title>The codes for finance security manage information -- Part 4:The codes for financial institution sort - GA/T 556.4-2007 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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The codes for finance security manage information -- Part 4:The codes for financial institution sort

Basic Information

Standard ID: GA/T 556.4-2007

Standard Name:The codes for finance security manage information -- Part 4:The codes for financial institution sort

Chinese Name: 金融治安保卫管理信息代码 第4部分:金融单位类别代码

Standard category:Public Safety Industry Standards (GA)

state:in force

Date of Release2007-03-08

Date of Implementation:2007-04-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Information technology, office machinery and equipment >> 35.040 Character sets and information coding

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Social Public Security>>A90 Social Public Security Comprehensive

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Introduction to standards:

GA/T 556.4-2007 Financial Security Management Information Code Part 4: Financial Unit Category Code GA/T556.4-2007 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

ICS 35.040
People's Republic of China Public Security Industry Standard GA/T556.4—2007
The codes for finance security manage information-Part 4 : The codes for financial institution sort2007-03-08Released
Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on 2007-04-01
GA/T 556.4--2007
GA/T556 "Financial Security Management Information Code" is divided into 10 parts: Part 1: Classification and code of positions of personnel related to security work in financial units; Part 2: Classification and code of cash transport vehicles; Part 3: Classification code of vaults; Part 4: Category code of financial units; Part 5: Coding rules for financial units; Part 6: Coding rules for savings banks (business outlets); Part 7: Coding rules for ATM machines; Part 8: Coding rules for vaults; Part 9: Coding rules for documents; Part 10: Coding rules for safety and security facility certificates. This part is Part 4 of GA/T556. This part is proposed by the Public Security Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security. This part is under the jurisdiction of the Computer and Information Processing Standardization Committee of the Ministry of Public Security. The drafting units of this part are: Public Security Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, the 9th Division of the Public Security Department of Jilin Province, and Century Dragon Computer Software Development Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this part are: Liu Wenxi, Shuaihe, Liu Chengzhe, and Qiu Wen. This part shall be interpreted by the Public Security Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security. 2
Financial public security and protection management information code
Part 4: Financial unit category code
This part of GA/T556 specifies the financial unit category code. This part is applicable to the construction of financial public security and protection management information system. 2 Coding method
The code in this part consists of 2 digits.
3 Financial unit category code table
The financial unit code table is shown in Table 1.
Table 1 Financial Unit Code Table
Unit Category Code
Unit Type
Banking Regulatory Commission
China Securities Regulatory Commission
People's Bank of China
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
Agricultural Bank of China
Bank of China
China Construction Bank
Commercial Bank of China
Agricultural Development Bank of China
Bank of Communications
The Export-Import Bank of China
National Development Bank
Credit Cooperatives
China Minsheng Bank
CITIC Industrial Bank
Hua Xia Bank
Industrial Bank
China Everbright Bank
Guangdong Development Bank
Shanghai Pudong Development Bank
Hengfeng Bank
Including Agricultural Cooperatives
GA/T 556.4—-2D07
GA/T 556 4---2007
Unit Category Code
China Merchants Bank
City Commercial Bank
Table 1 (Continued)
Unit Type
China Post Group Corporation (Savings)
Foreign Bank
Stock Exchange
Gold and Silver Exchange
Household Health and Welfare Companywww.bzxz.net
GA/T 556. 4-2007 H
Public Security of the People's Republic of China
Industry Standard
Financial Security Management Information Code
GA/T 556. 4-~556. 10--2007
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 16, Sanlihebei Street, Fuxingmenwai, Beijing
Postal code: 100045
Website: spe. net. cn
Tel: 6852394668517548
Printed in Qinhuangdao, China Standards Press; distributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various places
Format: 880×12301/16
Printing sheet: 1.75 Word count: 45,000 words
First edition in April 2007 First printing in April 2007 Book number: 1550662-17555 Price: RMB 22.00 Any printing and binding errors will be replaced by our distribution center Copyright infringement will be investigated
Report telephone: (010) 68533533
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