title>HG/T 2032-1999 Industrial cobalt acetate - HG/T 2032-1999 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 2032-1999 Industrial cobalt acetate

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 2032-1999

Standard Name: Industrial cobalt acetate

Chinese Name: 工业乙酸钴

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1999-06-16

Date of Implementation:2000-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Chemical Technology>>Organic Chemistry>>71.080.30 Organic Nitrogen Compounds

Standard Classification Number:Chemicals>>Organic Chemical Raw Materials>>G17 General Organic Chemical Raw Materials

associated standards

alternative situation:HG/T 2032-1991

Publication information

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HG/T 2032-1999 Industrial Cobalt Acetate HG/T2032-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

1C871. 080. 30
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Organic Chemical Products
Published on 1999-06-16
Implementation on 2000-06-01
Published by the State Administration of Petroleum and Chemical Industry
ICS71. 080. 99
Case No.: 333-1999
H心/T 2032--1999
This standard is the whitening industry standard H心T2C3231T industry acetic acid version of the adjusted cost standard HG/T2032. The main technical points of the differences are as follows: Addition! The heavy metal [P] in steel items has been cancelled. The name of the spheroidized light sediment (calculated as sulfate) has been changed to the same. The index of alkaline earth metal (calculated as C1-based) content of cobalt acetate has been changed from less than 99.0% for superior products to less than 99.3% for superior products, and the index of sodium nitrate (calculated as C1-based) has been changed from less than 0.03% for superior products to less than or equal to U.002 for first-class products, and less than 0.08% for first-class products and qualified products; the index of sodium nitrate (calculated as N0, less than 0.05% for first-class products and qualified products) has been changed from less than 0.05% for first-class products to less than 0.0% for dry products. The rapid determination method has been changed from daylight colorimetry to direct light emission. Method, this standard is implemented in the month, the same time sample HG/29329: This standard is proposed by the National Chemical Standardization Technical Committee. This standard is difficult to be issued by the National Chemical Standardization Technical Committee Public Organic Branch. The unit of this standard is Lian Yixing Organic Chemical Co., Ltd. (Huolian No. 1 Organic Chemical 1) The participating units of this standard are Beijing Chemical Formula Agent! , Fake Zhenghua Shrimp Kangrun Special Chemicals Co., Ltd., Liaoji Anshu Synthesis Catalytic Method Standard Main Yue Zhengfang, Zhang Guobiao, Zhai Qiwei, this standard is entrusted to the National Chemical Standardization Technical Committee Organic Branch for quality interpretation. 2F
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Industrial Cobalt Acetate
Cohalt Aeelute for Industrial useHG/T 2032-:1999
HG/T 2032—1
This standard specifies the requirements, test methods, inspection rules, and marking, packaging, transportation, storage, etc. of industrial acetic acid cobalt. This standard is applicable to the reaction of gold reduction and glacial acetic acid to produce industrial acetic acid cobalt. The product is mainly used as a catalyst for the production of para-methylenediaminetetraacetic acid, etc.,
Specification CCO0
Relative molecular weight: 28.0 (tested in 1997 3: atomic mass 2 Reference standards
The following standards contain provisions that are used in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be replaced, and the parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T||tt ||602—88
Chemical reagents
Chemical reagents
Chemical reagents
Preparation of standard solutions for titration analysis (pan analysis) Preparation of standard solutions for determination of impurities (ngIS05353-1:1982) Preparation of preparations and products used in test methods (neI90635311582) Expression and determination method of limit efficacy value
3 Requirements
General rules for the procurement of chemical products
General procurement of solid chemical products
Specifications and test methods for analytical experiments (IS59:7)) 3. 1 External acyl: purple-red fiber product:
3.2 The quality of industrial acetylene should meet the requirements of Table 1. Table requirements
Ethylene content (in oc, oO; + l_)
Water-free content
Confirm salt (in terms of
Oxide (in terms of C-)
Nitrate (in terms of NO)
Iron (Fe)
Steel (Cu>)
Nitrate (N) content
National Petroleum and Chemical Industry No. 19990616 approved products
20000601 implementation
4 Test method
HC/T 2032—1999
The standard reagents and water used in this standard shall be uniformly pure and the water content in the test tube shall be determined in the presence of water.
