title>Classification and code of emergency supplies - GB/T 38565-2020 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Classification and code of emergency supplies

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 38565-2020

Standard Name:Classification and code of emergency supplies

Chinese Name: 应急物资分类及编码

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2020-03-06

Date of Implementation:2020-10-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Information technology, office machinery and equipment >> 35.040 Character sets and information coding

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Standards>>A24 Classification Code

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2020-02-01

other information

drafter:Yuan Hongyong, Huang Quanyi, Qin Tingxin, Zhang Fan, Zhang Ning, Jiao Xueying, Zhang Chao, Wang Wan, Yang Xiuzhong, Xu Fengjiao

Drafting unit:China National Institute of Standardization, Institute of Public Security, Tsinghua University, Beijing Anbiao Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Chenan Technology Co., Ltd.

Focal point unit:National Article Coding Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 287)

Proposing unit:Article Coding Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 287)

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

Standard number: GB/T 38565-2020
Standard name: Classification and coding of emergency supplies
English name: Classification and code of emergency supplies
Standard format: PDF
Release time: 2020-03-06
Implementation time: 2020-10-01
Standard size: 4.82M
Standard introduction: Scope
This standard specifies the classification principles and methods, coding principles and methods, and emergency material classification code table
for emergency supplies. This standard applies to information collection, classification, information processing, information exchange and emergency resource organization of emergency supplies.
2 Normative reference documents
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated reference documents, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated reference documents, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 7027-2002 Basic principles and methods for information classification and coding
This standard specifies the classification principles and methods, coding principles and methods, and emergency material classification code table for emergency materials. This standard applies to information collection, classification, information processing, information exchange, and emergency resource organization for emergency materials.

Some standard content:

