title>HG/T 3692-2001 Technical requirements for metal diaphragm pressure regulating valves - HG/T 3692-2001 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 3692-2001 Technical requirements for metal diaphragm pressure regulating valves

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 3692-2001

Standard Name: Technical requirements for metal diaphragm pressure regulating valves

Chinese Name: 金属膜片式稳压阀技术条件

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release2002-01-24

Date of Implementation:2002-07-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mechanical manufacturing>>Industrial automation systems>>25.040.40 Measurement and control of industrial processes Metrology and measurement, physical phenomena>>Length and angle measurement>>17.040.30 Measuring instruments

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Chemical Machinery and Equipment>>G94 Non-metallic Chemical Machinery and Equipment

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Publication information

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HG/T 3692-2001 Technical Specifications for Metal Diaphragm Pressure Regulating Valve HG/T3692-2001 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

1CS 71. 120 ; 25. 040. 40; 17. 040. 3DG 97
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Technical Conditions for Metal and Rubber Diaphragm Pressure Regulating Valves2002-01-24 Issued
20020701 Implementation
Issued by the State Economic and Trade Commission
Registration No.: 10170—2002
[IC/T 3692--2001
This standard is formulated to meet the needs of the petrochemical industry. This standard is proposed by China Chemical Equipment Corporation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Chemical Industry Special Instrument Standardization Technical Committee. This standard was drafted by the Chemical Industry Ministry Chemical Machinery and Automation Research and Design Institute. This standard is difficult to start, the decline of the remaining Liu Yinsheng, Tu Zhaolian, Yan Fujia, Ren. 1
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Technical Conditions for Metal Diaphram Pressure Regulating Valve
Specifirations for metal diaphram pressnre rerulatcrC/T3692—2001
This standard specifies the definition, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, packaging, and existence of metal diaphram pressure regulating valves. This standard is applicable to the nominal pressure PNgMP: the nominal displacement PN is? ~mm, the medium is not particularly large under the ambient temperature, and the metal diaphragm range of air is 2 Definitions
This standard adopts the following definitions:
2.1 The metal bottom mold is small
Li Yang force is balanced in Liangzhou, and the metal code Zhang Er is used for the anti-reflection of the weekly equipment. 2.2 Pressure characteristics
Under the test stress condition, the force changes with the input pressure. 2.3 Flow characteristics
Under the test condition, the force changes with the output flow. 2.4 A window component
Under the test stress condition, the force bearing component shall show the amount of gas leakage. 3 Requirements bzxZ.net
3.1 General requirements
In addition to the requirements of the special standard, the product drawings and technical documents approved by the production process shall be specified. 3.2 Nuclear requirements
3.2. 1 Light load: 3.5MPa
3.2.2 Excerpt from the specification. 1~). 35MP.
3.2.3 Maximum reaction force: 0.1MP,
3.2.4 Auction range: 0--1000 yuan.L/mn, 3.3 Normal L design
3. 3. 1 Ambient temperature: 5-~i)℃: ,
3.3.2 The environment is free of corrosion and there is no strong emulsion test. 3.3.3: The body of the following parts is clean and has no air leakage. 3.4 The external surface should be large and obvious, and the parts should be tight and smooth. There should be no loose or damaged parts. The brand name should be smooth and intact. 3.5 Air tightness
3.51 The rated air source (.Ma) should be pressurized for three minutes without leakage. National Economic and Information Testing Committee 2002-01-24 Standard 2002-07-01 Implementation of electricity
3. 5.2 When the rated gas source is less than 1.5MP, release the handle, and the discharge volume of the output is less than 0.5mLimic.
3.6 When the pressure control and the output flow are at any value within the specified range, when the input pressure changes from the minimum (set output pressure minus the maximum pressure loss) to the maximum value, the absolute value of the change of the output pressure at any set value is not greater than 2P:1. 3.7 Flow characteristics
When the pressure is the maximum value and the output volume changes within the specified range, the absolute value of the change of the output pressure at any set value is not greater than 2P:1. $ oor P:,
3.8 Temperature test
3.8.1 For the thick film type contact pressure gauge, when not packaged, the temperature is 100℃ for 6h and the relative humidity is 35±3%. The test should meet the requirements of 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 of this standard.
3.8.2 For the thick film type contact pressure gauge, when not packaged, the temperature is 6b<-5℃ for 12h and the relative humidity is 35±3%. The test should meet the requirements of 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 of this standard.
3.9 Humidity test
