title>Metadata for digital products of fundamental geographic information - GB/T 39608-2020 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Metadata for digital products of fundamental geographic information

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 39608-2020

Standard Name:Metadata for digital products of fundamental geographic information

Chinese Name: 基础地理信息数字成果元数据

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2020-12-14

Date of Implementation:2020-12-14

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mathematics, Natural Sciences >> 07.040 Astronomy, Geodesy, Geography

Standard Classification Number:General>>Surveying and Mapping>>A77 Photography and Remote Sensing Surveying and Mapping

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2020-12-01

other information

drafter:Guo Yufang, Yin Xiaoqing, Zhang Ying, Ge Zhonghua, Zhou Xu, Ren Fu, Song Yaodong, Wang Jianfeng

Drafting unit:Institute of Surveying and Mapping Standardization of the Ministry of Natural Resources, National Basic Geographic Information Center, Zhejiang Provincial Surveying and Mapping Quality Supervision and Inspection Station, Wuhan University

Focal point unit:National Geographic Information Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 230)

Proposing unit:Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 39608-2020. Metadata for digital products of fundamental geographic information.
1 Scope
GB/T 39608 specifies the basic requirements and metadata content for metadata of digital products of basic geographic information.
GB/T 39608 applies to the production, database construction, distribution and application of digital line maps, digital orthophotos, digital elevation models and digital surface models. Other digital products of geographic information can be used for reference.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated referenced document, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, its latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 13989 National basic scale topographic map framing and numbering
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Digital product
Products expressed and stored in digital form according to a certain data organization method.
Fundamental geographic information
Basic information reflecting the location, form and attributes of natural and human elements such as water systems, settlements and building facilities, transportation, pipelines, boundaries and political divisions, landforms, vegetation and soil, as well as place names and geographic spatial reference information.
Note: Mainly expressed in the form of digital line maps, digital orthophotos, digital elevation models, digital surface models, etc. ||
Data about data. That is, information such as data identification, coverage, quality, spatial and temporal patterns, spatial reference system and distribution.
[GB/T 19710-2005 , definition 4.5]
4 Basic requirements
4.1 The metadata content of basic geographic information digital achievements shall include the identification information, spatial reference information, production information, quality information and distribution information of the achievements. The details are as follows:
a) Identification information: basic information of the dataset, as well as information describing its spatial scope, confidentiality level, etc.;
b) Spatial reference information: information about the method used by the dataset to represent spatial information;
c) Production information: information about the data source, producer, production time and process methods used of the dataset;
d) Quality information: quality evaluation information such as the accuracy, completeness and edge connection of the dataset;
e) Distribution information: information about the provider of the dataset.
This standard specifies the basic requirements and metadata content of metadata for basic geographic information digital achievements. This standard applies to the production, database construction, distribution and application of digital line maps, digital orthophotos, digital elevation models and digital surface models. Other digital products of geographic information can be used for reference.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Metadata for digital products of fundamental geographic information
Metadata for digital products of fundamental geographic informationPublished on 2020-12-14
State Administration for Market Regulation
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on 2020-12-14
Normative references
Terms and definitions
Basic requirements
Metadata content
Appendix A (Normative)
Appendix B (Informative)
Appendix C (Informative)
Appendix D (Informative) Appendix)
Appendix E (Informative Appendix)
Metadata Content
Digital Line Map (DLG) Metadata Example
Digital Orthophoto (DOM) Metadata ExampleDigital Elevation Model (DEM) Metadata ExampleDigital Surface Model (DSM) Metadata ExampleGB/T39608—2020
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Geographic Information Standardization (SAC/TC230). GB/T39608—2020
Drafting units of this standard: Institute of Surveying and Mapping Standardization of the Ministry of Natural Resources, National Basic Geographic Information Center, Zhejiang Provincial Surveying and Mapping Quality Supervision and Inspection Station, Wuhan University.
Main drafters of this standard: Guo Yufang, Yin Xiaoqing, Zhang Ying, Ge Zhonghua, Zhou Xu, Ren Fu, Song Yaodong, Wang Jianfengm
1 Scope
Metadata of basic geographic information digital achievements
