Standard ICS number:Environmental protection, health and safety>>>>13.060.30 Wastewater
Standard Classification Number:Environmental Protection >> Pollutant Emission Standards >> Z61 Mining Areas, Raw Materials and Other Industrial Pollutant Emission Standards
This standard stipulates indicators such as the maximum allowable discharge concentration and drainage volume of water pollutants for meat processing enterprises based on the destination of wastewater discharge and years. This standard applies to enterprise emission management in the meat processing industry, as well as environmental impact assessment, design, completion acceptance and post-completion emission management of construction projects. GB 13457-1992 Meat Processing Industry Water Pollutant Emission Standard GB13457-1992 Standard download and decompression password:
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China Part In order to implement the "Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China", the "Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Marine Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China", promote the progress of production processes and pollution control technologies, and prevent and control water pollution , develop this standard. 1 Subject content and scope of application 1.1 Subject content This standard stipulates indicators such as the maximum allowable discharge concentration and drainage volume of water pollutants in meat processing enterprises according to the destination of wastewater discharge and year by year. 1.2 Scope of application This standard applies to enterprise emission management in the meat processing industry, as well as environmental impact assessment, design, completion acceptance and post-completion emission management of construction projects. 2 cited standards GB3097 Sea water quality standards GB3838 GB5749 GB5750 GB6920||tt| |GB7478 GB7479 GB7481 GB7488 GB8978 GB 11901 Surface water environmental quality standard domestic drinking Water Sanitation Standard Recommendation Standard Inspection Method for Drinking Water Determination of Water Quality pH Value Glass Electrode Method Water Quality Determination of Ammonium Distillation and Titration Method||tt| |Water Quality 4 Determination of Nassler's Reagent Colorimetric Method Water Quality Determination of Ammonium Salicylic Acid Spectrophotometry Water Quality Five-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand ( BODs) determination dilution and inoculation method Integrated sewage discharge Gravity method for determination of floating matter Water quality Water quality GB11914||tt ||3 Terms 3.1 Live weight Dichromate method Determination of chemical oxygen demand refers to the live weight of slaughtered livestock and poultry. 3.2 Raw meat refers to frozen meat or fresh meat used as raw materials for processed meat products. 4 Technical content 4.1 Processing category According to the processing category of meat processing enterprises, it is divided into: National Environmental Protection Bureau Approved on 1992-05-18 and implemented on 1992-07-01 a. Livestock slaughtering and processing, b. Meat product processing, c. Poultry slaughtering and processing. 4.2 Standard Classification The standard classification is divided according to the type of discharge into the water. GB13457-92 4.2.1 Wastewater discharged into Class I and II waters in GB3838 (except water body protection areas) and Class II sea areas in GB3097 shall implement the first-level standards. 4.2.2 Wastewater discharged into Class IV and V waters in GB3838 and Class III sea areas in GB3097 shall be subject to secondary standards. 4.2.3 Wastewater discharged into urban sewers with secondary sewage treatment plants shall comply with Level 3 standards. 4.2.4 Wastewater discharged into urban sewers without secondary sewage treatment plants must comply with the provisions of 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 respectively according to the functional requirements of the sewer effluent receiving waters. 4.2.5 In water body protection zones in Class I, IIⅡI waters and Class IIⅢI waters in GB3838 and Class I sea areas in GB3097, new sewage outlets are prohibited, and expansion and reconstruction projects are not allowed to increase the amount of sewage discharge. 4.3 Standard values ?? This standard stipulates indicators such as drainage volume and the maximum allowable discharge concentration of water pollutants for meat processing enterprises according to different years. The standard values ??are respectively specified as: 4.3.1 January 1989 Construction projects approved before the 1st and enterprises put into operation after completion shall be implemented according to Table 1. Table 1 Pollutants Grade Standard value Emission concentration mg/L Speciality
