This standard specifies the terms related to hydraulic transmission of diesel locomotives. This standard applies to the hydraulic transmission system of diesel locomotives. GB/T 3367.8-2000 Railway locomotive terminology Hydraulic transmission terminology GB/T3367.8-2000 Standard download decompression password:
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ICS 01. 040. 45 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T 3367.8—2000 Glossary of terms for railway locomotiveTerms of hydraulic transmission2000-10-25Promulgated 2001~08-01Implementation Promulgated by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision GB/T3367.82000 This standard is part of the railway locomotive service technical series standard, GB/T3367.1-2000 GB/T 3967.2- 2000 GB/T 33S7.3—2000 G1/T 3367.4. 2000 GB/T3357.5-·2000) GB/T3367.7—2000 Terminology of railway locomotives Terminology of railway locomotives Terminology of railway locomotives Terminology of railway locomotives Terminology of railway locomotives Terminology of railway locomotives Terminology of railway locomotives Terminology of railway locomotives G/ 357.8.2000 GB/T 3357.9 -1984 Railway Terminology Diesel Engine Parts Technical Transmission System Components Internal Diesel Locomotive Specifications Internal Diesel Locomotive Carbody Technical Components Nomenclature Diesel Locomotive. Terminology Transmission System Components Traction Equipment Terms CB3367.1u-1984 Railway Locomotive Technical Term This standard is the first time for diesel locomotives to be listed. From the date of the effective date of this standard, the company shall provide the sample (63357.8! 83: China Standard by the Ministry of Railways of the People's Republic of China. This standard is the Dalian Diesel Locomotive Research Institute of the Ministry of Railways. The standard is accepted by the Dalian Diesel Locomotive Research Institute of the Ministry of Railways. This standard is revised by the Ministry of Railways. 1 Scope || tt || National Standard of the People's Republic of China || tt || Railway locomotive terminology || tt || Hydraulic transmission terminology || tt || Glossary of terms for railway locomotive Terms The standard of hydraulic transmission specifies the relevant technical spectrum of the power transmission of diesel locomotives. This standard describes the hydraulic transmission system of diesel locomotives. 2. Types of hydraulic transmission of diesel locomotives 2. Hydraulic drive A transmission method that simulates the action of a liquid. ?.? Hydraulic transmission hydraulic drive A type of transmission that uses the static pressure of a fluid to transmit speed energy. 2.3 Hydraulic transmission hydradynamic (hydraulle) drive A type of transmission that uses the momentum of a fluid to transmit torque. 2.4 Single-cycle power transmission single-cycle hydraulic drive A type of hydraulic transmission that uses only one hydraulic element to transmit power. 2.5 Multi-cycle power transmission multi-cycle hydrodynamic drive GB/T 3367.B—2000 Generated with GB/T3357.K—1582 According to the different output locations of the vehicle, two or more hydraulic elements are required to transmit the power of the hydraulic transmission in sequence. 2.6 Hydraulic mechanical transmission hydrumeehauieal drive A kind of hydraulic transmission equipped with a variable speed, 2, a single-flow filter drive hydromechaaicaldrlve agent ithinnerrumificailon a wave mechanical transmission that fully inputs the power through a dense force element. 2.8 A hydraulic machine with a chain that rotates the shaft of a hydraulic machine (lvelthnatermification network) and distributes the power through a force element, part of the power is used by the machine city test company when parallel drawing the output rail, a kind of hydraulic transmission, 2.9 Combined hydraulic machine transmission hydrumechanicudrirewilhllre rtsleH Li output at low speed through the hydraulic components, and then at higher speed, only through the engine gearbox a transmission mode. 3 Internal locomotive hydraulic transmission system 3.1 Hydraulic transmission system hydrdynamiclrHsmissionsysled hob drive internal combustion engine output flange to the axle, all direct use of the engine torque to control the axle hydraulic components of the mechanical total type 3.2 Universal shaft Z type Zarrangemenlofcardanyhant State Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau 200010.25 approved 2001-08-01 implementation GR/T 3357.8—2000 Parallel to the flanges at both ends of the universal joint 3.3 Universal joint M-type arrangement Marram gcmenlufeandunshafi The shaft connected to the flanges at both ends of the universal joint The rear axle of the universal joint: isosceles triangle 4 Internal combustion locomotive hydraulic transmission box 4.1 Primary system primury system The secondary system of the hydraulic transmission box with the force reduction element working system axle and its mechanical connection with various special components tem The total of the weak wheel axle of the hydraulic element in the hydraulic transmission and the rotating parts connected with the common machine 4.3 Input powerinputpower The power connected to the hydraulic transmission or pin input shaft, effective input powerefrecilvemputp4.4. The output power is given to the hydraulic special box: the power conversion of the traction locomotive is maximized in the oil circuit ring of the gearbox 4.5 Output poweroulpulpower The power of the hydraulic transmission pin output shaft. 