For the thick film type contact pressure gauge, when not packaged, the temperature is 100℃ for 6h and the relative humidity is 35±3%. 3.10 The dynamic test shall meet the requirements of 3.3 and of this standard. The dynamic test pressure shall meet the requirements of 3.6 and 3.7 of this standard. 4 Test method 4.1 Test circuit The test gas circuit is shown in Figure 1. The gas source is atmospheric gas, and the pressure is kept constant at W, so that P is 1.5MPa. 4.1.1 Close the meter and adjust the pressure to make P C.Fa, and adjust W, and the pressure is 0.045mm/min, which shall meet the requirements of 4.5.1 of this standard. 4.1.2 Release the handle of W slightly, loosen the handle, open the meter, and observe the reading of the meter after pressure measurement, which shall meet the requirements of 3.5.2 of this standard.
P-gas source pressure changes greatly, pushes into the raw material, beats the raw material; W, total drop: W: or inlet and outlet X--meter shape; I-flowmeter 1 test gas circuit arrangement
4.2 Pressure characteristic test
The test gas is shown in Figure 1, and the gas is atmospheric gas. Adjust the needle valve ×, so that the discharge flow rate is kept at any selected value within the specified range, and change the size of P. The change of P meets the requirements of this standard product G. When the flow rate is Beijing, the discharge pressure change is calculated according to the formula (.): P, = (P.... P.ie)2 thjoPa
In the formula, P,-value pressure change
P is the maximum input pressure!
i.--sample pressure under the minimum input pressure. 4.3 Flow characteristic test The test gas circuit is as shown in Figure 1. The gas source is hot gas. When the output flow rate changes within the specified range, the change of P shall meet the requirements of this standard. 4.4 The test device is as shown in Figure 1. The air source is placed on the test device. The pressure under test is carried out. The test frequency is 20Hz and the amplitude is ±0.1mn for 21 seconds. During the test, the test is carried out every 4 minutes according to the methods of 4.2 and 4. of this standard. At the end of the test, the test is carried out again according to the methods of 1.2 and 1. of this standard. The results shall meet the requirements of 3.13 of this standard. According to the input pressure gauge, the input pressure is agricultural,
on the idle certificate, your company
gas source gauge:
the most resistant in; pressure Chuanx shape reading: f total foam flow result: figure dynamic inspection installation
4.5 Ambient temperature test
4.5.1 High temperature test frequency
The voltage stabilizing network is not included in the case, dare to bring it in 133 ± 13 relative temperature, after 6h, connect the area standard 4.1,1.3,4.3 method to test, then in the room environment, release the trade currency to use the sample method to test, the results are in compliance with this standard 381 Requirements:
After the test, the bed shall be inspected for damage such as rust, cracks, and falling off. The text and signs shall be clear and the hand-picking points shall be flexible. The firmware shall be movable.
4.5.2 Low-level inspection test
Move the card and discard the packaging conditions. Place it in the (5+1) machine for 6 hours. Carry out the tests in accordance with 4.1, 4.*, and 4.3 of this standard. After that, place it in the flow ring for 12 hours. Then conduct the parallel tests as mentioned above. The results shall meet the requirements of 3.8.2 of this standard.
After the formal test, the following requirements are the same as those in 4.1: 4.6 Environmental humidity test
The two unpacked strips are placed in a temperature and humidity control box at a temperature of (2513°C) and a relative humidity of (513°C) for 2h. The test is carried out according to the methods in 4.1, 1.2, and 4.3 of this standard. The test results shall meet the requirements of 3.9 of this standard. The test rules are as follows:
The inspection is divided into factory inspection and type inspection,
5. 1 Factory inspection
5. 1. 1. Inspection
HC/T3692-.·2001,5.6,3.7 are the standard for inspection. 5.1.2. Each product shall be inspected item by item in accordance with the provisions of 5.1. If any item does not meet the requirements, it shall be judged as an unqualified product. 5.2 Type or inspection
When the pressure relief valve is installed, the material or process is changed, the new product is trial-formed, the product is scheduled, and the production is stopped, the type inspection shall be carried out. The periodic inspection during production shall be carried out at least once a year: 5.2.1 Inspection items
All requirements of this standard are type inspection days. 5.2.2 Sampling criteria and judgment points
The number of samples to be inspected shall be 3 of the product, but not less than 3. If one item in a sample is found to be unqualified during the test, the unqualified product shall be inspected for 1 month. If it is still unqualified, the batch of products shall be identified as unqualified products. 6 Marking, packaging, storage
6.1.1 Brand
Manufacturer name or name.
hb Product name and model:
Manufacturer port, number.
d) Pressure and diameter
6.1.2 Body marking
There should be an arrow on the pressure regulating valve to indicate the flow force: 6.2 Packaging
6.2.1 Before leaving the factory, check the tightness of the inlet and outlet. The valve itself is made of ethylene, so it should be filled with water and transported horizontally.
6.2.2 In the packaging box, there should be the product manual, product license, and packing list: 6.2.3 The top of the packaging box has the following:
Product name
h) Manufacturer's name and extension.
Head "Be careful", "mobile game", "precision equipment" and other technical specifications 6.3 Storage
The humidity of the environment is not less than that of the bed room, and the relative condensation degree is not more than that of the steam-free bed room. The warehouse should be kept free of steam, air circulation, and no toxic gases and toxic chemicals.
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