JB/T 7282-1994 Selection of tractor oil varieties and specifications JB/T7282-1994 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
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Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China JB/T7282-94 Selection of Types and Specifications of Tractor Oil Published on July 18, 1994 Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China Implementation on July 1, 1995 Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China Selection of Types and Specifications of Tractor Oil Subject Content and Scope of Application This standard specifies the selection of types and specifications of tractor oil. This standard applies to tractors. Agricultural vehicles can refer to this standard. Cited standards GB5323 Light diesel oil CA purple oil engine oil GB11119 L-HM hydraulic oil (anti-wear type) GB11122 GB11123 SH0350 SH0462 L-BCC diesel engine oil L-BCD diesel engine oil Ordinary vehicle gear oil No. 4603, No. 4603-1 synthetic brake oil Fuel oil for tractor diesel engine , fuel oil for nest oil engine The seed should be light diesel oil. The quality requirements are shown in Appendix A (reference) Table A13.1 3.2 See Table 1 for the selection of light diesel oil specifications. Low ambient temperature Lubricating oil for tractor diesel engine Selection of diesel engine oil quality grade is shown in Table 2. Si Shen Cheng Rong engine parameters Mean effective pressure multiplied by average piston speed (p, + cn) MPa·m/s Maximum operating temperature of engine oil ≤105 105~120 >120~130 Selection of diesel engine oil viscosity grade is shown in Table 3. Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on July 18, 1994 Quality level of diesel engine oil L-BCC grade L-BCD grade JB/T 728294 -14~29 ~29~—44 Quality requirements See Appendix A Table A2 See Appendix A Table A3 See Appendix A Table A4 Implementation on July 1, 1995 Viscosity grade Ambient temperature Tractor chassis oil 25~10 See Table 4 for the selection of chassis oil varieties. Oil using parts General gear transmission With hyperbolic gears or heavy-duty wheels Transmission device Medium and low pressure hydraulic device Medium and high pressure hydraulic device Shared with gear transmission and pressure reducing device Shared with gear transmission, hydraulic device and wet clutch and brake Hydraulic pressure control device JB/T 7282-94 10W/30 15W/30 Ordinary vehicle gear oil Heavy-duty vehicle gear oil Ordinary hydraulic oil L-HM hydraulic oil (anti-separation type) Tractor transmission and hydraulic dual-purpose oil 15W/40 Tractor "transmission, hydraulic, brake" general oil 4603, 4603-1 synthetic special oil 5.2 See Table 5 for the selection of chassis oil viscosity grade. Table 5 Oil types Glycogen vehicle gear oil Heavy-duty vehicle gear oil Ordinary pressure oil L-HM hydraulic oil Tractor transmission and hydraulic dual-purpose oil Tractor "transmission, hydraulic, Liche general pump 2 Viscosity grade 80W/90 85W/90 80W/90 85W/90 85W/ 140 Quality requirements See Appendix A Table A5 See Appendix A Table A6 See Appendix A Table A7 See Appendix A Table A8 See Appendix A Table A9 See Appendix A Table A10 See Appendix A Table A11 Ambient temperature -25~50 -10~50 -10~50 —5~50 - 5 ~-40 -10~50 -25~50 -10~50 -25~50 Actual colloid mg/100mL Sulfur content %(m) Water %(m) Acidity mgKOH/100mL 10% evaporation residue carbon Ash %(m) Copper sheet Corrosion (50℃, 3h) Mechanical impurities Kinematic viscosity (20℃) Potting point℃ Linggang pointC Flash point (closed cup) Cetearest value JB/T7282-94 Appendix A Main quality indicators of tractor oil (reference) Main quality indicators of light diesel oil (G B252) Quality index not larger than not larger than not larger than not larger than not larger than not larger than not larger than not larger than not larger than not larger than not larger than not smaller than Note: This table is the index of qualified light diesel oil, Table A2 Kinematic viscosity ( 100℃) Viscosity index Flash point (open) Potting point C Mechanical impurities%(m) Water%(m) Foaming propertymL/mL 24±0.5℃ 93±0.5℃ After 24±0.5℃ -10#-20# -35# 3. 