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Metallic coatings--Electroplated coatings of tin--Specification and test methods

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 12599-2002

Standard Name:Metallic coatings--Electroplated coatings of tin--Specification and test methods

Chinese Name: 金属覆盖层 锡电镀层 技术规范和试验方法

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2002-09-01

Date of Implementation:2003-04-04

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mechanical manufacturing>>Surface treatment and coating>>25.220.40 Metal coating

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Standards>>A29 Material Protection

associated standards

alternative situation:GB/T 12599-1990

Procurement status:ISO 2093-1986, MOD

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press


Publication date:2004-04-09

other information

Release date:1990-12-18

Review date:2004-10-14

Drafting unit:Guangzhou Electrical Equipment Research Institute

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Metallic and Non-metallic Coverings

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China

competent authority:China Machinery Industry Federation

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the requirements for tin coatings on metal products for corrosion protection and solderability improvement. The implementation of this standard should take into account the relevant national laws and regulations on tin coatings for food industry. GB/T 12599-2002 Technical specification and test methods for tin electroplating of metal coverings GB/T12599-2002 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the requirements for tin coatings on metal products for corrosion protection and solderability improvement. The implementation of this standard should take into account the relevant national laws and regulations on tin coatings for food industry.

Some standard content:

1cs 25-220. 40
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Metallic coatings-Electroplated tin coatings-Specification and test methods(ISO2093.1986,Electroplated coatingsf tin-Spccifieatinnandteslimeihnds.Mo2002-09.11 Issued by
Shandong People's Republic of China
State Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine Administration
2003-0401 Implementation
Normative reference documents
Terms and definitions
The purchaser shall refer to the information provided by the supplier
Specific materials
Tree heat treatment
Bottom warp layer requirements
10 Tin link layer requirements
Appendix A (see Appendix)
Appendix standard 3)
Appendix information list)
Plating thickness measurement
Appendix elasticity test
This standard adopts IS2C93.198 Boiler electric combustion layer welding technical specifications and test methods (revised version). The standard was redrafted based on TS20%9.85. The standard should be modified to be consistent with the existing series of coatings. "Gold coating" is added before the standard name. The introduction of the standard is different from that of the standard. For the convenience of use, the introduction of the normative reference text is added: "This standard" replaces "This international standard". According to the definition of B/T12599:1922, "main requirements" are changed to "main requirements" according to the specification of TS200:1996. Since IS22 replaces IS22, the standard should be GB/T0125 of 1922: This standard replaces G1/Y12599 in the middle of the coating layer 3. Compared with GB/T2ES1H0, the main changes of this standard are as follows! Added!
The definition of minimum thickness has been crossed out (3 of the original version). The contents of Articles 5, 6, 7, 9, and 10 have been adjusted; Appendix B and Appendix C have been supplemented.
Li Qiu's standard A and Appendix 3 are normative appendices, and Appendix (is an informative appendix. This standard is issued by the Ningguo Quan Heat Industry Federation. This standard is issued by the National Metallurgical Exhibition and Non-metallic Coatings Standardization Technical Committee. The units of this standard are: Wuhan Material Protection Research Institute, Guangzhou Electrical and Electronic Research Institute. The main persons in charge of this standard are: Xijianluan, He Shaoxinfeng, Xie Yuebing, Rongzhou, Ying "Weng. The previous versions of the standards represented by this standard are: GB/T 13I99--19S0..
0 Introduction
Metallic Covering
Tin Electroplating
Technical Specifications and Test Methods
The standard specifies the requirements for the aluminum coating of metal products and improves the reliability of the coating. This standard is based on the relevant regulations of the food industry and provides additional information for users. In addition to the standard number, the scope of application specified in 1.1 and 3 should also be specified. /I12599—2002
This standard specifies the requirements for the nominal silver coating on the products. The coating can be in a matte, light-filled state or in a state obtained after being subjected to a series of current treatments. This standard does not apply to:
a) replacement parts!
b) slow-acting copper wire;
=) coatings on unprocessed plates, strips and wires and the products made from them;
l) tin coatings on dry-formed products;
e) products made of stainless steel. : The steel surface that is chemically sensitive (such as steel with a layer of 1MP or higher that is resistant to collision pressure) needs to be related because this type of steel will produce gas 2 Normative references || tt || The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this standard through the derivation of this standard. For referenced documents with a date, all subsequent modifications (excluding original errors) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties to the previous agreement are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For referenced documents without a date, For the referenced documents of the same period, their updated versions shall apply to this standard. GE/2423.23 Basic environmental test regulations for electrical products, soldering test method (eg1E GR-2-20) C15/T4055 Gold Guolong coating, coating original moisture content, adhesion strength test method (ID1SO2177) GB/T/I5210 Gold on metal coating (electrodeposition coating and chemical deposition coating) adhesion strength test method (0IS2R19)
GB/T 1C125
GH/I 12334
Gold and all-chemical coating surface sequence measurement method (01165) Carbon dioxide corrosion test under normal condensation conditions of the network and other non-organic coatings cVISO6! Artificial gas efficiency full corrosion test wear test 1S09227) Gold and Yingxiu organic summer about the degree of determination and a release specification 204) GB/T12S0
Current accumulation gold network covering benefit layer and the end decoration counting sampling inspection process card (idt1S0419) G/T16921
Gold love library thickness measurement layer radiography method called 15037 light product residual storage layer that is, the thickness of the treated layer is measured by force method has been radiographed velvet friend asked respect radiography method 5354QTHR19
[S door 285 characteristic inspection sampling type sequence and arch sample support 3 terms and definitions
The following are not related to this standard and definitions.
Main surface signficantsurfaer
The following is the surface after the minor parts are removed or the surface after the cracks are removed, which is more important for the function and (complete) appearance of the surface; the pre-cover of this surface must meet all the specified requirements (see GB/T12334 for definitions). 3.2
Melting, melting, streamering, finw-meiting, Tusing.flow-hrightening.renouring is a process that uses the method of heating and melting to improve the brightness and refining property of the coating (see C.4). 4 Information that the purchaser should provide to the supplier
4.1 Necessary information
The purchaser should provide the following information to the supplier:
) This standard foot number:
) Basic material properties (see 5):
