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Quality assessment specifications for reference stations using global navigation satellite system

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 39614-2020

Standard Name:Quality assessment specifications for reference stations using global navigation satellite system

Chinese Name: 卫星导航定位基准站网质量评价规范

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2020-12-14

Date of Implementation:2020-12-14

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mathematics, Natural Sciences >> 07.040 Astronomy, Geodesy, Geography

Standard Classification Number:General>>Surveying and Mapping>>A76 Land and Ocean Surveying and Mapping

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2020-12-01

other information

drafter:Cheng Pengfei, Zhang Li, Cai Yanhui, Tian Zongbiao, Zhang Lei, Chen Ming, Li Chong, He Chuan, Zhou Tihui, Liu Jinhu

Drafting unit:National Surveying and Mapping Product Quality Inspection and Testing Center, National Basic Geographic Information Center, Sichuan Surveying and Mapping Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Station of the Ministry of Natural Resources

Focal point unit:National Geographic Information Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 230)

Proposing unit:Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 39614-2020.Quality assessment specifications for reference stations using global navigation satellite system. ||
tt||1 Scope
GB/T 39614 specifies the basic requirements, evaluation indicators and evaluation methods for the quality evaluation of satellite navigation and positioning reference station networks.
GB/T 39614 is applicable to the quality evaluation of satellite navigation and positioning reference station networks.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated referenced document, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 24356 Quality inspection and acceptance of surveying and mapping results
GB/T 28588 Technical specification for continuously operating global navigation satellite system reference station network
GB/T 35767 Basic product specification for satellite navigation and positioning reference station network
GB/T 35768 Service management system specification for satellite navigation and positioning reference station network.
GB/T 35769 Service specification for satellite navigation and positioning reference station network
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 35767, GB/T 35768 and GB/T 35769 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Quality assessment
Evaluation and grading of the quality level that can be achieved by the assessment object.
Primary index
Quantitative and qualitative components reflecting the overall quality of the base station network.
Secondary index
Component of the primary index (3.2), the minimum implementation object of quality evaluation.
4 Requirements for quality evaluation
4.1 Basic requirements
4.1.1 Quality evaluation should be conducted by a qualified quality inspection agency.
4.1.2 Quality evaluation can only be conducted after the system has been in trial operation for more than half a year.
4.1.3 The validity period of the evaluation result is 2 years.
4.2 Quality level
The quality level of the satellite navigation and positioning base station network is divided into four levels, from high to low, namely A, B, C, and D.
This standard specifies the basic requirements, evaluation indicators and evaluation methods for the quality evaluation of the satellite navigation and positioning base station network. This standard applies to the quality evaluation of satellite navigation and positioning base station networks.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Quality assessment specifications for reference stations using global navigation satellite system
Published on 2020-12-14
State Administration for Market Regulation
National Administration of Standardization
Implementation on 2020-12-14
Normative reference documents
Terms and definitions
Quality assessment requirements
Basic requirements
Quality levels
Records and reports
5 Quality assessment methods
Quality characterization
Assessment Evaluation index
Scoring method
Grade evaluation
Appendix A (Informative Appendix)
Appendix B (Normative Appendix)
Appendix C (Normative Appendix)
Quality evaluation record form and report template
Quality level evaluation index and description
Defect classification table
This standard is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Geographic Information (SAC/TC230). GB/T39614—2020
Drafting units of this standard: National Surveying and Mapping Product Quality Inspection and Testing Center, National Basic Geographic Information Center, Sichuan Surveying and Mapping Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Station of the Ministry of Natural Resources.
The main drafters of this standard are Cheng Pengfei, Zhang Li, Cai Yanhui, Tian Zongbiao, Zhang Lei, Chen Ming, Li Chong, He Chuan, Zhou Tihui and Liu Jinhu. m
1 Scope