The standard titration solution used in this standard is the standard for determination of impurities. The preparations and products shall not specify their requirements. They shall be prepared according to the provisions of GB/T601.GB/T602 and GB/T6C3. 1.1 Determination of acetic acid content
4.1.1 Summary
The sample shall be placed in an oxidizing medium and titrated with standard titration solution. The change in the color of the purple indicator shall be used to determine the titration point. The acetic acid content shall be calculated based on the volume of the consumed titration solution. 4.1.2 Reagents and acid. Aqueous solution: 1: _0.
4.1.2-3 Ethylenediamine ethylamine-sodium (E[A] standard titration solution 1e(ELY1A) = 0.01mol/l:, purple vein acid as indicator.
4.1.3 Analysis step
Take 3. Test accurately to 0.G and dissolve in water. Transfer 25ml of acid to dilute the whole system and solve the problem. Take 1. Place in a 0m conical volume, add 75ml of water, add a little phytosterol indicator, and solution. Aqueous solution, make the solution yellow and titrate with ELIA standard solution. When the solution turns orange-red, add ammonia solution to make the yellow disappear. Continue titrating until the color changes to red. At the same time, make a blank test. The acid solution [with CCHOO)·4H1 containing the most X according to the pressure fraction (V, V) rXn.241x1CC=
In the formula:
The sample consumes EDTA standard volume required for the batch, nIV..--Blank consumption EDTA standard drop of molten ice only.mI.;--3IA standard is difficult to meet the actual concentration of the solution. !
2491: The mass of acetic acid equivalent to 1.(CmLEDA standard solution concentration_(E1>1A)-1.000m01/1 expressed in grams w-.-Sample mass.g
4.1.5 Optical difference
The arithmetic mean of the results of the two parallel determinations shall be taken as the balance result. The difference between the two parallel determination results shall not be greater than 0.2%.4.2 Water-insoluble substances 4.2.1 Reagents and ionization: acetic acid. 4.2.2 Apparatus: Glass plugs, 5-15 mm thick plate holes. 4.2.3 Steps: Weigh the test piece (to make sure it is 1/4 of the way to the test piece) and heat it in boiling water for 1 hour. Use the glass well of the mass determined in advance to remove the glass well and then drain it. Wash the filter with water. and, dried at 1-200 °C until the mass is constant. 4.2.4 Expression of analytical results The mass percentage of the substance to be removed shall be calculated according to the formula (2): 2k
Small density standard quality-81
i-- Glass Ruizhou end quality
Cheng quality,
4.2.5 Permitted prohibited
JIG/T20321 999
The two parallel determination results are used as the test station. The range of the two parallel determination results shall not exceed .2%. 4.3 Determination of Sulfate
4.3-1 Test Solution
4.3.*, 1 Hydrochloric acid
4.3.-295%7. Sequence
4.3..3 Oxide, 100g/
4.3-1. 4.3.2 Analysis Steps Weigh 1 sample (viscosity 0.31%) in 1 mL of turbidimetric solution, add 3 mL of hydrochloric acid to 10 L of water, evaporate in a water tank until 10 min, add 1 ml of acid, heat on a water bath until 10 min, then transfer to a colorimetric medium, dilute to 4 mL to obtain a homogeneous A solution. Take 20 mL of A, add 3 mL of ethanol and 2 mL of chemical solution, add water to 5 mL, evaporate, and place for 1. Compare with the standard turbidimetric solution, and its turbidity should not exceed that of the standard turbidimetric solution. Standard monohydrate: 2 μL of A is placed in a 5 mL beaker. Add 3 mL of 95% Z solution and 2 mL of 95% Z solution. Mix well, heat for 5 min, pass through a 2-mL colorimetric sheet, add water until the standard saline solution is dissolved to 5 μL, and incubate for 1 h.4 Determination of chloride ion
