title>Construction and management specification of village public service center - GB/T 38699-2020 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Construction and management specification of village public service center

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 38699-2020

Standard Name:Construction and management specification of village public service center

Chinese Name: 村级公共服务中心建设与管理规范

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2020-03-31

Date of Implementation:2020-03-31

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, services, organization and management of companies (enterprises), administration, transportation >> 03.080 Services

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Standards>>A20 Comprehensive Technology

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

other information

drafter:Ying Shanting, Yun Zhenyu, Liu Yanlin, Tang Jianhui, Yao Hanjun, Wu Zhengrong, Zou Xinqiang, Xi Jinglong, Ma Xiaolei, Wang Binbin, Tong Guodong, Zhang Yue, Yue Li, Li Zhenliang, Hong Lijun, Ding Fan, Zhang Boyuan, Cheng Xiaoming, Hua Yunyu, Li Linlin, Zhang Lufang, Wang Pingfan, You Longjie, Wu Xianghui

Drafting unit:Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Standardization, China National Institute of Standardization, Fujian Provincial Institute of Standardization, Sichuan Provincial Institute of Standardization, Xiamen Municipal Institute of Standardization, Hubei Provi

Focal point unit:China National Institute of Standardization

Proposing unit:China National Institute of Standardization

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

Standard number: GB/T 38699-2020
Standard name: Construction and management specification of village public service center
English name: Construction and management specification of village public service center ||
tt||Standard format: PDF
Release time: 2020-03-31
Implementation time: 2020-03-31
Standard size: 3.42M
Standard introduction: 1 Scope
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, general principles, construction requirements, staffing requirements, and management requirements of village public service centers.
This standard applies to the construction and management of village public service centers.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB19272 General safety requirements for outdoor fitness equipment
GB/T38353 Construction and management specifications for rural public toilets
GB50068 Unified standard for reliability design of building structures
GB50763 Barrier-free design specifications
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, general principles, construction requirements, staffing requirements, and management requirements for village-level public service centers. This standard applies to the construction and management of village-level public service centers.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Construction and management specification of village public service center2020-03-31 Issued
State Administration for Market Regulation
National Standardization Administration
2020-03-31 Implementation
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1—2009. This standard was proposed and managed by the China National Institute of Standardization. iiiKAacJouakAa
The drafting units of this standard are: Zhejiang Standardization Research Institute, China National Institute of Standardization, Fujian Standardization Research Institute, Sichuan Standardization Research Institute, Xiamen Standardization Research Institute, Hubei Standardization and Quality Research Institute, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Huzhou Standardization Research Institute, Anji County China Beautiful Countryside Standard Research Center, Haiyan County People's Government, Yongchun County People's Government, Sha County People's Government, Changtai County People's Government, Zhejiang Provincial Standardization Association.
The drafters of this standard are: Ying Shanting, Yun Zhenyu, Liu Yanlin, Tang Jianhui, Yao Hajun, Wu Zhengrong, Zou Xinqiang, Xi Jinglong, Ma Xiaolei, Wang Binbin, Quanguo Dong, Zhang Yue, Yue Li, Li Zhenliang, Hong Lijun, Ding Fan, Zhang Boyuan, Cheng Xiaoming, Hua Yunyu, Li Linlin, Zhang Lufang, Wang Pingfan, You Longjie, Wu Xianghui.
1 Scope
Construction and Management Specifications for Village Public Service Centers
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, general principles, construction requirements, staffing requirements, and management requirements for village public service centers. This standard applies to the construction and management of village public service centers. Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated referenced document, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, its latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB19272 General safety requirements for outdoor fitness equipment GB/T38353 Construction and management specifications for rural public toilets GB50068 Unified standard for reliability design of building structures GB50763 Barrier-free design specifications
Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
Village public service center
A public place located in the administrative village, which has the functions of providing centralized office, democratic deliberation, convenient agency, cultural and sports entertainment, health services, public security mediation, ethnic affairs, learning and training, party and league activities, information disclosure, consulting services, etc. 3.2
One-stop service hall
A place that provides village (community) residents with a variety of integrated services such as agency, consultation, and village affairs approval. 4
Overall principles
Reasonable planning