Grade Grade Grade Biochemical Oxygen Demand Chemical Oxygen Demand (CODer) ( BOD,) level level level 1002504006080300 level level level Animal and vegetable oils grade grade grade ammonia nitrogen grade PH value grade grade grade|| tt||1201605 500304 4010025 40 Level 6~9 Number of coliforms pieces/L two level level 5000 displacement m*/t (living lip weight)|| tt||m/t (raw meat) three level level 7.2 level 4.3.2 1989 1 Construction projects approved between June 1 and June 30, 1992 and the enterprises that were put into operation after completion shall be implemented according to Table 2. Table 2 Pollutants Class Standard value Emission concentration mg/L Speciality suspended matter Level Level Level Biochemical Oxygen Demand Chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD,) Level||tt| |grade (COD) grade grade grade animal and vegetable oils grade grade||tt ||Grade Nitrogen Grade Grade 702004003060300|10012050020201001525pH value Grade grade 6~9|| tt||number of coliforms pieces two level 5000 4.3.3 Construction projects initiated on July 1, 1992 and Enterprises that are put into production after completion shall follow Table 3. Grade Grade Displacement m/t (live slaughter weight) m\/t (raw meat) three level level 6.5 级 GB1345792 06 s 08 5 A A| |tt||5 - - 06 08 09 A 废水recycling率% 毛羽recycling率% 物recycling率, 肠鈥肉 著脂置置率% 油脂置置率% o 81 80 5 s*9 三级 级 三级||tt| |肉 ()/ oooot 0009*8~0 o00ot 000598~0 6||tt| |o0o 00098~09 三级 三级 方 — ? 数|| tt||群 约 三级 级 三级 值 Hd 三级| |tt||980 0 6'0 S 0 00 o 600| |tt||2 2 5 a 三级 颖 敏 ['0 5 级 裁 3 o 'o 8 三级 0 0 二级 0 0'6 8t St oos oot 0 5 [0 5 级 动 20 62 009 8'0 00s s+ 4 o 008 8 o s0 0 000 三级 二级 级 1 (3000) 学 8 81 F0 000 00 2 S 9'0 o 08 0o1 2 二级 三级 级 caon) 都 生 80 2 6 00 三级 二级 物 浮 T o 0 4 o 0 级 - () 排 1 /8m 微 装 度 排 ( 总 敬 排 /a 排 ) 0/8 总 敒 排 /au 放 抓 度 别 级 染 物 排 经妻工 离屠加 H 制加 肉品 畜屠加 H 类宰 可以设计 总 值 与 度 擓 英 确
tt|| 4.4 other regulations GB13457-92 4.4.1表1、表2和表3在在电影电视物最好最最方法洗行方法,攼日均值设计。4.4.2 污泥与solid waste物应电影处置。4.4.3 Technology reference indicators for the industry's internal 考核说是电影电影电影电影 main parameters。4.4. 4有电影肉、化制等电影的剧情,可可以1t raw material meat,可以可以气水2m。4.4.5回用蛋品的图片,可可以1t蛋品,可可以用水5m。 4.4.6回用水合回用水水质水水。 4.4.7 When the implementation of the three-level standard, 若二级污水油法厂电视在线设计,生化通量量(BOD,)can be released to 600mg/L,chemical oxygen quantity (CODc) can be released to 1000mg/L,但集经在线在线结果电影电影电影是是定。 4.4.8 非 single processing category enterprise, whose pollution is the highest allowed discharge concentration, discharge quantity and pollution discharge quantity limit value, to the processing quantity of various raw materials within a certain period of time is the right数,加权内容表方式。 Calculation method见附边A。4.4.9表1、表2中禽米屠宰安全的收间量言表表3电视。 5电视 5.1 Sampling点 Sampling点应在肉类电影电影的度水方法口,方法口应电影应水水量设设设计和可以电影性电影。 5.2 sampling buccal rate ; production cycle is more than 8h的,每4h sampling once again。 5.3 drainage volume drainage volume only计电影电视方法,不可以下载水水、厂区生活洗方及厂内锅炉、电站收间,若不电影下载下载时,应改建方法口;water drainage volume 按月均值设计。5.4结果 enterprise raw materials use volume、product output etc.,以法定月机机和年设计在圆。5.5 measurement method 本标准最作的电视校持按表4可以。表4 序号 1 2 3 4 5| |tt||6 7 长 pH值 添浮物 目 五日生化震辈量(BOD ,) 北京霒辈量(CODc) 动植物油 玻颖 大肠蛋群数 方 法|| tt.| ||纳氏界数比色法 水杨酸分光光度法 小时法 核核电视 GB6920 GB11901 GB7488 GB11914 1) GB7478 GB7479 GB7481 GB5750 注;1)temporary adoption《在线电影数据故事(城多工作电影电影部电影电影局,1983)。待国家最布手机最好最合手机后,电影国家标准。 6 standard implementation control 本校|| tt||A GB13457--92 附能A 非电视安全有限公司电视物限值设计设计(动动件) A1单度按式(A1) 电视:C A2 收成量按式(A2) 电视: zQW.C 2Q.W Q=||tt| |A3 Contamination物方法量按式(A3) Calculation:T= 式中:C- 一 Contamination物最好方法方法分剂,mg/L;2QW EW| |tt||ET.W ZW Q - displacement, m/t (live slaughter weight) or m/t (raw meat); T - pollutant emissions, kg/t (live slaughter weight) or kg /t (raw meat); Q, - the allowable displacement per unit weight of raw materials processed in a certain processing category, m\/t (live slaughter weight) or m\/t (raw meat); W, - a certain period of time in a certain processing category Internal raw material processing volume, t (live slaughter weight) or t (raw meat); - the maximum allowable emission concentration of a certain pollutant in a certain processing category, mg/L; C (Al)||tt || (A2) | | tt | raw meat). Additional notes: This standard is proposed by the Science and Technology Standards Department of the National Environmental Protection Administration. This standard is drafted by the Ministry of Commerce's "Water Pollutant Discharge Standards for Meat Processing Industry" compilation group and the Environmental Standards Institute of the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences. The main drafters of this standard are Niu Jingjin, Wang Jiaru, Zhou Xiaoming, Meng Xianting, Zou Shoumin, Wang Shouwei, Xu Junsen, etc. The National Environmental Protection Administration is responsible for interpreting this standard. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.