title>GB/T 8593.2-1998 Symbols for operator controls and other displays for earth-moving machinery Part 2: Special symbols for machines, working devices and accessories - GB/T 8593.2-1998 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
Home > GB > GB/T 8593.2-1998 Symbols for operator controls and other displays for earth-moving machinery Part 2: Special symbols for machines, working devices and accessories
GB/T 8593.2-1998 Symbols for operator controls and other displays for earth-moving machinery Part 2: Special symbols for machines, working devices and accessories
Basic Information
Standard ID:
GB/T 8593.2-1998
Standard Name: Symbols for operator controls and other displays for earth-moving machinery Part 2: Special symbols for machines, working devices and accessories
This standard specifies special symbols for earth-moving machinery operators. This standard applies to the operating and display symbols of the working devices of excavators, loaders, bulldozers, graders, scrapers, backhoe loaders and dump trucks, as well as outriggers, grabs, tongs, ripper and winch. GB/T 8593.2-1998 Symbols for operators of earth-moving machinery and other displays Part 2: Special symbols for machines, working devices and accessories GB/T8593.2-1998 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
Some standard content:
Ics_53. 100 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T8593.21998 eqIs0 6405.2:1993 Earth-moving machinery Symhols for aperator controls and other display Part 2: Special symbols for machines, equipment and accessoriesEarth moving machinery-Symhols For aperator controlsand other display Part 2:Specific symbols for machines,eguipment and accessories1998-06-17Promulgated 1999-04-01Implementation Promulgated by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision CB/T 8593.2—1998 Asian standard Supporting symbol Foreign safety symbol Soil correction symbol Symbols for whole machine working equipment and... Shovel and loading equipment symbol Excavator and rotary working equipment symbol Guarding upper working device symbol Loader bucket symbol Unloading sign Road sign Economical symbol Target 1. Equipment symbol GBT 8593. 2 -1998 This standard is equivalent to 5002:13 ten-way machine - frequency detection and other indicators, etc. - Part 3: Special symbols for machines, operating devices and accessories. It is also equivalent to 507000:1989 standard. It specifies the graphic symbols used in machines, operating devices and accessories. 506851987 machine products - Technical specifications - This standard contains the index of each figure and diagram, the main content of the text, and the relevant contents of the compilation. The "reference symbol" is used in the "reference symbol" of this standard. 562182 This standard is supplemented by the 8th edition of the user's symbol card, but the following additions are made: 1. Working status number, 1. Working equipment inspection number, etc., and the rotation rate of some machine symbols is changed, such as self- The vehicle company, etc., put the above equipment symbols, equipment symbols and monitoring numbers more directly: In addition, some of the moving parts of the machine are red, the forward and reverse shovel action numbers of the machine, the multiplication of the end point working status symbols, etc. 1585% below: Part 1: Applicable symbols and symbols: Part 1: Special symbols of machines, working devices and timepieces, this part includes support, external support, bucket grab, pusher, grader, working device, excavator and other working devices, excavator and other working devices, loading and unloading machines, suction, earth-moving devices, winch stop number. This standard is based on GB/18593.1 and replaces 6T8S-88. This standard is issued by the Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China. This standard is issued by the Ministry of Construction's Mechanical Equipment and Vehicle Standardization Technical Unit Beijing Construction Machinery Comprehensive Research Institute. The main body of this standard is: the Ministry of Construction's Mechanical Equipment and Vehicle Standardization Technical Unit Beijing Construction Machinery Comprehensive Research Institute. The person in charge of this standard is: Zheng, Hong Xuenian. This standard is issued by the Ministry of Construction's Mechanical Equipment and Vehicle Standardization Technical Unit Beijing Construction Machinery Comprehensive Research Institute. GR/T 8593.2—1998 ISO Foreword ISC (International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide organization of national standards bodies (ISOs). International standards are generally prepared by technical committees. Technical committees are established according to their professional topics. Member countries have the right to join the technical committees if they are interested in the subject. Governments or non-governmental organizations related to ISO may participate in this work and participate in all electrotechnical standardization activities. [ISO and the International Electrotechnical