According to actual factors such as location conditions, village types, economic conditions, and population size, we should take appropriate measures, make scientific layouts, integrate resources, and reasonably design the scale, grade, and type to meet the public service functions. 4.2
Convenient and efficient
According to the actual needs of villagers (residents), service items should be set up, the service process should be streamlined, and the services provided should be convenient and fast. Service facilities and equipment should be easy to use and manage, and information technology should be used to provide services. Construction requirements
5.1 Basic requirements
5.1.1 Site selection requirements
The site selection of the village-level public service center should meet the following requirements! 1
First, in accordance with the planning layout, one village-level public service center can be built in one administrative village, or multiple villages can jointly build village-level public service centers according to actual needs and conditions:
It is advisable to choose a place with a relatively concentrated population, strong radiation function, relatively convenient transportation, and convenient for villagers (residents) to do business and activities: It should be planned and arranged in a coordinated manner with the village (resident) living center and other public service facilities; First, it is advisable to use the existing village office space as the basis and integrate existing buildings; There are no safety hazards such as geological disasters and high-voltage cables. 5.1.2 Functional layout
Based on the principle of "close to demand, one room for multiple uses", integrate the existing public service facilities and resources, with an appropriate area, and a reasonable layout of government services, public services, leisure and entertainment and other service functions. In places with conditions, facilities can be added according to actual needs to expand production, life and social service functions. 5.1.3 Building requirements Appearance requirements
The appearance of the village public service center should be simple, neat and generous, and coordinated with the surrounding natural environment and village style. It is advisable to combine local culture for aesthetic design. Structural safety
The building structure safety level of the village public service center should be level 2 as specified in GB50068. For new construction or expansion, it is advisable to adopt an ecological safety structure; for reconstruction, the building load-bearing structure shall not be changed, and it shall be appraised by a qualified appraisal agency and can only be used after it is determined to meet the safety requirements. Other requirements
The structure of the building, the configuration of facilities and equipment, etc. shall comply with relevant safety requirements and environmental protection requirements such as energy, electricity, fire protection, and water use, and consider the special needs of the elderly, the disabled, infants, and pregnant women. 5.2
Function and facility requirements
Provide a centralized office space for the village committees. The staff of the one-stop service hall work in the hall, and no separate office is set up.
5.2.2One-stop service hall administrative agency, consulting services, social security, labor employment services, civil affairs assistance, party and league services and other functions. It is advisable to be located on the first floor.
The service window should be reasonably and standardized, with clear signs and complete office facilities, equipped with computers, telephones, information cabinets, copiers and printers, fax machines, high-definition cameras, ID card readers, etc. The service content, service process, work responsibilities, etc. should be made public. Place service guides, convenience service manuals, villager autonomy charters, village rules and regulations, relevant policies and regulations and other publicity materials in a conspicuous position in the hall. Opinion and complaint boxes and consultation telephones should be set up. Service facilities such as rest chairs and water dispensers should be reasonably equipped, and service supplies such as pens and glue should be provided. Barrier-free facilities should be set up to facilitate the activities of disabled people in accordance with the requirements of GB50763. There should be barrier-free passages outdoors, and barrier-free facilities should be clearly marked. Safety facilities such as fire prevention, anti-theft, and safe escape should be equipped. Anti-slip safety reminders should be set up in the corridor. Information equipment such as electronic screens, cameras, and touch-screen query systems can be equipped in places with conditions. 2
5.2.3 Comprehensive Management Mediation Room
It has comprehensive management, mediation, and police functions, and provides public services such as service reception, dispute mediation, women and children's rights protection, and public security and fire protection.
There is an independent office or integrated with the corresponding office of the village, and there is space for individual conversations. 5.2.4
Multi-functional activity room
It has the functions of holding meetings, training and education, party building activities, cultural and sports activities, etc. It is equipped with desks and chairs, projectors, televisions, stereos and other necessary equipment. 5.2.5
Library reading room There should be a library reading room or farmer's book house, which can accommodate more than 5 people reading at the same time. Electronic reading rooms and distance education systems can be configured in places with conditions. It is equipped with tables, chairs, bookcases and other facilities, and it is well fire-proof, moisture-proof, fire-proof, and rodent-proof. It is equipped with newspapers and books and audio-visual products of agriculture, politics and economy, science and technology, life, culture and children, which should be updated at least once a year.