) Required application condition number (see 7. 1) or the original plated grade guide (see 7.2); d) mark the main surface of the product to be chained, for example, provide a drawing or a sample with appropriate markings; e) acceptance sampling, see
1] Unavoidable contact traces and their defective positions that can be accepted (see 11:21 The expected strength test method adopted (see 1.3). 4.2 Additional information
The purchaser may add the following information:
Heat treatment requirements (see 6);
Test requirements (114);
Solderability test requirements and test conditions adopted (see 10.5) ); Special requirements for bottom plating (see 9)
Specimen showing finishing requirements (see 10.)
Special pre-treatment requirements!
Pot layer purity requirements <see and (.);
Even position requirements for parts after plating;
13 Special post-treatment requirements:
5 Base material
This standard does not observe the softness, sugar addition or surface roughness of the base material before use (see (.2.1) 6 Sampling
Sampling method shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T1260S ISO255S sampling stone method and acid absorption The level should be agreed upon by both parties. 7. Classification
7.1 Use condition number
The following level of use condition number indicates the severity of the use condition: For example, outdoor use under severe corrosive conditions - or food or drink contact must obtain a: Extremely severe
Completely vertical chain pot layer to prevent brain traces (.1.13:, Cool
For example, outdoor use of general bearings;
2: Medium - For example, indoor use in a certain humidity 1: Mild - For example, use in a dry atmosphere and used to improve weldability, method: machine 10.2. The relationship between the use of the agent and the minimum efficiency is shown in GI/T125992002
Key layer coating: In an environment with abrasive particles, it is easy to recover in an environment containing specific organic vapors. The specified use conditions or layer grade number of the film should be described in detail, see C, 1.1.
7.2 Layer classification number
The layer classification number must consist of four parts. The first two parts are separated by a slash, such as: a/bcd.
represents the chemical symbol of the base metal (if it is a composite, mark the main component) h represents the chemical symbol of the base metal (if it is an alloy, mark the main component). Then mark the minimum thickness () value of the base metal. If there is no subsequent layer, the comparison item is omitted! See 4.21c-chemical symbol Sn for the reflective layer, followed by the minimum conductivity (mn) value of the coating: l-represents the surface conductivity. M represents the technical brightness: b represents the bright layer represents the flux-treated layer: Example: Fc/Ni2.55n5t
Nuclear agent represents steel or fuel as the base metal, the bottom layer is a layer with a thickness of 2.>J, the minimum thickness is 5μm, and the flux treatment is applied after the flux treatment. & Heat treatment
8.1 Wetting and heat treatment before electroplating
Steel sheets that have been deep cold-treated need to be treated at 1~220℃ for 1h before electroplating. Some steel parts, after carbonization, flame quenching or annealing and subsequent machining, if there is a high-speed temperature treatment, H can reduce its non-heat. In this case, it should be replaced by a lower temperature treatment. For example, the treatment time should be not less than 1315. 8.2 Elimination of high-temperature treatment after electron microscopy
Because hydrogen diffuses through the exhaust layer very slowly, heat treatment is not used to eliminate it after electroforging: 9 Bottom short layer requirements
When in the following any original, some substrates may require the bottom coating a) to prevent the top coating from diffusing. 2.2 and 2.:
6) to maintain the properties see 2.3c.2.3 and 2.4c: to ensure the degree of attachment (first C. 2.4 and (.2.5) 1d) to improve the corrosion resistance.
In order to avoid bringing undesirable properties to the base material or the finished product, such as runaway, attention should be paid to the selection of the bottom coating. 10 Requirements for the coating
101 Appearance
When inspected on a daily basis, the top surface of the coating shall be free of any visible defects such as bubbles, cracks, crevices, or new silver, and shall be free of any discoloration or discolouration. The back surface shall specify the acceptable degree and position of the undesirable joints and defects on the surface. The coating shall be clean and not damaged. No damage is allowed. The overall surface of the bond should be semi-smooth and especially wet. Non-wetted areas are not allowed on the surface of the olefin flow. GB.T125S92002
If necessary, the inspection party shall provide samples that can demonstrate the appearance requirements. 10.2 Thickness
The coatings are classified according to their thickness and are used in different service conditions (see 1.1). The thickness of each type is specified in Table 1 (or 0.3.2.
The appropriate force method given in Appendix A shall be used. A basic surface on the main surface that can be touched by a ball with a diameter of 20mm in any direction (see B/T12334>Reverse layer thickness: When the main surface area of ​​the component is greater than or equal to 130mm, the minimum thickness shall be regarded as the minimum thickness. When the main surface area of ​​the component is less than 1mm, the minimum layer thickness shall be the minimum value of the average thickness:
Table 1 Sugar layer thickness
Party material number
Pressure grade number (with teeth)
Minimum thickness m
, the requirements for the safety of the layer on the body,
h The requirements for the length of the bottom of the body are determined in C.2.1 and C.2. 5, other parts
This layer is divided into parts:
When the component is a printed circuit board with a hole, the thickness requirement is changed to the surface that can be touched by a small ball of 20m.
For the ethylene wide external treatment room, the series of requirements for the electrical state of the coating before smelting (C3.24 and A) in the case of dispute, the load in the year.02.10.3 General strength
When the belt is connected to the force method given in the appendix, the product should not show the phenomenon of intense separation, 10-4 hole courtyard table
The result is good for the minimum principle or 10m of the German layer, the bottom is given the following tests: a) Select the body of the discussion on the prohibition of the housing GB1125 provisions) "Non-steel leather parts on the control coating G/T57R9 see provisions. In the above situation, when using the double-view to penetrate the larger environment, the basic principle is that the symptoms of death should be too severe [1.). 10.5 Solderability (see 2.2) 10.5.1 For general materials and components, the solderability requirements shall be determined in accordance with the test method specified in GB/T 2123.28. 1. Use a non-reactive agent to carry out the solderability test. If the solderability is required before the test, the aging process shall be specified. If the aging is too strong, the solderability test shall be carried out in accordance with the test method specified in GB/T 2123.28. 10.5.2 For printed circuit boards, if the solderability is required before the test, the solderability test shall be carried out in accordance with the solderability requirements. If special aging is required before the test, the aging process shall be specified. A. Introduction A.1 Conventional method Appendix A (Normative Appendix) Bonding layer friction test GB/I 12599 2002
If the various methods proposed in the previous section are correctly applied to the measurement of the coating thickness of the sample, it can be recognized that only some of these methods are accurate enough, and a method that can be expected to obtain a single method that uses the key layer thickness is used. Consider the original thickness, part shape, part size, joint thickness, volume, etc. If other methods are better or equally good than the methods given in the appendix, they may also be used. A. [.2 Method
