title>JB/T 6580.2-1999 Performance requirements and test methods for open presses - JB/T 6580.2-1999 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 6580.2-1999 Performance requirements and test methods for open presses

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 6580.2-1999

Standard Name: Performance requirements and test methods for open presses

Chinese Name: 开式压力机 性能要求与试验方法

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1999-05-14

Date of Implementation:2000-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Machinery Manufacturing>>Chipless Processing Equipment>>25.120.10 Forging Equipment, Stamping Machines, Shearing Machines

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Processing Machinery and Equipment>>J62 Forging Machinery

associated standards

alternative situation:Original standard number ZBn J62016-1988

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:National Forging Machinery Standardization Technical Committee

Publishing department:National Forging Machinery Standardization Technical Committee

Introduction to standards:

JB/T 6580.2-1999 This standard is a revision of ZBn J62 016-88 "Performance Requirements and Test Methods for Open Presses". This standard specifies the performance inspection requirements, test items and methods of open presses. This standard applies to single-column fixed table presses, open fixed table presses and open tilting presses. This standard was first published in April 1988. JB/T 6580.2-1999 Performance requirements and test methods for open presses JB/T6580.2-1999 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Open Presses||tt ||Performance requirements and test methods
Released on 1999-05-14
National Machinery Industry Bureau
Implemented on 2000-01-01
JB /T6580.2-1999
This standard is a revision of ZBnJ62016-88 "Performance Requirements and Test Methods for Open Presses". The technical content of this standard is basically consistent with ZBnJ62016-88, and has only been re-edited in accordance with relevant regulations. This standard will be implemented from January 1, 2000. This standard replaces ZBnJ62016-88 from the date of implementation. Appendix A of this standard is an appendix to the standard.
This standard is proposed and centralized by the National Forging Machinery Standardization Technical Committee. The unit responsible for drafting this standard: Jinan Casting and Forging Machinery Research Institute. This standard was first published in April 1988.
1 Scope
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Open Presses
Performance Requirements and Test Methods
This standard specifies open presses Performance inspection requirements, test items and methods. JB/T 6580.2—1999
Generation ZBnJ62016—88
This standard applies to single-column fixed-table presses, open fixed-table presses, and open tilting presses (hereinafter referred to as presses) 2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute provisions of this standard by being quoted in this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the standard listed below. GB/T5226.1—1996
JB/T 65801993
3 General requirements
Industrial machinery and electrical equipment, Part 1: General technical conditions Mechanical press safety technical conditions
Accuracy of open presses
Technical conditions of open presses||tt| |Noise limit for open presses
3.1 The order of the test items listed in this standard does not indicate the order of the actual test. For the convenience of testing, items that do not have clear order requirements in the standard provisions can be tested in any order. 3.2 According to the structure of the press, the test items can be increased or decreased. 3.3 The performance requirements specified in this standard are divided into three levels, of which Level A is higher requirements, Level B is general requirements, and Level C is lower requirements. If the level requirements are not specified in the performance requirements column, they apply to each level. 3.4 This standard does not stipulate the model and specifications of the test instruments. It only stipulates the system measurement accuracy after calibration of the combination of instruments for measuring each physical quantity. See Appendix A (the appendix of the standard).
4 Test items and methods
4.1 Inspection of items related to accuracy (see Table 1). Table 1 | | tt | T6580 is inspected, but item G2 (flatness of the lower plane of the coupon block) is not inspected
After the press undergoes a 72-h load test, item G3 (the lower plane of the slider faces the workbench) is inspected according to JB/T6580 The accuracy of item G5 (the perpendicularity of the slider stroke to a single surface of the worktable).
The press is allowed to be re-adjusted before inspection, but other parts are not allowed to be adjusted. The performance requirements approved by the National Machinery Industry Bureau on May 14, 1999
should comply with the standard regulations
Should comply with standard regulations
2000-01-01 implementation
of the force-applying mechanism
total clearance
4 balls Head smell photo
1. Test method
JB/T 6580.2—1999
Table 1 (End)
Test method and description|| tt||a) Place the hydraulic loader on the workbench and position it directly below the die hole (tolerance ±0.5mm). Two dial indicators are placed symmetrically on its left and right sides, and the probes of the meters touch vertically on the lower plane of the slider. The hydraulic loader will zero percent before contacting the slider. A manual oil pump is used to drive the hydraulic loader through the spherical pad to the upper slide block. Observe the cutting from the precision pressure gauge of the hydraulic adder, and observe the displacement of the slider relative to the worktable from the change in the indicated value of the dial indicator;
b) When the loading force reaches 5% of the nominal force, record the left and right Dial indicator reading. Take the average of the numbers from the two tables as the measured total gap value. Repeat the measurement three times and take the maximum value as the final value.
