title>Guidelines for the development of terminology database - GB/T 15387.2-2001 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Guidelines for the development of terminology database

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 15387.2-2001

Standard Name:Guidelines for the development of terminology database

Chinese Name: 术语数据库开发指南

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release2001-11-14

Date of Implementation:2002-06-01

Date of Expiration:2014-11-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:General, Terminology, Standardization, Documentation >> 01.020 Terminology (Principles and Coordination)

Standard Classification Number:General>>Basic Standards>>A22 Terms and Symbols

associated standards

alternative situation:GB/T 15387.2-1994

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press


Publication date:2004-04-09

other information

Release date:1994-12-27

Review date:2004-10-14

Drafting unit:China Standards Research Center

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee on Terminology Standardization

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China

competent authority:National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the structure of terminology database terminology entries, database functions, expansion and data normalization requirements. This part applies to the research, development, maintenance and management of terminology databases. Other work involving terminology data processing can also be used as a reference. GB/T 15387.2-2001 Terminology Database Development Guide GB/T15387.2-2001 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the structure of terminology database terminology entries, database functions, expansion and data normalization requirements. This part applies to the research, development, maintenance and management of terminology databases. Other work involving terminology data processing can also be used as a reference.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Replaces GB/T15387.2—1994
Guidelines for the development of terminology database2001-11-14Promulgated
People's Republic of China
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine
Implementation on 2002-06-01
Normative references
Terms and definitions
Terminology entry structure
Functions of the terminology database
Data normalization
Other requirements
Expansion of the terminology database||tt| |Appendix A (Informative Appendix)
A.1 Terminology
A.2 Character Set
National Standards and International Standards Related to Establishing Terminology Database
A.3 Representation of Codes and Data Elements
A.4 Character Transcription
A.5 System Development
A.6 Other Related Standards
GB/T 15387 is divided into two parts:
Part 1: Guidelines for the Preparation of Terminology Database Development Documents; Part 2: Guidelines for Terminology Database Development.
This part replaces GB/T 15387.2—1994 “Guidelines for Terminology Database Development”. The main changes of this part compared with GB/T 15387.2—1994 are as follows: some terms in the chapter on terms and definitions are modified, and the definitions of all terms are updated. The title of Chapter 4 was changed to "Terminology Entries Structure"; "Field Mandatory" was changed to "Field Mandatory Level" (see 4.7); the requirement of "network support" was added to the chapter on terminology database functions (see 5.10); the newly formulated relevant standards were added to Appendix A; GB/T15387.22001
According to the requirements of GB/T1.1-2000 "Guidelines for Standardization Work Part 1: Structure and Writing Rules of Standards", the format of standard arrangement was modified and adjusted. GB/T15837 is one of the series of national standards for terminology databases. The supporting standards that have been issued are: GB/T13725—2001
General principles and methods for establishing terminology databasesMagnetic tape format for recording and exchanging terms and dictionary entriesGuidelines for technical evaluation of terminology databases
Coordination of concepts and terminology
Computer application
Terminology work
Data categories
Terminology work
Computer application
GB/T18155—2000, Terminology work
Computer application
Appendix A to this part is an informative appendix.
This part is proposed by the National Technical Committee for Terminology Standardization. This part is under the jurisdiction of the China Standardization Research Center. This part is drafted by the China Standardization Research Center. This part of the Machine Readable Terminology Interchange Format (MARTIF) Negotiation Exchange is interpreted by the National Technical Committee for Terminology Standardization. The main drafters of this part are: Ye Sheng, Li Mingfei, Zhang Zhiyun, Xiao Yujing, Lu Lili, Xu Junrong. 1 Scope
Guidelines for the Development of Terminology Databases
This part specifies the structure of terminology entries in the terminology database (referred to as "terminology database"), the functions, expansion of the database and the requirements for data normalization.
This part is applicable to the research, development, maintenance and management of terminology databases. Other work involving terminology data processing can also be used as a reference.
2 Normative References