4.6 Starting torque converter & tartingtorqueconverter Multi-cycle micro-power locomotive starting and speed range network working torque converter, operating torque converter rumulngorgueeonverter4.7 Multi-cycle hydraulic transmission in locomotive speed when the workpiece wave power change year energy: .8 Blowing loss ventiailonloss When the liquid element is not filled, its case inspection and drainage of the air energy circulation head loss. 4.9 Working oil oeratiuginid I female element F used to transmit energy female T page, 4.10 Oil draining Accurate to reach the wave element column discharge and outflow process, 4.11 Oil filling Work in the process of measuring the entry and center of the parts, Partial oil filling partaiiing No power element allows part of the work of God. 4.13 Filling amount Pilling amnunt filling amount of the working chamber, 4.T4 filling change changrtrillingamount the change of the oil volume in the circulation. 4.15 degree of filling degree of the circulation: the filling degree of the oil. reversing changing the running mode of the machine, hydrndynamicreversing hydrndynamicreversing small components filling oil to change the simple speed of the machine.: changing the power transmission route when the locomotive reaches a certain speed, 4.19 speed reactor speedresponer reversing control of the locomotive. 4.20 load-respanier GB,T 336/.82000 shift control solution reaction Huapai type speed support device unitary control system kingle-phasecntrolsystem4.21 Control system for locomotive gear shifting! 4.2 Dual control system duplexuntrulsystem Control system for locomotive gear shifting 4.23 Gear shifting freeover coefficient The ratio of the gear shifting information to the gear shifting time when the locomotive is slowing down at the same point 5 Types of hydraulic elements 5.1 Hydraulic elements hydraulicmit A transmission component that transfers the work of the input shaft to the output shaft through the flow of its working fluid. Hydraulic elements are torque-free, hydraulic couplings are oil-free, and are called hydraulic light. 5.2 Hydraulic couplings hydrauliccoupling only have to-wheel and full-wheel, and are different from other hydraulic light prisons. Concentrated brake hdrallebrake Its live wheel is fixed as a wave belt device. 5.4 Hydraulic torque converter hydrnulieworqufconverle It has a system wheel, a temperature wheel and a learning, if the turbine and the auxiliary light rotation of the seat of the new hydraulic element is also a new chemical medicine. 5.5 Single-stage torque converter single-stage lurqueeenverter Six-wheel hydraulic converter, 5.6 Three-wheel torque converter single-stagethree-elementforqueconverier Only in some cases, the wheel and the guide wheel can be released. 5.7 Multistage torque converter multistagerrquetonverler is a version of the multistage torque converter that has more than two turbines and needs to have two or one wheel as the end of the converter, and a double-stage converter and a first-stage converter). 5.Forward torque converter roadnrter Hong Kong test energy conversion and home wheel joy conversion between the same hydraulic converter 5.9 reverse torque converter reyersingtorquecnverten vortex light application direction and wheel family special point of the flow of love 5.1A type torque converter PT-Spelurqueerter for oil mountain system wheel construction north after the light through the vortex rush south through the people and the wheel single stage conversion place road, "type solid particle device), 5.1A type short converter Ps-1rptorquenrerter speed meter case turn meter good after the science of the single stage energy conversion into the wheel [deformation device) 5.12: complex phase change bottle iy-phaselureenvere through a certain mechanism good some working wheel door has a six-stage torque converter.5- 13 compound torque converter lorjuerterpli in a certain teachable change to meet the unique seal you, 5.14 book torque converter weak rrgulntinyluryuecunveker Xiao through the machine to make some of the work of the design of the movable light fixed device, 5.15 low speed torque converter lowspeedlnrqueconerter the most efficient my point of the transfer ratio 15. the reduction of the road GB/T 3367.8. 2000 5.16Medium speed torque convertermedimspeedtorgeanverterThe most efficient point of the light speed ratio is in the range of 0.5-0.7. High speed torque converterhighspeedtorquecouverter5.17 The most efficient point of the speed is greater than the full torque converter5.18Centrifugal turbine torque converterLorqueranverlerwithentrilugnlurhineSingle stage torque converter with a large turbine outlet diameter. Centrifugal turbine torque converterturqueconverterAustraliathcentripetalfurhine5.19 Single stage torque converter with a small wheel diameter5.20 Axial turbine torque convertertorcpiecamvertenwith slalturbine single torque converter with turbine diameter and inlet radius equal: regulating coupling 5-21 a torque converter whose torque coefficient can be changed under a slip condition. non-regulating coupling 5.22 a fluid converter whose torque coefficient cannot be changed under a slip condition. 