5.2.6 Village Clinics
There shall be village clinics that comply with relevant national regulations and have a building area of ​​60m or more. Villages with a small population may establish a combined clinic. Villages where community health service centers or township health centers are located may not establish a village clinic. 5.2.7 Villager Activity Room are fixed indoor activity places, which can be integrated into areas such as elderly day care centers, home-based elderly care service centers (stations) or cultural activity centers.
2Equipped with entertainment facilities such as televisions and audio equipment, as well as chess, cards, fitness, ball games and other equipment, to provide villagers with leisure, entertainment, fitness and other services.
5.2.8Outdoor facilities
Outdoor cultural and sports facilities
Provide places for outdoor cultural and sports activities, which can be equipped with outdoor sports facilities such as table tennis tables, basketball courts, and fitness equipment. Outdoor fitness equipment should comply with the requirements of GB19272.
2Public bulletin board
Provide functions such as information disclosure, information release, publicity services, and cultural display. Party affairs and village affairs disclosure boards should be set up, with an area of ​​no less than 6m2, and sunshade (rain protection) facilities should be provided. Signs
The village public service center should set up self-evident signs outdoors. Villages with a large number of migrant populations can set up village public service center traffic guidance signs at appropriate locations. Necessary guidance signs related to service functions should be placed in conspicuous locations indoors. 5.2.9 Others
Public toilets should be provided according to the scale of the village public service center. The construction and management of independent public toilets should comply with the requirements of 3
TiiKA-cJouakAs According to actual needs, commercial service points such as agricultural material sales points, convenience supermarkets, rural e-commerce service stations, and information service points can be built.
6 Staffing requirements
6.1 Comprehensive posts such as party building, civil affairs assistance, culture, education and sports, public health, population and family planning, comprehensive management, labor and employment security, and industrial services can be set up. Volunteer service posts should be set up. 6.2 The village-level public service center should have one director, who shall be a cadre of the village committee. The staff shall be configured in accordance with the requirements of "one person with multiple posts, one post with multiple duties". Where conditions permit, open recruitment can be conducted in accordance with the requirements of "younger, more specialized and more professional". The configuration and requirements of village clinic staff should comply with the regulations of relevant departments. 7 Management requirements
Mechanism and system construction
7.1.1 The village committee and the village party committee shall bear the main management responsibility for the village public service center. 7.1.2 Establish daily operation mechanisms and various service management systems. The service management system includes but is not limited to: 1. Daily management system, including asset management system, facility and equipment maintenance management system, environmental sanitation management system, staff management system, complaint handling system, information management system, etc. 2. Targeted service and management system for service places, including the first-question responsibility system, one-time notification system, and time-limited completion system of the one-stop service hall Service and management systems such as village clinic service and management system, library reading room service and management system, service commitment system, etc. formulated by the superior management department: safety management system, including security, emergency plan for sudden safety accidents and other relevant rules and regulations 7.1.3 There should be daily operation funds to ensure the orderly development of various work and activities. Market-oriented operation mode can be adopted in places with conditions. 7.2
Daily management
7.2.1 Personnel management The person responsible for the daily management of facilities such as one-stop service hall, multi-functional activity room, party affairs and village affairs public column, cultural and sports venues should be clearly defined.
Establish and implement management systems such as staff appointment requirements, job responsibilities, assessment and evaluation.
During normal working hours, there should be at least one staff member to provide services in the one-stop service hall. It is advisable to implement the AB post system. Staff should wear a uniform badge, which includes name, department, position, and number. Regularly organize staff to study party and government theories, policies, and various business knowledge and skills training, and participate in various studies and training organized by superiors.
