title>Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness,uniformity and stability-Guzmania - NY/T 2556-2014 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness,uniformity and stability-Guzmania

Basic Information

Standard ID: NY/T 2556-2014

Standard Name:Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness,uniformity and stability-Guzmania

Chinese Name: 植物新品种特异性、一致性和稳定性测试指南 果子蔓属

Standard category:Agricultural Industry Standards (NY)

state:in force

Date of Release2014-03-24

Date of Implementation:2014-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Agriculture>>Agriculture and forestry>>65.020.20 Plant cultivation

Standard Classification Number:Agriculture, Forestry>>Agriculture, Forestry Comprehensive>>B05 Agriculture and Forestry Technology

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Agriculture Press

Publication date:2014-06-01

other information

drafter:Zhao Caibiao, Gu Junjie, Liu Ping, Chu Yunxia, ​​Zhang Dongliang, Huang Zhicheng, Li Shouguo, Du Yuanyuan, Chen Hairong, Yi Changhong, Liu Hongye, Zheng Lei

Drafting unit:Shanghai Flower Harbor Enterprise Development Co., Ltd., Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences [Agricultural Ministry Plant Variety Testing (Shanghai) Branch Center], Ministry of Agriculture Science and Technology Development Center

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of New Plant Varieties Testing (SAC/TC 277)

Publishing department:Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

NY/T 2556-2014 Guidelines for testing specificity, consistency and stability of new plant varieties NY/T2556-2014 |tt||Standard compression package decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