5.23 tractive coupling tractlonhytraulic coupling a fluid coupling in which part of the working fluid in the circulation chamber can flow into the auxiliary chamber when the load changes. 5.24 single-chamber coupling siugle-cireuitcenpling a preload device with only one circulation chamber. 5.25 double coupling twln-eireuitcoupling a preload device with two sieves. 6 Hydraulic components 6.1 Working wheel bladewheel.Wurkinheel is used to change the working oil momentum and shape: working wheel system spring wheel, new wheel and guide wheel are generally referred to as: 6.2 Circulation cavity tnris The elongated space of the working flow in the hydraulic component: 6.3 Circulation network merldlonal seetiun Axial surface diagram of the ring. Circulation diagram Leriisuisidediameter The maximum diameter of the circulation country, 6.5 Circulation circle inner diameter lorusinsidediamrter The minimum diameter of the station loop. 6.6 Outer ring shell.aulershrnud The first phase light body or second working wheel system that forms a circulating flow in the hydraulic core part. 6.7 Inner ring erre,innershruud The shell or working wheel with a small inner diameter that forms a circulating flow in the hydraulic element, 6.8 Axial surface me\idinnalplaa center Including the surface of the center line of the user, . Circulating flow a The western type of flow in the working wheel 6.10 Canal flnwpath 1 The velocity path through which the injection circulation cavity passes 6-11 Interblade flow channel canal The flow channel between the working wheel blades. 6.12 Interspace without blades The bladeless part of the cavity. 6.13 One-way clutch Treewheelclutch H/T3367.B—2000 A kind of mechanical device that makes the guide wheel move automatically with the full wheel when the torque clutch is overspeed (meaning free action clutch, manual coupling 614 Quick oil discharge valve In modern multi-cycle power transmission, the valve of the hydraulic element is generally used in the main force reduction clutch) 615 Auxiliary air uxiliuryehmber In traction adjustment, it is prepared for the space for the working oil to flow in at low speed ratio to reduce the torque system effect. 6.16 scaoptube obtain the force of the internal word section filling volume with parts 6.17 fixed scaoptubelationaryscuoplube make the setting can not bear the closure of the scaop sound. 6.1B Movable scooptube can be used as a control tube on a coupling with a movable or rotating force source: 6. 15 Slidip scooptube The position of the oil port can be selected by a pumping type variable sleeve. E.20 Turntng scooptube can be used as a control tube with a rotating oil inlet, 6.21 Baffle arrleplale The flow rate can be changed by changing the flow rate in a coupling or a wave brake to change the flow rate: 7 Performance of hydraulic components 7. 1 Speed ratiospeed ratio The ratio of the turbine speed to the gear speed). P The difference between the pump speed and the turbine speed of the hydraulic clutch divided by the pump speed. 7.3Torque ratiotorgueretia.tonguemultiplicallionThe torque ratio of the wheel under torque reduction (torque ratio) 7.4Starting torque ratiostartingtorqueattoThe torque ratio under starting conditions. 7.5Pump shaft powerpumpinipellerpawe1The power absorbed by the auxiliary wheel. Turbine shaft powerturbinepower The power produced by the auxiliary wheel. Pump powerhydraulic.pnnippnwer home wheel change 1.7.8 Turbine power hydraulic power The power produced by the integration of the hydraulic power in the turbine. 7.9 Hydraulic efficiency hydraulic efficiency The ratio of turbine power to the power of the turbine. 7.10 Torque efficiency eonverter efficiency The ratio of torque to the power of the turbine shaft. 7.11 Coupling efficiency coupling efficiency The ratio of the torque of the turbine to the power of the turbine shaft. 7.12 Transmission efficiency trensinissionhlnckefficiency The ratio of the hydraulic transmission efficiency. .13 Transmission factor: the product of transmission efficiency and actual power usage. 7.14 Power utilization factor: the ratio of the power savings that the transmission can provide to the drive under acceptable power conditions and with some motors. 7.15 Power coefficient (ap)rnefficientafpowtr The coefficient of the ability of the hydraulic torque converter to transmit power: expressed as follows: r , transmission speed, I/min : k/n ?*; diameter 7.6 Torque coefficient (m)luryruefricient The coefficient of the energy transfer function of the hydraulic torque converter: expressed as follows: W In the formula: is the working wheel torque. transmitancy The transmittancy of the hydraulic torque converter varies with the speed ratio of the wheel. 7.18 Coerficlent af transmilttunce The efficiency of the hydraulic torque converter at a certain speed ratio is the ratio of its highest efficiency point to the system efficiency. 7.19 Transittible torque converter A torque converter in which the torque coefficient of the gearbox varies with the speed ratio. 