This standard is applicable to light-load oil-injected rotary air compressor oil prepared from mineral oil fractions through various refining processes and added with antioxidant, anti-foam and anti-rust additives. GB 5904-1986 Light-load oil-injected rotary air compressor oil GB5904-1986 Standard download and decompression password:
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China Lubricants for light duty rotaryroil-ffooded air compressor UDC621.89.092 GB5904-86 This standard is applicable to light-load oil-injected rotary air compressor oil prepared from mineral oil fractions through various refining processes and added with antioxidant, anti-foam and anti-rust additives. This product is used for light-load oil-injected and internally cooled rotary air compressors with exhaust temperatures less than 100°C and effective working pressures less than 800kPa (less than 8bar). This product is divided into six viscosity grades: N15, N22, N32, N46, N68 and N100 based on the central value of kinematic viscosity at 40°C. Reference standards GB260 GB259 GB GB GB GB GB GB 265 267 268 511 2541 3141 GB' 3535| |tt||GB 4756 GB 5096 SY SY SY 2000||tt ||2669 2674 SY 2680 SY 2683 Petroleum products moisture determination method Petroleum products Water-soluble acid and alkali test method Determination method of kinematic viscosity of petroleum products Determination method of flash point and fire point of petroleum products (open cup method) Determination method of carbon residue of petroleum products Petroleum products and Additive mechanical impurity determination method (gravimetric method) Petroleum product viscosity index calculation table Industrial lubricating oil viscosity classification Petroleum pour point determination method Petroleum and liquid petroleum product sampling method (manual Method) Copper sheet corrosion test method for petroleum products Petroleum product packaging, storage, transportation and delivery acceptance rules Lubricating oil foam properties determination method Lubricating oil liquid phase corrosion determination method Steam turbine Determination of oil oxidation stability Turbine oil demulsification time determination method National Bureau of Standards released on 1986-03-03 Implemented on 1986-12-01 3| |tt||Technical requirements item viscosity grade item kinematic viscosity (40℃), mm2/s viscosity index||tt ||Burning point, ℃ Flash point (opening), ℃ Not less than Not higher than Not lower than Corrosion (Ta copper Tablet, 100℃, 3h) level is not greater than the foaming property (24℃), ml: Foam tendency Foam stability Not greater than Not greater than | | tt | Oxidation stability, h Mechanical impurities, % Moisture, % Water-soluble acid or alkali Carbon residue (before additives), % not greater than not greater than not less than not greater than not big hand N15 GB5904- 86 Quality index 22 N32 N46 N68 13.5~16.519.8~24.228.8~35.241.4 -50.661.2~74.890 - 9 165 175 Note: ① The manufacturer can provide oil with a lower pour point according to the agreement between the supply and demand parties. 190 ②The foam stability is "0", which allows discontinuous small bubbles around the measuring cylinder. 1 100 30 Rust-free 1000 0.01 Traces None Report 200 ③The oxidation stability index is randomly checked once a year, but the products must be qualified every time they leave the factory. 3 Packaging, marking, storage and transportation The packaging, marking, storage, transportation and delivery acceptance of this product shall be carried out in accordance with SY2000. 4 Sampling Sampling is carried out in accordance with GB4756, and 2L is taken as inspection and retention samples. 210 N100 90.0~100 220 30 Test method GB3141 GB265||tt| |GB2541 GB3535 and Note GB267 GB5096 SY2669 and wwW.bzxz.Net Note② SY2683||tt ||SY2674 (use distilled water) SY2680 and note ③ GB.511 GB260 GB259||tt| | GB268 | The main drafters of this standard are Cai Jiaohua, Lin Caifang, and Zhou Jinzhuang. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.