Commission] work closely together to ensure that all technical committees formulate international standards. All international standards shall be adopted as international standards by vote of the member countries in the month of December 2008. At least one voting member shall be included in the voting. International Standard No. I5U6133.1.1 991 and IS4)843.2:1999, prepared by 1500/TC127 Technical Requirements Committee C3 and Protection Soviet Subcommittee, International Standard ISG:5>.1:19SC>e4C5.2:1498 is technically revised on the basis of IS640,1UX Part 1, the first edition, Part 154$.058+minus, Part 2: Special symbols for machines, working devices and accessories, National Standard of the People's Republic of China Machinery operator operating and other display symbols Part 2: Special symbols for machines, working devices and accessories Syribolk fnr operatnr eant.rnlsEarthmuvingimclimery Hrad other display Purt 2,Skcifir. symhals for machines-cquipment and acecsiaries1Scope This standard should be used for special dimensions of machines-cquipment and acecsiaries,GR/TB593.21998 cqv 150 6405. 2:1993 CBBENh This standard is for the construction of working devices of ten machines, loaders, tractors, graders, excavators and self-driving vehicles, as well as supporting vehicles, etc. 2 Cited standards , the following standards contain relevant texts, and the texts of this standard are cited in the standards and become the provisions of this standard: At the time of publication of this standard, the texts shown are valid. All standard versions will be reviewed and revised. The individual versions of the standards will be discussed in the following comprehensive standards to improve the quality of new services. /353.1-199 Machinery control and its derivatives Part 1: General symbols eq1s eae5.:191) GBT15202.1-17 Color symbol representation rules spare seat shape number Part 1: Graphic symbol color composition (346*1:133 253--Graphic symbols and their use 1S-1164)3 Definition Three standards adopt the following definitions. 3.1 Equal sign ymbn. Mountain writing, drawing, and the calculation method formed by the clothing and structure or move, only simplify the visual image of the characteristic. 4 General Rules 4.1 Try to choose the same standard number and use the same form in the standard. In actual use, in order to improve the printing effect, except for the differences mentioned above, you can increase the size of the symbol or make other minor changes. Other changes are not allowed. 4.3 To improve the appearance and recognition of a number, the outline of the number can be changed to make it more recognizable. If the symbol is visually excellent, the graphic design can be changed. 4.4 For practical use, the symbol should be large enough. Unless otherwise specified, the National Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau: 99B-06-17 batch 1999-04-51 implementation of the display, GB/8593.2—1999 2.5 The above-mentioned number is not in the form of a heat preservation product. In this technical conversion method, the various symbols and box numbers must be used in a new way to produce a new symbol 2. In the symbol, the product is a machine or a part of the color code, and the device should be marked from right to left. The shape of the pen shows the shape of the device or the teacher. The purchase of the product must be effective. 4? The net weaving display of the symbol can have a significant effect to the degree, the lack of good in the color of the odd with a bright hope number in the medical music has a compensation equal to the number, the recommended number of the country system changes (for example: the party changes the color, or the old): also suitable for the same time change 4.8 will not be placed on the music mark or near the organization, when an English recognition is expected to require more than one symbol guide, the holder should set up the city installation symbol can be to Korea when the small symbol pregnancy diagnosis function has English before, 4.9 recommended in the use of single about capital purchase Sheng complete 681252 provisions, the pregnant symbol template is willing to classic G13/1e902.! The hospital stipulated that 410 in this standard symbol shows the music of 150 health number, small 500 for health number, the number of the document is 1F good number 4.17 The original folk dream point of the 32nd time, four "* corner mark year square shadow 75m yuan \\ corner six total of the Ge Dan. Part, but it can guarantee the recognition of the symbol limit shape has the example will be the size of the decline of the image display, E color can be used when the lamp can be used, the following polish section meaning is: a) color: improve the obstacle or serious jade machine city frequency injury, the industry department has; b) yellow or light color: beyond the limit of high operation:) deep also: stop poverty operation concept. 6 medical number branch one basic symbol slatil:zer symbet left more: rise efrstaalige text retreat one decline left x.lsilisr GB/1 8593. 