Some standard content:
Codes for Documentary Types and Documentary Carriers (GB3469-1983) Standard number: GB3469-1983
Standard name: Codes for Documentary Types and Documentary Carriers Standard status Current
English title: Codes for documentary types and documentary carriers Implementation date: 1983-11-1
Issuing department: National Bureau of Standards
Content introduction: This standard is formulated to standardize document descriptions, facilitate readers to identify documents, and facilitate computer storage and retrieval. This standard applies to the description marks on various document retrieval tools. According to GB3469-83 "Document Type and Document Carrier Code", single letters are used to identify: M-
Monograph (including history and chronicle in ancient books) C——Collection of papers
Newspaper article
Journal article
Degree thesis
Research report
A——Monograph, extracted documents from collection of papers Z——Other unspecified document types
Electronic document types are marked with double letters To identify: DB-
Computer program
Electronic bulletin
Non-paper electronic document, indicate the carrier type in the reference identification: DB/OL-
Online database
Tape database
CD-ROM book
Disk software
Online journal
Online electronic bulletin
I. Reference format
1. Journal author. Title (J). Journal name, publication year, volume (issue): start and end page numbers2. Monograph author. Book title (M). Version (first edition is not recorded). Publication place: publisher, publication year: start and end page numbersCollection author. Title (C). Editor. Collection name, publication place: publisher, publication year: start and end page numbers3.
4. Dissertation author. Title (D) . Deposit location . Depository . Year 5. Title of patent document (P) . Country . Type of patent document . Patent number . Publication date Standard number: Standard name (S)
Newspaper author . Title (N) . Newspaper name . Publication date (edition) 7.
8. Report author . Title (R) . Deposit location year 9. Electronic document author . Title (electronic document and carrier type identification) . Document source, date 2. Document type and its identification
1. According to GB3469, the commonly used document identifications are as follows: ① Journal (J)
② Monograph (M)
③ Proceedings (C)
④ Thesis (D)
Patent (P)
③ Standard (S)
?Newspaper (N)
Technical report (R)
2. The types of electronic document carriers are identified by double letters, as follows: ① Tape
② Disk
④ Online network (OL)
3. The reference document type identification method for electronic document carrier types is: (document type identification/carrier type identification). For example: Online database (DB/OL)
② Magnetic tape database (DB/MT)
③ CD-ROM book (M/CD)
④ Disk software (CP/DK)
③ Online journal (J/OL)
Online electronic bulletin (EB/OL)
III. Examples
1. Journal articles
(1) Zhou Qingrong, Zhang Zeting, Zhu Meiwen, et al. Solubility of solid solutes in supercritical fluids containing entrainers (J). Chemical Industry and Engineering Journal, 1995(3):317-323
(2) Dobbs JM, Wong JM. Modification of supercritical fluid phase behavior using polorcoselvent(J). Ind Eng Chem Res,1987,26:56【3) Liu Zhongneng, Jin Wenqing. Study on the synthesis of pharmaceutical intermediate 4-methylimidazole(J). Fine Chemicals, 2002(2):103-105(4) Mesquita AC, Mori MN, Vieira JM, et al. Vinyl acetate polymerization by ionizing radiation(J). Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 2002,63:4652、Monographs
(1) Jiang Tingda. Leucan(M). Beijing: Chemical Industry Press, 2001. 127 (2) Kortun G. Reflectance Spectroscopy (M). New York: Spring-Verlag, 19693, Proceedings
(1) Guo Hong, Wang Xiong, Liu Zonglin. Research on the comprehensive utilization of membrane separation technology in the production of soybean protein isolate (C). // Yu Lixin. Proceedings of the 3rd National Membrane and Membrane Process Academic Report Conference. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 1999. 421-425 (2) Eiben AE, van der Hauw JK. Solving 3-SAT with adaptive genetic algorithms (C). // Proc 4th IEEE Conf Evolutionary Computation. Piscataway: IEEE Press, 1997. 81-864, Dissertations
(1) Chen Jinmei. Experimental study on the production of early strength and rapid hardening cement with fluorinated gypsum (D). Xi'an: Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, 2000 (2) Christoffels LAJ. Carrier-facilitated transport as a mechanistic tool in supramoleculan chemistry (D). The Netherlands: Twente University. 19885. Patent literature (1) Hasegawa, Toshiyuki, Yoshida, et al. Paper Coating composition (P). EP0634524. 1995-01-18 (2) Nakamae Masao, Sato Hisaaki. Photosensitive resin (P). Japan, Tokkai-hei 09-26667. 1997-01-28 (3) Yamaguchi K, Hayashi A. Plant growth promoter and production thereof (P). Jpn Jp1290606.
