This method specifies the method for calculating the net calorific value of aviation fuel using its density and aniline point. GB/T 2429-1988 Calculation method for net calorific value of aviation fuel GB/T2429-1988 Standard download decompression password:
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National Standard of the People's Republic of China Aviation fuels-Calculation of net calorific value Aviation fuels-Calculation of net heat of combustion This standard refers to the international standard ISO3648-1976 "Method for estimating the net calorific value of aviation fuels". Subject content and scope of application This standard specifies the method for calculating the net calorific value of aviation fuel using its density and aniline point. This standard is applicable to aviation gasoline and various types of jet fuel. Cited standards (Gi13/T262 Aniline point determination method for petroleum products GB/T380 Sulfur content of petroleum products Xie determination method (burning lamp method) G3/71881 Density determination method for oil and liquid lubricating products (densitometer method) Method summary UDC 665.52 GB/T 2429 Replace GB2429-81 This method uses the measured density of aviation fuel and aniline point to calculate the net calorific value of aviation gasoline and various types of jet fuel according to the empirical formula. Test steps 4.1 Determine the density of the sample according to GB/T1884, read to 0.0002g/cm\, and obtain 20 (density. The API degree (below 60) is obtained from Table 1 and is accurate to 0.1.|| tt||Density of sample at 20℃ API degree Conversion table of density at 20℃ and API degree (60°F) Density of sample at 20℃ Approved by China Petrochemical Corporation on 1988-07-27 API degree Density of sample at 20℃ API degree Implemented on 198906-01 Density of sample at 20℃ API degree GB/T 2429 Continued Table 1 Density of sample at 20℃ API degree Density of sample at 20℃ API degree Density of sample at 20℃ API degree GB/T2429—88 Continued Table 1 Density of sample at 20℃ API degree Density of sample at 20℃ API degree 4.2 Determine the aniline point of the sample according to GB/T262 and read to the nearest 0.1℃. Convert to Fahrenheit aniline point (°F), 1°F=1.8C (C is the aniline point in Celsius) + 32. 4.3 Determine the sulfur content of the sample according to GB/T380, and take it to the nearest 0.02% (m/m). 5 Calculation 5.1 The net calorific value Q (Qp or Qr, MJ/kg) of aviation gasoline and various types of jet fuel is calculated as follows: 5.1.1 The calculation formula for the net calorific value of sulfur-free samples is shown in Table 2. Table 2 Sample type Aviation gasoline No. 1, 2, 3 jet fuel No. 4 jet fuel No. 5 jet fuel Q= 41.9557+0.000 20543(A×G)Qp = 41.679 6 + 0. 000 254 07 (A×G)Qp=41.8145+0.00024563(A×G)Qp=41.6680+0.00024563(A×G) Wherein: Qp is the net calorific value of the sulfur-free sample, MJ/kg! Public Serial Number (3) is the Fahrenheit aniline point, 'F, G————is the API degree (60°F). GB/T 2429-88 5.1.2 The net calorific value of the sulfur-containing sample is calculated according to formula (5): QT=Qp(1-0.01S) +0.1016S Formula: Q---net calorific value of the sulfur-containing sample, MJ/kg*sulfur content of the sample, % (m/m); 0.1016-thermochemical constant of sulfide. 5.1.3 The net calorific value of the sample, Q (MJ/kg), can also be converted into kcal/kg according to formula (6) or formula (7). Q = 4.1868 × 10-3 MJ/kg = 1 kcal/kg (International Steam Calorie) Q = 4.181 6 × 10-3 MJ/kg = 1 kcal/kg (20℃ Calorie) (5) 5.2 The net calorific value of aviation gasoline and various types of jet fuel can be obtained from the aniline gravity product (A×G) and sulfur content of each sample according to Tables 3, 4, 5 and 6 (MJ/kg), or according to Tables 7, 8, 9 and 10 (kcal/kg). 6 Precision The reliability of the test results shall be determined according to the following provisions (95% confidence level). Repeatability: The difference between two results measured repeatedly by the same operator should not be greater than 0.012 MJ/kg or 3 kcal/kg. 6.11 6.2 Reproducibility: The difference between two results proposed by two laboratories should not be greater than 0.035 MJ/kg or 8 kcal/kg. 7 Report. Take the arithmetic mean of the two repeated determination results as the net calorific value of the sample. Table 3 Net calorific value of aviation gasoline calculated by formula (1) and (5) Net calorific value, MJ/ Aniline gravity product Aniline gravity product GB/T 2429- 88 Continued Table 3 Net calorific value, MJ/kg Aniline gravity product GB/T 2429-88 Table 4 Net calorific value of jet fuel No. 1, 2 and 3 calculated by formula (2) and (5)Net calorific value, MJ/kg Aniline gravity product Aniline gravity product GB/T 2429--88 Table 5 Net calorific value of jet fuel No. 4 calculated by formula (3) and (5)Net calorific value, MJ/kg .43.58 Table 6 Net calorific value of jet fuel No. 5 calculated by formula (4) and (5)Net calorific value, MJ/kg Aniline gravity product Aniline gravity product GB/T 2429 -- 88 Continued Table 6 Net calorific value, MJ/kg Table 7 Net calorific value of aviation gasoline calculated by formula (1), (5) and (6)Net calorific value, kcal/kg Aniline gravity product GB/T 2429--88 Continued Table 7 Net calorific value, kcal/kg Aniline gravity product GB/T 2429 Table 8 Net calorific value of jet fuel No. 1, 2 and 3 calculated by formula (2), (5) and (6)Net calorific value, kcal/kg Aniline gravity product GB/T2429-88 Table 9 Net calorific value of jet fuel No. 4 calculated by formula (3), (5) and (6)Net calorific value, kcal/kg Aniline gravity product GB/T2429-88 Table 10 Net calorific value of jet fuel No. 5 calculated by formula (4), (5) and (6)Net calorific value, kcal/kg Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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