A. 0. 2. 1-Requirement
In the case of a situation, the arbitration party should provide the arbitration party for the Coulomb reading and analysis. The density should be taken as? .Rc. The value of the post-delivery push may cause the measurement result of the plated Wu Coulomb value to be less than the actual order and AQ2.2 The thickness of the rear part is greater than 9uR
Use the blood microscope method specified in A.1-1: A.0.2.3 The local thickness is less than 9 called
Deep use A, 1,% The situation that the city Coulomb method cannot be used is used. When the state Coulomb method is used, the microscope filter method of A1:1 is used: When using the ten-layer measurement bed chain layer, the book should first be close to the lock layer, the Coulomb missing layer or according to A.\ A.0.2.4 The average purity of the tin layer on the copper or steel substrate is determined by the analytical method specified in A.2. A.0.7.5 The average thickness of the base layer and the average thickness of the base layer on the substrate (e.g. calcium substrate) is measured by the Coulomb method specified in A.1.2; when the Coulomb method cannot be used, the microscopic method specified in A.1.1 is used: the microscopic cross section is measured evenly at five points between the test pieces. A.0.2.6 The thickness of the charged hole is determined by the appearance of the hole specified in A.1.1, and the surface of the hole is parallel to the surface of the hole, and the surface of the layer to be measured is determined by ST. M>.
A.1 Local thickness measurement
A.1.1 Microscope method
Use the method specified in 162 to measure the thickness quickly: you should add a pressure of not less than 11 μm. This method determines the thickness value accurately, usually ±.31 μm, and the uncertainty is not more than % when the thickness is greater than 25 μm. 4.1-2 Coulometric method
Use the method specified in 135 to measure the thickness accurately. This method determines the thickness accurately, usually ±.31 μm, and the uncertainty is not more than % when the thickness is greater than 25 μm. 4.1-2 Coulometric method
Use the method specified in 135 to measure the thickness accurately. This method determines the thickness accurately, usually ±.31 μm, and the uncertainty is not more than % when the thickness is greater than 25 μm. 4.1-2 Coulometric method
Use the method specified in 135 to measure the thickness accurately. This method determines the thickness accurately, usually ±.31 μm, and the uncertainty is not more than % when the thickness is greater than 25 μm. 4.1-2 Coulometric method
Use the method specified in 135 to measure the thickness accurately. 4.1.3 Beta-ray beam reverse beam
Use the method specified in B1 to measure the thickness accurately. This method requires that the instrument used and its operation are such that the uncertainty of the thickness measurement of the coating is not more than 10% of the actual value; this uncertainty depends on the quality of the coating unit surface and the quality of the material used.
A.1.4 K-ray light is used to measure the thickness by the force method specified in B/T51. The method does not require that the instrument and its effect and operation can make the measurement uncertainty not exceed the actual value of the core. 4.2 Average thickness measurement
A.2-1 Principle
A plated test piece (except for the test group, which is a group of test pieces) of a suitable surface area is selected, weighed, and the coating is removed by chemical stripping.
This method is generally not applicable to the coating on the irregular parts or certain materials (see C.2.5) whose surface area cannot be determined. In this case, it is recommended to use the average value of ten surface measurements as the average thickness value (see GB/T 12.131). A.2.2 Reagents
In the process of adjustment, water or water of equivalent purity can be used. A.2.7.7 Stripping solution for tin coating on iron-based materials and tin-plated layers: Dissolve 21% of the solution in 1000ml of cold naphthalene (pH = 1.162/mL--1.18 g/mL), and use a bottle to remove the residue. A.2.2.2 Stripping solution for copper and tin-plated layers: Heat (90°C or above >(=1.15 g/mL~-1.1S g/ml.). 42.3 Select one or more test samples whose total surface area is to provide a mass loss of not less than 0.1. The area of ​​the sample can be accurately measured to 2.0 ... After the gas evolution stops, report it in the liquid. Thoroughly dissolve it in running water to remove any foreign matter, dry it and weigh it accurately. lg: A.2.4.2 For the distribution of copper and steel alloys, weigh the washed sample [4.2.3> accurately 0.IHI] total amount of ammonium solution (A, 2.2.2>, and calculate it after the sensitive layer is completely decomposed. Wash it thoroughly in running water until it reaches 0.001: A.2.5 The elasticity of the whole layer in meters is expressed by the following formula: 2-m2)
X137 x10
coating thickness, in m;
mass of the sample before stripping, in g
mass of the sample after stripping, in g) Test details on the surface area. The median is square millimeters (mr)) 137.10
According to the density change (7.3) k/em\, the coefficient obtained is. Polishing test
Sweet record B
[Normative Appendix]
When the strength test
CB/I 12599--2002
Use the method specified in GB/15270+ The main area of ​​the sample is not large. Note: A dental agate knife with a handle length of 1 mm, a glass knife length of 3 mm~5 mm, a little bit of edge, is a known high-speed optical tool. A.2 Penetration test
Put the sample into a suitable testing machine that can provide the sample with a curvature diameter of 4 mm, and bend the test sample to more than 9 degrees, then bend it back to the initial state. This process is repeated three times, and visually check whether the sample has any delamination phenomenon. B.3 Hot acid exposure test
Note that this test is only for the test product. Therefore, the potential explosion test sample should not be used in accordance with other test results specified in 27U.
C,0This guideline is intended to remind users to pay attention to: Appendix "
(Informative Appendix)
Guide to the following: a) The exact performance of the static, if not understood, may lead to inactive coating; b) Inappropriate parts and equipment;
:) Electrical properties are not realized.
C.1 Performance of the coating
C. 1. 1 Introduction
The wear of the soft layer before the pot can be predicted to be light under some of the conditions outside the forbidden age. Therefore, the thickness of the secondary and equal chain layers can be required to be significantly greater than the specified tin chain layer sequence under given conditions. The original thickness specified in the table is the minimum layer thickness value. It can be required that the tin mirror with a certain value of ten is sufficient. In the production of various specifications, the user can get the full protection of the metal layer, but especially the iron metal is not continuous or has holes: the electroplating layer has a certain rate of irradiation. It is related to its thickness, as well as its bulk material shape and electroplating process. In the case of the hole rate test, it is necessary to protect this situation. Compared with the heat dissipation method, the standard continuous layer can be used to obtain thinner or more scientific results. C.1.2 Growth of whiskers
The metal product is easy to grow whiskers (filaments) spontaneously under the electron microscope. In particular, if the whiskers are small in the layer with appropriate properties, it is considered to be unfavorable. It is recommended to use a suitable alloy electroplating layer to reduce the potential for the layer to dissolve. Use a suitable plating layer, such as a dielectric layer, which can significantly extend the whisker length. C..3 Allotropic transformation
If the temperature is below zero, the commercial purity layer will produce allotropic transformation (dangerous pot or Jie Hu error). Under such conditions, it is advisable to use a tin alloy or other tin alloy as the layer. (.2 Properties and preparation of base materials