7.2.2 Asset Management Under the guidance of relevant government departments, define the ownership of the assets of the village public service center, do a good job in accounting for the assets of the village collective economic organizations, register and submit to the relevant departments at the township level for filing. Invested by the village collective If it is built by a village, it shall be transferred to the village fixed assets in a timely manner after completing the procedures in accordance with relevant regulations; if it is built or donated by social forces, it shall be listed as village collective assets after completing the donation procedures after evaluation by relevant government departments: if it is built by social forces and provided to the village for use, an agreement shall be signed in a timely manner to clarify the use period, area, ownership and other related matters. 4
3 All property in the village public service center shall be registered, and the name, quantity, purchase (distribution, donation) time, purchase (distribution, donation) unit and price and other related contents of the property shall be recorded in detail to ensure that the accounts are clear and the table is consistent with the object. For public welfare assets used for party and government management, public services, education and training, cultural entertainment, sports and fitness, conflict mediation, police security, care and assistance, etc., we insist on free service: for operating assets used for medical and health care, agricultural materials and commerce, we shall openly bid and conclude agreements (contracts) on the principle of paid use, and ensure that the asset income is timely and fully accounted for. The transfer of assets of village-level public service centers shall specify the purpose in the transfer contract, standardize the use and operate in accordance with the law. When the village committee changes or other reasons adjust the facility management personnel, the handover procedures shall be handled in a timely manner.
5 No organization or individual shall encroach upon or illegally use the various facilities and equipment of the village-level public service center, or mortgage collective assets or rent them out without authorization.
7.2.3 Daily maintenance The roads in and out of the village-level public service center shall be kept unobstructed. Designate a person to be responsible for the daily management of the service site, do a good job in the daily maintenance and repair of the service site, update or supplement the supporting equipment in a timely manner to ensure the normal operation of the facilities and equipment, Carry out daily sanitation and cleaning work, implement health education and management in various forms, advocate good hygiene habits, and carry out garbage sorting. The service hall should be clean and orderly. 7.2.4 File management
Do a good job in filing documents and important work and activity records. The files should be kept in accordance with relevant regulations, and specific personnel should be responsible for storage and maintenance.
7.3 Supervision and evaluation
7.3.1 Establish a complaint channel and feedback mechanism, and accept and feedback the results in a timely manner. 7.3.2 The daily work and service quality of the staff should be supervised and evaluated. It should organize itself or entrust a third-party organization to conduct villager satisfaction evaluation regularly.
7.3.3 Accept supervision and guidance from the government and relevant departments. 52 The village public service center should have one director, who should be a cadre of the village committee. The staff should be configured in accordance with the requirement of "one person for multiple posts, one post for multiple duties". Where conditions permit, open recruitment can be conducted from the public in accordance with the requirements of "younger, more specialized and more professional". The configuration and requirements of village clinic staff should comply with the regulations of relevant departments. 7 Management requirements
Mechanism and system construction
7.1.1 The village committee and the village committee shall bear the primary management responsibility for the village public service center. 7.1.2 Establish daily operation mechanisms and various service management systems. The service management system includes but is not limited to: 1. Daily management system, including asset management system, facility and equipment maintenance management system, environmental sanitation management system, staff management system, complaint handling system, information management system, etc.; 2. Targeted service and management system for service places, including the first-question responsibility system, one-time notification system, and time limit completion system of the one-stop service hall. Service and management systems such as village clinic service and management system, library reading room service and management system, service commitment system, etc. formulated by the superior management department: safety management system, including security, emergency plan for sudden safety accidents and other relevant rules and regulations 7.1.3 There should be daily operation funds to ensure the orderly development of various work and activities. Market-oriented operation mode can be adopted in places with conditions. 7.2
Daily management
7.2.1 Personnel management The person responsible for the daily management of facilities such as one-stop service hall, multi-functional activity room, party affairs and village affairs public column, cultural and sports venues should be clearly defined.
Establish and implement management systems such as staff appointment requirements, job responsibilities, assessment and evaluation.
During normal working hours, there should be at least one staff member to provide services in the one-stop service hall. It is advisable to implement the AB post system. Staff should wear a uniform badge, which includes name, department, position, and number. Regularly organize staff to study party and government theories, policies, and various business knowledge and skills training, and participate in various studies and training organized by superiors.