7.20 Transittible torque converter A torque converter in which the torque coefficient of the gearbox varies with the speed ratio. 7.21 positive transmission millimeters the torque coefficient of the hydraulic converter increases accordingly, and the book will show the following characteristics: 7.22 no negative transmission hydraulic converter efficiency ratio is the high efficiency speed range or high efficiency ratio.23 converter efficiency is around 0 speed ratio, 7.24 high efficiency range speed range of high efficiency range is the upper speed ratio of the high efficiency range and the lower speed ratio, 7.25 continuous working speed range of continuous working torque converter can continuously work under cold working conditions, 7.26 starting speed range from starting point to the lower speed ratio of the upper working range. 1 7.27 Compensation pressure charging pressure GB/T 3367.8—2000 To avoid gas generation in the hydraulic components, the required oil supply output at its inlet is 7. 28 Working condition of torque transmission, expressed in terms of speed ratio: 7.29 Maximum efficiency paint Working condition when the torque converter has the highest efficiency (calculated working condition, instrument record). 7.30 Starting condition starting paint 7. Condition when the turbine speed is zero: No-load condition raclagpolal Condition when the turbine torque is zero. Copling paint The working condition when the torque ratio is equal to 1, 7.33 Synchronous working condition synebronus poinl The working condition when the speed ratio is equal to 1, 7.34 Counter-revolution working condition counter-revolution range The working condition where the wheel rotation direction is opposite to its normal working direction (quadrant working condition) 7.35 Braking radgu The working condition where the turbine has zero torque in the positive rotation direction (general working condition), 7.36 Internal characteristic curve of the impeller pressure head, annular disk, axial flow velocity and loss pressure head of the core component changing with the speed ratio. 7.37 External characteristics curves showing the change of pump torque and power, turbine torque and power and efficiency of hydraulic components with the speed when the system rotation of micro-mechanical components and the accuracy of working oil remain unchanged. 7.38 General characteristics curves showing the change of pump torque and power, turbine torque and power and efficiency of hydraulic components with the speed of the turbine when the system rotation of micro-mechanical components and the accuracy of working oil remain unchanged. 7.39 Primary characteristics curves showing the change of torque system efficiency, power factor, torque ratio and efficiency of hydraulic components with the speed ratio. 7.40 Input characteristics curves showing the change of hydraulic torque with the speed of the turbine when the system rotation of micro-mechanical components and the accuracy of working oil remain unchanged. 7.41 Input characteristics curves showing the change of hydraulic torque with the speed of the turbine when the system rotation of micro-mechanical components and the accuracy of working oil remain unchanged. 7.42 Output characteristics curves showing the change of hydraulic torque with the speed of the turbine when the system rotation of micro-mechanical components and the accuracy of working oil remain unchanged. 7.42 Characteristic of working together with diesel engine characteristicprJolntoperatlonwithdlegrlenginnThe intersection points of the input characteristic curve of the power element and the torque curve of the diesel engine on the conversion wheel shaft.22 No negative transmission The hydraulic torque converter is designed with high efficiency speed range or high efficiency cmyk. 23 The converter has a speed ratio of 0, 7.24 High efficiency range speed range of high efficiency zone and a speed ratio of the upper and lower limit of the high efficiency zone, 7.25 Continuous working speed range of continuous working torque converter in which the torque converter can work continuously under cold working conditions, 7.26 Starting speed range from starting point to the lower limit of the upper working speed range. 1 7.27 Compensation pressure charging pressure GB/T 3367.8—2000 To avoid gas generation in the hydraulic components, the required oil supply output at its inlet is 7. 28 Working condition of torque transmission, expressed in terms of speed ratio: 7.29 Maximum efficiency paint Working condition when the torque converter has the highest efficiency (calculated working condition, instrument record). 7.30 Starting condition starting paint 7. Condition when the turbine speed is zero: No-load condition raclagpolal Condition when the turbine torque is zero. Copling paint The working condition when the torque ratio is equal to 1, 7.33 Synchronous working condition synebronus poinl The working condition when the speed ratio is equal to 1, 7.34 Counter-revolution working condition counter-revolution range The working condition where the wheel rotation direction is opposite to its normal working direction (quadrant working condition) 7.35 Braking radgu The working condition where the turbine has zero torque in the positive rotation direction (general working condition), 7.36 Internal characteristic curve of the impeller pressure head, annular disk, axial flow velocity and loss pressure head of the core component changing with the speed ratio. 