4.4.1 Reagents and reagents Nitric acid solution; 1-2, 20/..
4,4.1.3 Oxidation Dissolve 1 mL of standard solution in Cg C. 4.4.2 Analysis procedure: Weigh 8 ± 10% of the sample (powder concentration is accurate to 0.01), put it into a 100ml colorimetric tube, add 10mL nitric acid to disintegrate it, mix it with 40ml water, and then filtrate it with 100ml of silver. Compare it with the standard solution and calibrate it. The total concentration should not exceed 1% of the standard solution. Take 2mL of solution B and put it into a 100ml cup, add 1ml of silver and filter it. Heat it in boiling water for 10min. After cooling, filter it into a colorimetric tube. Add chemical standard culture medium (add 10g for superior products and 50g for qualified products) to the reactor, add water to 0ml and place it aside for 15min for later use. 4.5 Determination of nitrate 4.5.1 Test solution Sodium hydroxide solution: 10g/1. Sodium chloride solution: 13k/1. 4.5-1-4 Nitric acid standard solution: 1ml boiling solution containing 0.15g NO4.5.1.5 Energy saving distillation: CHNNO3 (g/mL) = 0.1mol/L. 2 Analysis steps Take 1 test solution (sugar is adjusted to 0.01%) from HG/T: 2032-1999 and mix it in 10 mL water: add 10 μL of hydroxide solution, discard the excess water, heat for 1 ℃, cool, add 100 mL of this solution, and take 10 ml of sodium chloride solution. Mix 1 ml of indigo disulfonic acid solution: add 1 μL of indigo disulfonic acid dropwise at 19-15 °C for 10 minutes, and the color will be lighter than the standard colorimetric solution. The standard solution is a colorimetric solution with a code: the superior product is U.5 μL, the first-class product is (.ml), and the water is 10 ml of the same volume. 4.6 Determination of bran and tung oil 4.6.1 Method Specification In an acidic medium, the sample is subjected to micro-chemical absorption spectrophotometry in an acetylene gas flame and the content of the substance is calculated using the photometric curve method. 4.62 Reagents and liquids 4.62.1 Hydrochloric acid liquid: 12. Standard liquid: 1 ml. Full solution contains U.1 mg Fc4.62.3 Standard solution: 1 mL solution contains U.1 g Cl4.6.2.4 Standard chromium solution: 1 ml. Solution contains 1.1 mg Ni4.6.3 Receiver and equipment Sub-spectrophotometer wavelength range 190--900nm.4.6.3-2 Iron, steel, stainless steel, or polymetallic forging lamp.4.63.3 Flame: acetylene air: Wavelength iron 248.nm!
metal 232. ar.
4.6.4 Analysis Steps Preparation of Sample Solution
For determination of nickel, weigh 1g of sample (accurate to 0.531g), dissolve in water, add 2mL of hydrochloric acid solution, quantitatively transfer to a 25ml volumetric flask, dilute to full scale with water, and remove.
For determination of nickel, weigh 18g of sample (accurate to 0.531g), dissolve in water, add 2mL of hydrochloric acid solution, quantitatively transfer to a 1ml volumetric flask, dilute to full scale, and remove.
4.6. 4.2 Preparation of standard curve
Collect iron, prepare standard solution Collect bromine standard solution, 8.65mL, respectively. Add 2 ml each. Mix well with water until the sample reaches the scale mark. Make a standard series concentration: Connect the atomic absorption spectrophotometer according to the instrument manual, connect the standard system with the atomic absorption spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 6:34, adjust with water, measure the absorbance, and make a standard calculation based on the change in absorbance. Determination of the test results
Lead the sample solution into a spectrophotometer to determine the absorbance and find the concentration of the element in the standard curve. 4.65 Expression of analytical results
The content of the element expressed as a mass fraction (X) shall be calculated according to the formula (3): Ve/T|| Where: V is the product of the test column, mT.,
——the concentration of the element in the standard, mg/T
The original amount of the sample is expressed as
4.6.6 Supplementary difference
Determine the concentration of the element in the standard curve twice. The arithmetic mean of the results is taken as the determination result. The relative deviation of the parallel determinations shall not exceed 20:3f
4. Determination of the quality of gold and carbon-containing metals
4.7.1 Summary of the method
The sample is subjected to hydrogen peroxide in the presence of ammonium hydroxide. Except for the active ions of the metal and the metal ions forming the carbon-containing metal, all the metal ions are precipitated as sulfides. The metal on the filtered surface is taken out in the form of salt and calcined at low temperature to a mass of 4.72. || Deionize ammonium hydroxide.
4.7.2-2 Triturate. Water.
L.7.2.4 Hydrogen peroxide.
