title>HG 29807-1991 Calculation method for comprehensive energy consumption of carbon black products - HG 29807-1991 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG 29807-1991 Calculation method for comprehensive energy consumption of carbon black products

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG 29807-1991

Standard Name: Calculation method for comprehensive energy consumption of carbon black products

Chinese Name: 炭黑产品综合能耗计算方法

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1991-01-01

Date of Implementation:1991-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:71.010

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Comprehensive Chemical Industry>>G01 Technical Management

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HG 29807-1991 Calculation method for comprehensive energy consumption of carbon black products HG29807-1991 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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Calculation method for comprehensive energy consumption of carbon black products
1 Subject content and scope of applicationbzxz.net
This standard specifies the calculation method for comprehensive energy consumption of carbon black products. 975414
(HG 29807-91)
This standard applies to the calculation and assessment of energy consumption of carbon black products made from different raw materials. 2 Reference standards
GB2589 General rules for calculation of comprehensive energy consumption
ZBG01001 General rules for calculation of energy consumption and energy saving in chemical industry Calculation of comprehensive energy consumption of carbon black products
3.1 Comprehensive energy consumption of carbon black products is divided into total comprehensive energy consumption, comprehensive energy consumption per unit product, and comprehensive energy consumption of comparable single products. Total comprehensive energy consumption refers to the total amount of energy consumed in the production of carbon black during the reporting period. It includes energy consumption and loss of production system, auxiliary production system, and auxiliary production system. It does not include energy used for basic construction, life, and energy exported.
3.11 The energy used in the comprehensive energy consumption calculation includes primary energy, secondary energy and energy-consuming working fluids. The energy quantity shall be based on the selected energy, and the calorific value shall be based on the actual measurement. If there is no actual measurement condition, it shall be converted according to the reference coefficients of various energy conversion standards in ZBGO1CO1 and the reference coefficients in Appendix A of this standard. The calorific value of electric energy shall be calculated as 0.404 dry grams per watt-hour per year. The energy consumption and loss disks of auxiliary and subsidiary systems shared by multiple products shall be calculated according to the consumption proportion allocation method. 3.1.2 The energy consumption of the production system refers to the energy consumed by processes such as oil distribution, furnace front (reaction furnace), collection, granulation, and packaging. 3.1.3 The energy consumption of the auxiliary production system refers to the energy consumed by departments such as oil unloading, oil treatment, water supply, steam supply, and power supply. 3.1.4 The energy consumption of the subsidiary production system refers to the energy consumed by workshops and departments that indirectly serve production, such as machine repair, testing, metering, three wastes treatment, and Kun gas power generation.
3.1.5 The waste heat and waste energy recycled from the production of carbon black are not included in the total comprehensive energy consumption. When they are output to the outside, they are deducted from the total comprehensive energy consumption of the product.
3.1.6 The total comprehensive energy consumption is calculated according to formula (1): Z (ei- K))+
Wherein: E. Total comprehensive energy consumption of carbon black products, tons of standard coal; ei—physical amount of energy consumed by carbon black products; (et·K.)
cit—auxiliary, subsidiary energy and energy loss consumed by carbon black products; K tea energy conversion coefficient of standard coal:
n—number of energy types
3.2 Comprehensive energy consumption per unit product:
3.2.1 The comprehensive energy consumption per unit product of carbon black refers to the comprehensive energy consumption expressed in terms of unit output, calculated according to formula (2): 344
Wherein: E.—Comprehensive energy consumption per unit product, tons of standard coal/ton of carbon black; L Carbon black output, tons.
3.2.2 Carbon black output includes the sum of the output of all types of carbon black produced. 3.3 Comprehensive energy consumption of comparable unit products:
3.3.1 Comprehensive energy consumption of comparable unit products of carbon black is calculated for the purpose of comparison with the same industry. It is calculated after deducting auxiliary and subsidiary energy consumption and energy loss from the total comprehensive energy consumption. 3.3.2 Comprehensive energy consumption of comparable unit products is calculated according to formula (3): .K.
Wherein: E-comprehensive energy consumption of comparable unit products, tons of standard coal/ton of carbon black; ee-physical amount of energy consumed by carbon black products; K, coefficient of conversion of energy into standard coal;
n number of energy types;
L-carbon black production, tons
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