7.37 External characteristics curves showing the change of pump torque and power, turbine torque and power and efficiency of hydraulic components with the speed when the system rotation of micro-mechanical components and the accuracy of working oil remain unchanged. 7.38 General characteristics curves showing the change of pump torque and power, turbine torque and power and efficiency of hydraulic components with the speed of the turbine when the system rotation of micro-mechanical components and the accuracy of working oil remain unchanged. 7.39 Primary characteristics curves showing the change of torque system efficiency, power factor, torque ratio and efficiency of hydraulic components with the speed ratio. 7.40 Input characteristics curves showing the change of hydraulic torque with the speed of the turbine when the system rotation of micro-mechanical components and the accuracy of working oil remain unchanged. 7.41 Input characteristics curves showing the change of hydraulic torque with the speed of the turbine when the system rotation of micro-mechanical components and the accuracy of working oil remain unchanged. 7.42 Output characteristics curves showing the change of hydraulic torque with the speed of the turbine when the system rotation of micro-mechanical components and the accuracy of working oil remain unchanged. 7.42 Characteristic of working together with diesel engine characteristicprJolntoperatlonwithdlegrlenginnThe intersection points of the input characteristic curve of the power element and the torque curve of the diesel engine on the conversion wheel shaft.22 No negative transmission The hydraulic torque converter is designed with high efficiency speed range or high efficiency cmyk. 23 The converter has a speed ratio of 0, 7.24 High efficiency range speed range of high efficiency zone and a speed ratio of the upper and lower limit of the high efficiency zone, 7.25 Continuous working speed range of continuous working torque converter in which the torque converter can work continuously under cold working conditions, 7.26 Starting speed range from starting point to the lower limit of the upper working speed range. 1 7.27 Compensation pressure charging pressure GB/T 3367.8—2000 To avoid gas generation in the hydraulic components, the required oil supply output at its inlet is 7. 28 Working condition of torque transmission, expressed in terms of speed ratio: 7.29 Maximum efficiency paint Working condition when the torque converter has the highest efficiency (calculated working condition, instrument record). 7.30 Starting condition starting paint 7. Condition when the turbine speed is zero: No-load condition raclagpolal Condition when the turbine torque is zero. Copling paint The working condition when the torque ratio is equal to 1, 7.33 Synchronous working condition synebronus poinl The working condition when the speed ratio is equal to 1, 7.34 Counter-revolution working condition counter-revolution range The working condition where the wheel rotation direction is opposite to its normal working direction (quadrant working condition) 7.35 Braking radgu The working condition where the turbine has zero torque in the positive rotation direction (general working condition), 7.36 Internal characteristic curve of the impeller pressure head, annular disk, axial flow velocity and loss pressure head of the core component changing with the speed ratio. 7.37 External characteristics curves showing the change of pump torque and power, turbine torque and power and efficiency of hydraulic components with the speed when the system rotation of micro-mechanical components and the accuracy of working oil remain unchanged. 7.38 General characteristics curves showing the change of pump torque and power, turbine torque and power and efficiency of hydraulic components with the speed of the turbine when the system rotation of micro-mechanical components and the accuracy of working oil remain unchanged. 7.39 Primary characteristics curves showing the change of torque system efficiency, power factor, torque ratio and efficiency of hydraulic components with the speed ratio. 7.40 Input characteristics curves showing the change of hydraulic torque with the speed of the turbine when the system rotation of micro-mechanical components and the accuracy of working oil remain unchanged. 7.41 Input characteristics curves showing the change of hydraulic torque with the speed of the turbine when the system rotation of micro-mechanical components and the accuracy of working oil remain unchanged. 7.42 Output characteristics curves showing the change of hydraulic torque with the speed of the turbine when the system rotation of micro-mechanical components and the accuracy of working oil remain unchanged. 7.42 Characteristic of working together with diesel engine characteristicprJolntoperatlonwithdlegrlenginnThe intersection points of the input characteristic curve of the power element and the torque curve of the diesel engine on the conversion wheel shaft. 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