ICS 65.020.20
Agricultural Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness , uniformity and stability - Guzmania
(Guzmania Ruiz et Pay.)
(UPOV: TG/182/3, Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness, uniformity and stability - Guzmania
(Guzmania Ruiz et Pay.)
(UPOV: TG/182/3, Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness, uniformity and stability Stability-Guzmania, NEQ) Issued on March 24, 2014
Implemented on June 1, 2014
Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China
Normative references
Technical descriptions and definitions
Requirements for propagation materials
Test methods
Characteristics table for determination of specificity, consistency and stability results
Grouped traits
10 Technical questionnaire
Appendix A (Normative Appendix)
Fruit Table of vine characteristics
Appendix B (normative annex)
Explanation of the table of fruit vine characteristics
Appendix (normative annex) Technical questionnaire format for fruit vine
This standard was drafted in accordance with the specification (B7T1.1-2009). This standard was modified using the guidelines of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (T10V)\TG/182/3. Guidelines I or the: tonduct of tests for distinetneas, urilerrnity and slability --Guzmania\. This standard does not correspond to the L1)V guideline TG/182/3, but the degree of consistency with TC/182/3 is equivalent. This standard has technical differences compared with the UPOV guideline TG/182/3, mainly as follows: 1. Add "Leaf:. Upper and lower color pattern" and "Inflorescence: shape" for a total of 2 traits: in the test table, add "Leaf: Difference in primary color between bracts and non-flowering leaves", "Flowers first leaflets: with or without secondary color at the tip" and "Applicable to varieties with secondary color at the tip, flowers first leaflets: secondary color at the tip" for a total of 3 traits.
This standard was proposed by the Science and Technology Education Department of the Ministry of Agriculture. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National New Variety Testing Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC277). Drafting units of this standard: [Haixian Flower Port Enterprise Development Co., Ltd., Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Ministry of Agriculture New Variety Testing (Shanghai) Branch Center 2, Ministry of Agriculture Science and Technology Development Center. The main drafters of this standard are Zhao Caibiao, Gu Junjie, Liu Ping, Chu Gongdu, Zhang Lianliang, Huang Zhicheng, Li Shouguo, Du Yuanyuan, Chu Hairong, Yi Changhong, Liu Hongye, Zheng Ning.
1 Scope
Guidelines for specificity, consistency and stability testing of new plant varieties Guzmaniu Ruizet Pav.
This standard specifies the technical requirements for specificity, consistency and stability testing of new varieties of Guzmaniu Ruizet Pav. in the family Guzmaniu Ruizet Pav. and the general principles of result judgment. This standard is applicable to specificity, consistency and stability testing and result judgment of new varieties of Guzmaniu Ruizet Pav. 2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition with the date is applicable to the technical document. For undated references, the latest edition (including all amendments) shall apply to this document. CB/T 1955 7.1 Guidelines for specificity, consistency and qualitative testing of new plant varieties General Principles 3 Terms and definitions
GB/T 1955 7.1 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
Single measurement of a group of plants or parts of plants Measurement of a group of plants or an organ or part of plants to obtain a group record. 3.2
Individual measurement Measurement of a number of individual plants or parts of plants Measurement of a group of plants or an organ or part of plants one by one to obtain a group of individual records. 3.3
Visual measurement A single obscrvation of a group of plants or purts of plants Measurement of a group of plants or an organ or part of plants to obtain a group record. 3.4
Visual assessment by observation of individual plants or parts of plants A set of individual records is obtained by visual observation of a group of plants or parts of plants. 4 Symbols
The following symbols apply to this document:
MG: Group measurement;
MS: Individual measurement;
VG: Group measurement;
VS: Individual measurement.
QL: Quality trait.
QV: Quantitative trait.
PQ: Pseudo-plasma band trait.
*: The marked trait is an important trait required for LIV to describe the variety. All UPOV members should use this trait unless the expression state of the trait cannot be tested due to environmental factors. NY/ T 2556--2014
(a)~(bh): The markings are explained in detail in B1. (X): The marked contents are explained in detail in B.2. The underlined contents in this document are special reminders of the scope of application of the tested traits. 5 Requirements for propagation materials
5.1 Propagation materials shall be provided in the form of seed sheets
5.2 The number of seedlings submitted shall not be less than 50. 5.3 The submitted seedlings shall be healthy in appearance, free from diseases and insect pests, and meet the quality requirements of the flower induction cultivation for seedlings. 5.4 The submitted propagation materials shall generally not be subjected to any treatment that affects the normal expression of the variety traits. If treated, detailed descriptions of the treatment shall be provided.
5.5 The submitted propagation materials shall comply with the relevant provisions of China's plant quarantine: 6 Test methods
6.1 Test cycle
The test cycle shall be at least one independent growth cycle 6.2 Test location
The test is usually carried out at one location. If some traits cannot be fully expressed at one location, they can be observed at other locations that meet the conditions.
6.3 Field test
6.3.1 Experimental designwww.bzxz.net
Please place varieties and similar varieties next to each other. In the greenhouse, the plants are grown in substrates and potted, with one plant in each pot and at least 10 to 20 plants of each variety. When designing the experiment, it should be ensured that after sampling the plants or plant organs, there are enough plants or plant organs to ensure subsequent observation. 6.3.2 Field management
The substrate has good air permeability and drainage, and the growth conditions and cultivation techniques can ensure the full expression of the characteristics of the fruit variety. Management measures can be carried out according to local conventional production management methods. 6.4 Character observation
6.4.1 Observation period
All characters to be observed must be observed during the flowering period. 6.4.2 Observation method Character observation should be carried out according to the observation methods (VC, VS.MG.MS) specified in Table A.1 and Table A.2. For the methods of observing some traits, see B.1 and B.2. When testing the color with a colorimetric card, it should be done in a room with artificial sunlight or a room with sunlight. The spectral distribution of the artificial lighting device should comply with the recommended daylight D6500 standard and the first part of the British Standard 5. All observations should be made by placing the tested part of the plant on a white background. 6.4.3 Number of observations
