey scales inaccordance with GB 250 and GB 251. Note any other visible changes in the surface of the specimen, e.g. loss ofgloss,developmentofpolish,flatteningofthenapordestructionoffinish8Testreport
The test report shall include the following information:a) a standard number;
b) a description of the type of leather tested;4
c) an indication as towhich surface oftheleatherwas tested;d) the conditions under which the leather and felt were conditioned before testing, the type of felt used(white or black), the mass of the test head and the numerical ratings for the change in colour of thespecimens andforthestainingofeachpieceoffelt;e) details of any other visible change in the surface of the specimen;details of anydeviations from the procedure, such as the extension applied (if other than 1o %),pol-f)
ishing, total mass of the test head (if other than 500 g or 1 kg).5