[4) Xiamen University. Preparation method of dialkylaminoethanol carboxylate (P). Chinese invention patent, CN1073429.1993-06-236、Technical standard documents
(1)ISO1210-1982, Plastics
Determination of flammability of plastics by a small sample contact flame method (S) [2) GB2410-80, Test method for light transmittance and haze of transparent plastics (S) 7、Newspapers
(1)Chen Zhiping. New trends in disaster reduction design research (N). Science and Technology Daily, 1997-12-12 (5) 8、Reports
(1)Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society. Dense phase pneumatic conveying technology (R). Beijing: 1996 9、Electronic documents
(1)Wan Jinrou. Abstracts of Chinese University Journals (1983-1993) (DB/CD). Beijing: Encyclopedia of China Publishing House, 1996
(1) References should be listed in accordance with GB7714-87 "Rules for Listing References at the End of a Text" and "Specifications for Retrieval and Evaluation Data of Chinese Academic Journals (CD-ROM Version)", using a sequential coding system. The order of appearance of the references in the citation is coded in Arabic numerals in a row, and the serial number is placed in square brackets. If a document is repeatedly cited in the same text, it shall be marked with the same serial number. If it is necessary to indicate the source of the citation, the page number or chapter, section or article title may be indicated in parentheses after the serial number, and the font size shall be smaller than that of the main text.
(2) The reference items at the end of the text shall be complete, and the order of arrangement shall be based on the order of appearance in the main text; the reference list shall be marked with "References:" (left top) or "[References]" (centered); the serial number shall be left top, marked with Arabic numerals and square brackets; each entry shall end with a solid dot. (3) Reference type and document type shall be identified by single letter according to GB3469-83 "Document Type and Document Carrier Code":
(4) For the starting page number in the reference, please indicate it with "(P+starting and ending page number)" after the citation in the text. <Monograph (M); Proceedings (C); Newspaper article (N); Journal article (J); Dissertation (D); Report (R); Standard (S); Patent (P)
A. Monographs, collections of papers, dissertations, reports [Serial number Main responsible person: Document title Document type identifier. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication [1] Zhou Zhenfu. Zhou Yi Translation and Annotation [M]. Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company. 1985 [2] Chen Song. Selected Essays on the Debate on Eastern and Western Cultural Issues before and after the May Fourth Movement [C]. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 1985. [3] Chen Tongsheng. Chinese Historian Culture and "Records of the Grand Historian" [D]. Xi'an: Shaanxi Normal University Institute of Literature, 1992, [4] Bai Yongxiu, Liu Gan, Ren Baoping. Research on the Cultivation and Development of the Three Major Factor Markets of Finance, Talent and Technology in Xi'an [R]. Xi'an: Northwest Economic Research Center of Shaanxi Normal University. 1998b. Journal Article
[Serial number] Main responsible person. Document title []]. Journal name, year, volume (issue) [5] He Lingxiu ,Reading Gu Cheng's "History of the Southern Ming Dynasty"[]. Chinese History Research, 1998(3) c. Extracted documents in the collection of papers
[Serial number] Main author of the extracted document. Title of the extracted document[A]. Main author of the original document (optional. Title of the original document[C]. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication. [6]] Qu Qiubai. Problems of Modern Civilization and Socialism[A]. Luo Rongqiu. From Westernization to Modernization[C]. Beijing: Peking University Press, 1990,
d. Newspaper articles
[Serial number] Main author. Title of the document[N]. Newspaper name, publication date (edition)[7] Xie Xide. Creating new ideas for learning[N]. People's Daily, 1998-12-25(10), e. International and national standards
[Serial number] Standard number, standard Name [S]
[8]GB/T16159-1996, Basic Rules of Chinese Phonetic Orthography [S]f. Patent
[Serial number] Patent owner. Patent title [P]. Patent country: Patent number, Publication date [9]] Jiang Xizhou A preparation method for warm compress medicine [P]. Chinese patent: 881056073, 1989-07-26.g. Electronic document
[Serial number] Main responsible person. Electronic document title [Electronic document and carrier type identification]] . Electronic document source or available address, publication or update date/citation date (optional) [10] Wang Mingliang. On the progress of China's academic journal standardization database system engineering [EB/01]. b/wml.txt/980810-2.html, 1998-08-16/1998-10-04. [11] Wan Jinkun. Abstracts of Chinese University Journals (1983-1993). English version [DB/CD]. Beijing: Encyclopedia of China Publishing House, 1996.