C.2.1 Surface state
The surface state of the intermetallic layer can depend in part on the surface state of the bulk material. 2.2 Formation of intermetallic compounds
The diffusion of intermetallic compounds between the intermetallic layer and the alloy is highly dependent on the temperature and temperature. It can cause premature deterioration of the solderability and discoloration of the intermetallic layer. The degree of deterioration depends on the storage condition of the new part. Under poor storage conditions, the shelf life may be as long as 1 month. C.2.3 Diffusion of intermetallic compounds
The diffusion of intermetallic compounds from cold zinc alloys such as zinc alloys through the intermetallic layer to the surface can cause the solderability of the intermetallic layer to deteriorate. For elasticity and appearance, see section 1.2.4 Base materials that are difficult to clean
Some base materials, such as steel, copper alloys and ferrous alloys, are difficult to clean due to the surface oxide film. "In addition to the chemical cleaning method before treatment, the frame requires the key welding to be locally 2.5 or bottom mirror left is stolen C.2.5 aluminum. magnesium zinc gold
These alloys are easily affected by the addition of alkali (confused) alkali, so before the product can be electroplated, it needs special treatment, including the deposition of a layer of copper with a thickness of 10m~25>. Marketing or bottom plating: C.3 Electroplating practice
C.3.1 Post-electroplating selection
The welding performance of the chain layer is required. In the operation process and: the use of appropriate liquid and the addition of a slow acid or tartaric acid liquid with a concentration of about 3 to ensure the removal of hydrated salts: whether the copper salt on the surface of the chain layer can affect the solderability of the cloud surface. ||t t||C.3.2 Layer thickness requirements
Unless otherwise specified in GB/T12334, under different working conditions, the thickness of the layer specified in this standard is the thickness of the layer rather than the average thickness: the average thickness required corresponds to the smallest local thickness of the main surface 1, and the shape of the electrode is determined to be faster than the effective shape of the component, and the shape of the electrode related to the electrode position should be noted. When using a rolling mirror (especially for small workpieces): the change in the contact area conforms to the normal observation (Gaussian distribution,
Because the molten flow produces a shaped surface, the layer thickness is also affected by the formula. In any case, its characteristics can be evaluated according to the requirements of suitability. C.3.3 Organic co-deposition
Sometimes organic additives are used in the plating solution: if solderability is the main requirement of the mirror layer, pay attention to the selection of organic additives. Additives and their co-precipitation in small amounts: this is because organic additives may cause the layer to release gas or sink during subsequent welding or welding. However, if the component is a dynamic contact, it contains special organic compounds to improve the properties of the layer. C.4 Melt flow treatment
The tin layer is treated by certain treatments: such as hot oil, infrared radiation or hot steam, and can be melted quickly. Some defects in the base may cause poor weldability and will also cause the molten layer to not wet. In this case, it is necessary to melt flow the aluminum layer to eliminate the layer defects. The thickness of the aluminum layer can be uniformly treated by melting flow treatment, but there is no melting flow treatment during the baking process. If the product is not smooth, it can reach the edge of the workpiece. The thickness of the melt flow layer should be limited to less than m to avoid the formation of "peaks" at the edge of the workpiece. C.5 Aluminum layer in contact with food
5.1 Organic brightener
If the brightener layer is in contact with food, there is a possibility that organic matter will be precipitated, which may cause food contamination:
C.5.2 Organic brightener content
"Generally speaking, the mass fraction of the brightener content of the pot layer in contact with food should be less than 99.75%, and the brightener content should not be more than 2 times. H.2:5) on the coating. In this case, it is recommended to use the average value of the ten-surface measurement as the average thickness value (see GB/T12.131). A.2.2 Reagents || tt || In the required process, use fresh test water or water of equivalent purity. A.2.7.7 Stripping solution for tin coating on iron-based materials and tin-plated coating is dissolved in 1000ml of cold natrium acid (p = 1.162/mL--1.18g/mL), replaced, and the product after chemical extraction cannot be selected again. A.2.2.2 Stripping solution for copper and tin alloy coating is heated to 90°C or above> (=1.15 g/mL~-1.1S g/ml.). 42.3 Select one or more test samples whose total surface area is to provide a mass loss of not less than 0.1. The area of ​​the sample can be accurately measured to 2.0 ... After the gas evolution stops, report it in the liquid. Thoroughly dissolve it in running water to remove any foreign matter, dry it and weigh it accurately. lg: A.2.4.2 For the distribution of copper and steel alloys, weigh the washed sample [4.2.3> accurately 0.IHI] total amount of ammonium solution (A, 2.2.2>, and calculate it after the sensitive layer is completely decomposed. Wash it thoroughly in running water until it reaches 0.001: A.2.5 The elasticity of the whole layer in meters is expressed by the following formula: 2-m2)
X137 x10
coating thickness, in m;
mass of the sample before stripping, in g
mass of the sample after stripping, in g) Test details on the surface area. The median is square millimeters (mr)) 137.10
According to the density change (7.3) k/em\, the coefficient obtained is. Polishing test
Sweet record B
[Normative Appendix]
When the strength test
CB/I 12599--2002
Use the method specified in GB/15270+ The main area of ​​the sample is not large. Note: A dental agate knife with a handle length of 1 mm, a glass knife length of 3 mm~5 mm, a little bit of edge, is a known high-speed optical tool. A.2 Penetration test
Put the sample into a suitable testing machine that can provide the sample with a curvature diameter of 4 mm, and bend the test sample to more than 9 degrees, then bend it back to the initial state. This process is repeated three times, and visually check whether the sample has any delamination phenomenon. B.3 Hot acid exposure test
Note that this test is only for the test product. Therefore, the potential explosion test sample should not be used in accordance with other test results specified in 27U.
C,0This guideline is intended to remind users to pay attention to: Appendix "
(Informative Appendix)
Guide to the following: a) The exact performance of the static, if not understood, may lead to inactive coating; b) Inappropriate parts and equipment;
:) Electrical properties are not realized.
C.1 Performance of the coating
C. 1. 1 Introduction
The wear of the soft layer before the pot can be predicted to be light under some of the conditions outside the forbidden age. Therefore, the thickness of the secondary and equal chain layers can be required to be significantly greater than the specified tin chain layer sequence under given conditions. The original thickness specified in the table is the minimum layer thickness value. It can be required that the tin mirror with a certain value of ten is sufficient. In the production of various specifications, the user can get the full protection of the metal layer, but especially the iron metal is not continuous or has holes: the electroplating layer has a certain rate of irradiation. It is related to its thickness, as well as its bulk material shape and electroplating process. In the case of the hole rate test, it is necessary to protect this situation. Compared with the heat dissipation method, the standard continuous layer can be used to obtain thinner or more scientific results. C.1.2 Growth of whiskers
