JGJ 4-1980 Design and construction specification for cast-in-place pile foundations for industrial and civil buildings JGJ4-80
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Standards of the State Administration of Construction Engineering
Industrial and Civil Buildings
Design and Construction Specifications for Cast-in-place Pile Foundations
Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
. Engineering Construction Standard Full-text Information System
Standards of the State Administration of Construction Engineering
Industrial and Civil Buildings
Design and Construction Specifications for Cast-in-place Pile Foundations
Editor: China Academy of Building Research Approved by: State Administration of Construction Engineering Approved by the State Capital Construction Commission for the record
Trial date: January 1981 1st
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
Engineering Construction Standard Full Text Information System
(80) Jian Gong Ke Zi No. 310wwW.bzxz.Net
"Industrial and Civil Building Cast-in-place Pile Foundation Design and Construction Code" was compiled by China Academy of Building Research in conjunction with relevant units. It has now been reviewed and approved as a ministerial standard with the number JGJ4-80. It will be implemented on a trial basis from January 1, 1981
This code is inconsistent with some provisions on cast-in-place pile foundation in "Industrial and Civil Building Foundation Design Code" (TJ7-74) and "Construction and Acceptance Code for Foundation and Foundation Engineering" (GBJ17-66). This code may be implemented.
In the process of trial implementation, all units should pay attention to accumulating data and summarizing experience, and inform the Institute of Foundation of China Academy of Building Research of relevant data and opinions at any time.
State Administration of Construction Engineering
May 31, 1980
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Preparation Instructions
This code is compiled by our institute in conjunction with the Fourth Construction Company of Heilongjiang Province, Guangzhou Design Institute, East Province Foundation Company, Tianjin Chemical Engineering Design Institute, the Fourth Construction Engineering Company of Hunan Province, the Institute of Architectural Science of Gansu Construction Engineering Bureau, Beijing Machinery Construction Company and the Ninth Design Institute of the Sixth Ministry of Machine Building in accordance with the tasks assigned by the State Capital Construction Committee [74] Jian Ge Ji Zi [236] No. and [78] Jian Fa Ke Zi [138] No. During the compilation process, we conducted extensive investigations and studies, summarizing the design, construction experience and scientific research results of cast-in-place pile foundations for industrial and civil buildings in the past 30 years since the founding of the People's Republic of my country, especially in the past five years; we absorbed relevant experience in my country's highways, railways and other aspects as well as foreign countries, and solicited opinions from relevant units across the country before finally being approved at the meeting.
Since cast-in-place piles are still in the development stage, some problems need to be continuously studied and improved through practice. Therefore, during the trial implementation, please pay attention to strengthening scientific research, accumulating information and summarizing experience; if you find any need for modification or supplementation, please send your opinions and relevant information to the Institute of Foundation Research of our institute for reference in future revisions.
China Academy of Building Research
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
General Provisions·
Design of Cast-in-place Pile Foundation
Stock Provisions
Section 2
Section 3
Chapter 3
Pile Foundation Calculation
Pile Top Load Calculation
Vertical Bearing Capacity of Pile Foundation and Its Verification·…
Pile Foundation Horizontal bearing capacity and its verification...21 Pile strength and crack resistance verification
Internal force calculation and strength verification of pile cap...28 Cast-in-place pile foundation construction
Section 2
Construction preparation
Construction of cast-in-place piles
General provisions
Spiral drill bored cast-in-place piles
Submersible drill bored cast-in-place piles
Motorized Luoyang shovel bored cast-in-place piles...38
Impact hole casting
Drilling and bottom enlargement casting machine
Hammer sinking pipe cast-in-place piles
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Section 3
Section 4
Appendix 2
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Appendix Force
Vibration, vibration impact sinking pipe bored pile..·Underwater concrete pouring
Pedestal construction
Acceptance of bored pile foundation engineering
Reference table for selection of bored pile hole forming process 52| |tt||Calculation of pile foundation subjected to horizontal force considering the cooperative work between the cap (including underground wall) and the pile foundation and the single-acting resistance of the soil
Calculation of pile length and longitudinal bending coefficient of pile shaft91Calculation of cap beam of strip pile foundation under wall according to inverted elastic foundation beam
Example of design calculation of pile foundation of general building subjected to horizontal earthquake force
Construction record of thin-cast pile foundation
Explanation of words and expressions used in the provisions of this code...110References
Reference material three
Field test of piles·
Mechanical properties of bored piles commonly used.... 128 Schematic diagram of cast-in-place pile construction equipment example***131 Engineering 6 Construction Standard Full Text Information System
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Basic Symbols
Internal and External Forces
- Self-weight of pile foundation pedestal and weight of soil on pedestal; Self-weight of pile body determined by designed pile diameter;
H--Horizontal force acting on the bottom surface of pile foundation pedestal, H1--Horizontal force acting on the top of single pile; H
Me, My
Horizontal force acting on the top of the first pile:
-Horizontal limit load of single pile Load;
-single pile horizontal critical load;
single pile horizontal allowable bearing capacity;
external force acting on the pile foundation to the external moment of the X and Y axes passing through the centroid of the pile group;
-vertical load acting on the top surface of the pile foundation cap; vertical dead load acting on the top of the single pile:
axial pressure acting on the top of the single pile;
maximum axial pressure acting on the top of the single pile; N,——axial force acting on the top of the i-th pile;P
single pile axial compressive limit load;
-single pile axial compressive allowable bearing capacity.