2. Additional instructions
a) The press without worktable is tested on the fuselage workbench (the same below). b) If the press slider has a balancer, the balancing force should be adjusted to . c) When the slider cannot fall freely due to friction, try to open the gap before testing.
d) The overload protection shear block is allowed to be updated before the test. 3. Calculation of the loading force of the hydraulic loader
The loading force should be calculated by the product of the precision pressure gauge reading on the loader and the nominal area of ??the loader plunger
1. Test method
Fix the dial indicator on the closed-height joint screw, and the measuring head of the indicator contacts the ball head gland vertically. When the balance force of the slider is adjusted to the value specified in the instruction manual, the dial indicator is set to zero. After removing the balance force of the slider, read the dial indicator reading. This reading is the ball head clearance. Repeat the measurement three times, and the maximum value shall prevail.
2. Additional instructions
a) If the press is modified with a slider leveler, a hydraulic loader can be used to lift the slider upward with 5% of the nominal force, and put the dial indicator Zero. After the loader is decompressed and out of contact with the block, take a dial indicator reading, which is the ball head clearance. Measure three times and take the maximum value as the standard. | | tt | | tt | tt||158
Non-crankshaft type: 0.4+
Where: P-
The nominal force of a press, | |tt||kN (the same below). | |tt | ||105
Non-crankshaft type: 0.8+
c, general blanking and drawing forming:
Crankshaft type: 0.4+
Non-crankshaft type: 1.6+
d. General press operation:
P| |tt||Crankshaft type: 0.8+
Non-crankshaft type: 3.2+
For bed machines below 630kN,
Should be within 0.03 ~ 0.09mm:
For pressure greater than 630kN
machine, should be within 0.07 ~ 0.12mm
Stiffness inspection (see Table 2)
Fuselage angular deformation
Complete machine line stiffness
1. Test method
JB/T 6580.2-1999
Table 2
Test methods and instructions
According to the B2 test method in Appendix B of JB/T6580.1-1999. 2. Calculation formula for fuselage angular deformation
4gs+4s2+4hs+4+4s +d6180x60
The meaning of the symbols in the formula is the same as JB/T6580.1-1999 Appendix B Chinese style (B1) 1. Test Fangda
so that the press slider is in the middle adjustment position and the lower stroke position. Place the hydraulic loader and dial indicator according to the requirements of item 3-1-a) in Table 1. The nominal force of the press is divided into 10 equal steps for loading. After the loading force reaches each step, record the average value of the two dial indicator readings, and draw a curve graph with the loading force as the weaving coordinate and the mold height increase as the abscissa. Take 0 on the curve.The slope of a straight line above 4P is used as the measured linear stiffness of the entire machine. Measure three times and take the average. 2. Additional notes
If the load of the channel has not reached the nominal force and the hydraulic overload protection device is unloaded, only the highest step before unloading is allowed to be measured, and a curve chart can be drawn to obtain the value||tt ||4.3 Nominal force and nominal force stroke test (see Table 3) Table 3
Nominal force and nominal force
Weighing force stroke test
1. Test method
Test methods and instructions
a) If the allowable negative street curve is not given in the press manual: start the press, and when the slider runs downward to the nominal force stroke position, hydraulic loading Load the slider to the nominal force with a press (or punch a steel plate with a die): b) If the allowable load curve is given in the press manual: In addition to the nominal force stroke test according to the method a), the curve should also be The maximum stroke position given above is loaded to the maximum stroke position and the corresponding allowable load according to the loading method in a);
c) Those who give the allowable eccentric load parameters in the press manual: Except for technique a) , b), the loading device should also be offset and loaded to the maximum allowable eccentric load for testing. 2. Number of tests
Each of the above tests should be conducted seven times.
3. Test conditions
a) The test can be carried out in single or continuous specifications; b) Presses that can accelerate can be tested at low speed: c) Presses driven by friction clutch, the air pressure during the test It should be adjusted to the lower limit of the value specified in the instruction manual.