The metal product is easy to grow whiskers (filaments) spontaneously under the electron microscope. In particular, if the whiskers are small in the layer with appropriate properties, it is considered to be unfavorable. It is recommended to use a suitable alloy electroplating layer to reduce the potential for the layer to dissolve. Use a suitable plating layer, such as a dielectric layer, which can significantly extend the whisker length. C..3 Allotropic transformation
If the temperature is below zero, the commercial purity layer will produce allotropic transformation (dangerous pot or Jie Hu error). Under such conditions, it is advisable to use a tin alloy or other tin alloy as the layer. (.2 Properties and preparation of base materials
C.2.1 Surface state
The surface state of the intermetallic layer can depend in part on the surface state of the bulk material. 2.2 Formation of intermetallic compounds
The diffusion of intermetallic compounds between the intermetallic layer and the alloy is highly dependent on the temperature and temperature. It can cause premature deterioration of the solderability and discoloration of the intermetallic layer. The degree of deterioration depends on the storage condition of the new part. Under poor storage conditions, the shelf life may be as long as 1 month. C.2.3 Diffusion of intermetallic compounds
The diffusion of intermetallic compounds from cold zinc alloys such as zinc alloys through the intermetallic layer to the surface can cause the solderability of the intermetallic layer to deteriorate. For elasticity and appearance, see section 1.2.4 Base materials that are difficult to clean
Some base materials, such as steel, copper alloys and ferrous alloys, are difficult to clean due to the surface oxide film. "In addition to the chemical cleaning method before treatment, the frame requires the key welding to be locally 2.5 or bottom mirror left is stolen C.2.5 aluminum. magnesium zinc gold
These alloys are easily affected by the addition of alkali (confused) alkali, so before the product can be electroplated, it needs special treatment, including the deposition of a layer of copper with a thickness of 10m~25>. Marketing or bottom plating: C.3 Electroplating practice
C.3.1 Post-electroplating selection
The welding performance of the chain layer is required. In the operation process and: the use of appropriate liquid and the addition of a slow acid or tartaric acid liquid with a concentration of about 3 to ensure the removal of hydrated salts: whether the copper salt on the surface of the chain layer can affect the solderability of the cloud surface. ||t t||C.3.2 Layer thickness requirements
Unless otherwise specified in GB/T12334, under different working conditions, the thickness of the layer specified in this standard is the thickness of the layer rather than the average thickness: the average thickness required corresponds to the smallest local thickness of the main surface 1, and the shape of the electrode is determined to be faster than the effective shape of the component, and the shape of the electrode related to the electrode position should be noted. When using a rolling mirror (especially for small workpieces): the change in the contact area conforms to the normal observation (Gaussian distribution,
Because the molten flow produces a shaped surface, the layer thickness is also affected by the formula. In any case, its characteristics can be evaluated according to the requirements of suitability. C.3.3 Organic co-deposition
Sometimes organic additives are used in the plating solution: if solderability is the main requirement of the mirror layer, pay attention to the selection of organic additives. Additives and their co-precipitation in small amounts: this is because organic additives may cause the layer to release gas or sink during subsequent welding or welding. However, if the component is a dynamic contact, it contains special organic compounds to improve the properties of the layer. C.4 Melt flow treatment
The tin layer is treated by certain treatments: such as hot oil, infrared radiation or hot steam, and can be melted quickly. Some defects in the base may cause poor weldability and will also cause the molten layer to not wet. In this case, it is necessary to melt flow the aluminum layer to eliminate the layer defects. The thickness of the aluminum layer can be uniformly treated by melting flow treatment, but there is no melting flow treatment during the baking process. If the product is not smooth, it can reach the edge of the workpiece. The thickness of the melt flow layer should be limited to less than m to avoid the formation of "peaks" at the edge of the workpiece. C.5 Aluminum layer in contact with food
5.1 Organic brightener
If the brightener layer is in contact with food, there is a possibility that organic matter will be precipitated, which may cause food contamination:
C.5.2 Organic brightener content
"Generally speaking, the mass fraction of the brightener content of the pot layer in contact with food should be less than 99.75%, and the brightener content should not be more than 2 times. H.2:5) on the coating. In this case, it is recommended to use the average value of the ten-surface measurement as the average thickness value (see GB/T12.131). A.2.2 Reagents || tt || In the required process, use fresh test water or water of equivalent purity. A.2.7.7 Stripping solution for tin coating on iron-based materials and tin-plated coating is dissolved in 1000ml of cold natrium acid (p = 1.162/mL--1.18g/mL), replaced, and the product after chemical extraction cannot be selected again. A.2.2.2 Stripping solution for copper and tin alloy coating is heated to 90°C or above> (=1.15 g/mL~-1.1S g/ml.). 42.3 Select one or more test samples whose total surface area is to provide a mass loss of not less than 0.1. The area of ​​the sample can be accurately measured to 2.0 ... After the gas evolution stops, report it in the liquid. Thoroughly dissolve it in running water to remove any foreign matter, dry it and weigh it accurately. lg: A.2.4.2 For the distribution of copper and steel alloys, weigh the washed sample [4.2.3> accurately 0.IHI] total amount of ammonium solution (A, 2.2.2>, and calculate it after the sensitive layer is completely decomposed. Wash it thoroughly in running water until it reaches 0.001: A.2.5 The elasticity of the whole layer in meters is expressed by the following formula: 2-m2)
X137 x10
coating thickness, in m;
mass of the sample before stripping, in g
mass of the sample after stripping, in g) Test details on the surface area. The median is square millimeters (mr)) 137.10
According to the density change (7.3) k/em\, the coefficient obtained is. Polishing test
Sweet record B
[Normative Appendix]
When the strength test
CB/I 12599--2002
Use the method specified in GB/15270+ The main area of ​​the sample is not large. Note: A dental agate knife with a handle length of 1 mm, a glass knife length of 3 mm~5 mm, a little bit of edge, is a known high-speed optical tool. A.2 Penetration test
Put the sample into a suitable testing machine that can provide the sample with a curvature diameter of 4 mm, and bend the test sample to more than 9 degrees, then bend it back to the initial state. This process is repeated three times, and visually check whether the sample has any delamination phenomenon. B.3 Hot acid exposure test
Note that this test is only for the test product. Therefore, the potential explosion test sample should not be used in accordance with other test results specified in 27U.
C,0This guideline is intended to remind users to pay attention to: Appendix "
(Informative Appendix)
Guide to the following: a) The exact performance of the static, if not understood, may lead to inactive coating; b) Inappropriate parts and equipment;
:) Electrical properties are not realized.
C.1 Performance of the coating
C. 1. 1 Introduction