The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this part through reference in this part. For any dated referenced document, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this part, however, parties reaching an agreement based on this part are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated referenced document, the latest version applies to this part. GB/T3792.1 General rules for bibliographic description (GB/T3792.1-1983) GB/T3860 Rules for indexing bibliographic thesaurus (GB/T3860-1995) GB/T8566 Information technology software life cycle process (GB/T8566--2001, ISO/EC12207:1995, IDT) GB/T13418 General sorting rules for text entries (GB/T13418--1992.ISO7154:1983, NEQ) GB/T13725-2001 General principles and methods for establishing a terminology database GB/T13726-1992 Magnetic tape format for exchanging terminology and dictionary entries and records (ISO6156:1987.NEQ) GB/T137 45 Discipline classification and code (GB/T13745-1992) GB/T15387.1-2001 Guide to the compilation of terminology database development documents GB/T15237.1-2000 Vocabulary of terminology work Part 1: Theory and application GB/T16786-1997 Data categories for computer application of terminology work (ISO/DIS12620-1996EQV) GB/T17532-1998 Vocabulary of computer application of terminology work (ISO/DIS1087-2-2:1996, EQV) 3 Terms and definitions
GB/T15237.1-2000. The terms and definitions established in GB/T16786--1997 and GB/T17532-1998 apply to this part. For ease of use, this part repeats some of the terms and definitions. 3.1
A word that refers to a general concept in a specific professional field. 3.2
A collection of organized and sharable data stored in a computer for a long time. [GB/T17532—1998,7.5]
TerminologicaldatabaseA database containing terminological data.
A collection of data elements treated as a unit. [GB/T17532—1998.7.9]
Data element dataelement
A data unit with distinguishing characteristics in a certain context. [[GB/T17532—1998,7.11]
Data field datafield
The variable-length or fixed-length part stored in a record for a specific data element. [GB/T17532—1998.7.12]
Data category datacategory
Data element type dataelementtype
A description of the type of a given data field. [GB/T17532-1998,7.14]
Identifier identifier
One or more characters used to identify or name a data category. [GB/T17532—1998,7.15]
Terminological entryTerminological data about a concept contained in a terminological data set. [GB/T17532—1998.3.22]
4Terminological entry structure
In a terminology database, each term and its related set of data elements constitute a terminology unit according to different usage purposes. Each data element occupies a field (or subfield), and a class of data elements with the same attributes constitutes a data field. 4.1Number of fields
The number of fields should be determined according to the needs of the terminology database application, in accordance with the requirements of standardization, to meet user needs to the greatest extent, and to avoid waste.
4.2'Field names
should use characters that are easy to remember and identify. Example 1:
Field name: Serial number (xuhao/number) Abbreviation: xh (Chinese Pinyin) or Num (English) Example 2:
Field name: Definition (dingyi/definition) Abbreviation: dy (Chinese Pinyin) or def (English abbreviation) 4.3 Field identifiers
Field identifiers can use letters or numbers. If numbers are used, they should comply with the requirements of Appendix A of GB/T13726-1992. Field identifiers and their compilation principles and methods should be indicated in the documents provided to users. 4.4 Field data types
4.4.1 Character type
It can be Chinese characters, letters, numbers, special symbols, etc. Terminology, definitions, etc. should use character type fields. 4.4.2 Numeric type
It can be integers, decimals, positive and negative numbers, etc. Serial numbers should use numeric fields. 4.4.3 Date type
The structure of date type data field is: CCYYMMDD. Example: 20010515 means May 15, 2001. GB/T15387.2—2001
The date of generation of terminology source (such as standard release date, dictionary publication date, etc.) and the date of generation of terminology record should use date type field.
4.4.4 Others
Terminology data may also involve other field data types, such as logical data types. 4.5 Field length
Terminology database should use variable length fields as much as possible. When using fixed length fields, factors such as convenience of use and saving storage space should be considered. 4.6 Relationship between fields
According to the characteristics of the relationship between terminology data elements, the relationship between fields can be one-to-one (1:1), one-to-many (1:N) or many-to-many (MN).
4.7 Mandatory level of fields
The mandatory level of fields should be determined according to the purpose of the termbase. 4.7.1 Mandatory fields
When the terminology data category is the minimum information required to form a terminology entry, use this type of field. For example, "term" and "definition" in a concept-oriented termbase, "term" and "foreign equivalent" in a translation-oriented termbase, etc. Mandatory fields must be set up and cannot be left blank. 4.7.2 Optional fields
When the terminology data category is the necessary information to form a terminology entry, use this type of field, but it can be left blank. For example, synonyms and abbreviations of terms in a translation-oriented termbase. 4.7.3 Optional fields