4. Measurement and recording of loading force and slider displacement Force and displacement should be measured and recorded at the same time during the test
Performance requirements
0| |tt||>3°~5'>2'
-3 '
Line stiffness kN/mm
≥14.2 VP~17.4 P
>17.4/P-20.5 VP||tt| |>20.5 V
Nominal force, kN
Performance requirements
The machine should operate normally (the pneumatic clutch
does not slip, the overload protection device does not unload, and the machine parts are not damaged , there is no noise everywhere) continuous stroke has useful work (see table 4)
continuous stroke has
1. Test methods
JB/T 6580.2—1999
Table 4
Test methods and instructions
The press should have the highest speed and operate continuously and normally. During the downward stroke of the slide block, press the hydraulic loader micro power, and gradually increase the loading power value of the hydraulic loader until the root mean square value of the active power of the input motor reaches the rated input power of the motor; or at each cycle of the cycle block During the second stroke, the maximum speed of the flywheel shows a continuous downward trend. At this time, the loading work of one stroke is the measured useful work of continuous strokes. 2. Data measurement
a) Stability of the maximum speed of the flywheel
Electronically measure the highest instantaneous rotation of the flywheel in each stroke and record continuously for 1 minute. Compare the maximum speed of each stroke to determine whether it has a continuous downward trend. When there is no such trend. Continue with the experiment below.
b) The root mean square value of the active power input to the motor is measured. The curve of the real-time active power value input to the motor changes with time, and the root mean square value in five consecutive periods is calculated.
c) Loading work of one stroke
Electrically measure the curve of the loading force changing with the displacement of the loader piston, and integrate the loading work value. Based on the single average value of loading work in five consecutive strokes. 3. The determination of the rated input power of the motor
is determined by dividing the rated power of the motor by the full load efficiency of the motor given in the sample. When using a high-slip motor, the rated power should be the power rating at F-100%. 4. Additional notes
If the parameters of the press also stipulate the useful work of a single stroke, the single stroke should be turned on on time according to the specified operating rate, and the single stroke should be measured using the same method as above Maximum useful work during the trip. When the operating rate of a single stroke and its corresponding useful work are expressed as a curve or function in the manual, at least two uniformly distributed points or characteristic points need to be taken for test performance requirements
a. If the parameters in the press manual || When tt|| specifies the work value, the actual measured value should be greater than
or equal to the specified value:
b. If
does not specify continuous stroke useful work in the parameters in the press manual, then
Calculate the useful work of the continuous stroke given by the universal force machine according to the formula
. The actual
measured value should be greater than or equal to the calculated value.
A,=0.315 P&
where: 4. | |tt | Nominal
force, kN;
a sheet thickness, mm.
For a press with one-stage transmission,
=0.206VP; for a press with two-stage and two-stage
or above transmission,
&=0.402P| |tt|| Note: When the press can be equipped with air cushion
, the above formula should be changed to:
Medium: S——Slider stroke length,
Note: Continuous stroke effective work refers to what the slider can do to the pressed object in one stroke when the press is running under continuous specifications. Maximum power value 4.5 idle running noise test (see Table 5)
Table 5
sound power and sound pressure at the specified position
tt ||Slow test
Test methods and instructions
Perform test performance requirements according to the items specified in JB9968
Should comply with the provisions of JB9968
Flywheel circular runout inspection (see table 6)
1 The static state of the flywheel
Circular runout
2 The circular runout of the flywheel during motion
|tt ||JB/T6580.2-1999
Table 6
Test methods and instructions
Check 1. Test method according to 3.12.7 in JB/T6580.1-1999||tt ||Measure the radial runout and end face runout of the flywheel while the flywheel is running. Measure 10 times each in the clutch disengaged and engaged states. Measurements in the two states should be carried out alternately. Use a non-contact displacement sensor to measure peak-to-peak values, and the maximum value measured shall prevail.
2. Test conditions
a) For a variable speed press, the motor should run at its maximum speed during the test. b) The tension of the transmission belt should be consistent with that in the 4th test, and must not be changed. 4.7 Crankshaft angle indicator accuracy and crankshaft stop position accuracy inspection (see Table 7) Table 7
1 Crankshaft angle
Indicator accuracy
2 Crankshaft stop
Position accuracy inspection
Test method and instructions| |tt||Put the dial indicator on the lower plane of the slider, turn the crankshaft to find the accurate top dead center position, and visually check that the pointer of the crankshaft angle indicator is aligned with the zero-degree mark on the dial
1. Test method
After finding the accurate top dead center position, connect the graduation line of the measuring dial (resolution 1°) fixed on the crankshaft and the pointer fixed on the fuselage ( The dial and pointer can also be installed interchangeably) and aligned, and then conduct the following tests: a) In the 4.9 test items, record the difference between the crankshaft stop position and the top dead center 10 times, and choose the larger angle as the higher angle Actual measured value under single specification. b) Before and after the test items in item 4.8, perform 5 top dead center parking tests each, record the deviation of the crankshaft stop position from the top dead center, and take the maximum deviation angle as the actual measured value under the continuous specification. c) For adjustable-speed presses, in addition to the above tests, single and continuous stroke specification tests must be conducted under no load after the 72-h load test is completed. In the entire speed range, from low to high, a test is performed every 5 minutes. Record the maximum angle of deviation as the actual measured value. 2. Additional instructions
If the parking position specified in the press manual is not at the top dead center, but at another set position, the crankshaft should be adjusted to this position, and the measuring dial should be set to zero, and Test according to the upper speed method
Performance requirements
should comply with JB/T6580.1-1999
3.12.7 requirements
circular runout limit during motion
Performance requirements
End face
0.60| | tt | |Rigid clutch is ±5°;
Friction clutch is
4.8 full load continuous stroke heating test (see Table 8) items
full load continuous stroke
stroke heating test| |tt||1. Test method
JB/T 6580.2—1999
Table 8
Test method and description
a) Use the method of precision pressing copper rod to give Press cutting. First, place the steel rod between the flat stations respectively installed on the slide block and the workbench, and position it directly below the die handle hole; then, while testing the pressure, adjust the closing height until the press is subjected to a force equal to the nominal force. until the load. Therefore, the press was opened to the continuous stroke specification for testing. When the loading force drops to 75% of the nominal force, new copper should be replaced to restore the load to the nominal force. b) The press should run continuously for 4 hours at its maximum speed, during which manual lubrication, adjustment, and maintenance of the machine are not allowed.