Quality evaluation specification for satellite navigation and positioning reference station network GB/T39614—2020
This standard specifies the basic requirements, evaluation indicators and evaluation methods for quality evaluation of satellite navigation and positioning reference station network. This standard applies to the quality evaluation of satellite navigation and positioning reference station network. Normative reference documents
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated referenced document, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, its latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T24356 Inspection and acceptance of surveying and mapping results quality GB/T28588
Terms and definitions
Technical specifications for global navigation satellite system continuously operating reference station network Basic product specifications for satellite navigation and positioning reference station network Service management system specifications for satellite navigation and positioning reference station network Service specifications The terms and definitions defined in GB/T35767, GB/T35768 and GB/T35769 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
Quality assessment
Evaluation and grading of the quality level that can be achieved by the evaluation object. 3.2
Primary index
Quantitative and qualitative components that reflect the overall quality of the reference station network. 3.3
Secondary index
Component of the first-level index (3.2), the minimum implementation object of quality evaluation 4 Quality evaluation requirements
4.1 Basic requirements
4.1.1 Quality evaluation should be conducted by a qualified quality inspection agency. 4.1.2 Quality evaluation can only be conducted after the system has been in trial operation for more than half a year. 4.1.3 The validity period of the evaluation result is 2 years. 2 Quality level
The quality level of satellite navigation and positioning base station network is divided into four levels, from high to low: A, B, C, and D1
Records and reports
4.3.1 The quality evaluation records should be filled in in a timely, complete, standardized and clear manner. After the evaluators and verifiers sign, it is prohibited to change, add or delete records. For the evaluation record form, please refer to Table A.1 in Appendix A. 4.3.2 After the evaluation is completed, a quality evaluation report of the satellite navigation and positioning base station network should be prepared. The report template can be found in Figures A.1 to A.4. 5 Quality evaluation method
Quality characterization
The quality level of the satellite navigation and positioning base station network is characterized by primary and secondary indicators in percentage. 5.2
2 Evaluation indicators
See Table B.1 in Appendix B for evaluation indicators and descriptions of satellite navigation and positioning reference station network quality level. 3 Weights
The weights of the +-level and secondary quality evaluation indicators shall be set in accordance with Table 1. Table 1 Primary and secondary indicators and weight settings
-Level indicators
Site facilities
Data center facilities
System services
Level indicator weights
Note 1: The secondary indicators marked are important secondary indicators. Secondary indicators
Site quality
Site hardware equipment
Site software equipment
Data quality
Data center room
Computers and networks
Software system
Data quality
Service type
Service performance
Service management system
Service facilities and personnel
Secondary indicator weight
Note 2: The weights of primary and secondary indicators are generally not adjusted. When otherwise specified in the system design and do not conflict with existing standards and specifications, the evaluation content can be added or deleted, and the indicator weights can be adjusted according to the proportion of the corresponding weights listed in this standard. The sum of the weights of each primary indicator (secondary indicator) after the adjustment should be 1.0. 4 Scoring method
5.4.1 Scoring mechanism
The satellite navigation and positioning base station network quality evaluation calculation adopts a weighted average scoring mechanism. 2
5.4.2 Scoring method for secondary indicators
The secondary indicators use the defect deduction method to calculate the quality level, and the deduction standards are shown in Table 2. Table 2 Indicator defect type and deduction standard
Defect type
Class I defect
Class II defect
Class III defect
Class IV defect
The secondary indicator score is scored according to the defect type and deduction standard according to formula (1): Deduction value
Sn=100-(ai×15+a2×10+as×5+a4) In the formula:
Secondary indicator score value;
The number of Class I defects, Class II defects, Class III defects and Class IV defects corresponding to the secondary indicator. The defect classification is shown in Table C.1 in Appendix C.
First-level indicator scoring method
First-level indicators are scored according to formula (2):
