title>CB/T 3944-2002 Flange Stainless Steel Check Valve - CB/T 3944-2002 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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CB/T 3944-2002 Flange Stainless Steel Check Valve

Basic Information

Standard ID: CB/T 3944-2002

Standard Name: Flange Stainless Steel Check Valve

Chinese Name: 法兰不锈钢止回阀

Standard category:Ship Industry Standard (CB)

state:in force

Date of Implementation:2003-02-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Shipbuilding and offshore structures>>Shipbuilding and offshore structures>>47.020.30 Piping systems

Standard Classification Number:Ship>>Ship Pipeline Accessories>>U52 Marine Valves

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CB/T 3944-2002 Flange Stainless Steel Check Valve CB/T3944-2002 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

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[G9 47.020.30
Record number: 111422002
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Ship Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
CE/T 3944-2002
Flanged Stainless Steel Check Valve
Stainless steel flaneed check ralves2002-11-20 Release
National Defense Science, Technology and Industry Commission Release
2003-02-01 Implementation
CB/T 3944-2002
This standard specifies the type: B-type stainless steel stop valve, its flange connection size and seal blood, 5-156 ship blade connection size and rate cover regulations, the structure length and 5H1999 flange casting cut-off valve type, 3-type or the provisions of the same:
This standard specifies the type: B-type stainless steel stop valve, its flange connection size and seal blood, 5-156 ship blade connection size and rate cover regulations, the structure length and 5H1999 ship flange casting cut-off valve type, 3-type or the provisions of the same:
This standard specifies the type: B-type stainless steel stop valve, its flange connection size and seal blood, 5-156 ship blade connection size and rate cover regulations, the structure length and 5H1999 ship flange construction according to ... This standard was drafted by: China Shipbuilding Industry Comprehensive Technology and Economic Research Institute, Jiangyin Yuemen Co., Ltd., Dazao New Energy Co., Ltd.
This standard was drafted by: Luo Fayuan, Bo, Gu Jinping, Liu Yunxiang, Qiu Jinquan 1 Scope
Flange stainless steel check valve
CH/T 3911—2002
This standard is for the classification, requirements, test methods, inspection regulations, marking and packaging of flange stainless steel check valves with standard connection size and sealing of GB/T69, GB/T250" (hereinafter referred to as check valves). This standard is applicable to the design of pipelines for liquid and gas auxiliary ships, bulk chemical product ships, and ship materials with a nominal pressure not higher than 2.5MP and a design accuracy not lower than 15". Acceptance certificate: The check valves for the pipeline system of the ship's full-body medium can refer to the original.
2 Normative The clauses in the referenced documents shall become the clauses of this standard before the application of the standard. For any dated referenced documents, all subsequent revisions (not including errors) or revisions of this standard shall not apply. The latest version of these documents shall be produced by the parties to the standard. For any outdated applicable documents, the latest version shall apply to GB/T5691-965, GB/T61K1, GB/T61K1, GB/T61K1, GB/T61K1, GB/T61K1, GB/T61K1, GB/T61K1, GB/T61K1, GB/T61K1, GB/T61K1, GB/T61K1, GB/T61K1, GB/T61K1, GB/T61K1, GB/T61K1, GB/T61K1, GB/T61K1, GB/T61K1, GB/T61K1, GB/T61K1, GB/T61K1 1320—[992
Not induced to identify
Technical conditions for stainless acid-resistant castings
Marine flange reverse connection size small phase sealing surface (four-inlet) ship amber pipe will be financially evaluated
999 version
Material and welding specification 3
China Zhaojihong
3 classification
9.1 Type
The regulations of the goods on the day are as follows:
A flange connection size and tightness are in accordance with F/569-1965 steam extended type 1: return valve; A flange connection size and seal are in accordance with the right angle positive valve of Part/19: -- Standard connection size Li Xie seal return connection certificate 25011 State 9 straight-through single-stop valve AS type
Flange connection size and tightness are in accordance with GBT2501-1989 right angle check, CB/T 3944-2002
The common features of small A are shown in Table
Structure and basic dimensions
Table 1 Basic parameters of check valves
Maximum allowable
Nominal thread
65 - 12F
tmo12s 1, R type check net structure and base car according to Figure 1, Figure 2 and Table 2. The unit is meter
Figure 1A type: AS type
National? B type, BS type
Nominal blade
Table 2W is 1.U and 2.5MPa A type, B type check smoke or this size control||t CB/T3944—2002 Single-stage variable-meter stroke: tt to tt. Basic structural dimensions of AS and BS type check valves for 1.6 and 2.5 MPA. Table 3 Basic dimensions of S and E type check valves for 1.6 and 2.5 MPA. Unit: meter. CB/T 3944-2002
3.4 ​​Marking example
The nominal pressure is 2.5, the nominal diameter is 200ml, the flange connection size and sealing surface of the square extension type stainless steel check valve of the Netherlands are marked as:
E: Check valve 25(55B/3444-22
The nominal pressure is 2.EMP, the nominal diameter is 200ml-, the flange connection size and sealing surface conform to GB T2501 straight stainless steel check valve standard RS25200 1C/-39442002 4 Requirements The material length is as follows. Table 4 Materials for the main parts of the check valve Body, valve body, plate Forging resistance can be increased as follows 4. 2 Castings GOCrISKi9 ZUGXr1YN114Ho! Toughness Standard FF/T21G9- 9>3 Shake and welding specifications GE-T:223 -992