c) Lay temperature measuring elements at the highest measurable temperature points of the press's bearings, guide rails, balance cylinders, air cushions, clutches, brakes, electromagnets, motors and other parts that may generate heat, and place them throughout the The humidity and room temperature are automatically recorded during the test period (the temperature of the parts where the press can be manually measured during operation can also be measured with a surface thermometer and recorded every 30 minutes) and room temperature. Calculate the temperature rise based on the difference between the temperature of the measured part and the current room temperature. || tt | When the value reaches 75%, replace the copper rod to restore the loading force to this value Reliability test (see Table 9)
Table 9
Reliability test
1. Test method
a) Loading method
Test method and description
Load according to the test method in item 4.8.
b) The switching frequency during the test
Generally, the single stroke specification should be based on the maximum allowable switching frequency specified in the press manual. If there is no stipulation in the instructions, the single trip specification shall be based on 70% of the applicable frequency; if the actual number exceeds 50 minutes, the single trip specification shall be 50 minutes.
c) Turn-on control method
The single stroke specification should be controlled by an automatic controller, and each turn-on must last until the crankshaft returns to the top dead center.
2. Test time
a) The cumulative time of this test should be at least 68 hours. The running time after each start of the press should last for more than 8 hours.
b) Presses that need to be stopped for lubrication are allowed to be stopped for 5 minutes every 4 hours for lubrication.
c) For variable-speed presses, the single-stroke specification must be set at the highest speed and the highest switching frequency, and each test is 34b. Performance requirements
Sliding bearing: Fusheng ≤ 35℃:
Temperature ≤ 70%.
Rolling bearing: overflow ≤40℃;
temperature ≤80℃.
Guide rail, piston rod bracket, guide sleeve:
Temperature rise ≤ 25℃;
Temperature ≤ 55℃.
Clutch and brake:
Temperature rise ≤ 60%;
Temperature ≤ 80℃.
Motor, electromagnet:
Temperature rise ≤60℃
Performance requirements
Level C: Continuous stamping stroke should not occur
Parts are damaged or dropped No more than one landing, no more than two stops due to enemy attacks, and no other serious malfunctions.
Level B: Continuous stamping strokes should not occur,
no parts are damaged or dropped, no more than one shutdown occurs, and no other serious faults. Level A: Continuous stamping strokes should not occur,
No parts are damaged or dropped, no motorcycles stop for no reason, and no other serious failures
Reliability test
Table 9 (End)
Test method and description
3. Test record content
a) Number of consecutive stamping stroke failures . b)) Number of fault shutdowns.
Fault shutdown includes:
①The motor or slider stops automatically. One occurrence will be recorded as an accidental stop; ② The motor or slider fails to start. An occurrence of a fault is recorded as a shutdown; ③ Machine abnormalities (such as loose parts, blind indicator lights, tight and uncomfortable brake belts, etc.) should be stopped immediately for replacement (only adjustments or waiting for burrs and injuries, etc.) are allowed, and it occurs once. Recorded as a fault shutdown.