The wear of the soft layer before the pot can be predicted to be light under some of the conditions outside the forbidden age. Therefore, the thickness of the secondary and equal chain layers can be required to be significantly greater than the specified tin chain layer sequence under given conditions. The original thickness specified in the table is the minimum layer thickness value. It can be required that the tin mirror with a certain value of ten is sufficient. In the production of various specifications, the user can get the full protection of the metal layer, but especially the iron metal is not continuous or has holes: the electroplating layer has a certain rate of irradiation. It is related to its thickness, as well as its bulk material shape and electroplating process. In the case of the hole rate test, it is necessary to protect this situation. Compared with the heat dissipation method, the standard continuous layer can be used to obtain thinner or more scientific results. C.1.2 Growth of whiskers
The metal product is easy to grow whiskers (filaments) spontaneously under the electron microscope. In particular, if the whiskers are small in the layer with appropriate properties, it is considered to be unfavorable. It is recommended to use a suitable alloy electroplating layer to reduce the potential for the layer to dissolve. Use a suitable plating layer, such as a dielectric layer, which can significantly extend the whisker length. C..3 Allotropic transformation
If the temperature is below zero, the commercial purity layer will produce allotropic transformation (dangerous pot or Jie Hu error). Under such conditions, it is advisable to use a tin alloy or other tin alloy as the layer. (.2 Properties and preparation of base materials
C.2.1 Surface state
The surface state of the intermetallic layer can depend in part on the surface state of the bulk material. 2.2 Formation of intermetallic compounds
The diffusion of intermetallic compounds between the intermetallic layer and the alloy is highly dependent on the temperature and temperature. It can cause premature deterioration of the solderability and discoloration of the intermetallic layer. The degree of deterioration depends on the storage condition of the new part. Under poor storage conditions, the shelf life may be as long as 1 month. C.2.3 Diffusion of intermetallic compounds
The diffusion of intermetallic compounds from cold zinc alloys such as zinc alloys through the intermetallic layer to the surface can cause the solderability of the intermetallic layer to deteriorate. For elasticity and appearance, see section 1.2.4 Base materials that are difficult to clean
Some base materials, such as steel, copper alloys and ferrous alloys, are difficult to clean due to the surface oxide film. "In addition to the chemical cleaning method before treatment, the frame requires the key welding to be locally 2.5 or bottom mirror left is stolen C.2.5 aluminum. magnesium zinc gold
These alloys are easily affected by the addition of alkali (confused) alkali, so before the product can be electroplated, it needs special treatment, including the deposition of a layer of copper with a thickness of 10m~25>. Marketing or bottom plating: C.3 Electroplating practice
C.3.1 Post-electroplating selection
CR/T12599-2002 bZxz.net
The welding performance of the chain layer is required. In the operation process and: the use of appropriate liquid and the addition of a slow acid or tartaric acid liquid with a concentration of about 3 to ensure the removal of hydrated salts: whether the copper salt on the surface of the chain layer can affect the solderability of the cloud surface. ||t t||C.3.2 Layer thickness requirements
Unless otherwise specified in GB/T12334, under different working conditions, the thickness of the layer specified in this standard is the thickness of the layer rather than the average thickness: the average thickness required corresponds to the smallest local thickness of the main surface 1, and the shape of the electrode is determined to be faster than the effective shape of the component, and the shape of the electrode related to the electrode position should be noted. When using a rolling mirror (especially for small workpieces): the change in the contact area conforms to the normal observation (Gaussian distribution,
Because the molten flow produces a shaped surface, the layer thickness is also affected by the formula. In any case, its characteristics can be evaluated according to the requirements of suitability. C.3.3 Organic co-deposition
Sometimes organic additives are used in the plating solution: if solderability is the main requirement of the mirror layer, pay attention to the selection of organic additives. Additives and their co-precipitation in small amounts: this is because organic additives may cause the layer to release gas or sink during subsequent welding or welding. However, if the component is a dynamic contact, it contains special organic compounds to improve the properties of the layer. C.4 Melt flow treatment
The tin layer is treated by certain treatments: such as hot oil, infrared radiation or hot steam, and can be melted quickly. Some defects in the base may cause poor weldability and will also cause the molten layer to not wet. In this case, it is necessary to melt flow the aluminum layer to eliminate the layer defects. The thickness of the aluminum layer can be uniformly treated by melting flow treatment, but there is no melting flow treatment during the baking process. If the product is not smooth, it can reach the edge of the workpiece. The thickness of the melt flow layer should be limited to less than m to avoid the formation of "peaks" at the edge of the workpiece. C.5 Aluminum layer in contact with food
5.1 Organic brightener
If the brightener layer is in contact with food, there is a possibility that organic matter will be precipitated, which may cause food contamination:
C.5.2 Organic brightener content
"Generally speaking, the mass fraction of the brightener content of the pot layer in contact with food should be less than 99.75%, and the brightener content should not be more than 2 times. H.2:18g/mL), instead, the selection bottle can no longer be selected after the reverse extraction, A.2.2.2 Copper and phase alloys according to the sugar layer on the heat of the desulfurization solution (90 ℃ above> (=1.15 g/mL~-1. 1S g/ml.). 42.3 Test
Use one or more test samples, the total surface area of ​​the carrier layer is to provide a mass loss of not less than 0.1. The area of ​​the sample can be accurately measured to 2 without change: and use appropriate organic solvents or organic distillation products to remove new contaminants on the sample. 3.2.4 Process For the sugar layer on the iron-based materials and steel and steel alloys, the cleaned sample (A..3) is weighed accurately in 0.008+ no recovery solution (A.2.2.1) and its diameter is measured until it stops After the gas evolution stops, report it in the liquid. Thoroughly dissolve it in running water to remove any foreign matter, dry it and weigh it accurately. lg: A.2.4.2 For the distribution of copper and steel alloys, weigh the washed sample [4.2.3> accurately 0.IHI] total amount of ammonium solution (A, 2.2.2>, and calculate it after the sensitive layer is completely decomposed. Wash it thoroughly in running water until it reaches 0.001: A.2.5 The elasticity of the whole layer in meters is expressed by the following formula: 2-m2)
X137 x10
coating thickness, in m;
mass of the sample before stripping, in g
mass of the sample after stripping, in g) Test details on the surface area. The median is square millimeters (mr)) 137.10
According to the density change (7.3) k/em\, the coefficient obtained is. Polishing test
Sweet record B
[Normative Appendix]
When the strength test
CB/I 12599--2002
Use the method specified in GB/15270+ The main area of ​​the sample is not large. Note: A dental agate knife with a handle length of 1 mm, a glass knife length of 3 mm~5 mm, a little bit of edge, is a known high-speed optical tool. A.2 Penetration test