When the terminology data category is optional information to form a terminology entry, use this type of field. For example, grammatical information, context, etc. 4.8 Field repeatability
When terminology data elements (such as synonyms) belonging to the same terminology data category need to appear several times in one record, the same field can be reused.
4.9 Field combination
Almost all data elements (fields) of terminology data categories can be combined with data elements (fields) of one or more terminology data categories to form a new terminology entry.
4.10. Subfield
When a certain field may have several values, or a field needs to reflect several contents, subfields can be used. a) A term may have several synonyms, which can be further divided into subfields according to the usage status, such as priority, permission, and rejection. b) The synonymy (degree) field needs to be divided into subfields, such as constant equal to (three), greater than (>), less than or equal to (<=), intersection (X), synonym (~), antonym (→), etc.
4.11 Cross-references
There are cross-references between different records (such as one term referring to another term), between different files (such as the main file and the inverted file); and between different databases (such as the graphic database and the text database, and between databases in different languages). 3
5 Functions of the terminology library
5.1 User interface
It should be able to provide a good Chinese character processing environment and a friendly user interface. The designed screen should have the following functions:
a) Human-computer dialogue.
The user inputs questions or other relevant information to the machine through the keyboard or other input devices, and the machine provides answers, prompts or other relevant information to the user through the display screen or other output devices. b) Menu drive.
Different menus for system management and user query should be set according to needs. A menu system should be designed to display multiple choices for users, and multi-level menus can be designed according to needs.
For example:
First-level menu: main function selection. For example, data input, data maintenance and update, data retrieval, sorting and printing, etc.; Second-level menu: sub-function selection, sub-items in a single function, conditions, etc. For example, browsing, setting search terms, displaying search results, etc. in the data retrieval function;
Third-level menu: selection of the next level of detailed functions that need to be designed. c) Prompt function.
For example:
Error prompt: indicating the nature and type of the error, as well as how to correct it; Rejection prompt: indicating and warning of invalid or wrong operations; operation step prompt.
d) Help function.
For example:
Specific and detailed instructions for correct operations; information on relevant content, including common codes such as language code, subject code, source institution code, responsible person code and their meanings: explanation of the relevant screen display content, the meaning and range of parameter values, and command or function selection descriptions. The help function can be realized by using window technology or calling auxiliary libraries and auxiliary screens. This state should be easy to enter and exit and return to the original operation state.
e) Other functions required by users.
For example; browsing, window, etc.
5.2 Data retrieval
In addition to being able to retrieve a single term and corresponding information (definition, foreign language equivalent, etc.), the term library should also be designed with the following types of retrieval according to needs.
a) Internal attribute retrieval.
Retrieve according to classification language and thesaurus language. Classification language retrieval results in all systematic terms in a certain field that are suitable for a certain classification; thesaurus language retrieval results in all terms that a certain term may involve, including related terms in other fields. b) External attribute retrieval.
For example:
Retrieve all terms contained in the document according to the cataloging data of the term source bibliography; retrieve all terms compiled (formulated) by the source institution (or responsible person); retrieve the annual changes in term compilation according to the year. c) Combined attribute retrieval.
Combination retrieval of the same or different attributes. 4
The retrieval technology should meet the requirements of 8.2 of GB/T13725-2001. 5.3 Duplicate check and data verification
A duplicate check function should be designed, and the data verification function should be designed according to the requirements of 8.1.2 of GB/T13725—2001. 5.4 Reorganization and reconstruction of terminology database
a) Design a database reorganization function as needed to automatically recycle the storage space occupied by deleted records and reuse it. b) When necessary, change access control, hardware configuration, database distribution, and modify data structure. 5.5 Recovery, backup and restart
Recovery, backup and restart of terminology database should be supported. When restarting is required due to misoperation, program error or other unexpected reasons (such as power failure), use the backup;
When the terminology database is damaged due to human or accidental reasons, it should be possible to: a) find out the cause of the error;
b) find out the impact of the error;
c) correct the error;