0~8. 0 -05 Main quality indicators of CA grade diesel engine oil (GB5323)Quality indicators Not less than Not lower than Not higher than Not greater than Not greater than Not greater than Not greater than Not too rough 150/10 Test method GB/T 50988 GB/T 380—77(80) GB/T 260—77(80) GB/T 258—77(80) GB/T26887 GB/T 508-85 GB/T 509685 GB/T 51188 GB/T 26588 GB/T 510—83 SH/T 24892 GB/T 26183 GB/T-386—91 Test method GB/T265-88 12.5~<16.3 GB/T2541-81(88) or GB/T 199588 Note ① The viscosity index requirement allows intermediate base oil to be not less than 70, and cycloalkane oil to be not less than 60. ② According to the temperature conditions in various places, the viscosity index may be determined through consultation between the production, sales and user representatives. GB/T 26788 GB/T510-83 GB/T 511-88 GB/T 260—77(80) GB/T 1257990 Kinematic viscosity (100℃) Dynamic viscosity mPa·s Boundary pumping temperature Viscosity index Inside point (opening) Pour point℃ Sediment% (m) Water% (m) Foamability mL/mL 93±0.5 c After 24±0.5C JB/T 7282---94 Table A3L-BCC grade diesel engine oil main quality indicators (GB11122) Quality Not more than Not higher than Not less than Not less than Not higher than Not more than Not more than Not more than Not more than Not more than Not more than ||High temperature oxidation and shaft corrosion test Bearing weight loss Hauser skirt paint score Kinematic viscosity (100℃) Dynamic accuracy Not more than Not less than (-25C) 10W/30 (-20℃) 15W/40 (-15 c℃) Main quality indicators of L-ECD grade diesel engine oil (GB11123)Quality mPa·8Not more than Boundary pumping accuracy Viscosity index Flash point (opening) Sediment Not higher than Not less than Not lower than Not higher than Not more than Not more than -20℃× 10W/3015W/40 10w/30 (15℃) -15℃) Test method GB/T 26588 GB/T 653886 GB/T 917188 GB/T 1995-88 or GB/T 2541--81(88) GB/T 353683 GB/T 6531~86 GB/T 26077(88) G8 /T 2669 -90 SH/T 026592 Test method GB/T 265-88 GB/T 653886 GB/T9171—88 GB/T 199588 or GB/T 254181(88) GB/T 353683 GB/T 353583 GB/T 653186 GB/T 26077(88) Foam concentrationmL/mL 24±0.5℃ After 24±0.5C Not more than Not more than Not more than High temperature ammoniaization and bearing separation test Bearing weight loss Not more than Piston side paint film score Not less than End dynamic viscosity (100C) mm*/s When dynamic viscosity is 150Pas Viscosity index Pour point℃ Flash point (open) Water%(m) JB/T 7282—94 Continued Table A4 10W/3010W/3015W/40 Main quality indexes of ordinary vehicle gear oil (SH0350)Quality 80W/90 Not higher than Not lower than Not higher than Not lower than Not greater than Anti-situation performance test (15# steel holder, A method)FoamabilitymL/mL 93±0.5℃ After 24±0.5℃||tt| |Not more than Not more than Not more than Copper sheet corrosion test (100℃, 3h) Grade not more than Maximum no-stuck load PB N(kgf) Mechanical impurities Not more than Not more than 85W/90 100/10 100/10 100/10 785(80) Test method GB/T 2669- 90 SH/T 026592 Test method GB/T265-88 GB/T 199588 or GB/T2541-81(88) GB/T 353583 GB/T 26788 GB /T 26077(88) GB/T 1114389 GB/T 12579-90 GB/T 5096 - 85 GB/T3142-89(90) GB/T 51188 Kinematic viscosity (100C) Dynamic viscosity 150Pa·s Viscosity index Flash point (open) Groove point ℃ Mechanical impurities Water %(m) Foaming capacity mL/mL 93±0.5℃ After 24±0.5℃ Hot oxygen Chemical stability (163C, 50h) JB/T7282-94 Main quality indicators of heavy-duty vehicle gear oilQuality Not higher than Not less than Not lower than Not higher than Not greater than Not greater than Not greater than Not greater than Not greater than Dynamic viscosity (100% growth rate) % not more than Pentane insoluble matter% (m) Benzene insoluble matter% (m) Copper strip corrosion ((121C, 