Put the sample into a suitable testing machine that can provide the sample with a curvature diameter of 4 mm, and bend the test sample to more than 9 degrees, then bend it back to the initial state. This process is repeated three times, and visually check whether the sample has any delamination phenomenon. B.3 Hot acid exposure test
Note that this test is only for the test product. Therefore, the potential explosion test sample should not be used in accordance with other test results specified in 27U.
C,0This guideline is intended to remind users to pay attention to: Appendix "
(Informative Appendix)
Guide to the following: a) The exact performance of the static, if not understood, may lead to inactive coating; b) Inappropriate parts and equipment;
:) Electrical properties are not realized.
C.1 Performance of the coating
C. 1. 1 Introduction
The wear of the soft layer before the pot can be predicted to be light under some of the conditions outside the forbidden age. Therefore, the thickness of the secondary and equal chain layers can be required to be significantly greater than the specified tin chain layer sequence under given conditions. The original thickness specified in the table is the minimum layer thickness value. It can be required that the tin mirror with a certain value of ten is sufficient. In the production of various specifications, the user can get the full protection of the metal layer, but especially the iron metal is not continuous or has holes: the electroplating layer has a certain rate of irradiation. It is related to its thickness, as well as its bulk material shape and electroplating process. In the case of the hole rate test, it is necessary to protect this situation. Compared with the heat dissipation method, the standard continuous layer can be used to obtain thinner or more scientific results. C.1.2 Growth of whiskers
The metal product is easy to grow whiskers (filaments) spontaneously under the electron microscope. In particular, if the whiskers are small in the layer with appropriate properties, it is considered to be unfavorable. It is recommended to use a suitable alloy electroplating layer to reduce the potential for the layer to dissolve. Use a suitable plating layer, such as a dielectric layer, which can significantly extend the whisker length. C..3 Allotropic transformation
If the temperature is below zero, the commercial purity layer will produce allotropic transformation (dangerous pot or Jie Hu error). Under such conditions, it is advisable to use a tin alloy or other tin alloy as the layer. (.2 Properties and preparation of base materials
C.2.1 Surface state
The surface state of the intermetallic layer can depend in part on the surface state of the bulk material. 2.2 Formation of intermetallic compounds
The diffusion of intermetallic compounds between the intermetallic layer and the alloy is highly dependent on the temperature and temperature. It can cause premature deterioration of the solderability and discoloration of the intermetallic layer. The degree of deterioration depends on the storage condition of the new part. Under poor storage conditions, the shelf life may be as long as 1 month. C.2.3 Diffusion of intermetallic compounds
The diffusion of intermetallic compounds from cold zinc alloys such as zinc alloys through the intermetallic layer to the surface can cause the solderability of the intermetallic layer to deteriorate. For elasticity and appearance, see section 1.2.4 Base materials that are difficult to clean
Some base materials, such as steel, copper alloys and ferrous alloys, are difficult to clean due to the surface oxide film. "In addition to the chemical cleaning method before treatment, the frame requires the key welding to be locally 2.5 or bottom mirror left is stolen C.2.5 aluminum. magnesium zinc gold
These alloys are easily affected by the addition of alkali (confused) alkali, so before the product can be electroplated, it needs special treatment, including the deposition of a layer of copper with a thickness of 10m~25>. Marketing or bottom plating: C.3 Electroplating practice
C.3.1 Post-electroplating selection
The welding performance of the chain layer is required. In the operation process and: the use of appropriate liquid and the addition of a slow acid or tartaric acid liquid with a concentration of about 3 to ensure the removal of hydrated salts: whether the copper salt on the surface of the chain layer can affect the solderability of the cloud surface. ||t t||C.3.2 Layer thickness requirements
Unless otherwise specified in GB/T12334, under different working conditions, the thickness of the layer specified in this standard is the thickness of the layer rather than the average thickness: the average thickness required corresponds to the smallest local thickness of the main surface 1, and the shape of the electrode is determined to be faster than the effective shape of the component, and the shape of the electrode related to the electrode position should be noted. When using a rolling mirror (especially for small workpieces): the change in the contact area conforms to the normal observation (Gaussian distribution,
Because the molten flow produces a shaped surface, the layer thickness is also affected by the formula. In any case, its characteristics can be evaluated according to the requirements of suitability. C.3.3 Organic co-deposition
Sometimes organic additives are used in the plating solution: if solderability is the main requirement of the mirror layer, pay attention to the selection of organic additives. Additives and their co-precipitation in small amounts: this is because organic additives may cause the layer to release gas or sink during subsequent welding or welding. However, if the component is a dynamic contact, it contains special organic compounds to improve the properties of the layer. C.4 Melt flow treatment
The tin layer is treated by certain treatments: such as hot oil, infrared radiation or hot steam, and can be melted quickly. Some defects in the base may cause poor weldability and will also cause the molten layer to not wet. In this case, it is necessary to melt flow the aluminum layer to eliminate the layer defects. The thickness of the aluminum layer can be uniformly treated by melting flow treatment, but there is no melting flow treatment during the baking process. If the product is not smooth, it can reach the edge of the workpiece. The thickness of the melt flow layer should be limited to less than m to avoid the formation of "peaks" at the edge of the workpiece. C.5 Aluminum layer in contact with food
5.1 Organic brightener
If the brightener layer is in contact with food, there is a possibility that organic matter will be precipitated, which may cause food contamination:
C.5.2 Organic brightener content
"Generally speaking, the mass fraction of the brightener content of the pot layer in contact with food should be less than 99.75%, and the brightener content should not be more than 2 times. H.2:18g/mL), instead, the selection bottle can no longer be selected after the reverse extraction, A.2.2.2 Copper and phase alloys according to the sugar layer on the heat of the desulfurization solution (90 ℃ above> (=1.15 g/mL~-1. 1S g/ml.). 42.3 Test
Use one or more test samples, the total surface area of ​​the carrier layer is to provide a mass loss of not less than 0.1. The area of ​​the sample can be accurately measured to 2 without change: and use appropriate organic solvents or organic distillation products to remove new contaminants on the sample. 3.2.4 Process For the sugar layer on the iron-based materials and steel and steel alloys, the cleaned sample (A..3) is weighed accurately in 0.008+ no recovery solution (A.2.2.1) and its diameter is measured until it stops After the gas evolution stops, report it in the liquid. Thoroughly dissolve it in running water to remove any foreign matter, dry it and weigh it accurately. lg: A.2.4.2 For the distribution of copper and steel alloys, weigh the washed sample [4.2.3> accurately 0.IHI] total amount of ammonium solution (A, 2.2.2>, and calculate it after the sensitive layer is completely decomposed. Wash it thoroughly in running water until it reaches 0.001: A.2.5 The elasticity of the whole layer in meters is expressed by the following formula: 2-m2)