Calculation index
E. Elastic modulus of steel bar;
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En——elastic modulus of concrete,
f——allowable friction resistance of soil around pile,
f——allowable friction resistance of the i-th layer of soil around column; R——allowable end bearing capacity of soil;
R. Axial compressive design strength of concrete Ri——Tensile design strength of concrete; Anti-cracking design strength of concrete
——Frost heave shear force of soil.
Geometric characteristics
Pile cross-sectional displacement
——Converted cross-sectional area of pile body;
A. —Pressure distribution area at the bottom of a single pile; A.
Area of longitudinal reinforcement;
Side surface area of pile in frozen soil layer;
Width of house in verification direction;
Calculated width of pile body,
Design true diameter of pile
Diameter of finished pile;
Outer diameter of casing;
Diameter of reinforcement;
Diameter of longitudinal steel barge ring
Eccentricity of load;
Deepness of pile into the earth;
Burial depth of foundation,
1——Moment of inertia of section;
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Io——Converted section inertia moment;
1——Pile length,
l. Calculated length of the pile;
o—The length of a high pile foundation pile exposed above the ground; L——The thickness of the i-th layer of soil around the pile;
The center distance of the pile;
Converted section tension edge elastic resistance moment a1, 31——The distance from the i pile to the Y and X axes passing through the centroid of the pile group. Calculation coefficient
Design safety factor of pile body or pedestal strength
-Safety factor of single pile axial compressive bearing capacity;-Safety factor of single pile horizontal bearing capacity;K,——anti-crack design safety factor;
Main vertical resistance coefficient of foundation at the bottom of pile;
Vertical resistance coefficient of foundation soil at the bottom of pedestal;-Vertical resistance coefficient of rock foundation;
Horizontal resistance coefficient of foundation soil at the side of pedestal
Horizontal resistance coefficient of foundation soil at the side of pile;
Proportional coefficient of horizontal resistance coefficient of foundation soil; Proportional coefficient of vertical resistance coefficient of foundation soil; Displacement conversion coefficient;
Maximum bending moment coefficient of pile top (body);
Horizontal displacement coefficient of pile top;
Axial pressure transmission coefficient of pile body
-Moment adjustment coefficient of pile body;
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--Proportional coefficient of allowable pull-out friction resistance and allowable compressive friction resistance;
Moment distribution coefficient of the i-th pile in the X and Y directions; Moment distribution coefficient of sections I-I and I-1; Eccentricity increase coefficient;
Pile deformation coefficient;
Load property coefficient
Coefficient related to eccentricity;
Longitudinal bending coefficient of the pile;
Weighted average of the internal friction angles of each soil layer around the pile; Plastic coefficient of pile section resistance moment;
Comprehensive coefficient;
Friction coefficient;
Pile reinforcement ratio
Ratio of the number of piles or the elastic modulus of steel bars to the elastic modulus of concrete;
Horizontal displacement;
Horizontal displacement corresponding to the horizontal critical load; Allowable horizontal displacement of the pile top.
