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Outlet management specifications general requirement for supermarket and convenience store company management

Basic Information

Standard ID: SB/T 10335-2000

Standard Name:Outlet management specifications general requirement for supermarket and convenience store company management

Chinese Name: 连锁超级市尝便利店管理通用要求 门店管理规范

Standard category:Business Industry Standard (SB)

state:in force

Date of Release2000-03-31

Date of Implementation:1999-04-15

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, Services, Organization and Management of Companies (Enterprises), Administration, Transport>>Organization and Management of Companies (Enterprises)>>03.100.20 Trade, Commercial Activities, Marketing

Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A10 Commerce, Trade, Contract

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Publication information

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SB/T 10335-2000 General requirements for chain supermarkets and convenience stores Store management specifications SB/T10335-2000 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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ICS 03.100.20bzxZ.net
Registration No.: 6878~6880-2000
Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
General reguirement for supermarket and convenience store company Management2000—03-31 Issued
National Bureau of Domestic Trade
2000-10-01 Implementation
General requirements for chain supermarket and convenience store management Terminology specification
SB/T10334-2000General requirements for chain supermarket and convenience store management Headquarters management specification
General requirements for chain supermarket and convenience store management SB/T10335-2000
Store management specification
This standard is formulated to promote the management of chain supermarkets and chain convenience stores, to help employees understand their job responsibilities more deeply, to improve the standard operation level of each position, and to facilitate the technical training and assessment of each position. This standard is proposed by the National Bureau of Domestic Trade
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Chain Operation Office of the National Bureau of Domestic Trade. The drafting units of this standard are: Commercial Economic Research Center of State Bureau of Domestic Trade, Chain Operation Office of State Bureau of Domestic Trade. The main drafters of this standard are: Yu Shuhua, Guo Geping, Meng Caijia, Zha Lihua, Gao Guan. 15
Registration No.: 6880-2000
Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
General requirements for the management of chain supermarkets and convenience stores Outlet management specification
Outlet management specification
1 Scope
for supermarkets
This standard regulates the store management of chain supermarkets and chain convenience stores. This standard is applicable to the chain operation of supermarkets and convenience stores. 2 Chain supermarket chain convenience store store management specification 2.1 Site management specification
Mainly to create a good corporate image, increase the number of customers coming to the store, increase the customer unit price, and expand sales. The key points of on-site management are: 2.1.1 Hygiene management. Ensure that the sales venue is clean, the aisles are unobstructed, the layout of equipment and shelves is reasonable, and the equipment, shelves, counters, windows, etc. are kept clean and bright at all times. Do not post in-store advertisements randomly, etc. 2.1.2 Display management. The products are rich and the shelves are full. According to the shelf life of the products, the first-in-first-out, obvious, easy to take and easy to put, and the product combination is displayed reasonably.
2.1.3 Product management. Carry out scientific product management, pay attention to collecting information from the point-of-sales data management system (POS) and using ABC analysis to screen out best-selling products. Flexibly use order replenishment, expand the display room for best-selling products, and regularly check the inventory and shelf cards of best-selling products to ensure that best-selling products are not out of stock 2.2 Service management specifications
Service language, "Hello", "Please wait", "Sorry", "Sorry to keep you waiting", "Welcome", "Welcome 2.2.1 Service terms,
Come again", etc., always use "I don't know", "Sold out", "No", "No more" and other languages. 2.2.2 Handling out-of-stock situations When it is discovered that the merchandise purchased by a customer is out of stock, the clerk should first apologize, then inform the customer when the merchandise will be available, or proactively suggest other merchandise that can be substituted. Finally, the clerk must use the out-of-stock merchandise as reference information for placing an order or replenishing the merchandise, and feedback it to the relevant person in charge in the store. 2.2.3 Handling customer complaints. When handling customer complaints, it is strictly forbidden to shirk responsibility. The clerk should be sincere and concerned, patiently listen to the customer's statement, and handle it at his or her discretion, and should not cause customer loss. 2.3 Job responsibilities of store personnel
2.3.1 Responsibilities of store manager and deputy store manager
The store manager is the core figure of the store. The store manager must obey the highly centralized and unified command of the chain company headquarters, actively cooperate with the headquarters' various marketing strategies, and achieve the store's operating indicators. To be achieved: Approved by the State Bureau of Domestic Trade on March 31, 2000 16
2000—10—01 implementation
: · One supervises the ordering, loading and replenishment of goods, and does a good job in the inspection and acceptance of incoming goods, display of goods, management of goods quality and service quality.
Implement the price changes of goods issued by the headquarters, and implement the sales plans, promotion plans and promotion activities issued by the headquarters. ·· Understand the sales dynamics of the store, and introduce new goods and eliminate slow-selling goods to the headquarters. ·· Understand the maintenance knowledge of various equipment in the store. ·· Supervise and review the store accounting, cash register and report preparation, account processing and other operations. ·· Supervise and inspect the work of stockers, waiters and other personnel. Responsible for the management of the attendance, appearance, instrumentation and service standard implementation of employees. Responsible for employee personnel assessment, employee promotion, demotion and transfer suggestions. Responsible for employee training and education.
Handle customer complaints and various conflicts in service work. 1. Supervise the cleanliness and sanitation inside and outside the store, and be responsible for security, fire prevention and other operations management. 1. Monitor the store's commodity loss management and grasp the scale of commodity loss. 1. Do a good job of coordination with the community around the store. In addition to having the skills of various positions, the store manager and deputy store manager must also have overall management and organizational skills. 2.3.2 Responsibilities of store assistants (department heads, team leaders) Store assistants should have considerable experience in this position, master the skills of this position, be familiar with the skills of various positions in the store, be familiar with the job responsibilities of the store manager and deputy store manager, and assist the store manager and deputy store manager in doing their work. 2.3.3 Responsibilities of store cashiers