④ After the test, check all firmware on the press and the locking device in the adjustment link to see if they are loose. If one is found, it will be recorded as a fault and a shutdown. c) Number of times machine parts are damaged or dropped
Machine parts are damaged, such as key handles, spring hooks, hinge pins, relays, electromagnets, etc., and must be replaced to return to normal. Machine parts fall off, such as taper pins, rotating signs, etc. Exceptions include: broken or dropped cotter pins, indicator bulbs, button caps, fuses, etc. will only be recorded as a fault shutdown. If it happens once, it is recorded as once. d) Other faults and abnormal conditions
Slider overload protection device test (see Table 10) 4.10
Table 10
Shear type overload||tt|
Test of load protection device
Test methods and instructions
1. In the two tests 4.8 and 4.9, record whether the shear block of the protection device has been damaged and whether it has been replaced. Pass
2. Use the loading methods in the two tests 4.8 and 4.9 to continue to measure the closing height to increase the pressure of the press until the overload protection device and shearing occur. After replacing the new cutting block, repeat the test twice. Record the damage loads of these three tests, and check whether damage has occurred in various parts of the machine. 3. The shear block is damaged, support the slider with a copper throw, turn the car downwards, and test the maximum load that the ball head can produce relative to the slider. Displacement. This value is the insured travel amount. The size of the shear block can also be measured to determine the insurance stroke performance requirements
performance requirements
load test (hereinafter referred to as the load test) in the total of the two tests in , the shear block of the protective device should not be replaced, and the damage should not be mentioned.
1.43P. After the shear block is broken by acid, all parts of the press
pressure machine should be undamaged
the insurance stroke should be greater than the nominal
force stroke of the press
Table 8
Test methods and instructions
a) Use the method of precision pressing copper rods to add cuttings to the press. First, place the steel rod between the flat stations respectively installed on the slide block and the workbench, and position it directly below the die handle hole; then, while testing the pressure, adjust the closing height until the press is subjected to a force equal to the nominal force. until the load. Therefore, the press was opened to the continuous stroke specification for testing. When the loading force drops to 75% of the nominal force, new copper should be replaced to restore the load to the nominal force. b) The press should run continuously for 4 hours at its maximum speed, during which manual lubrication, adjustment, and maintenance of the machine are not allowed.
c) Lay temperature measuring elements at the highest measurable temperature points of the press's bearings, guide rails, balance cylinders, air cushions, clutches, brakes, electromagnets, motors and other parts that may generate heat, and place them throughout the The humidity and room temperature are automatically recorded during the test period (the temperature of the parts where the press can be manually measured during operation can also be measured with a surface thermometer and recorded every 30 minutes) and room temperature. Calculate the temperature rise based on the difference between the temperature of the measured part and the current room temperature. || tt | When the value reaches 75%, replace the copper rod to restore the loading force to this value Reliability test (see Table 9)
Table 9
Reliability test
1. Test method
a) Loading method
Test method and description
Load according to the test method in item 4.8.
b) The switching frequency during the test
Generally, the single stroke specification should be based on the maximum allowable switching frequency specified in the press manual. If there is no stipulation in the instructions, the single trip specification shall be based on 70% of the applicable frequency; if the actual number exceeds 50 minutes, the single trip specification shall be 50 minutes.
c) Turn-on control method
The single stroke specification should be controlled by an automatic controller, and each turn-on must last until the crankshaft returns to the top dead center.
2. Test time
a) The cumulative time of this test should be at least 68 hours. The running time after each start of the press should last for more than 8 hours.
b) Presses that need to be stopped for lubrication are allowed to be stopped for 5 minutes every 4 hours for lubrication.
c) For variable-speed presses, the single-stroke specification must be set at the highest speed and the highest switching frequency, and each test is 34b. Performance requirements
Sliding bearing: Fusheng ≤ 35℃:
Temperature ≤ 70%.
Rolling bearing: overflow ≤40℃;
temperature ≤80℃.
Guide rail, piston rod bracket, guide sleeve:
Temperature rise ≤ 25℃;
Temperature ≤ 55℃.
Clutch and brake:
Temperature rise ≤ 60%;
Temperature ≤ 80℃.
Motor, electromagnet:
Temperature rise ≤60℃
Performance requirements
Level C: Continuous stamping stroke should not occur
Parts are damaged or dropped No more than one landing, no more than two stops due to enemy attacks, and no other serious malfunctions.
Level B: Continuous stamping strokes should not occur,
no parts are damaged or dropped, no more than one shutdown occurs, and no other serious faults. Level A: Continuous stamping strokes should not occur,
No parts are damaged or dropped, no motorcycles stop for no reason, and no other serious failures
Reliability test
Table 9 (End)
Test method and description
3. Test record content
a) Number of consecutive stamping stroke failures . b)) Number of fault shutdowns.
Fault shutdown includes:
①The motor or slider stops automatically. One occurrence will be recorded as an accidental stop; ② The motor or slider fails to start. An occurrence of a fault is recorded as a shutdown; ③ Machine abnormalities (such as loose parts, blind indicator lights, tight and uncomfortable brake belts, etc.) should be stopped immediately for replacement (only adjustments or waiting for burrs and injuries, etc.) are allowed, and it occurs once. Recorded as a fault shutdown.