d) continue working after correction.
5.6 Define default values ​​
In accordance with the requirements of 8.1.3 of GB/T13725-2001, define default values ​​as needed to facilitate automatic or semi-automatic generation and modification of field content.
5.7 Numerical processing
Numerical processing functions should be designed as needed, such as the average length of terms and definitions, the number and percentage of terms of a certain length, the annual terminology generation and usage, the use of the terminology database by a certain user, the terminology compilation of a certain organization, etc. 5.8 Sorting and printing
The alphabetical sorting shall comply with the provisions of GB/T13418. The sorting and printing functions shall be designed as needed to meet the following requirements. a) It shall be able to generate and print terminology vocabularies or dictionaries sorted by concept system; b) It shall be able to generate and print English-Chinese, Chinese-English bilingual vocabularies or dictionaries, or other foreign language-Chinese bilingual vocabularies or dictionaries sorted by foreign alphabetical order or Chinese pinyin;
c) It shall be able to generate and print synonymous (near-meaning) vocabularies or dictionaries; d) It shall be able to generate and print antonym vocabularies or dictionaries; e) If necessary, it shall also be able to generate relevant information of the corpus, such as sorting by the frequency of use of terms, sorting by the frequency of combination of terms with other terms, etc.
f) Other functions.
5.9 Programming language interface
It shall be able to provide an interface for a common programming language, allowing the use of the programming language to write own applications and develop certain special functions.
5.10 Network support
Should be able to realize basic network application functions such as network query, data search and data download. 5.11 Others
a) Data input should comply with the requirements of 8.1 of GB/T13725-2001; b) Data display should comply with the requirements of 8.3 of GB/T13725-2001; c) Data security and confidentiality should comply with the requirements of 6.1.7 and 8.6 of GB/T13725-2001; d) Data transmission and data exchange should comply with the requirements of 7.7 and Chapter 10 of GB/T13725-2001. 5
6 Data normalization
6.1 Data collection
Data collection requirements should be determined from the two aspects of need and possibility, and in accordance with 7.2.1 of GB/T13725--2001. 6.1.1 Data requirements
a) The scope and total number of terms to be included (can be arranged in stages); b) The languages ​​to be used and the degree of use (whether only the foreign language equivalents in the corresponding language are included, or the definition, synonyms and other data of the term are also included);
c) The data categories to be determined.
6.1.2 Data Assurance
a) Types of terminology sources, such as standards, encyclopedias, dictionaries, professional literature, etc.; b) Authority and adequacy of terminology sources, for example, a multilingual terminology database requires multilingual literature; c) Composition of experts, including experts in professional fields, terminologists, linguists, etc.; d) Level of staff, including professional level, foreign language level, etc.; e) Technical rules for data processing should be written in accordance with the requirements of 5.14 to 5.16 of GB/T15387.1-2001; f) Data processing work procedures should be written in accordance with the requirements of 5.18 of GB/T15387.1-2001; g) Data acceptance standards and acceptance methods should be specified, including quality requirements, inspection methods, basis and procedures for each data and processing process.
6.1.3 Data Collection Method
After determining the data collection principles according to 6.1.1 to 6.1.2, a unified format for data collection (collection card or work sheet) is specified, and data is collected, selected, and logged in according to the unified format. The format should meet the requirements of the terminology database for data and should be consistent with the structure of the terminology database. 6.2 Indexing
6.2.1 Classification
In order to facilitate indexing work and the exchange of domestic and foreign terminology data, a universal classification should be adopted as much as possible. For example:
a) China Standard Document Classification (CCS); b) International Standard Classification (ICS):
c) GB/T13745 Subject Classification and Code. 6.2.2 Thesaurus
In order to indicate the subject area or subject characteristics to which a concept belongs, a thesaurus retrieval language can be used. For example:
a) Chinese subject word list and its compatible related professional subject word list; b) Standard document subject word list (ROOTTHESAURUS). 6.2.3 Classification indexing and descriptive word indexingwwW.bzxz.Net
a) General, basic terms or terms selected from comprehensive documents should be indexed according to the subject characteristics of the classification and definition of the term.
b) The classification indexing and descriptive word indexing of certain term entries can also be consistent with the term source. If a term entry is taken from a term standard, the classification indexing and descriptive word indexing of the entry are consistent with the standard. c) Multiple indexing.