4.7.3 Analysis of the polymer
Weigh the sample accurately! ! At the moment, add water and chlorine water until the precipitate formed is dissolved, add water to 1F1. Let the precipitate dissolve, filter with dry filter paper, and discard the initial filtrate of about 2ml. Take mL and transfer to two specified instruments, add cm2 pyrolysis acid, and heat on a hot plate. As for the determination result, the whole mass of the sample is burned by 8C125)Y. 4.7.4 The content of the three metals (X) expressed as mass percentage is calculated according to formula (4): # = 8 × 100% =
Wu: According to the maximum mass of the sample, F:
4.7.5 Allowable difference
200 (m-m)
Take the average value of the results of two parallel determinations as the determination result: The difference between the results of the two parallel determinations shall not be larger than 5 times. 5 Inspection rules
51 This product shall be inspected by the main production department. The product meets the requirements of the standard. The certificate of quality is attached with the following contents: manufacturer name, product name, grade, net content, batch number or production date and this standard number: 5.2 Products of equal quality are used as the sample. Each batch of products shall not exceed: 30 k2.5.3 According to the provisions of 6.6 of GB/T667586, the number of sampling units shall be determined: the sampling shall be less than 10 per sample and 52 per sample. The sampled test samples shall be filtered and packed into two new pre-ground bottles, labeled with the manufacturer name, product content, batch number, sampling date, etc. One bottle is tested and the other bottle is kept for one month for reference. 5.4 Determination of the test results: According to the comparison method of the drug value in GB/T1251: If any item of the test results does not meet the requirements of the standard, the two new packaging samples shall be inspected. If only one indicator does not meet the requirements of multiple standards, the whole batch of products will be considered unqualified.
6 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
6.1 The packaging device should be coated with a solid and obvious mark, and the following should be noted: production name, product name, product grade, batch number, trademark, production date, etc.
6.? The upper and lower plastic packaging materials should be inserted or packaged in a plastic bag. The material equipment should be tied with a plastic bag. 6.3 Transportation should be gentle, light, and avoid exposure to sunlight. 6.4 Industrial storage should be kept in a cool and cool warehouse or test shed.5 Determination of nitrate 4.5.1 Test solution Sodium hydroxide solution: 10 μg/1. Sodium chloride solution: 13 μg/1. 4.5-1-4 Nitric acid standard solution: 1 mL of boiling solution containing 15 g NO4.5.1.5 Energy dispersant: CHNNO3 = 0.1 μg/1. 2 Analysis steps HG/T: 2032—1999 Take 1 test solution (sugar adjusted to 0.01 %) and dissolve it in 10 mL of water: add 10 2. Hydroxide solution, discard the excess water, heat for 1C, cool, add 100mL of this solution, take 10ml of sodium chloride, add 10mL of indigo disulfonic acid, add 1mL of indigo disulfonic acid dropwise at 19-15°C for 10min, the color should be lighter than the standard colorimetric solution. The standard solution is marked with a code: the superior product is U.5ml, the first-class product is (.ml), add 10mL of this solution and mix with the same volume 4.6 Determination of bran and tung oil 4.6.1 Method Specification In an acidic medium, the sample is subjected to micro-chemical absorption spectrophotometry in an acetylene gas flame and the content of the substance is calculated using the photometric curve method. 4.62 Reagents and liquids 4.62.1 Hydrochloric acid liquid: 12. Standard liquid: 1 ml. Full solution contains U.1 mg Fc4.62.3 Standard solution: 1 mL solution contains U.1 g Cl4.6.2.4 Standard chromium solution: 1 ml. Solution contains 1.1 mg Ni4.6.3 Receiver and equipment Sub-spectrophotometer wavelength range 190--900nm.4.6.3-2 Iron, steel, stainless steel, or polymetallic forging lamp.4.63.3 Flame: acetylene air: Wavelength iron 248.nm!
metal 232. ar.
4.6.4 Analysis Steps Preparation of Sample Solution
For determination of nickel, weigh 1g of sample (accurate to 0.531g), dissolve in water, add 2mL of hydrochloric acid solution, quantitatively transfer to a 25ml volumetric flask, dilute to full scale with water, and remove.
For determination of nickel, weigh 18g of sample (accurate to 0.531g), dissolve in water, add 2mL of hydrochloric acid solution, quantitatively transfer to a 1ml volumetric flask, dilute to full scale, and remove.
4.6. 4.2 Preparation of standard curve
Collect iron, prepare standard solution Collect bromine standard solution, 8.65mL, respectively. Add 2 ml each. Mix well with water until the sample reaches the scale mark. Make a standard series concentration: Connect the atomic absorption spectrophotometer according to the instrument manual, connect the standard system with the atomic absorption spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 6:34, adjust with water, measure the absorbance, and make a standard calculation based on the change in absorbance. Determination of the test results
Lead the sample solution into a spectrophotometer to determine the absorbance and find the concentration of the element in the standard curve. 4.65 Expression of analytical results
The content of the element expressed as a mass fraction (X) shall be calculated according to the formula (3): Ve/T|| Where: V is the product of the test column, mT.,
——the concentration of the element in the standard, mg/T
The original amount of the sample is expressed as
4.6.6 Supplementary difference
Determine the concentration of the element in the standard curve twice. The arithmetic mean of the results is taken as the determination result. The relative deviation of the parallel determinations shall not exceed 20:3f
4. Determination of the quality of gold and carbon-containing metals
4.7.1 Summary of the method
The sample is subjected to hydrogen peroxide in the presence of ammonium hydroxide. Except for the active ions of the metal and the metal ions forming the carbon-containing metal, all the metal ions are precipitated as sulfides. The metal on the filtered surface is taken out in the form of salt and calcined at low temperature to a mass of 4.72. || Deionize ammonium hydroxide.