3h) level Gear test, L-37 Gear test, L-42 Rust test, L-33 Storage stability and relative potential Precipitation head (m) Liquid insoluble matter (room temperature, 30 days) Pour point r not more than not more than not more than not more than not more than not more than 80W/90 85W/90 85W/140 Test method GB/T 265--88 ASTMD3829 GB/T2541810(88) GB/T 353688 Fed.Std. 791 GB/T 511-88 GB/T 26077(88) GB/T1257990 Fed. Std. 791 ASTMD130 CRCL-37 CRCL-42 CRCL-33 Fed.Srd,791 No. 3430, 3440 GB/T 353583 Kinematic viscosity (40C) Viscosity index Flash point (open) Mechanical impurities Corrosion (T3 copper sheet, 100℃, 3h) Rust resistance test (distilled water method) Maximum non-seizure load (PB) N (kgf) Foaming (93C) mL/ml JB/T728294 Main quality indicators of ordinary hydraulic oil (GB11119)Quality indicators 41.4~50. 6 Not less than Not less than Not higher than Not less than Not greater than 61.2~74.8 588(60) Test method GB/T 26588 GB/T 254181(88) GB/T 267~88| |tt||GB/T 3535--83 GB/T 26077(88) GB/T 511-83 SH/T 0195~ 92 GB/T 11143~89 GB/T 3142 82(90) GB/T 12579- 90 Table A8L-HM hydraulic oil (anti-erosion type) main quality indicators (GB11119) items Viscosity grade Kinematic viscosity 100℃ Rating point C Flash point (open) C Rust resistance test (distilled water) Metal corrosion test (copper sheet, 100℃, 3h) Rubber seal Adaptability index Latent foaming, mL/mL After 24℃ Anti-emulsification (40-37-3mL, 54) Anti-wear|| tt||8,FZG (or CL-100) gear machine test (A/8.3/90)||tt| |Failure level b. Vane pump test (250h, total weight loss) mg c. Long-term grinding report (392N.60min.25C) Moisture %(m) Mechanical impurities| |tt||not greater than not less than not higher than not lower than not greater than not greater than not greater than not greater than not greater than not greater than not greater than not less than not greater than not greater than quality indicators| |tt||41.4~50.6 61.2~74.8 Test method GB/T 314182 GB/T 26588 GB/T 353583 GB/T $536~83 GB/T 1114389 GB/T509685||tt ||SH/T 030592 GB/T 1257990 GB/T 730587 SH/T 030692 SH/T 030792 SH/T 0189-92 GB/T 26077(88) GB/T 51188 Kinematic viscosity 100℃ Viscosity index Flash point (open) Copper corrosion grade Rust resistance test (steam water) Water %(m) Mechanical impurities JB/T 728294 Table A9 Main quality indexes of tractor transmission and hydraulic dual-purpose oils Index 41. 4~50. 661. 2~74. 8 not less than not lower than not less than not greater than not greater than four balls No-stuck bite load test (PB) kg not less than four balls long-term report (30kg, 50min) mm not more than ice soaking 93±0.5℃) mL/mL Capacity, failure Kinematic viscosity 100℃ Shear stability 100℃ Brookfield viscosity Flash point opening) Pour point, ℃ Not less than|| tt||Table A10 -18CPa·s 34C Pa· Oxidation stability loss % Viscosity increase %100℃ Amount of oil mixed Amount of additive precipitation Rust test||tt ||Copper strip corrosion (150℃, 3h) Foaming mL/mL After 24℃ Sensitivity to water\, solid %VOL Additives Loss % Extreme pressure Timken wear mg TimkemOK negative recommended N And rubber stock fall, volume change % Note: 1) is guaranteed by the production unit Item, 882(90) 834(85) Test method GB/T 26588 GB/T 199588 GB/T 26788 GB/T 51083 GB/T 509685 GB/T 1114389 GB/T 26077(88)| |tt||GB/T 51188 GB/T 314282(90) GB/T 314282(90) GB/T 12579—↑0 SH /T 0306-92 Main quality indicators of universal oil for tractor transmission, hydraulic and brakesQuality indicators Not less than Not less than Not greater than Not greater than| |tt||not less than not greater than not greater than not greater than not greater than not greater than not greater than|| tt||not greater than not greater than not greater than not greater than not less than not greater than test method||tt ||GB/T 26588 Q/SH 018.0158 GB/T 353688 GB/T 353588 GB/T 11143-89 GB/T S09685 GB/T 1257990 SY2685 SY26908 Test method GB/T 314182 GB/T 26588 GB/T 353583 GB/T $536~83||tt| |GB/T 1114389 GB/T509685 SH/T 030592 GB/T 1257990 GB/T 730587 SH/T 030692| |tt||SH/T 030792 SH/T 0189-92 GB/T 26077(88) GB/T 51188 Kinematic viscosity 100℃ Viscosity index Flash point (open) Copper corrosion grade Rust resistance test (Steam water) Water %(m) Mechanical impurities JB/T 728294 Table A9 Main quality indexes of tractor transmission and hydraulic dual-purpose oils Index 41. 