First-level indicator, second-level indicator score;
The weight of the corresponding indicator;
The number of second-level indicators included in the first-level indicator. Final system scoring method
The comprehensive score of the satellite navigation and positioning base station network quality level is scored according to formula (3): S
5.5Grade evaluationbzxz.net
System comprehensive score, first-level indicator score; weight of the corresponding indicator;
The number of first-level indicators included.
(S, xp,)
The satellite navigation and positioning base station network quality grade evaluation shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Table 3. ·(2)
Quality Grade
Grade Evaluation Standard
Note: When the score of important secondary indicators is less than 60 points, it is directly evaluated as Grade D4
Evaluation Standard
S≥90 points
75 points≤S<90 points
60 points≤75 points
S<60 points
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Quality Evaluation Record Sheet and Report Template
See Table A for the Quality Evaluation Record Sheet of Satellite Navigation and Positioning Base Station Network.1. Quality evaluation record sheet
Satellite navigation positioning base station network evaluation record sheet Station network name
First-level indicators
Site facilities
Data center facilities
System services
Evaluation date
Second-level indicators
Site quality
Site hardware equipment
Site software equipment
Data quality
Data center room
Computer and network
Software system
Data quality
Service type
Service performance
Service management system
Service facilities and personnel||t t||Defect description
Defect category
Satellite navigation and positioning reference station network quality evaluation report template is shown in Figure A.4
Satellite navigation and positioning reference station network
Quality evaluation report
×××× (×x××) No. (×××) Report serial number
Abbreviation of reporting management sequence
[Seating seal]
Name of network:
Commissioning unit:
Evaluation unit:
×××××××××[Name of evaluation unit, with official seal]Year and month
Note: Virtual square The frame is A4 format, and the date of the content description is in the square brackets.
Figure A.1 Cover format
Page (Hi
Evaluation report
1. This report is invalid without the official seal of the testing unit and the interline seal. 2. This report is invalid if it is not stamped with the official seal of the testing unit. 3. The report is invalid if it is not signed by the compiler, reviewer, and approver. 4. The report is invalid if it is lost or altered.
Page [of × pages]
5. If you have any objections to the content of the report, you should report it to the testing unit within five days of receiving the report. It will not be accepted after the deadline.
Contact information
Political code:
[Name of evaluation unit]
Note: The dotted box is A4 format, and the content in the square brackets is the content description Figure A.2 Cover 2 Format
Site Name
Trust Unit
Evaluation Position
Evaluation Basis
Evaluation Content
Evaluation Conclusion
Approving Person:
[Unit Secret]
[Full Name of Unit]
Price Report
Potozhuo Position
Evaluation Date
No. 2 Page × pages in total
[Detailed pool address]
[List the standards, specifications, designs, specifications, etc. related to the evaluation, with the version number in front and the name in the back, 12C
[List the mountain destruction indicators, secondary indicators, etc. according to the actual evaluation content,] [Stamped with the official seal of the evaluation unit]
China Nuclear Power Corporation:
Approval period:
[Price early name]
Note: The dotted box is A4 format, and the content in the square brackets is the content description
Figure A.3 Format of the first page of the text
Beihuai People Position:
×xxx【××x×) No.【××x) Evaluation Work Overview
Evaluation Report
[Basic situation of the evaluation, including evaluation time, evaluation location, evaluation ]2 Overview of the benchmark network
Page 3 of × pages
[Describe the basic information of the benchmark network to be evaluated, including the scale of the benchmark stations, coverage area, construction location, construction time], operation and maintenance units, unit qualification level, trial operation status, acceptance status, etc., ]3 Evaluation basis
[The evaluation data should be listed as follows:]
4 Evaluation content and methods
[Describe the various evaluation indicators and evaluation methods]5 Main quality issues
[According to the evaluation indicators, describe the main quality issues of the benchmark network respectively, ]]6 Evaluation results
[Clearly define the quality level of the evaluated benchmark network. ]7 Annex
"Quality evaluation score table, table to be able to reflect the number of defects, defect categories, deductions, etc. of each evaluation index. 1 Blank
[Translation position name]
Note: The dotted box is A4 format, and the square brackets are the content description Figure A.4 Text other page format
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