④ After the test, check all firmware on the press and the locking device in the adjustment link to see if they are loose. If one is found, it will be recorded as a fault and a shutdown. c) Number of times machine parts are damaged or dropped
Machine parts are damaged, such as key handles, spring hooks, hinge pins, relays, electromagnets, etc., and must be replaced to return to normal. Machine parts fall off, such as taper pins, rotating signs, etc. Exceptions include: broken or dropped cotter pins, indicator bulbs, button caps, fuses, etc. will only be recorded as a fault shutdown. If it happens once, it is recorded as once. d) Other faults and abnormal conditions
Slider overload protection device test (see Table 10) 4.10
Table 10
Shear type overload||tt|
Test of load protection device
Test methods and instructions
1. In the two tests 4.8 and 4.9, record whether the shear block of the protection device has been damaged and whether it has been replaced. Pass
2. Use the loading methods in the two tests 4.8 and 4.9 to continue to measure the closing height to increase the pressure of the press until the overload protection device and shearing occur. After replacing the new cutting block, repeat the test twice. Record the damage loads of these three tests, and check whether any parts of the machine are damaged. 3. The shear block is damaged, support the slider with a copper throw, turn the car downwards, and test the maximum load that the ball head can produce relative to the slider. Displacement. This value is the insured travel amount. The size of the shear block can also be measured to determine the insurance stroke performance requirements
performance requirements
load test (hereinafter referred to as the load test) in the total of the two tests in , the shear block of the protective device should not be replaced, and the damage should not be mentioned.
1.43P. After the shear block is broken by acid, all parts of the press
pressure machine should be undamaged
the insurance stroke should be greater than the nominal
force stroke of the press
Table 8
Test methods and instructions
a) Use the method of precision pressing copper rods to add cuttings to the press. First, place the steel rod between the flat stations respectively installed on the slide block and the workbench, and position it directly below the die handle hole; then, while testing the pressure, adjust the closing height until the press is subjected to a force equal to the nominal force. until the load. Therefore, the press was opened to the continuous stroke specification for testing. When the loading force drops to 75% of the nominal force, new copper should be replaced to restore the load to the nominal force. b) The press should run continuously for 4 hours at its maximum speed, during which manual lubrication, adjustment, and maintenance of the machine are not allowed.
c) Lay temperature measuring elements at the highest measurable temperature points of the press's bearings, guide rails, balance cylinders, air cushions, clutches, brakes, electromagnets, motors and other parts that may generate heat, and place them throughout the The humidity and room temperature are automatically recorded during the test period (the temperature of the parts where the press can be manually measured during operation can also be measured with a surface thermometer and recorded every 30 minutes) and room temperature. Calculate the temperature rise based on the difference between the temperature of the measured part and the current room temperature. || tt | When the value reaches 75%, replace the copper rod to restore the loading force to this value Reliability test (see Table 9)
Table 9
Reliability test
1. Test method
a) Loading method
Test method and descriptionbzxz.net
Load according to the test method in item 4.8.
b) The switching frequency during the test
Generally, the single stroke specification should be based on the maximum allowable switching frequency specified in the press manual. If there is no stipulation in the instructions, the single trip specification shall be based on 70% of the applicable frequency; if the actual number exceeds 50 minutes, the single trip specification shall be 50 minutes.
c) Turn-on control method
The single stroke specification should be controlled by an automatic controller, and each turn-on must last until the crankshaft returns to the top dead center.
2. Test time
a) The cumulative time of this test should be at least 68 hours. The running time after each start of the press should last for more than 8 hours.
b) Presses that need to be stopped for lubrication are allowed to be stopped for 5 minutes every 4 hours for lubrication.
c) For variable-speed presses, the single-stroke specification must be set at the highest speed and the highest switching frequency, and each test is 34b. Performance requirements
Sliding bearing: Fusheng ≤ 35℃:
Temperature ≤ 70%.
Rolling bearing: overflow ≤40℃;
temperature ≤80℃.
Guide rail, piston rod bracket, guide sleeve:
Temperature rise ≤ 25℃;
Temperature ≤ 55℃.
Clutch and brake:
Temperature rise ≤ 60%;
Temperature ≤ 80℃.
Motor, electromagnet:
Temperature rise ≤60℃
Performance requirements
Level C: Continuous stamping stroke should not occur
Parts are damaged or dropped No more than one landing, no more than two stops due to enemy attacks, and no other serious malfunctions.
Level B: Continuous stamping strokes should not occur,
no parts are damaged or dropped, no more than one shutdown occurs, and no other serious faults. Level A: Continuous stamping strokes should not occur,
No parts are damaged or dropped, no motorcycles stop for no reason, and no other serious failures
Reliability test
Table 9 (End)
Test method and description
3. Test record content
a) Number of consecutive stamping stroke failures . b)) Number of breakdown shutdowns.
