This standard specifies the classification size, shape, weight, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, packaging, marking and quality certificate of stainless steel small diameter seamless steel pipes. This standard is applicable to austenitic stainless steel small diameter seamless steel pipes for general purposes such as aerospace, electromechanical, instrumentation, and medical needles. GB/T 3090-2000 Stainless steel small diameter seamless steel pipe GB/T3090-2000 standard download decompression password:
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GB/T3090-2000 21979 "Technical Conditions for Small Size Seamless Steel Pipes (Capillary Tubes)" is a revision of GB/T3090-1982, which is not equivalent to GB/T14162 "Stainless Steel Small Diameter Pipes". This standard adds steel grades, expands the product specification range, and adds bending and flattening test requirements on the basis of GB/T3090-1982. This standard is divided into ordinary and advanced grades for size tolerances. This standard uses hydraulic test to test the compactness of steel pipes, which is different from the air pressure test of GB/T14162-1979. This standard shall replace GB/T3090-1982 "Stainless Steel Small Diameter Steel Tube" from the date of implementation. This standard was proposed by the State Metallurgical Industry Bureau. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Steel Standardization Technical Committee. The drafting units of this standard are: Shanghai Iron and Steel Research Institute, Chengdu Seamless Steel Tube Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are: Shen Yi, Yu Sixin, Guo Hai. This standard was first issued in May 1982. 1 Scope National Standard of the People's Republic of China Stainless steel small diameter seamless steel tubes Stainless steel small diameter seamless steel tubes GB/T 3090--2000 Replaces CB/T 3090--1982 This standard specifies the classification size, shape, weight, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, packaging, standard state and quality certificate of stainless steel small diameter seamless steel pipes. This standard is applicable to austenitic stainless steel small diameter seamless steel pipes for general purposes such as aerospace, electromechanical, instrumentation components, and medical needles. 2 Referenced standards The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. The versions shown are valid at the time of publication of this standard. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T222-1984 Sampling method for chemical analysis of steel and allowable deviation of chemical composition of finished products GB/T223.5-1997 Chemical analysis methods for steel and alloys Determination of acid-soluble silicon content by reduced aluminosilicate photometric method Determination of chromium by ammonium persulfate oxidation capacity method GB/T 223. 11—1991 Methods for chemical analysis of steel and alloy-Chromotropic acid photometric method for determination of titanium contentGB/T 223.16—1991 GB/T 223.25--1994 Methods for chemical analysis of steel and alloy-Dimethylglyoxime gravimetric method for determination of nickel contentMethods for chemical analysis of steel and alloy-Benzoin gravimetric method for determination of molybdenum contentGB/T 223.281989 GB/T 223.62—1988 GB/T 223.63--1988 GB/T 223.68—1997 Methods for Chemical Analysis of Iron, Steel and Alloys-Butyl Acetate Extraction Spectrophotometric Determination of Phosphorus ContentMethods for Chemical Analysis of Iron, Steel and Alloys Sodium (Potassium) Periodate Spectrophotometric Determination of Manganese ContentMethods for Chemical Analysis of Iron, Steel and Alloys Determination of Sulfur Content by Potassium Iodate Titration after Combustion in a Tubular FurnaceMethods for Chemical Analysis of Iron, Steel and Alloys Determination of Carbon Content by Gas Volumetric Method after Combustion in a Tubular FurnaceGB/T 223.69—1997 GB/T 228—1987 GB/T 241-1990 GB/T244—1997 GB/T 246—1997 Metal tensile test method Metal pipe hydraulic test method Metal pipe bending test method Metal pipe flattening test method GB/T 2102—1988 3 Acceptance, packaging, marking and quality certificate of steel pipes GB/T 4334.5-2000 Stainless steel sulfuric acid-copper sulfate corrosion test method GB/T 6397—1985 Metal tensile test specimen 3 Classification Austenitic stainless steel pipes are divided into the following according to their mechanical properties: 3.1 Soft state The mechanical properties of the steel pipe after solution treatment meet the requirements of the standard. The steel pipe in this state has good corrosion resistance and is easy to cold process. 3.2 Cold hardened state Steel pipes that have been cold deformed to a considerable extent. The mechanical properties of steel pipes in this state are relatively high. Approved by the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine on 2000-10-25 and implemented on 2001-09-01 3 Semi-cold hardened state GB/T 3090---2000 The degree of deformation is less than that of steel pipes processed in the cold hardened state, and the mechanical properties are between the soft state and the cold hardened state. Suitable for light processing and forming. 4 Dimensions, shape and placement 4.1 Outer diameter and wall thickness 4.1.1 The outer diameter and wall thickness of the steel pipe shall comply with the provisions of Table 1 Table 1 Outer diameter and wall thickness of steel pipe GB/T3090---2000 4.1.2 According to the requirements of the purchaser, after the agreement between the supplier and the supplier, steel pipes of other sizes other than those specified in Table 1 can be provided, and the size deviation shall comply with the provisions of the adjacent larger specifications. The steel pipe size can also be supplied according to the inner diameter and wall thickness or the outer diameter and inner diameter. 4.2 Permissible deviation of outer diameter and wall thickness The permissible deviation of the outer diameter and wall thickness of the steel pipe shall comply with the provisions of Table 2. Table 2 Dimensional allowable deviation Ordinary grade >1. 0~2. 0 0. 2 -- 0. 5 ± 0. 