Store cashiers have the following responsibilities: familiar with the goods area, basic price of goods, cashier business, settlement receipt management business, collection and provision of commodity sales information, customer information, return processing and cashier counter safety. The specific job specifications of cashiers are:
· Prepare for business before opening: clothing, appearance, grooming, cleanliness, behave in a generous manner, and wear a good work badge. 1. Claim the reserve fund and count and confirm before opening. :--Debug the cash register before opening, prepare other spare parts, and understand the day's price changes and specials. 1. Welcome customers when customers enter the store. 1. When entering or scanning the price of goods, the amount of each item should be reported. At the end of entering or scanning, the total amount of goods should be reported and the settlement receipt should be placed in the shopping bag or handed to the customer. When checking out, the bill should be called out "how much is charged to you" and when making change, the bill should be called out "how much is your change". 1. When there are not many customers, the goods should be bagged for customers. Fresh food, frozen food and other goods should be packed separately. Large and raw goods should be put into bags first. When there are many customers, the customers should be evacuated as soon as possible to speed up the checkout. When cashing out, you should do it correctly and quickly, keep a friendly smile to customers, and receive customers in a good manner. 一Answer customers' questions patiently.
一Record and keep lost items.
一When customers complain or customers come to complain and negotiate due to errors in cashing out, you should notify the store manager or duty manager to handle it to avoid affecting the normal cashier work.
一-During non-peak business hours, follow the store manager or duty manager's arrangements to do other work. 一After the business is over, fill in the payment list according to the amount received, fill in the cash and check separately, and hand the payment to the accountant after signing.
SB/T 10335—2000
一一-After the accountant reviews the stub of the cash register, if there is a longer amount, a report must be written, and if there is a shorter amount, it must be paid by oneself. 一Provide sales information and customer information to relevant departments. 2.3.4 Duties of a store stock clerk
A stock clerk is a person who is responsible for the sorting, cleaning, replenishment, pricing, display, and inventory of goods in supermarkets and convenience stores. The duties of a store stock clerk are to patrol the goods field, patiently answer customers' questions, and have a clear idea of ​​the shelf life of the goods in their respective goods areas. They must be familiar with the names, specifications, uses, and shelf life of the goods within the scope of their responsibility, master the knowledge of price tagging, correctly mark prices, and master the principles, methods, and techniques of displaying goods. They must display goods correctly to ensure the safety of goods. The operation process of a stock clerk:
a) Picking up goods: During business hours, the goods on the display shelves are constantly decreasing, and the stock clerk must go to the warehouse to pick up goods to replenish the shelves. 1) Picking up goods must be based on a pick-up slip.
2) The pick-up slip must state the category, variety, name, quantity, and unit price of the goods. 3) For goods provided by the internal warehouse manager, they must be picked up according to the pick-up slip.4) The labeling position should be consistent to facilitate shopping, directional scanning and cashier pricing. 5) Before labeling, check the code and price of the product. Check the purchase order and the price card on the display shelf, and keep the price tag paper after the operation.
6) When the price of the product changes and needs to be re-priced, there should be a unified regulation on whether to keep the original price tag. b) Replenishment operation: The sorter will replenish the marked products to the shelf according to the display position specified for each product, regularly or irregularly.
1) Regular replenishment. Refers to replenishment during non-business hours. 2) Irregular replenishment. Refers to replenishment immediately as long as the products on the shelf are about to be sold out, so as to avoid out of stock and affect sales. Replenishment operations cannot affect customer purchases. 3) Check cards and goods. First check whether the price card in front of the display shelf to be replenished is consistent with the product to be replenished. 4) First in, first out. When replenishing, remove the original goods, clean the display shelf, put the new goods in it, and then put the goods on the original shelf in front, so that the goods are displayed in a first-in, first-out manner. 5) Special goods must be controlled. The replenishment of frozen food and fresh food must be controlled by time period. This should be determined based on daily sales and sales peaks. In addition to receiving goods, marking prices, and replenishing goods, the stocker is also responsible for inventory operations.
2. 3. 5 Acceptance staff duties
Strictly inspect goods. Goods acceptance is a link to confirm and inspect the quality of goods, review the origin, production date, delivery time, quantity, price, variety, etc. of goods. Therefore, store acceptance personnel should hold delivery notes or invoices and receipts, and count them one by one with the delivery personnel to reduce waste caused by returns or other reasons afterwards and avoid unnecessary disputes in the future. 2.3.6 Store Accountant Responsibilities
Fulfill the financial management of the store by the company's finance department, submit various store reports to the finance department accurately, truthfully and timely, and report, analyze and process the data in the reports. 2. 3.7 Service Staff Responsibilities
Service staff need to understand the basic job skills of stockers and cashiers, master service etiquette standards, and understand and master the store's commodity distribution, commodity knowledge and related knowledge, so as to be able to fluently answer various customer inquiries and grasp the content and measures of the company's convenient services.
People's Republic of China
Industry Standard
General Requirements for Chain Supermarket and Convenience Store Management SB/T10333~10335
Standard Editing and Publishing Committee of the Ministry of Domestic TradeAddress: Building 10, Sanlihe District 2, Xicheng District, Beijing, China Business Science and Technology Information Institute
Postal Code: 100045
Tel: (010)68533526
All rights reserved. No reproduction allowed
Printing Permit No.: 920683 (Beijing)
First edition in September 2000First printing in September 2000Price: RMB 18.00
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