4.2.1 The chemical composition and mechanical properties of stainless steel castings should be the same as GB/T2:C0-_950 or the material should be welded according to the specification 34.2.2 The stainless steel parts of the check valve should be treated at a humidity of not less than 100% and cooled in water. 4.2.3 For check valves used for gas discharge at a temperature below -55℃, the stainless steel teeth should be connected with the standard requirements of the standard group 3. The V-shaped opening and the positive return parts of the 7G0C1-1SNi9 material should be inspected for intergranular corrosion. 4.2.4
4.2.5 Each furnace casting has at least one furnace number for inspection. The number should not be less than three. 4.2.6 The valve, valve plate and valve stem should be subjected to expansion and cooling treatment. 4.3 ProcesswwW.bzxz.Net
The non-return sealing surface should be made of fine plantain or magic egg cutting. 4.4 Strong bottom
The strength of the check valve body should not be leaking under the hydraulic pressure of 1.5 times the nominal output. 4.5 Sealing
At the same time, when it is completely closed, the tightness between the check valve and the chest seat should not leak under the hydraulic pressure of 1.1 nominal pressure. 4.6 Dimensional tolerance
The size of the check valve shall comply with GB 4.7 Geometric tolerance
The geometric tolerance of the check valve shall comply with the requirements of 3.1 in CB/T600-1991. 4.8 Appearance
The external dimension of the check valve shall comply with the requirements of 3.4.3 in CB/T600-1991. 5 Test methods
5.1 Castability test
CB/T 3944—2002
5.1.1 The test method for the erosion resistance of the check stainless steel parts shall be carried out in accordance with 6B2100-1980. The results shall comply with the requirements of 4.2.1.
5.1.2 The intergranular corrosion test method of the check stainless steel parts shall be carried out in accordance with 3.5 in Welding Specification 3 (1998). The result shall meet the requirements of 4.2.1. 5.2 Cryogenic treatment method: immerse the parts in liquid, keep warm for 1-2 hours when the temperature of the parts reaches -156, then take them out and treat them to room temperature. The test results shall meet the requirements of 1.3. 5.4 Strength 1. The test of strength is in accordance with CB/T600-1 1.1.2, 1.1.3 and 1.3.1. The results shall meet the requirements of 4.4. 5.5 Sealing performance The test method of sealing performance shall be carried out in accordance with 4.3.2 and 4.3.1 of Gn600-199. The conclusion should be recorded in the introduction 1.
5.6 Dimensions and dimensional tolerances
The dimensional tolerances of the check valves shall be checked with a scientific ruler. The results shall meet the requirements of 3.3 and 4.6. 5. Tolerances
The dimensional tolerances of the check valves shall be ensured by the corresponding level of tooling, and the requirements of 1.6 shall be met. 6.8 Appearance
Check valves shall be inspected by external gauge testing methods. The results shall meet the requirements of 4.8. Daily inspection rules
6.1 Inspection classification
The inspection is divided into type inspection and output inspection 8.2 Type inspection
6.2.1 Inspection timing
The check valves shall be inspected by type inspection in the following situations: ) New product production appraisal:
When the product is put into production or the process is changed:
When a major quality accident is found during the production of the batch order: When the relevant national quality inspection department proposes an appropriate inspection. 6.2.2 Inspection items Type inspection Conformity to the specifications in the table. CB/T 3944-2002 Specifications Chemical properties and mechanical properties Inter-product testing Source sealing performance Dimensional difference Shape resistance -/\ indicates acid resistance 6.2.3 Inspection sample quantity Table 5 Inspection items 1. 5, 4. 6.2.4 Judgment rules: All samples of the previous inspection should meet the requirements and be judged as qualified for the formal inspection. If there are items that do not meet the requirements, re-sampling should be repeated. If there are still items that do not meet the requirements, it is judged as unqualified for the formal inspection. 6. 3 Factory inspection
6.3.1 The inspection items of check valves shall be determined according to Table 7. 6.3.2 Factory inspection shall be carried out on each product.
6.3.3 Judgment rules The check valves that meet the requirements of all inspection items shall be deemed to have passed the factory inspection. The check valves that do not meet the requirements of chemical composition, mechanical properties and corrosion test between products shall be deemed to have passed the factory inspection. Other items of the inspection, if there is any failure to meet the requirements, it is allowed to be repaired and re-tested. If the re-test still does not meet the requirements, the product is judged to be unqualified.
7 Marking and packaging
1 The marking of the product shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB 6032. 7.2 The packaging of the product shall be in accordance with the provisions of 6.2. to 6.1 of CB/M-1991 CB/T3944-2002 amendment sheet
1. In the second part, GB/T210(-198: Technical conditions for stainless acid-resistant steel - parts" is changed to GB/I2100-200E general resistant steel castings, 3. In Table 3, the 1.6MPa thickness column 7 is changed to E, the 2.5MPa 32 thickness is changed to 6, and the standard is changed from 1t to 16:0100 wall thickness. 3. Table 4 "250C18NGB210-1980\"26C7C19 GB/T2100-2002 2. In 4.2.1, GB/T2100-1980 is changed to "CB/T210C-2003" 5. In 4.2.4, 2G0CT;8N19 is changed to "ZG97C-19Ni9" 6. In 4.2.6, "machine" is used.
7. In 4.5, "when fully closed" is added after the same. "0.4HPa" is added after the same.
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