4.7.2-2 Triturate. Water.
L.7.2.4 Hydrogen peroxide.
4.7.3 Analysis of the polymer
Weigh the sample accurately! ! At the moment, add water and chlorine water until the precipitate formed is dissolved, add water to 1F1. Let the precipitate dissolve, filter with dry filter paper, and discard the initial filtrate of about 2ml. Take mL and transfer to two specified instruments, add cm2 pyrolysis acid, and heat on a hot plate. As for the determination result, the whole mass of the sample is burned by 8C125)Y. 4.7.4 The content of the three metals (X) expressed as mass percentage is calculated according to formula (4): # = 8 × 100% =
Wu: According to the maximum mass of the sample, F:
4.7.5 Allowable difference
200 (m-m)
Take the average value of the results of two parallel determinations as the determination result: The difference between the results of the two parallel determinations shall not be larger than 5 times. 5 Inspection rules
51 This product shall be inspected by the main production department. The product meets the requirements of the standard. The certificate of quality is attached with the following contents: manufacturer name, product name, grade, net content, batch number or production date and this standard number: 5.2 Products of equal quality are used as the sample. Each batch of products shall not exceed: 30 k2.5.3 According to the provisions of 6.6 of GB/T667586, the number of sampling units shall be determined: the sampling shall be less than 10 per sample and 52 per sample. The sampled test samples shall be filtered and packed into two new pre-ground bottles, labeled with the manufacturer name, product content, batch number, sampling date, etc. One bottle is tested and the other bottle is kept for one month for reference. 5.4 Determination of the test results: According to the comparison method of the drug value in GB/T1251: If any item of the test results does not meet the requirements of the standard, the two new packaging samples shall be inspected. If only one indicator does not meet the requirements of multiple standards, the entire batch of products will be considered unqualified.
6 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage bzxz.net
6.1 The packaging device should be coated with a solid and obvious mark, and note: production name, product name, product grade, batch number, trademark, production date, etc.
6.? The upper industry should use plastic packaging materials or board packaging materials. 6.3 Transportation should be gentle, light, avoid exposure to sunlight, and be exposed to the sun. 6.4 Industrial storage in a cool and cool warehouse or test shed, st5 Determination of nitrate 4.5.1 Test solution Sodium hydroxide solution: 10 μg/1. Sodium chloride solution: 13 μg/1. 4.5-1-4 Nitric acid standard solution: 1 mL of boiling solution containing 15 g NO4.5.1.5 Energy dispersant: CHNNO3 = 0.1 μg/1. 2 Analysis steps HG/T: 2032—1999 Take 1 test solution (sugar adjusted to 0.01 %) and dissolve it in 10 mL of water: add 10 2. Hydroxide solution, discard the excess water, heat for 1C, cool, add 100mL of this solution, take 10ml of sodium chloride, add 10mL of indigo disulfonic acid, add 1mL of indigo disulfonic acid dropwise at 19-15°C for 10min, the color should be lighter than the standard colorimetric solution. The standard solution is marked with a code: the superior product is U.5ml, the first-class product is (.ml), add 10mL of this solution and mix with the same volume 4.6 Determination of bran and tung oil 4.6.1 Method Specification In an acidic medium, the sample is subjected to micro-chemical absorption spectrophotometry in an acetylene gas flame and the content of the substance is calculated using the photometric curve method. 4.62 Reagents and liquids 4.62.1 Hydrochloric acid liquid: 12. Standard liquid: 1 ml. Full solution contains U.1 mg Fc4.62.3 Standard solution: 1 mL solution contains U.1 g Cl4.6.2.4 Standard chromium solution: 1 ml. Solution contains 1.1 mg Ni4.6.3 Receiver and equipment Sub-spectrophotometer wavelength range 190--900nm.4.6.3-2 Iron, steel, stainless steel, or polymetallic forging lamp.4.63.3 Flame: acetylene air: Wavelength iron 248.nm!
metal 232. ar.