4~50. 661. 2~74. 8 not less than not lower than not less than not greater than not greater than four balls No-stuck bite load test (PB) kg not less than four balls long-term report (30kg, 50min) mm not more than ice soaking 93±0.5℃) mL/mL Capacity, failure Kinematic viscosity 100℃ Shear stability 100℃ Brookfield viscosity Flash point opening) Pour point, ℃ Not less than|| tt||Table A10 -18CPa·s 34C Pa· Oxidation stability loss % Viscosity increase %100℃ Amount of oil mixed Amount of additive precipitation Rust test||tt ||Copper strip corrosion (150℃, 3h) Foaming mL/mL After 24℃ Sensitivity to water\, solid %VOL Additives Loss % Extreme pressure Timken wear mg TimkemOK negative recommended N And rubber stock fall, volume change % Note: 1) is guaranteed by the production unit Item, 882(90) 834(85) Test method GB/T 26588 GB/T 199588 GB/T 26788 GB/T 51083 GB/T 509685 GB/T 1114389 GB/T 26077(88)| |tt||GB/T 51188 GB/T 314282(90) GB/T 314282(90) GB/T 12579—↑0 SH /T 0306-92 Main quality indicators of universal oil for tractor transmission, hydraulic and brakesQuality indicators Not less than Not less than Not greater than Not greater than| |tt||not less than not greater than not greater than not greater than not greater than not greater than not greater than|| tt||not greater than not greater than not greater than not greater than not less than not greater than test method||tt ||GB/T 26588 Q/SH 018.0158 GB/T 353688 GB/T 353588 GB/T 11143-89 GB/T S09685 GB/T 1257990 SY2685 SY26908 Test method GB/T 314182 GB/T 26588 GB/T 353583 GB/T $536~83||tt| |GB/T 1114389 GB/T509685 SH/T 030592 GB/T 1257990 GB/T 730587 SH/T 030692| |tt||SH/T 030792 SH/T 0189-92 GB/T 26077(88) GB/T 51188 Kinematic viscosity 100℃ Viscosity index Flash point (open) Copper corrosion grade Rust resistance test (Steam water) Water %(m) Mechanical impurities JB/T 728294 Table A9 Main quality indexes of tractor transmission and hydraulic dual-purpose oils Index 41. 4~50. 661. 2~74. 8 not less than not lower than not less than not greater than not greater than four balls No-stuck bite load test (PB) kg not less than four balls long-term report (30kg, 50min) mm not more than ice soaking 93±0.5℃) mL/mL Capacity, failure Kinematic viscosity 100℃ Shear stability 100℃ Brookfield viscosity Flash point opening) Pour point, ℃ Not less than|| tt||Table A10 -18CPa·s 34C Pa· Oxidation stability loss % Viscosity increase %100℃ Amount of oil mixed Amount of additive precipitation Rust test||tt ||Copper strip corrosion (150℃, 3h) Foaming mL/mL After 24℃ Sensitivity to water\, solid %VOL Additives Loss % Extreme pressure Timken wear mg TimkemOK negative recommended N And rubber stock fall, volume change % Note: 1) is guaranteed by the production unit Item, 882(90) 834(85) Test method GB/T 26588 GB/T 199588 GB/T 26788 GB/T 51083 GB/T 509685 GB/T 1114389 GB/T 26077(88)| |tt||GB/T 51188 GB/T 314282(90) GB/T 314282(90) GB/T 12579—↑0 SH /T 0306-92 Main quality indicators of universal oil for tractor transmission, hydraulic and brakesQuality indicators Not less than Not less than Not greater than Not greater than| |tt||not less than not greater than not greater than not greater than not greater than not greater than not greater than|| tt||not greater than not greater thanwwW.bzxz.Net not greater than not greater than not less than not greater than test method||tt ||GB/T 26588 Q/SH 018.0158 GB/T 353688 GB/T 353588 GB/T 11143-89 GB/T S09685 GB/T 1257990 SY2685 SY2690 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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