0-1 Note: When the purchaser does not specify the allowable deviation of the steel pipe size in the contract, the ordinary grade shall be supplied. 4.3 4.3-1 Normal length Allowable deviation ±0, 02 The normal length of the steel pipe is 500~4000mm, and the allowable delivery weight of each batch shall not exceed 10 of the total weight of the ordered steel pipes, and the length shall not be less than 300mm. 4.3.2 Fixed length and multiple length The fixed length shall be within the normal length range, and the allowable deviation of the total length is! mm. The total length of the multiple lengths should be within the normal length range, the allowable deviation of the total length is +mm, and a 0~5mm notch margin should be left for each multiple length. 4.4 Variable shape Steel pipes are generally delivered in straight strips, and steel pipes with an outer diameter not exceeding 2mm are allowed to be delivered in discs. 4.5 End shape The end faces of both ends of the steel pipe should be perpendicular to the axis of the steel pipe, and burrs should be removed. 4.6 Marking example The steel pipe with an outer diameter of 2.5mm and a wall thickness of 0.5nmm made of 1Cr18Ni9Ti steel is marked as: small steel pipe 1Cr18Ni9Ti-2.5×0.5-GB/T30902000. 4.7 Delivery weight Steel pipes should be delivered according to actual weight or theoretical weight. The theoretical weight of steel pipe per meter is calculated according to formula (1): W- aS(D-S) 1005 yuan Wherein: w— theoretical weight of steel pipe per meter, kg/m; -3. 141 6; 0—density of steel, the density of steel is shown in Table—nominal wall thickness of steel pipe, mm; D—nominal outer diameter of steel pipe, m1. 5 Technical conditions 5.1 Steel grade and chemical composition 5.1.1 Steel grade and chemical composition (smelting analysis) shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 3, and the steel pipe shall be accepted according to the smelting composition. (1) 0Cr18Ni9 00Cr19Ni10 (C118N10T) 0Cr17Ni12Mo2 00Cr17Ni14Mo2 1Crl8Ni9Ti GB/T 3090—2000 Table 3 Steel grades and chemical composition Chemical composition, % 0. 08$1. 00 0.08—1.00 ≤0.0354 ≤2. 00≤0.035 2. 00≤0. 035 0.031.0052.00≤0.0350.030≤0.035≤0.030 According to the demand of the buyer, after the agreement between the supplier and the buyer, steel pipes with grades other than those in Table 3 can be supplied. Ni 17. 00 ~- 16. 00-~ 1 2. 09~ 5.1.2 If the buyer requires finished product analysis.It should be indicated in the contract. The allowable deviation of the chemical composition of the finished steel pipe shall comply with the provisions of GB/T222. 5. 2 Delivery state The steel pipe is delivered in hard state. If the purchaser requires soft or semi-cold hard state delivery, it must be indicated in the contract. 5.3 Mechanical properties Mechanical properties of steel pipes delivered in hard state are not tested. The mechanical properties of soft steel pipes shall comply with the provisions of Table 4. The mechanical properties of semi-cold hardened steel pipes shall be agreed upon by both parties. Table 4 Mechanical properties of steel pipes Tensile strength. OCr18Nig OCl19Ni1c CCr18Nt10Ti CCr17Ni12Mo2: 0Cr17Ni14Mo2 1Cr18Ni9Ti Recommended heat treatment system 1 010~1 150℃, rapid cooling 1 010 1 150℃ rapid cooling 920~-1 1=0℃ rapid cooling 1 010~1 150 ℃, total cooling 10101150℃+quenching 1000~1100℃, quick cooling elongation at break not less than Note: For steel pipes with smaller diameter and thinner wall thickness than 3.2mm+ or 0.30mm outer diameter, the elongation at break shall not be less than 25%++2 5.4 Process performance GB/T 3090--2000 5.4.1 Bending and flattening test According to the requirements of the purchaser and indicated in the contract, steel pipes with an outer diameter of 11n and heat-treated can be subjected to bending and flattening tests. 5.4.2 Hydraulic pressure test According to the requirements of the purchaser and indicated in the contract, steel pipes can be subjected to hydraulic pressure test, and the test pressure is 7.0MPa. Under the test pressure, the test time should be kept for at least 5S, and the steel pipe should not leak or seep. 5.5 Corrosion resistance According to the requirements of the purchaser and indicated in the contract, the soft steel pipe with an inner diameter greater than 1mm can be tested for intergranular corrosion tendency. 5.6 Surface quality The surface of the steel pipe should be bright and clean, and folding, cracks and delamination are not allowed. Minor defects not exceeding half of the wall thickness tolerance are allowed. 6 Test methods The inspection items, test methods and sampling quantity of steel pipes shall comply with the provisions of Table 5. Table 5 Inspection items, test methods and sampling quantity of steel pipes Inspection items Chemical analysis Tensile test Compression test Bending test Elongation test Minimum drop test 7 Inspection rules Test method GB/ 222.G1/T 223 GB/T 5397.GU/T 228 CBTT 216 GE/T 241 GBT 241 GR/T 4334.5 Accuracy 0.01mm measuring tool 7.1 Inspection and acceptance The inspection and acceptance of steel pipes shall be carried out by the technical supervision department of the production plant. 1000 samples shall be taken from each of the two steel pipes for each batch 100 samples shall be taken from each of the two steel pipes for each batch 100 samples shall be taken from each of the two steel pipes for each batch 100 samples shall be taken from each of the two steel pipes for each batch 7.2 Batch rules Steel pipes shall be inspected and accepted in batches. Each batch shall consist of steel pipes of the same brand, same furnace number, same specification and same heat treatment system (furnace). 7.3 Quantity of samples The sampling quantity of each batch of steel pipes shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Table 5. 7.4 Re-inspection and judgment rules The re-inspection and judgment rules of steel pipes shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T2102. 8 Packaging, marking and quality certificate The packaging, marking and quality certificate of steel pipes shall comply with the provisions of GB/T2102. -+3 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.