When a concept belongs to several professional fields, or when the term base needs to use multiple classifications and descriptive word lists at the same time, repeated indexing is required. 6.2.4 Indexing rules and indexing content
It should comply with the provisions of GB/T3860. The content of classification indexing includes the source code of the classification method, the classification code of the professional field to which the term (or term source) belongs, and the name of the professional field.
Example 1: GB/T13745 (source code) 520.4050 (classification code) XX× database (name of professional field). Example 2: UDC (source code) 681.3.01 (classification code) X×× data processing principle (name of professional field). The content of thesaurus indexing includes the source code, thesaurus code and thesaurus of the thesaurus. Example: ISO-ROOT (source code) MJG.JM (thesaurus code) XX× database (thesaurus) GB/T15387.2—2001
The classification method and thesaurus used as well as the indexing rules should be provided to the user. If necessary, the comparison (or conversion instructions) of different classification methods and thesauri should also be provided.
6.3 Codes
The codes used in the terminology database, such as language code, subject code, source code, responsible institution code, etc., should comply with the corresponding national standards , if there is no national standard to refer to, it can be defined by itself, but it must be detailed in the technical documents provided to the user. If necessary, an auxiliary code database should be established for users to query at any time. 6.4 Cataloging
Uniform cataloging items, rules and formats as well as abbreviation cataloging details should be specified. The cataloging of terminology entries should comply with the provisions of GB/T3792.1 and relevant national standards. 7 Other requirements
a) The database construction process and work steps should comply with the requirements of Chapter 7 of GB/T13725-2001. b) The computer system of the terminology database should comply with the requirements of 6.2 in GB/T13725--2001. c) The software development related to the terminology database should avoid the provisions of GB/T8566. d) Relevant technical documents need to be compiled during the development of the terminology database, and the content and writing requirements of the documents should comply with the provisions of GB/T15387.1.
e) The terminology database of minority languages ​​should be transcribed in Latin as much as possible to facilitate the use of newly introduced terminology database software. 8 Expansion of terminology database
The following situations may require the expansion of terminology database: a) Adding new professional fields;
b) Adding new languages;
c) Adding new data categories;
d) Adding new entries;
e) Adding new data types (such as figures, formulas, special symbols, etc.); f) Adding new functions:
g) Changing software and hardware configurations, changing models; h) Data transmission, data conversion, etc.
A1 Terminology work
A.1.1 National standards
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Establishing the national standards and international standards related to terminology database. Document descriptor indexing rules
GB/T 4880.2
General principles for bibliographic description
Part 2: Three-letter code
Language name code
Principles and methods of terminology work
Rules for compiling Chinese thesaurus
General sorting rules for text entries
Modern Chinese word segmentation specifications for information processing
General principles and methods for establishing terminology databases Magnetic tape format for recording and exchanging terminology and dictionary entries GB/T15237.1 Vocabulary for terminology work Part 1: Theory and application GB/T 15238.1
Basic terms in dictionary compilation
GB/T15387.1Guidelines for the compilation of terminology database development documents GB/T15417 Rules for the compilation of multilingual thesauri for documentation work GB/T15625
Guidelines for the technical evaluation of terminology databases
Common Chinese abbreviations for dictionary compilation
Traditional Chinese symbols for dictionary compilation
Coordination of concepts and terms for terminology work
Computer applications
Terminology work
Data categories|| tt||Computer application of terminology
Computer application of terminologyMachine readable terminology interchange format (MARTIF)Negotiation and exchangeGB/T20001.1Standard writing rulesPart 1:Terminology A.1.2International standards
Computer-assisted terminology-Terminology interchange format (TIF)-Data element dictionaryComputer-assisted terminologyTerminology interchange format (TIF)-Application of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language)ISO/DTR12618Computer-assisted terminology-Establishment and use of terminology database and text databaseISO10241||tt ||ISO/R860
Development and arrangement of international terminology standards
International coordination of concepts and terms
Arrangement of multilingual classification vocabulary
Rules for the compilation of monolingual thesauri for documentary work ISO2788
Rules for the compilation of classification vocabulary
A.2 Character sets
A.2.1 National standards
Information processing
Information processing
Seven-bit coded character set for information interchange