Fault shutdown includes:
①The motor or slider stops automatically. One occurrence will be recorded as an accidental stop; ② The motor or slider fails to start. An occurrence of a fault is recorded as a shutdown; ③ Machine abnormalities (such as loose parts, blind indicator lights, tight and uncomfortable brake belts, etc.) should be stopped immediately for replacement (only adjustments or waiting for burrs and injuries, etc.) are allowed, and it occurs once. Recorded as a fault shutdown.
④ After the test, check all firmware on the press and the locking device in the adjustment link to see if they are loose. If one is found, it will be recorded as a fault and a shutdown. c) Number of times machine parts are damaged or dropped
Machine parts are damaged, such as key handles, spring hooks, hinge pins, relays, electromagnets, etc., and must be replaced to return to normal. Machine parts fall off, such as taper pins, rotating signs, etc. Exceptions include: broken or dropped cotter pins, indicator bulbs, button caps, fuses, etc. will only be recorded as a fault shutdown. If it happens once, it is recorded as once. d) Other faults and abnormal conditions
Slider overload protection device test (see Table 10) 4.10
Table 10
Shear type overload||tt|
Test of load protection device
Test methods and instructions
1. In the two tests 4.8 and 4.9, record whether the shear block of the protection device has been damaged and whether it has been replaced. Pass
2. Use the loading methods in the two tests 4.8 and 4.9 to continue to measure the closing height to increase the pressure of the press until the overload protection device and shearing occur. After replacing the new shear block, repeat the test twice. Record the damage loads of these three tests, and check whether any parts of the machine are damaged. 3. The shear block is broken, support the slider with a copper throw, turn the car downwards, and test the maximum load that the ball head can produce relative to the slider. Displacement. This value is the insured travel amount. The size of the shear block can also be measured to determine the insurance stroke performance requirements
performance requirements
load test (hereinafter referred to as the load test) for the total of the two tests in , the shear block of the protective device should not be replaced, and the damage should not be mentioned.
1.43P. After the shear block is broken by acid, all parts of the press
the press machine should be undamaged
the insurance stroke should be greater than the nominal
force stroke of the press
Test time
a) The cumulative time of this test should be at least 68 hours. The running time after each start of the press should last for more than 8 hours.
b) Presses that need to be stopped for lubrication are allowed to be stopped for 5 minutes every 4 hours for lubrication.
c) For variable-speed presses, the single-stroke specification must be set at the highest speed and the highest switching frequency, and each test is 34b. Performance requirements
Sliding bearing: Fusheng ≤ 35℃:
Temperature ≤ 70%.
Rolling bearing: overflow ≤40℃;
temperature ≤80℃.
Guide rail, piston rod bracket, guide sleeve:
Temperature rise ≤ 25℃;
Temperature ≤ 55℃.
Clutch and brake:
Temperature rise ≤ 60%;
Temperature ≤ 80℃.
Motor, electromagnet:
Temperature rise ≤60℃
Performance requirements
Level C: Continuous stamping stroke should not occur
Parts are damaged or dropped No more than one landing, no more than two stops due to enemy attacks, and no other serious malfunctions.
Level B: Continuous stamping strokes should not occur,
no parts are damaged or dropped, no more than one shutdown occurs, and no other serious faults. Level A: Continuous stamping strokes should not occur,
No parts are damaged or dropped, no motorcycles stop for no reason, and no other serious failures
Reliability test
Table 9 (End)
Test method and description
3. Test record content
a) Number of consecutive stamping stroke failures . b)) Number of fault shutdowns.
Fault shutdown includes:
①The motor or slider stops automatically. One occurrence will be recorded as an accidental stop; ② The motor or slider fails to start. An occurrence of a fault is recorded as a shutdown; ③ Machine abnormalities (such as loose parts, blind indicator lights, tight and uncomfortable brake belts, etc.) should be stopped immediately for replacement (only adjustments or waiting for burrs and injuries, etc.) are allowed, and it occurs once. Recorded as a fault shutdown.