h. Various types of documents
[Serial number] Main author. Document title [Z]. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication [12] Zhang Yonglu, Tang Dynasty Chang'an Dictionary [Z]. Xi'an: Shaanxi People's Publishing House, 1980. 2. Notes and references
(1) Notes
Notes mainly provide necessary explanations or descriptions of the title, author and a specific content in the article. They can be inserted in the text (with parentheses) or at the end of the text. Serial numbers are represented by circled Arabic numerals. (2) References
1) References
This journal adopts a sequential numbering system. Each cited reference must be noted in both the text and the "References" section at the end of the text. In the paper, each reference entry is numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in the order in which the reference appears, and the serial number is placed in square brackets. If a document is repeatedly cited in the same text, it is marked with the same serial number. If it is necessary to indicate the specific source of the quotation, the page number (Chinese document: page xx; English: p.xx) or the chapter, section, or article title can be indicated in parentheses after the serial number. Example:
In the text: "Gong, Shang, Jiao, Hui, Yu, mixed with the sounds of the sun, single with the sounds of the sun." [11 (Historical Records·Book of Music: page 1180) At the end of the text: [1] Han·Sima Qian. Shiji [M]. Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1974.2) Reference type
According to GB3469-83 "Document Type and Document Carrier Code", it is identified by a single letter: M-
Monograph (including historical and chronicle works in ancient books) C——Collection of papers
-Newspaper article
-Journal article
Degree thesis
Research report
Extracted documents from monographs and collections of papers
Other document types not specified
Electronic document types are identified by two letters: DB
Computer program
Electronic bulletin
Electronic documents on non-paper media shall also indicate their media type in the reference identification: DB/OL
Online database
Tape database
CD-ROM book
Disk software
Online journal
Online electronic bulletin
3) Format of references
The reference items are listed at the end of the article. The format is: a. Monographs, collections of papers, dissertations, research reports: [serial number] author (editor). Title [document type identifier]. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication. Example:
[1] Qian Renping. Chinese Violin Music [M]. Changsha: Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House, 2001b. Journal article:
[Serial number] Author. Title []. Journal name, year, volume (issue): start and end page numbers Example:
[2] Chen Hongduo. On the musical composition of Mahler's "First Symphony" []. Journal of the Central Conservatory of Music, 2000, 81(4): 39-47]c. Individual papers in a collection of papers:
[Serial number] Paper author. Paper title [A] Collection editor (optional). Collection title [C]. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication. Paper start and end page numbers.
[3]Liu Guiteng. Research on Single Drum Music[A].Tian Liantao. Collection of Papers on National Music[C].Beijing: Journal of the Central Conservatory of Music,
d.Newspaper article:
[Serial number]Author.Title[N].Newspaper name, publication date and issue number (edition).Example:
[4]Shi Junliang. Singing around the melody[N].Music Weekly, 2002-11-215(3e.Electronic document:
[Serial number]Author.Title[Electronic document and carrier type identification].Publisher or available address (website) of the electronic document, publication or update date Citation date (optional):Example:
[5]Wang Mingliang. On the progress of the Chinese academic journal standardization database system engineering[EB/OL]., 1998-08-10-04f. Various unspecified types of documents:
[Serial number] Author (editor). Title [Z]. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication Example:
[6] Wen Tingkuan, Wang Luyu. Dictionary of Ancient Art [Z]. Beijing: China International Broadcasting Press, 1989g. Foreign literature
The order of papers in citations and references is basically the same as that of Chinese literature; book titles and journal titles are in italics, and journal article titles are in double quotes; whether to list the document type identification number and the page number of the book (papers must list the first and last page numbers) is optional; the year of publication is always listed at the end of the sentence or before the page number (no year sorting method). Example:
[7]Nettl, Bruno. The Study of Ethnomusicology: Twenty-nine Issues and Concepts [M] Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1983[8jHarrison, Frank. "Universals in Music: Towards a Methodology of Comparative Research.\World of Music, 1977, 19(1-2): 30-36Foreign literature must be expressed in the original foreign language (you can also attach the Chinese translation in brackets after the original title). Do not use only Chinese to express the original meaning of the foreign language.
Correct:[9]Rees, Helen. Echoes of History: Naxi Music in Modern China[M]. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000
Correct: [9jRees, Helen. Echoes of History: Naxi Music in Modern China [M]. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. Incorrect: [9Li Helen. Echoes of History: Naxi Music in Modern China. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
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