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Chapter 1 General
Article 1-0-1 This code applies to the design and construction of bored pile foundations for industrial and civil buildings (including houses and structures) (excluding explosive expansion bored piles)
Article 1-0-2 The design and construction of bored pile foundations should be adapted to local conditions, taking into account factors such as the properties of the foundation soil layer, groundwater conditions, site conditions and environment, performance of construction equipment, type of superstructure, size and nature of loads, etc., and should be carefully designed and constructed to ensure advanced technology, economic rationality and quality. Article 1-0-3 Cast-in-place piles are divided into the following types according to the existing hole-making process: 1. Drilling, digging and punching cast-in-place piles: including cast-in-place piles made by spiral drilling, submersible drilling, motorized Luoyang shovel digging and impact drilling; 2. Bored and expanded bottom cast-in-place piles; 3. Pipe sinking cast-in-place piles: including cast-in-place piles made by hammer sinking, vibration sinking and vibration impact sinking. The hole-making process can be selected by referring to Appendix 1. 4. Article 1-0-4 When this code is used for the design and construction of cast-in-place pile foundations, it shall also comply with the requirements of the current relevant standards and specifications (if there is any inconsistency with the provisions on cast-in-place piles in the "Design Code for Industrial and Civil Building Foundations" TJ7-74 and the "Code for Construction and Acceptance of Foundations and Foundation Engineering" GBJ17-66 (revised version), this code shall be implemented). Article 1-0-5 About test piles
The foundation of the cast-in-place pile should be measured and tested vertically to determine the vertical bearing capacity. In any of the following cases, a vertical static load test of the pile must be carried out.
1. Important and monumental large buildings; 2. Buildings with special restrictions on foundation settlement in terms of use and production technology; 3. Residential and industrial building complexes;
4. When there is a lack of construction experience and test pile data; 5. When the geological conditions are complex and the quality of the pile is in doubt. In any of the following cases, a horizontal static load test of the pile should be carried out: 1. Pile foundations that are often subjected to large horizontal forces; 2. 1. Important and monumental buildings, tall buildings (high-rise buildings with more than eight floors, industrial plants with a height of more than 30 meters, and tall structures, the same below) and building complexes with earthquake fortification of eight degrees and above; 2. Buildings with earthquake fortification of seven degrees and above with special restrictions on horizontal displacement of foundation.
3. Pile foundations that often bear pull-out forces should be tested for pull-out resistance. For pile foundation projects with similar geological conditions, pile-making technology, pile diameter and pile length, the number of vertical, horizontal static load test piles and pull-out test piles shall not be less than 2, and should not be less than 1%.
5. Horizontal static load tests can be carried out using test piles that have undergone heavy vertical static load tests, but not engineering piles.
Article 1-0-6 Buildings with cast-in-place pile foundations that fall into one of the following situations should undergo systematic settlement observations: important or representative tall buildings; buildings with special restrictions on settlement in use or construction; when there is insufficient experience in using cast-in-place piles.
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bzsosO.cm1. Pile foundations that are often subjected to large horizontal forces; 2. Important and monumental buildings, tall buildings (high-rise buildings with more than eight floors, industrial plants with a height of more than 30 meters, and tall structures, the same below) and building complexes with earthquake fortification of eight degrees and above; 3. Buildings with earthquake fortification of seven degrees and above that have special restrictions on the horizontal displacement of the foundation.
3. Pile foundations that are often subjected to pull-out forces should be subjected to pull-out tests. For pile foundation projects with similar geological conditions, pile-making technology, pile diameters and pile lengths, the number of vertical, horizontal static load test piles and pull-out test piles shall not be less than 2, and should not be less than 1%.
5. Horizontal static load tests can be carried out using test piles that have undergone heavy vertical static load tests, but not engineering piles.
Article 1-0-6 Buildings with cast-in-place pile foundations that fall into any of the following situations should undergo systematic settlement observations: important or representative tall buildings; buildings with special restrictions on settlement in use or construction; when there is insufficient experience in using cast-in-place piles.
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bzsosO.cm1. Pile foundations that are often subjected to large horizontal forces; 2. Important and monumental buildings, tall buildings (high-rise buildings with more than eight floors, industrial plants with a height of more than 30 meters, and tall structures, the same below) and building complexes with earthquake fortification of eight degrees and above; 3. Buildings with earthquake fortification of seven degrees and above that have special restrictions on the horizontal displacement of the foundation.
3. Pile foundations that are often subjected to pull-out forces should be subjected to pull-out tests. For pile foundation projects with similar geological conditions, pile-making technology, pile diameters and pile lengths, the number of vertical, horizontal static load test piles and pull-out test piles shall not be less than 2, and should not be less than 1%.
5. Horizontal static load tests can be carried out using test piles that have undergone heavy vertical static load tests, but not engineering piles.
Article 1-0-6 Buildings with cast-in-place pile foundations that fall into any of the following situations should undergo systematic settlement observations: important or representative tall buildings; buildings with special restrictions on settlement in use or construction; when there is insufficient experience in using cast-in-place piles.
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