21998 right branch right stais.lixr: .- righ lylises- lefitabi.izr- extend branch Lang·retract lfsal:iir retrae: branch follow-up product Iight sab:lizer lextemt right siabilize: Tetract 1S0/IEC , second edition symbol for extended branch CB/1 8593-2-1950 basic for extended branch outiggen has:e symbol external fast change one on the beam mixr-lef horizontal tecsionnnly external outrigger left a horizontal contraction ut:rigget-icr harizantal Ir-tliort anly external support limit one right beam 1—horizontal extension ot:1ngger—r-gh: heamn: trrizunta! [cnainonly external outrigger right wing ou:trinkrrr,h horizontal tractinn oniy outer support left leg straight support obiriggerJeft jsck down- vertical exicll- xian amty outer support: support a vertical point contraction surrigger—left jeckcp sertirl different second edition 8 shrimp bucket symbol CB/T 8593. 2—1998 outer extension support, right an rigxer--ig ackduw vertical ginn anly Outer extension right branch vertical pin back Out:igRerright jack u relracron only rule bucket basic symbol c.amshell hu:het basi: svsbol grasp and self -larishell bueket open a customs letter lamshell buckej lanshelh kaT rotate ISO/TEC note number second level second 0 yuan 1S0/IEE 9 grasp number GBT B593.2 -1998 calendar needle -l-:nsl:ell ln-kel totare elrck- grab bucket anticlockwise r:ka:nahe.l huc ke oauconr clockeae grapp.- baais handan plan a warning gr+ pple- p. needle closed grappie-elan grasp clamp can rotate wrauple -rctate ISO/EC 1·4$7 ISO/1EC bulldozer symbol GD/T 8593. 2 grasp-time frapp.erotate clurkwian srapperotale cauerer clouk- follow up symbni +equal rise blade-raist carry up unified decline blade-ower hla.e..-hol2. LS/IEC GB/T B593.2 -1998 beat the main equal-bounce b.atefloat 5lzoepitrt Inr- push·Fayinhou nladc- sich errwerd hold two shovels: left chrysanthemum direction downward detection biace—tilt Jcft only ten shovels: square direction downward Niuke ul:le -ilr righ1 state soil lock department Thladeargle push 1, wait one right oblique bladeacrle ISU/IEC flower fourtrinkrrr,h horizontal tractinn oniy external support left bean leg fraud straight support obiriggerJeft jsck down- vertical exicll- xian amty external support energy: support a vertical point contraction surrigger—left jeckcp sertirl different second edition 8 shrimp bucket symbol CB/T 8593. 2—1998 external extension, right branch an rigxer--ig ackduw vertical ginn anly Outer extension right branch vertical pin back Out:igRerright jack u relracron only rule bucket basic symbol c.amshell hu:het basi: svsbol grasp and self -larishell bueket open a customs letter lamshell buckej lanshelh kaT rotate ISO/TEC note number second level second 0 yuan 1S0/IEE 9 grasp number GBT B593.2 -1998 calendar needle -l-:nsl:ell ln-kel totare elrck- grab bucket anticlockwise r:ka:nahe.l huc ke oauconr clockeae grapp.- baais handan plan a warning gr+ pple- p. needle closed grappie-elan grasp clamp can rotate wrauple -rctate ISO/EC 1·4$7 ISO/1EC bulldozer symbol GD/T 8593. 2 grasp-time frapp.erotate clurkwian srapperotale cauerer clouk- follow up symbni +equal rise blade-raist carry up unified decline blade-ower hla.e..-hol2. LS/IEC GB/T B593.2 -1998 beat the main equal-bounce b.atefloat 5lzoepitrt Inr- push·Fayinhou nladc- sich errwerd hold two shovels: left chrysanthemum direction downward detection biace—tilt Jcft only ten shovels: square direction downward Niuke ul:le -ilr righ1 state soil lock department Thladeargle push 1, wait one right oblique bladeacrle ISU/IEC flower fourtrinkrrr,h horizontal tractinn oniy external support left bean leg fraud straight support obiriggerJeft jsck down- vertical exicll- xian amty external support energy: support a vertical point contraction surrigger—left jeckcp sertirl different second edition 8 shrimp bucket symbol CB/T 8593. 2—1998 external extension, right branch an rigxer--ig ackduw vertical ginn anly Outer extension right branch vertical pin back Out:igRerright jack u relracron only rule bucket basic symbol c.amshell hu:het basi: svsbol grasp and self -larishell bueket open a customs letter lamshell buckej lanshelh kaT rotate ISO/TEC note number second level second 0 yuan 1S0/IEE 9 grasp number GBT B593.2 -1998 calendar needle -l-:nsl:ell ln-kel totare elrck- grab bucket anticlockwise r:ka:nahe.l huc ke oauconr clockeae grapp.- baais handan plan a warning gr+ pple- p.Www.bzxZ.net needle closed grappie-elan grasp clamp can rotate wrauple -rctate ISO/EC 1·4$7 ISO/1EC bulldozer symbol GD/T 8593. 2 grasp-time frapp.erotate clurkwian srapperotale cauerer clouk- follow up symbni +equal rise blade-raist carry up unified decline blade-ower hla.e..-hol2. LS/IEC GB/T B593.2 -1998 beat the main equal-bounce b.atefloat 5lzoepitrt Inr- push·Fayinhou nladc- sich errwerd hold two shovels: left chrysanthemum direction downward detection biace—tilt Jcft only ten shovels: square direction downward Niuke ul:le -ilr righ1 state soil lock department Thladeargle push 1, wait one right oblique bladeacrle ISU/IEC flower four Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.