4.6.4 Analysis Steps Preparation of Sample Solution
For determination of nickel, weigh 1g of sample (accurate to 0.531g), dissolve in water, add 2mL of hydrochloric acid solution, quantitatively transfer to a 25ml volumetric flask, dilute to full scale with water, and remove.
For determination of nickel, weigh 18g of sample (accurate to 0.531g), dissolve in water, add 2mL of hydrochloric acid solution, quantitatively transfer to a 1ml volumetric flask, dilute to full scale, and remove.
4.6. 4.2 Preparation of standard curve
Collect iron, prepare standard solution Collect bromine standard solution, 8.65mL, respectively. Add 2 ml each. Mix well with water until the sample reaches the scale mark. Make a standard series concentration: Connect the atomic absorption spectrophotometer according to the instrument manual, connect the standard system with the atomic absorption spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 6:34, adjust with water, measure the absorbance, and make a standard calculation based on the change in absorbance. Determination of the test results
Lead the sample solution into a spectrophotometer to determine the absorbance and find the concentration of the element in the standard curve. 4.65 Expression of analytical results
The content of the element expressed as a mass fraction (X) shall be calculated according to the formula (3): Ve/T|| Where: V is the product of the test column, mT.,
——the concentration of the element in the standard, mg/T
The original amount of the sample is expressed as
4.6.6 Supplementary difference
Determine the concentration of the element in the standard curve twice. The arithmetic mean of the results is taken as the determination result. The relative deviation of the parallel determinations shall not exceed 20:3f
4. Determination of the quality of gold and carbon-containing metals
4.7.1 Summary of the method
The sample is subjected to hydrogen peroxide in the presence of ammonium hydroxide. Except for the active ions of the metal and the metal ions forming the carbon-containing metal, all the metal ions are precipitated as sulfides. The metal on the filtered surface is taken out in the form of salt and calcined at low temperature to a mass of 4.72. || Deionize ammonium hydroxide.
4.7.2-2 Triturate. Water.
L.7.2.4 Hydrogen peroxide.
4.7.3 Analysis of the polymer
Weigh the sample accurately! ! At the moment, add water and chlorine water until the precipitate formed is dissolved, add water to 1F1. Let the precipitate dissolve, filter with dry filter paper, and discard the initial filtrate of about 2ml. Take mL and transfer to two specified instruments, add cm2 pyrolysis acid, and heat on a hot plate. As for the determination result, the whole mass of the sample is burned by 8C125)Y. 4.7.4 The content of the three metals (X) expressed as mass percentage is calculated according to formula (4): # = 8 × 100% =
Wu: According to the maximum mass of the sample, F:
4.7.5 Allowable difference
200 (m-m)
Take the average value of the results of two parallel determinations as the determination result: The difference between the results of the two parallel determinations shall not be larger than 5 times. 5 Inspection rules
51 This product shall be inspected by the main production department. The product meets the requirements of the standard. The certificate of quality is attached with the following contents: manufacturer name, product name, grade, net content, batch number or production date and this standard number: 5.2 Products of equal quality are used as the sample. Each batch of products shall not exceed: 30 k2.5.3 According to the provisions of 6.6 of GB/T667586, the number of sampling units shall be determined: the sampling shall be less than 10 per sample and 52 per sample. The sampled test samples shall be filtered and packed into two new pre-ground bottles, labeled with the manufacturer name, product content, batch number, sampling date, etc. One bottle is tested and the other bottle is kept for one month for reference. 5.4 Determination of the test results: According to the comparison method of the drug value in GB/T1251: If any item of the test results does not meet the requirements of the standard, the two new packaging samples shall be inspected. If only one indicator does not meet the requirements of multiple standards, the whole batch of products will be considered unqualified.
6 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
6.1 The packaging device should be coated with a solid and obvious mark, and the following should be noted: production name, product name, product grade, batch number, trademark, production date, etc.
6.? The upper and lower plastic packaging materials should be inserted or packaged in a plastic bag. The material equipment should be tied with a plastic bag. 6.3 Transportation should be gentle, light, and avoid exposure to sunlight. 6.4 Industrial storage should be kept in a cool and cool warehouse or test shed.3-2 Iron, steel, stainless ... Preparation of standard curve
Collect iron, prepare standard solution Collect bromine standard solution, 8.65mL, respectively. Add 2 ml each. Mix well with water until the sample reaches the scale mark, and make a standard series concentration: Connect the instrument to the atomic absorption spectrophotometer according to the instrument manual, connect the standard system with the atomic absorption spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 6:34, adjust with water, measure the absorbance, and make a standard calculation based on the change in absorbance. Determination of the test results
Lead the sample solution into a spectrophotometer to determine the absorbance and find the concentration of the element in the standard curve. 4.65 Expression of analytical results
The content of the element expressed as a mass fraction (X) shall be calculated according to the formula (3): Ve/|tt|| Where: V is the product of the test column, mT.,
——the concentration of the element in the standard, mg/T.