7.2.2 Asset Management Under the guidance of relevant government departments, define the ownership of the assets of the village public service center, do a good job in accounting for the assets of the village collective economic organizations, register and submit to the relevant departments at the township level for filing. Invested by the village collective If it is built by a village, it shall be transferred to the village fixed assets in a timely manner after completing the procedures in accordance with relevant regulations; if it is built or donated by social forces, it shall be listed as village collective assets after completing the donation procedures after evaluation by relevant government departments: if it is built by social forces and provided to the village for use, an agreement shall be signed in a timely manner to clarify the service life, area, ownership and other related matters. 4
3 All property in the village public service center shall be registered, and the name, quantity, purchase (distribution, donation) time, purchase (distribution, donation) unit and price and other related contents of the property shall be recorded in detail to ensure that the accounts are clear and the table is consistent with the object. For public welfare assets used for party and government management, public services, education and training, cultural entertainment, sports and fitness, conflict mediation, police security, care and assistance, etc., we insist on free service: for operating assets used for medical and health care, agricultural materials and commerce, we shall openly bid and conclude agreements (contracts) on the principle of paid use, and ensure that the asset income is timely and fully accounted for. The transfer of assets of village-level public service centers shall specify the purpose in the transfer contract, standardize the use and operate in accordance with the law. When the village committee changes or other reasons adjust the facility management personnel, the handover procedures shall be handled in a timely manner.
5 No organization or individual shall encroach upon or illegally use the various facilities and equipment of the village-level public service center, or mortgage collective assets or rent them out without authorization.
7.2.3 Daily maintenance The roads in and out of the village-level public service center shall be kept unobstructed. Designate a person to be responsible for the daily management of the service site, do a good job in the daily maintenance and repair of the service site, update or supplement the supporting equipment in a timely manner to ensure the normal operation of the facilities and equipment, Carry out daily sanitation and cleaning work, implement health education and management in various forms, advocate good hygiene habits, and carry out garbage sorting. The service hall should be clean and orderly. 7.2.4 File management
Do a good job in filing documents and important work and activity records. The files should be kept in accordance with relevant regulations, and specific personnel should be responsible for storage and maintenance.
7.3 Supervision and evaluation
7.3.1 Establish a complaint channel and feedback mechanism, and accept and feedback the results in a timely manner. 7.3.2 The daily work and service quality of the staff should be supervised and evaluated. It should organize itself or entrust a third-party organization to conduct villager satisfaction evaluation regularly.
7.3.3 Accept supervision and guidance from the government and relevant departments. 52 The village public service center should have one director, who should be a cadre of the village committee. The staff should be configured in accordance with the requirement of "one person for multiple posts, one post for multiple duties". Where conditions permit, open recruitment can be conducted from the public in accordance with the requirements of "younger, more specialized and more professional". The configuration and requirements of village clinic staff should comply with the regulations of relevant departments. 7 Management requirements
Mechanism and system construction
7.1.1 The village committee and the village committee shall bear the primary management responsibility for the village public service center. 7.1.2 Establish daily operation mechanisms and various service management systems. The service management system includes but is not limited to: 1. Daily management system, including asset management system, facility and equipment maintenance management system, environmental sanitation management system, staff management system, complaint handling system, information management system, etc.; 2. Targeted service and management system for service places, including the first-question responsibility system, one-time notification system, and time limit completion system of the one-stop service hall. Service and management systems such as village clinic service and management system, library reading room service and management system, service commitment system, etc. formulated by the superior management department: safety management system, including security, emergency plan for sudden safety accidents and other relevant rules and regulations 7.1.3 There should be daily operation funds to ensure the orderly development of various work and activities. Market-oriented operation mode can be adopted in places with conditions. 7.2
Daily management
7.2.1 Personnel management The person responsible for the daily management of facilities such as one-stop service hall, multi-functional activity room, party affairs and village affairs public column, cultural and sports venues should be clearly defined.
Establish and implement management systems such as staff appointment requirements, job responsibilities, assessment and evaluation.