This standard specifies the basic requirements and metadata content of metadata of basic geographic information mathematical achievements. GB/T39608—2020
This standard applies to the production, database construction, distribution and application of digital line maps, digital orthophotos, digital elevation models and digital surface models. Other digital achievements of geographic information can be used for reference. Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all references with dates, only the versions with dates apply to this document. For any undated referenced document, its latest version (including all amendments) shall apply to this document. GB/T13989 Terms and definitions for division and numbering of national basic scale topographic maps
The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
Digital productdigital product
Products expressed and stored in digital form according to a certain data organization method. 3.2
Fundamental geographic informationfundamentalgeographicinformation reflects the basic information on the location, form and attributes of natural and human elements such as water systems, settlements and building facilities, transportation, pipelines, boundaries and political divisions, landforms, vegetation and soil quality on the earth's surface, as well as place names and geographic spatial reference information. Note: Mainly expressed in the form of digital line maps, digital orthophotos, digital elevation models, digital surface models, etc. 3.3
metadata||tt ||Data about data. That is, the identification, coverage, quality, spatial and temporal mode, spatial reference system and distribution of the data [GB/T19710-2005·Definition 4.5
Basic requirements
4.1 The metadata content of basic geographic information digital achievements should include the identification information, spatial reference information, production information, quality information and distribution information of the achievements. The details are as follows:
a) Identification information: basic information of the dataset, as well as information describing its spatial scope, confidentiality level, etc.; b) Spatial reference information: information about the method used by the dataset to represent spatial information; c) Production information: information about the data source, producer, production time and process methods used of the dataset; d) Quality information: quality evaluation information such as the accuracy, completeness and edge connection of the dataset; Distribution information: information about the provider of the dataset, e)
4.2 Metadata files should be recorded in units of map sheets, administrative regions or other production and distribution units. The data mark 1
of the metadata file is Metadata.
3Metadata items are divided into three types according to "constraints/conditions": "M" is a mandatory option; "C" is a conditional mandatory option; "O" is an optional option. 4.3
4The metadata items should be filled in truthfully, accurately and completely. When there is no value for the metadata item, "None" should be filled in. If the content of the metadata item needs to be described in words 4.4
, it should be filled in with concise and clear words. 5When adding metadata to the database, the name of the data item should be an English abbreviation. The English abbreviation shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of Table A.1 in Appendix A. 4.5
Metadata content
The metadata content of digital line maps, digital orthophotos, digital elevation models, and digital surface models shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of Table A.1.
For metadata examples of digital line drawings, digital orthophotos, digital elevation models, and digital surface models, please refer to Appendix B, Appendix C, Appendix D, and Appendix E, respectively.
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix)
Metadata Content
For metadata contents of digital line drawings, digital orthophotos, digital elevation models, and digital surface models, please refer to Table A.1. The main columns in the table are explained as follows:
Data type: The data type column gives the data type of the metadata item content, including character type and numeric type. a)
Field: The field gives the filling range of the metadata item. For metadata of character type, if the domain value is not given, fill it in according to the filling requirements of metadata item b)
. If the domain value is given, fill it in within the domain value range: metadata domain values ​​"DDDMMSS" and "DDMMSS" represent longitude and latitude respectively, where "D" represents degrees, "M" represents minutes, "S" represents seconds, and missing digits are filled with 0, such as "1130000". Metadata domain values ​​"YYYYMMDD" represent dates, where "Y" represents years, "M" represents months, and "D" represents days, and missing digits are filled with 0, such as "20190215". Constraints/conditions: "M" is a mandatory option, that is, information that must be filled in; "C" is a conditional mandatory option, that is, information that must be filled in when a certain condition or requirement is met; "O" is an optional option, which can be filled in according to actual conditions. English abbreviation name: English abbreviation name of the data item d)
DLG/DOM/DEM/DSM: These four columns indicate the requirements for metadata items for different basic geographic information digital products. A "√" indicates that the metadata of this type of product contains this metadata item GB/T39608—2020
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