The original amount of the sample is expressed as
4.6.6 Supplementary difference
Determine the concentration of the element in the standard curve twice. The arithmetic mean of the results is taken as the determination result. The relative deviation of the parallel determinations shall not exceed 20:3f
4. Determination of the quality of gold and carbon-containing metals
4.7.1 Summary of the method
The sample is subjected to hydrogen peroxide in the presence of ammonium hydroxide. Except for the active ions of the metal and the metal ions forming the carbon-containing metal, all the metal ions are precipitated as sulfides. The metal on the filtered surface is taken out in the form of salt and calcined at low temperature to a mass of 4.72. || Deionize ammonium hydroxide.
4.7.2-2 Triturate. Water.
L.7.2.4 Hydrogen peroxide.
4.7.3 Analysis of the polymer
Weigh the sample accurately! ! At the moment, add water and chlorine water until the precipitate formed is dissolved, add water to 1F1. Let the precipitate dissolve, filter with dry filter paper, and discard the initial filtrate of about 2ml. Take mL and transfer to two specified instruments, add cm2 pyrolysis acid, and heat on a hot plate. As for the determination result, the whole mass of the sample is burned by 8C125)Y. 4.7.4 The content of the three metals (X) expressed as mass percentage is calculated according to formula (4): # = 8 × 100% =
Wu: According to the maximum mass of the sample, F:
4.7.5 Allowable difference
200 (m-m)
Take the average value of the results of two parallel determinations as the determination result: The difference between the results of the two parallel determinations shall not be larger than 5 times. 5 Inspection rules
51 This product shall be inspected by the main production department. The product meets the requirements of the standard. The certificate of quality is attached with the following contents: manufacturer name, product name, grade, net content, batch number or production date and this standard number: 5.2 Products of equal quality are used as the sample. Each batch of products shall not exceed: 30 k2.5.3 According to the provisions of 6.6 of GB/T667586, the number of sampling units shall be determined: the sampling shall be less than 10 per sample and 52 per sample. The sampled test samples shall be filtered and packed into two new pre-ground bottles, labeled with the manufacturer name, product content, batch number, sampling date, etc. One bottle is tested and the other bottle is kept for one month for reference. 5.4 Determination of the test results: According to the comparison method of the drug value in GB/T1251: If any item of the test results does not meet the requirements of the standard, the two new packaging samples shall be inspected. If only one indicator does not meet the requirements of multiple standards, the whole batch of products will be considered unqualified.
6 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
6.1 The packaging device should be coated with a solid and obvious mark, and the following should be noted: production name, product name, product grade, batch number, trademark, production date, etc.
6.? The upper and lower plastic packaging materials should be inserted or packaged in a plastic bag. The material equipment should be tied with a plastic bag. 6.3 Transportation should be gentle, light, and avoid exposure to sunlight. 6.4 Industrial storage should be kept in a cool and cool warehouse or test shed.3-2 Iron, steel, stainless ... Preparation of standard curve
Collect iron, prepare standard solution Collect bromine standard solution, 8.65mL, respectively. Add 2 ml each. Mix well with water until the sample reaches the scale mark, and make a standard series concentration: Connect the instrument to the atomic absorption spectrophotometer according to the instrument manual, connect the standard system with the atomic absorption spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 6:34, adjust with water, measure the absorbance, and make a standard calculation based on the change in absorbance. Determination of the test results
Lead the sample solution into a spectrophotometer to determine the absorbance and find the concentration of the element in the standard curve. 4.65 Expression of analytical results
The content of the element expressed as a mass fraction (X) shall be calculated according to the formula (3): Ve/|tt|| Where: V is the product of the test column, mT.,
——the concentration of the element in the standard, mg/T.
The original amount of the sample is expressed as
4.6.6 Supplementary difference
Determine the concentration of the element in the standard curve twice. The arithmetic mean of the results is taken as the determination result. The relative deviation of the parallel determinations shall not exceed 20:3f
4. Determination of the quality of gold and carbon-containing metals
4.7.1 Summary of the method
The sample is subjected to hydrogen peroxide in the presence of ammonium hydroxide. Except for the active ions of the metal and the metal ions forming the carbon-containing metal, all the metal ions are precipitated as sulfides. The metal on the filtered surface is taken out in the form of salt and calcined at low temperature to a mass of 4.72. || Deionize ammonium hydroxide.