Seven-bit and Code expansion technology for eight-bit coded character sets GB/T11383 Information processing and information exchange using eight-bit code structure and compilation rules GB/T8565 Information processing and text communication coded character set GB2312 Basic set of Chinese coded character set for information exchange GB/T7589
Second auxiliary set of Chinese coded character set for information exchange GB/T7590
Fourth auxiliary set of Chinese coded character set for information exchange GB/T12345
G B12050
Coded character set for Chinese characters for information interchange
Supplementary set
Coded character set for Chinese characters for information interchange
Third supplementary set
Coded character set for Chinese characters for information interchange
Fifth supplementary set
Information technologyUniversal multiple-octet coded character set (UCS)Mathematical characters for bibliographic information interchangeCoded character set for information processingMongolian seven-bit and eight-bit coded graphic character set for information interchangeUighur coded graphic character set for information processingGB12052
Coded character set for Korean for information interchangeCoded character set for information interchange||t t||GB/T13141
Greek alphabet coded character set for bibliographic information exchange 2 Latin alphabet coded character set for bibliographic information exchange GB/T13142
A.2.2 International Standard
ISO5427 Cyrillic alphabet extended character set for bibliographic information exchange ISO6438
3 African alphabet coded character set for bibliographic information exchange in documentary work Information processing Eight-bit single-byte coded graphic character set ISO8859
ISO/DIS6861 Cyrillic alphabet coded character set ISO6630 Bibliographic control character set for documentary work ISO/DP8957.2 Hebrew alphabet coded character set A. 3 Representation of codes and data elements
A.3.1 National standards
Codes for names of countries and regions around the world
Romanization and codes for names of ethnic groups in ChinaGB/T3304
Codes for document types and document carriers
Codes for language names
Chinese language codes
Data elements and exchange methods
Codes for document confidentiality levels
Subject classification code
A.3.2 International standard
Information exchange
Date and time representation
ISO/DIS6093 Numerical representation in character strings for information interchange ISO6523 Structure of identification of data exchange organizations ISO7064 Information processing check code system
ISO/DP7352 Guidelines for the organization and representation of data elements for data interchange ISO/DIS7826 General structure of code representation for interchange A.4 Character transcription
A.4.1 International standard
GB/T15387.2—20012 International Standards
ISO5427 Cyrillic extended character set for bibliographic information exchange ISO6438
3 African alphabet coded character set for bibliographic information exchange in bibliographic work Information processing Eight-bit single-byte coded graphic character set ISO8859
ISO/DIS6861 Cyrillic coded character set ISO6630 Bibliographic control character set ISO/DP8957.2 Hebrew alphabet coded character set A.3 Representation of codes and data elements
A.3.1 National standards
Codes for names of countries and regions around the world
Romanization and codes for names of ethnic groups in China GB/T3304
GB/ T7156
Code for document type and document carrier
Code for language name
Chinese language code
Data element and exchange method
Code for document confidentiality level
Subject classification code
A.3.2 International standard
Information exchange
Date and time representation
ISO/DIS6093 Numerical representation in character strings for information exchange ISO6523 Structure of identification method for data exchange mechanism ISO7064 Information processing check code system
ISO/DP7352 Guidelines for the organization and representation of data elements for data exchange ISO/DIS7826 General structure of code representation for exchange A.4 Character transcription
A.4.1 International standard
GB/T15387.2—20012 International Standards
ISO5427 Cyrillic extended character set for bibliographic information exchange ISO6438
3 African alphabet coded character set for bibliographic information exchange in bibliographic work Information processing Eight-bit single-byte coded graphic character set ISO8859
ISO/DIS6861 Cyrillic coded character set ISO6630 Bibliographic control character set ISO/DP8957.2 Hebrew alphabet coded character set A.3 Representation of codes and data elements
A.3.1 National standards
Codes for names of countries and regions around the world
Romanization and codes for names of ethnic groups in China GB/T3304
GB/ T7156
Code for document type and document carrier
Code for language name
Chinese language code
Data element and exchange method
Code for document confidentiality level
Subject classification code
A.3.2 International standard
Information exchange
Date and time representation
ISO/DIS6093 Numerical representation in character strings for information exchange ISO6523 Structure of identification method for data exchange mechanism ISO7064 Information processing check code system
ISO/DP7352 Guidelines for the organization and representation of data elements for data exchange ISO/DIS7826 General structure of code representation for exchange A.4 Character transcription
A.4.1 International standard
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