④ After the test, check all firmware on the press and the locking device in the adjustment link to see if they are loose. If one is found, it will be recorded as a fault and a shutdown. c) Number of times machine parts are damaged or dropped
Machine parts are damaged, such as key handles, spring hooks, hinge pins, relays, electromagnets, etc., and must be replaced to return to normal. Machine parts fall off, such as taper pins, rotating signs, etc. Exceptions include: broken or dropped cotter pins, indicator bulbs, button caps, fuses, etc. will only be recorded as a fault shutdown. If it happens once, it is recorded as once. d) Other faults and abnormal conditions
Slider overload protection device test (see Table 10) 4.10
Table 10
Shear type overload||tt|
Test of load protection device
Test methods and instructions
1. In the two tests 4.8 and 4.9, record whether the shear block of the protection device has been damaged and whether it has been replaced. Pass
2. Use the loading methods in the two tests 4.8 and 4.9 to continue to measure the closing height to increase the pressure of the press until the overload protection device and shearing occur. After replacing the new cutting block, repeat the test twice. Record the damage loads of these three tests, and check whether damage has occurred in various parts of the machine. 3. The shear block is damaged, support the slider with a copper throw, turn the car downwards, and test the maximum load that the ball head can produce relative to the slider. Displacement. This value is the insured travel amount. The size of the shear block can also be measured to determine the insurance stroke performance requirements
performance requirements
load test (hereinafter referred to as the load test) in the total of the two tests in , the shear block of the protective device should not be replaced, and the damage should not be mentioned.
1.43P. After the shear block is broken by acid, all parts of the press
the press machine should be undamaged
the insurance stroke should be greater than the nominal
force stroke of the press
Test time
a) The cumulative time of this test should be at least 68 hours. The running time after each start of the press should last for more than 8 hours.
b) Presses that need to be stopped for lubrication are allowed to be stopped for 5 minutes every 4 hours for lubrication.
c) For variable-speed presses, the single-stroke specification must be set at the highest speed and the highest switching frequency, and each test is 34b. Performance requirements
Sliding bearing: Fusheng ≤ 35℃:
Temperature ≤ 70%.
Rolling bearing: overflow ≤40℃;
temperature ≤80℃.
Guide rail, piston rod bracket, guide sleeve:
Temperature rise ≤ 25℃;
Temperature ≤ 55℃.
Clutch and brake:
Temperature rise ≤ 60%;
Temperature ≤ 80℃.
Motor, electromagnet:
Temperature rise ≤60℃
Performance requirements
Level C: Continuous stamping stroke should not occur
Parts are damaged or dropped No more than one landing, no more than two stops due to enemy attacks, and no other serious malfunctions.
Level B: Continuous stamping strokes should not occur,
no parts are damaged or dropped, no more than one shutdown occurs, and no other serious faults. Level A: Continuous stamping strokes should not occur,
No parts are damaged or dropped, no motorcycles stop for no reason, and no other serious failures
Reliability test
Table 9 (End)
Test method and description
3. Test record content
a) Number of consecutive stamping stroke failures . b)) Number of fault shutdowns.
Fault shutdown includes:
①The motor or slider stops automatically. One occurrence will be recorded as an accidental stop; ② The motor or slider fails to start. An occurrence of a fault is recorded as a shutdown; ③ Machine abnormalities (such as loose parts, blind indicator lights, tight and uncomfortable brake belts, etc.) should be stopped immediately for replacement (only adjustments or waiting for burrs and injuries, etc.) are allowed, and it occurs once. Recorded as a fault shutdown.
④ After the test, check all firmware on the press and the locking device in the adjustment link to see if they are loose. If one is found, it will be recorded as a fault and a shutdown. c) Number of times machine parts are damaged or dropped
Machine parts are damaged, such as key handles, spring hooks, hinge pins, relays, electromagnets, etc., and must be replaced to return to normal. Machine parts fall off, such as taper pins, rotating signs, etc. Exceptions include: broken or dropped cotter pins, indicator bulbs, button caps, fuses, etc. will only be recorded as a fault shutdown. If it happens once, it is recorded as once. d) Other faults and abnormal conditions
Slider overload protection device test (see Table 10) 4.10
Table 10
Shear type overload||tt|
Test of load protection device
Test methods and instructions
1. In the two tests 4.8 and 4.9, record whether the shear block of the protection device has been damaged and whether it has been replaced. Pass
2. Use the loading methods in the two tests 4.8 and 4.9 to continue to measure the closing height to increase the pressure of the press until the overload protection device and shearing occur. After replacing the new cutting block, repeat the test twice. Record the damage loads of these three tests, and check whether damage has occurred in various parts of the machine. 3. The shear block is damaged, support the slider with a copper throw, turn the car downwards, and test the maximum load that the ball head can produce relative to the slider. Displacement. This value is the insured travel amount. The size of the shear block can also be measured to determine the insurance stroke performance requirements
performance requirements
load test (hereinafter referred to as the load test) in the total of the two tests in , the shear block of the protective device should not be replaced, and the damage should not be mentioned.
1.43P. After the shear block is broken by acid, all parts of the press
pressure machine should be undamaged
the insurance stroke should be greater than the nominal
force stroke of the press
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.