4.7.2-2 Triturate. Water.
L.7.2.4 Hydrogen peroxide.
4.7.3 Analysis of the polymer
Weigh the sample accurately! ! At the moment, add water and chlorine water until the precipitate formed is dissolved, add water to 1F1. Let the precipitate dissolve, filter with dry filter paper, and discard the initial filtrate of about 2ml. Take mL and transfer to two specified instruments, add cm2 pyrolysis acid, and heat on a hot plate. As for the determination result, the whole mass of the sample is burned by 8C125)Y. 4.7.4 The content of the three metals (X) expressed as mass percentage is calculated according to formula (4): # = 8 × 100% =
Wu: According to the maximum mass of the sample, F:
4.7.5 Allowable difference
200 (m-m)
Take the average value of the results of two parallel determinations as the determination result: The difference between the results of the two parallel determinations shall not be larger than 5 times. 5 Inspection rules
51 This product shall be inspected by the main production department. The product meets the requirements of the standard. The certificate of quality is attached with the following contents: manufacturer name, product name, grade, net content, batch number or production date and this standard number: 5.2 Products of equal quality are used as the sample. Each batch of products shall not exceed: 30 k2.5.3 According to the provisions of 6.6 of GB/T667586, the number of sampling units shall be determined: the sampling shall be less than 10 per sample and 52 per sample. The sampled test samples shall be filtered and packed into two new pre-ground bottles, labeled with the manufacturer name, product content, batch number, sampling date, etc. One bottle is tested and the other bottle is kept for one month for reference. 5.4 Determination of the test results: According to the comparison method of the drug value in GB/T1251: If any item of the test results does not meet the requirements of the standard, the two new packaging samples shall be inspected. If only one indicator does not meet the requirements of multiple standards, the whole batch of products will be considered unqualified.
6 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
6.1 The packaging device should be coated with a solid and obvious mark, and the following should be noted: production name, product name, product grade, batch number, trademark, production date, etc.
6.? The upper and lower plastic packaging materials should be inserted or packaged in a plastic bag. The material equipment should be tied with a plastic bag. 6.3 Transportation should be gentle, light, and avoid exposure to sunlight. 6.4 Industrial storage should be kept in a cool and cool warehouse or test shed.6. Determine the number of sampling units: The sampling shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/667955, Section 2, and the number of samples shall be less than 10. The sampled juice shall be filtered and packed into two new ground bottles, labeled with the manufacturer name, product name, batch number, sampling date, etc. One bottle shall be tested and the other bottle shall be kept for one month for future reference. 5.4 Determination of the test results: According to the comparison method of the modified values ​​in GB/T1251: If any of the indicators in the test results do not meet the requirements of the standard, the two batches of products shall be inspected in the packaging. If the result is negative, that is, only one indicator does not meet the requirements of the standard, the whole batch of products shall be marked as unqualified.
6.1 The packaging container shall be coated with a solid and obvious mark, indicating: manufacturer, product name, product grade, batch number, trademark, production date, etc.
6.? The upper industry B replaces the drill with the material plug or the plate through the table - the material equipment is tied with the table. 6.3 The transportation shaft should be gently excited and unloaded, and the material should be avoided. Avoid direct sunlight and front exposure: 6.4 The industrial warehouse or test shed should be kept in a cool and cool place.6. Determine the number of sampling units: The sampling shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/667955, Section 2, and the number of samples shall be less than 10. The sampled juice shall be filtered and packed into two new ground bottles, labeled with the manufacturer name, product name, batch number, sampling date, etc. One bottle shall be tested and the other bottle shall be kept for one month for future reference. 5.4 Determination of the test results: According to the comparison method of the modified values ​​in GB/T1251: If any of the indicators in the test results do not meet the requirements of the standard, the two batches of products shall be inspected in the packaging. If the result is negative, that is, only one indicator does not meet the requirements of the standard, the whole batch of products shall be marked as unqualified.
6.1 The packaging container shall be coated with a solid and obvious mark, indicating: manufacturer, product name, product grade, batch number, trademark, production date, etc.
6.? The upper industry B replaces the drill with the material plug or the plate through the table - the material equipment is tied with the table. 6.3 The transportation shaft should be gently excited and unloaded, and the material should be avoided. Avoid direct sunlight and front exposure: 6.4 The industrial warehouse or test shed should be kept in a cool and cool place.
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