iiiKAa~cJou akAawww.bzxz.net
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Classification and code of emergency supplies
State Administration for Market Regulation
National Standardization Administration
Normative reference documents
3 Terms and definitions
4 Classification principles and methods
Coding principles and methods
6 Classification code table
This standard was drafted according to the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. This standard was proposed by the National Technical Committee for Article Coding Standardization (SAC/TC287) and is under the jurisdiction of GB/T38565-2020.
The drafting units of this standard are: China National Institute of Standardization, Institute of Public Security of Tsinghua University, Beijing Anbiao Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Chenan Technology Co., Ltd.
The main drafters of this standard are: Yuan Hongyong, Huang Quanyi, Qin Tingxin, Zhang Fan, Zhang Ning, Jiao Xueying, Zhang Chao, Zhu Wan, Yang Xiuzhong, Xu Fengjiao. iiiKAa~cJouaKAa
1 Scope
Classification and coding of emergency materials
This standard specifies the classification principles and methods, coding principles and methods, and emergency material classification code table for emergency materials. This standard applies to the information collection, classification, information processing, information exchange and emergency resource organization of emergency materials. Normative reference documents
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated referenced document, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, its latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T7027-2002 Basic principles and methods of information classification and coding 3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
Emergency supplies
Emergency supplies
Material support necessary for the whole process of emergency response to serious natural disasters, accidents, public health incidents and social security incidents.
Linear classification
method of linear classificationA classification method that divides the classification object into several levels according to the selected attributes (or features), and each level is divided into several categories. The same level categories of the same branch form a parallel relationship, and the different levels of categories form a subordinate relationship. [GB/T10113-2003. Definition 2.1.5]
The process of assigning codes to things or concepts. [GB/T10113-2003. Definition 2.2.1]
One or a group of characters representing a specific thing or concept. Note: These characters can be Arabic numerals, Latin letters or other symbols that can be recognized and processed by humans and machines [GB/T10113-2003. Definition 2.2.5] 4 Classification principles and methods
4.1 Classification principles
Emergency materials should be classified according to the following principles: a) Comply with the provisions of GB/T7027-2002, and be scientific, systematic, scalable, compatible and comprehensive and practical: 1
b)) Classification should be prioritized according to the emergency management business functions and uses of the emergency materials: c) If b is not applicable ) principle, then the emergency materials are classified according to their own attributes. 4.2 Classification method
This standard uses the linear classification method to divide emergency materials into four levels: major categories, medium categories, minor categories and detailed categories, as follows a) According to the nature of emergency materials, they are divided into three major categories: basic life support materials, emergency equipment and supporting materials, and engineering materials and mechanical processing equipment:
Each major category is divided into medium categories according to its functional use: city
Each medium category is divided into small categories according to the genus relationship and internal connection between them: c
d) Detailed categories belong to small categories and are the basic categories that constitute types; according to the purpose and use scenarios of emergency materials, not all medium categories and small categories need to be subdivided. e
5 Coding principles and methods
5.1 Coding principles
Emergency material coding should comply with the provisions of GB/T7027-2002 and follow the principles of uniqueness, rationality, extensibility, simplicity, applicability, and standardization.
5.2 Coding method
The coding adopts hierarchical coding, which is divided into four layers of seven-digit codes. Among them: a) The first layer is named as the major category of emergency materials, represented by Arabic numerals 1, 2, and 3, where 1 represents basic life support materials, 2 represents emergency equipment and supporting materials, and 3 represents engineering materials and mechanical processing equipment: The second, third, and fourth layers are named as the middle category of emergency materials, the small category of emergency materials, and the detailed category of emergency materials, respectively, and are all represented by two Arabic numerals 01~99:
Each level code in this standard uses the number "99\ to represent the shelter category. The coding structure is shown in Figure 1.
Fourth level
Third level
Second level
First level
Detailed category of emergency materials
Small category of emergency materials
Middle category of emergency materials
Major category of emergency materials
Figure 1: Coding structure of emergency materials
5.3 Coding expansion method
The classification and code of emergency materials shall be expanded according to the following methods: a) When the listed classification of emergency materials cannot meet the actual application needs, the middle, small and detailed categories can be expanded and refined, and a standard modification sheet shall be formed and submitted to the national standardization authority for approval: b) The expanded classification and coding of emergency materials shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 4 and Chapter 5, and the expanded category code shall be increased from the maximum value of the current layer code.
6 Classification code table
The classification and code of emergency materials are shown in Table 1.
1020100||tt| |1020200
1 030000 | | tt | 0
1069900| |tt||1070000
Basic living supplies
Other grains
Fresh vegetables
Frozen vegetables
Pickled vegetables
Dehydrated vegetables
Other vegetables
Fresh fruits
Frozen fruits
Dried fruits
Other fruits
Other nuts
Other eggs||tt| |Edible salt
Iodized salt
Other edible salt
Edible oil
Edible vegetable oil
Edible animal fat
Table 1 Classification code of emergency supplies
Including corn flour
1 080100 | 0
1099900| | tt | 1100199
11 00299
Other edible oils
Finished sugar
White sugar
Other finished sugar
Processed sugar
Other processed sugar
Other sugar
Livestock meat
Poultry meat
Other meat
Processed food
Convenient food
Semi-finished rice and flour
Quick-frozen food
Baked food
Ready-made Food
Compressed food
Other convenient food
Dairy products
Liquid milk
Solid and semi-solid dairy products
Other dairy products
Infant and young children food
Table 1 (continued)
Including fresh meat and frozen meat, including pork, beef and mutton, etc. Including fresh meat and frozen meat
Including flatbread, noodles, macaroni, rice cake, rice vermicelli (dry), etc. Including quick-frozen dumplings Quick-frozen steamed buns, quick-frozen wontons, quick-frozen steamed buns and other breads, biscuits, etc.
Including sausage products, smoked meat products, sauced barbecue meat products, cured meat products, etc.
Including instant noodles, various self-heating foods, etc.
Including compressed biscuits, etc.
Including canned meat, canned vegetables, canned fruits, canned porridge, etc. Including milk powder, condensed milk, cheese, etc.
110039 9
1109900||t t||1110000
1110103 | | tt | 202
Infant formula milk powder
Canned infant food
Infant cereal food
Other infant food
Drinking water
Electrolyte beverages
Other beverages
Processed aquatic products
Frozen aquatic products
Processed aquatic products
Other processed aquatic products
Other processed food
Textile products
Cotton clothes
Single clothes
Baby clothes| |tt||Underwear
Other clothing
Bedding fabrics
Mattress sheets
Tools and similar fillings
Other bedding fabrics
Safety fabrics
Table 1 (continued)
Including drinking natural water, purified water and mineral water, etc. Including frozen fish, frozen fish meat, etc.
Including Dried fish, pickled fish, smoked fish, fish paste (cooked meat) products and processed shellfish products, etc.
Including men's, women's and children's coats, hooded cold-proof jackets, windbreakers, etc.
Including all kinds of cotton shoes, single shoes and socks
Including all kinds of cotton, synthetic fiber and wool baby clothes, etc. Including all kinds of cotton, wool and linen blankets, including quilts, duvets, towel quilts, pillows and all kinds of sleeping bags, etc. GB/T38565-2020
11 10399 | | tt | | 1119900 |
1130200|| tt ||1130201 | 1130400
Student clothing
Other fabric products for safety
Other textile products
Disaster relief tents
Single tents
Cotton tents
Highland and high-cold tents
Weisuo tents
Tents made of other materials
Daily necessities
Heating and cooling devices
Cooking utensils
Other cooking and heating devices
Household refrigeration appliances
Refrigerator (cabinet)
Other household refrigeration appliances
Temperature regulating products
Electric heaters
Electric heaters|| tt||Electric blanket
Hot water bottle
Other temperature regulating products
Hot water equipment
Electric water heater
Thermos barrel
Thermos kettle
Other hot water equipment
Simple bed
Folding bed
Air mattress
Table 1 (continued)
Including 8m212m236m2 and other sizes of single tents Including 8m2, 12m, 36m2 and other sizes of cotton tents Including daily necessities and daily necessities related life equipment and facilities Lunch boxes, plates, bowls, chopsticks, spoons, saucers, water cups, etc. Including heating stoves, oil heaters, etc.
Including non-drinking water and drinking water heating appliances
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.