During normal working hours, there should be at least one staff member to provide services in the one-stop service hall. It is advisable to implement the AB post system. Staff should wear a uniform badge, which includes name, department, position, and number. Regularly organize staff to study party and government theories, policies, and various business knowledge and skills training, and participate in various studies and training organized by superiors.
7.2.2 Asset Management Under the guidance of relevant government departments, define the ownership of the assets of the village public service center, do a good job in accounting for the assets of the village collective economic organizations, register and submit to the relevant departments at the township level for filing. Invested by the village collective If it is built by a village, it shall be transferred to the village fixed assets in a timely manner after completing the procedures in accordance with relevant regulations; if it is built or donated by social forces, it shall be listed as village collective assets after completing the donation procedures after evaluation by relevant government departments: if it is built by social forces and provided to the village for use, an agreement shall be signed in a timely manner to clarify the service life, area, ownership and other related matters. 4
3 All property in the village public service center shall be registered, and the name, quantity, purchase (distribution, donation) time, purchase (distribution, donation) unit and price and other related contents of the property shall be recorded in detail to ensure that the accounts are clear and the table is consistent with the object. For public welfare assets used for party and government management, public services, education and training, cultural entertainment, sports and fitness, conflict mediation, police security, care and assistance, etc., we insist on free service: for operating assets used for medical and health care, agricultural materials and commerce, we shall openly bid and conclude agreements (contracts) on the principle of paid use, and ensure that the asset income is timely and fully accounted for. The transfer of assets of village-level public service centers shall specify the purpose in the transfer contract, standardize the use and operate in accordance with the law. When the village committee changes or other reasons adjust the facility management personnel, the handover procedures shall be handled in a timely manner.
5 No organization or individual shall encroach upon or illegally use the various facilities and equipment of the village-level public service center, or mortgage collective assets or rent them out without authorization.
7.2.3 Daily maintenance The roads in and out of the village-level public service center shall be kept unobstructed. Designate a person to be responsible for the daily management of the service site, do a good job in the daily maintenance and repair of the service site, update or supplement the supporting equipment in a timely manner to ensure the normal operation of the facilities and equipment, Carry out daily sanitation and cleaning work, implement health education and management in various forms, advocate good hygiene habits, and carry out garbage sorting. The service hall should be clean and orderly. 7.2.4 File managementbzxZ.net
Do a good job in filing documents and important work and activity records. The files should be kept in accordance with relevant regulations, and specific personnel should be responsible for storage and maintenance.
7.3 Supervision and evaluation
7.3.1 Establish a complaint channel and feedback mechanism, and accept and feedback the results in a timely manner. 7.3.2 The daily work and service quality of the staff should be supervised and evaluated. It should organize itself or entrust a third-party organization to conduct villager satisfaction evaluation regularly.
7.3.3 Accept supervision and guidance from the government and relevant departments. 53 Carry out daily sanitation and cleaning work, implement health education and management in various forms, advocate good hygiene habits, and carry out garbage sorting service. The hall should be clean and orderly. 7.2.4 File management
Do a good job in filing documents and important work and activity records. The files should be kept in accordance with relevant regulations, and specific personnel should be responsible for storage and maintenance.
7.3 Supervision and evaluation
7.3.1 Establish complaint channels and feedback mechanisms, and promptly accept and feedback processing results. 7.3.2 Supervise and evaluate the daily work and service quality of staff. Organize or entrust a third-party organization to conduct regular villager satisfaction evaluation.
7.3.3 Accept supervision and guidance from the government and relevant departments. 53 Carry out daily sanitation and cleaning work, implement health education and management in various forms, advocate good hygiene habits, and carry out garbage sorting service. The hall should be clean and orderly. 7.2.4 File management
Do a good job in filing documents and important work and activity records. The files should be kept in accordance with relevant regulations, and specific personnel should be responsible for storage and maintenance.
7.3 Supervision and evaluation
7.3.1 Establish complaint channels and feedback mechanisms, and promptly accept and feedback processing results. 7.3.2 Supervise and evaluate the daily work and service quality of staff. Organize or entrust a third-party organization to conduct regular villager satisfaction evaluation.
7.3.3 Accept supervision and guidance from the government and relevant departments. 5
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