Unless otherwise specified, the number of plants for individual observation of traits (VS, MS) should not be less than 10. When measuring the organs or parts of the plants, the number of samples for each plant should be 1. For group observation of traits (VGMG), the entire plot or a mixed sample of a specified size should be observed. 6.5 Additional tests
If necessary, additional tests may be performed on the properties listed in Table A, 2 or properties not listed in this document. 2
7 Determination of specificity, consistency and stability results 7.1 General principles
Specificity, consistency and stability shall be determined in accordance with the principles specified in G13/T195.7.1. 7.2 Determination of specificity
The applied variety shall be clearly distinguished from all known varieties. In the test, if the clear variety has a significant and reproducible difference with the similar variety in at least one property, the applied variety shall be determined to have specificity. 7.3 Determination of consistency
When determining consistency, the population standard of 2 and the acceptance probability of at least 95% shall be adopted. When the sample size is 10 to 18 strains, at most one heteromorphic strain can be allowed. When the sample size is 19 to 20 strains, at most two heteromorphic strains can be allowed. 7.4 Determination of stability
If a variety has consistency, it can be considered stable. Generally, stability is not tested. If necessary, the next batch of seedlings of the variety can be planted. Compared with the previously provided propagation materials, if there is no obvious change in the expression of the trait, the variety can be determined to be stable.
8 Trait table
According to the test needs, traits are divided into basic traits and optional traits. Basic traits are traits that must be used in the test. See Table A.1 for basic traits and Table A.2 for optional traits.
8.1 Overview
The trait table lists the trait name, expression type, expression status and corresponding code and standard variety, observation period and method, etc. 8.2 Expression type
According to the expression method of the trait, traits are divided into three types: quality traits, pseudo-quality traits and quantitative traits. 8.3 Expression states and corresponding codes
8.3.1 Each trait is divided into a series of expression states to facilitate the definition of traits and standard descriptions. Each expression state is assigned a corresponding numeric code to facilitate data recording, processing and the establishment and communication of variety descriptions. 8.3.2 For quality traits and pseudo-quality traits: All expression states should be listed in the test instructions: For quantitative traits, in order to shorten the length of the trait table, expression states with even codes may not be listed. Expression states with even codes may be described in the form of the previous expression state to the next expression state.
8.4 Standard varieties
The trait table lists standard varieties that can be used as reference for the expression states of some traits to facilitate the determination of different expression states of related traits and the correction of differences caused by environmental factors.
9 Grouped traits
In this document, the variety grouping traits are as follows: a) * Planting: height (trait 1 in Table A.1). b) * Inflorescence: Position relative to leaves (Table A, 1 Neutral Character 15) c) * Inflorescence: Shape (Table A.1 Neutral Character 16). d) * Bract: Main color of upper surface (Table A. Main Neutral Character 26): Group 1: White:
Group 2: Green;
Group 3: Yellow:
Red 4: Orange:
Group 5: Orange-red bag:
Group 6: Pink-purple;
Group 7 Red:
Red 8 Red-purple;
Group 9: Purple.
10 Technical Questionnaire
Applicants should fill in the general technical questionnaire of the fruit according to the format given in Appendix (A. 1 Basic characteristics of the genus Viburnum
See Table A.1.
x ​​Plant: Height
* Diameter
Number of leaves on the plant
Leaf comb: Length
Leaf width
*Leaf leaf: Length
*Leaf leaf: Width
Leaf leaf shape
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix]
Table of basic characteristics of the genus Viburnum
Table of basic characteristics of the genus Viburnum
Observation period and method
Natural state
Standard length| | tt | tt||Sarnbot
NY/T 2556—2014
NY/T 2556—2014
*Leaf: abnormal shape
Leaf: upper surface six pack
*Leaf yield: 1 coat color
Leaf: upper surface secondary color pattern
Leaf: lower surface primary color
Leaf: lower surface anthocyanin
Leaf: lower surface anthocyanin color distribution! Q1.
=Flower: relative position to leaves
Inflorescence: shape
Table A1 (continued)
Observation period and method
Peida state
An acute peak
Medium acute peak
Broad acute peak
Light green
Medium green
Dark green
Charcoal green
Reddish purple
Reddish brown
Thin stripes
Accumulated stripes
Medium stripes||tt ||Yellowish white
Light green
Medium green
Dark brown
Gray green
Red purple
Reddish brown
Polyester pattern
Fire matrix
Standard variety
Keprhk: ire
*Inflorescence: length
*Inflorescence: length of the lithosperm part
*Inflorescence, width of the flowering part
*Inflorescence: number of bracts
*Inflorescence, number of florets in a single bract
Only for multi-flowered varieties in a single bract
Inflorescence; number of florets in a single bract!
? Bract: length
*Bract: width
Bract: tip width
, Bract: main color on the upper surface
× Bract: three colors on the lower surface
Table A.1 (continued)
Observation period and method
Expression status
Two E
RHS ratio
RHS ratio
NY/T 2556-2014
Standard variety
Alisina||tt ||Deniss
NY/T 2556—2014
Small flowers emerge from leaves first: K degree
Small dragon leaves emerge first: width
, small flowers emerge from leaves first: color
★Flower color: color
》Corolla; fern color
Receptacle color position
Flower nature, color
Head: color
A.2 Selected traits of fruit vine
Bracts, with bracts and light flower nodes
color is different
Small flowers emerge first: first color, second color, especially
Only suitable for Sichuan to dress up the color of varieties
Small flowers emerge first: Sichuan: light color
Table A.1 (continued)
Test period and method
Expression status
RIS color card
RHS color card
RHS color card
No yellow
Light green
Light yellow
Medium yellow
Light yellow
Light green
Medium green
Table A. 2 Selected traits of the genus Cistanche
Test period and method
Expression status
Standard varieties
Standard species
B.1 Explanation of multiple traits
Appendix B
(Normative Appendix)
Explanation of the genus Cistanche traits
(a) Observe the largest leaf in the third whorl below the middle inflorescence of plants in full bloom. (b) Observe the largest bract with flowers on the middle inflorescence of plants in full bloom. B.2 Explanation of individual traits
See Table A.1 for trait classification and codes in the diagram,
Trait 1 Plant: Height, see Figure B.1. Measure the distance from the potting soil to the highest point of the plant leaves (excluding inflorescence). Figure B.1 Plant: Height
Trait 2 Plant: Diameter, see Figure B.2.
Plant Diameter
Figure B.2 Plant: Diameter
Trait 3 Plant: Number of leaves. Observe the number of leaves of the entire plant, and do not count the leaves whose sheaths completely surround the inflorescence. Trait 4 Sheath: Length, see Figure B.3
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