X137 x10
coating thickness, in m;
mass of the sample before stripping, in g
mass of the sample after stripping, in g) Test details on the surface area. The median is square millimeters (mr)) 137.10
According to the density change (7.3) k/em\, the coefficient obtained is. Polishing test
Sweet record B
[Normative Appendix]
When the strength test
CB/I 12599--2002
Use the method specified in GB/15270+ The main area of ​​the sample is not large. Note: A dental agate knife with a handle length of 1 mm, a glass knife length of 3 mm~5 mm, a little bit of edge, is a known high-speed optical tool. A.2 Penetration test
Put the sample into a suitable testing machine that can provide the sample with a curvature diameter of 4 mm, and bend the test sample to more than 9 degrees, then bend it back to the initial state. This process is repeated three times, and visually check whether the sample has any delamination phenomenon. B.3 Hot acid exposure test
Note that this test is only for the test product. Therefore, the potential explosion test sample should not be used in accordance with other test results specified in 27U.
C,0This guideline is intended to remind users to pay attention to: Appendix "
(Informative Appendix)
Guide to the following: a) The exact performance of the static, if not understood, may lead to inactive coating; b) Inappropriate parts and equipment;
:) Electrical properties are not realized.
C.1 Performance of the coating
C. 1. 1 Introduction
The wear of the soft layer before the pot can be predicted to be light under some of the conditions outside the forbidden age. Therefore, the thickness of the secondary and equal chain layers can be required to be significantly greater than the specified tin chain layer sequence under given conditions. The original thickness specified in the table is the minimum layer thickness value. It can be required that the tin mirror with a certain value of ten is sufficient. In the production of various specifications, the user can get the full protection of the metal layer, but especially the iron metal is not continuous or has holes: the electroplating layer has a certain rate of irradiation. It is related to its thickness, as well as its bulk material shape and electroplating process. In the case of the hole rate test, it is necessary to protect this situation. Compared with the heat dissipation method, the standard continuous layer can be used to obtain thinner or more scientific results. C.1.2 Growth of whiskers
The metal product is easy to grow whiskers (filaments) spontaneously under the electron microscope. In particular, if the whiskers are small in the layer with appropriate properties, it is considered to be unfavorable. It is recommended to use a suitable alloy electroplating layer to reduce the potential for the layer to dissolve. Use a suitable plating layer, such as a dielectric layer, which can significantly extend the whisker length. C..3 Allotropic transformation
If the temperature is below zero, the commercial purity layer will produce allotropic transformation (dangerous pot or Jie Hu error). Under such conditions, it is advisable to use a tin alloy or other tin alloy as the layer. (.2 Properties and preparation of base materials
C.2.1 Surface state
The surface state of the intermetallic layer can depend in part on the surface state of the bulk material. 2.2 Formation of intermetallic compounds
The diffusion of intermetallic compounds between the intermetallic layer and the alloy is highly dependent on the temperature and temperature. It can cause premature deterioration of the solderability and discoloration of the intermetallic layer. The degree of deterioration depends on the storage condition of the new part. Under poor storage conditions, the shelf life may be as long as 1 month. C.2.3 Diffusion of intermetallic compounds
The diffusion of intermetallic compounds from cold zinc alloys such as zinc alloys through the intermetallic layer to the surface can cause the solderability of the intermetallic layer to deteriorate. For elasticity and appearance, see section 1.2.4 Base materials that are difficult to clean
Some base materials, such as steel, copper alloys and ferrous alloys, are difficult to clean due to the surface oxide film. "In addition to the chemical cleaning method before treatment, the frame requires the key welding to be locally 2.5 or bottom mirror left is stolen C.2.5 aluminum. magnesium zinc gold
These alloys are easily affected by the addition of alkali (confused) alkali, so before the product can be electroplated, it needs special treatment, including the deposition of a layer of copper with a thickness of 10m~25>. Marketing or bottom plating: C.3 Electroplating practice
C.3.1 Post-electroplating selection
The welding performance of the chain layer is required. In the operation process and: the use of appropriate liquid and the addition of a slow acid or tartaric acid liquid with a concentration of about 3 to ensure the removal of hydrated salts: whether the copper salt on the surface of the chain layer can affect the solderability of the cloud surface. ||t t||C.3.2 Layer thickness requirements
Unless otherwise specified in GB/T12334, under different working conditions, the thickness of the layer specified in this standard is the thickness of the layer rather than the average thickness: the average thickness required corresponds to the smallest local thickness of the main surface 1, and the shape of the electrode is determined to be faster than the effective shape of the component, and the shape of the electrode related to the electrode position should be noted. When using a rolling mirror (especially for small workpieces): the change in the contact area conforms to the normal observation (Gaussian distribution,
Because the molten flow produces a shaped surface, the layer thickness is also affected by the formula. In any case, its characteristics can be evaluated according to the requirements of suitability. C.3.3 Organic co-deposition
Sometimes organic additives are used in the plating solution: if solderability is the main requirement of the mirror layer, pay attention to the selection of organic additives. Additives and their co-precipitation in small amounts: this is because organic additives may cause the layer to release gas or sink during subsequent welding or welding. However, if the component is a dynamic contact, it contains special organic compounds to improve the properties of the layer. C.4 Melt flow treatment
The tin layer is treated by certain treatments: such as hot oil, infrared radiation or hot steam, and can be melted quickly. Some defects in the base may cause poor weldability and will also cause the molten layer to not wet. In this case, it is necessary to melt flow the aluminum layer to eliminate the layer defects. The thickness of the aluminum layer can be uniformly treated by melting flow treatment, but there is no melting flow treatment during the baking process. If the product is not smooth, it can reach the edge of the workpiece. The thickness of the melt flow layer should be limited to less than m to avoid the formation of "peaks" at the edge of the workpiece. C.5 Aluminum layer in contact with food
5.1 Organic brightener
If the brightener layer is in contact with food, there is a possibility that organic matter will be precipitated, which may cause food contamination:
C.5.2 Organic brightener content
"Generally speaking, the mass fraction of the brightener content of the pot layer in contact with food should be less than 99.75%, and the brightener content should not be more than 2 times. H.2:Thoroughly dissolve in running water to remove any foreign matter, dry and weigh thoroughly to 0.1 g: A.2.4.2 For copper and steel alloys, weigh the washed sample [4.2.3> accurately 0.1 Hg] total amount of ammonium solution (A, 2.2.2>, and calculate after the sensitive layer is completely shrunk. Rinse thoroughly in running water until the elasticity of the entire layer is 0.001: A.2.5 The elasticity of the entire layer
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.