title>Detail specification for electronic components-Fixed precision,Type RJ74 metal film precision resistors Assessment level E - SJ/T 10572-1994 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Detail specification for electronic components-Fixed precision,Type RJ74 metal film precision resistors Assessment level E
Basic Information
Standard ID:
SJ/T 10572-1994
Standard Name:Detail specification for electronic components-Fixed precision,Type RJ74 metal film precision resistors Assessment level E
SJ/T 10572-1994 Detailed specification for electronic devices Precision fixed resistors RJ74 type precision metal film resistors Evaluation level E SJ/T10572-1994 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
Some standard content:
Electronic Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China Detailed specification for electronic componentsFixed precision resistorsTypeRJ74metalfllmpreclslonresistorsAssessmentlevelESJ/T1057294 Replaces SJ2677-86 GB5735-85 This standard applies to RJ74 type precision metal film resistors, which are in accordance with IEC115--5-1 (1983) QC40030 for electronic equipment 1 Part 5: Blank Detailed Specification: Precision Fixed Resistors Assessment Level E" is formulated in accordance with the requirements of fixed resistors GB/T5729 GB5734--85 IEC115-1 (1982) "Fixed Resistors for Electronic Equipment Part - General Specification" and IEC115-5 (1982) "Fixed Resistors for Electronic Equipment Part 5: Sectional Specification: Precision Fixed Resistors". The standard organization of the China Electronic Components Quality Certification Committee is the China Electronics Technology Standardization Institute. Approved by the Ministry of Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China on August 8, 1994 and implemented on December 1, 1994 SJ/T10572—94 Ministry of Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China Electronic components whose quality is assessed in accordance with GB/T5729 "Fixed resistors for electronic equipment Part 1: General specification" Appearance drawing: Note, 1) Length of paint layer at the root of the lead. SJ/T10572—94 SJ573585 IEC115—5—1(1983) QC400301 Precision fixed resistors RJ74 precision metal film resistors Coated insulation type Assessment level: E Stability grade: 0.5% The valid data of the components qualified according to this detailed specification are given in the list of qualified products. 1 General data 1.1 Recommended installation method The resistor should be installed in positive tape mode. SJ/T10572—94 In the vibration and shock test, the distance between the mounting point and the resistor body is 6±1mm. 1.2 Dimensions, Ratings and Characteristics Temperature Coefficient 10-/℃ All dimensions are in millimeters. Resistance Range 2) Permissible Resistance Deviation Climate Category Low Pressure Stability Grade Limiting Voltage (de or ac.rms) 511~100kg (dc or ac.peak) ±1%, ±0.5%, ±0.25%, ±0.1%55/125/56 8.5 kPa (85mbar) Resistance temperature coefficient α: ±25×10-/℃ ±15×10-/℃ Resistance change limit: Long-term test Short-term test ±(0.5%R+0.050) ±(0.1%R+0.010) Note: 1) Lead wires with a diameter d of 0.7±0.05mm are allowed. 2) The preferred value is the E series in the IEC63: resistor and capacitor priority number system. 1.2.1 Power reduction The resistors included in this specification shall reduce power consumption according to the following curve: Percentage of rated power consumption Note: See also 2.2.3 of the sub-specification. 1.3 Related documents General specification: GB/T5729 Fixed resistors for electronic equipment Maximum size Ambient temperature C Part I: General specification 0.6±0.051) Sub-specification: GB5734—85 1.4 Marking SJ/T10572—94 Fixed resistors for electronic equipment Part V: Sub-specification: Precision fixed resistors The markings on resistors and their packaging shall comply with the requirements of Article 2.4 of GB/T5729. The minimum marking content on the resistor: Nominal resistance; Permissible deviation of resistance, Temperature coefficient of resistance. Contents of marking on the package: Nominal resistance Permissible resistance deviation; Temperature coefficient of resistance; Year, month (or week) of manufacturing; Detailed specification number: Name and trademark of the manufacturer: Quantity in the package; Name or code of the packing personnel; Seal of the inspection department; Certification mark (only for certified products). 1.5 Ordering information Orders for resistors of this specification shall list the following minimum contents in text or code form: a. Nominal resistance; Permissible resistance deviation; Detailed specification number and variety number. 1.6 Release batch certification record Provided upon the request of the ordering party. 1.7 Additional content (not tested) The weight of the resistor shall not exceed 1g. 1.8 Supplement and improvement of the severity and requirements specified in the general specification and (or) sectional specification None. 2 Inspection requirements 2.1 Procedure 2.1.1 For identification and approval, the procedure shall be in accordance with the provisions of Article 3.2 of the sectional specification GB5734, 2.1.2 For quality consistency inspection, the test list (Table 2) lists sampling, cycle, severity and requirements. Article 3.3.1 of the sectional specification specifies the composition of the inspection batch. Note, when dry explosion is required. Procedure I of Article 4.3 of the general specification GB/T5729 shall be adopted. Table 2 Note: ① Except for the resistance change requirements, which shall be selected from Tables 1 and 2 of the sectional specification, the clause numbers of the test items and performance requirements are quoted from the general specification GB/T5729. ②Inspection level and AQL are selected from IEC410: Sampling plan and procedure for attribute inspection. 4 ?Table: P-period (month); n-sample size; SJ/T10572-94 c-qualified number (allowable number of unqualified products); D-destructive; ND-non-destructive; IL-inspection level; AQL-qualified quality level. Clause number and test items (See note) Group A inspection (batch by batch) Group A1 4.4.1 Appearance inspection Group A2 4.4.2 Dimensions (for gauge inspection) 4.5 Resistance value Group B inspection (batch by batch) Group B1 4. 7 Withstand voltage B2 group 4.17 Solderability 4.13 Overload 4.30 Marking Solvent resistance B3 group Resistance temperature coefficient Test conditions (See Note?) Method: V-block method No aging Method: IEC68-2—20||t t||Test method 1 Applied voltage: 2.5 times rated voltage or 2 times limit voltage of the component, whichever is smaller Duration: 3s Appearance inspection Solvent: See 3.1.1 of IEC68-2-45 Solvent temperature: 23±5℃Method 1 Wipe test material :Absorbent cotton Recovery: Not applicablebzxZ.net Only one cycle from 20℃~70℃~ 20℃ (See Note ②) Performance requirements (See Note ①) According to Article 4.4.1 The marking is clear and complies with Article 1.4 of this According to Table 1 of this specification According to 4.5.2 strips No breakdown or arcing Solder wets the terminals and can flow freely No visible damage, clear markings AR<±(0.5%R ≤±25×10-*/℃ a≤±15×10-/ Clause number and test items (See Note ①) Group C inspection (cycle) Group C1A Half of the sample of Group C1 4.16 Strength of terminals 4.18 Resistance to soldering heat Group CIB The other half of the sample of Group C1||t t||4.19 Rapid temperature change 4.21 Shock 4.22 Vibration SJ/T10572—94 Continued Table 2 Test conditions (See Note ①) Tensile force: 10N Bending: half the number of terminals Torsion: the other half of the number of terminals Appearance inspection Method: IEC68—2—20 Test Tb method 1A Immersion time: 10±1s Appearance inspection A: -55℃ Qs: 125℃||t t||Appearance inspection Installation method: see Article 1.1 of this specification Acceleration: 490m/g* Pulse waveform: half-sine wave Number of impacts: 3 times each in axial positive and negative directions, 3 times in radial direction Appearance inspection Installation method, see Article 1.1 of this specification Procedure: B4 Frequency model: 10~500Hz Amplitude: 0.75mm or acceleration 98m/s (whichever is less severe) Total duration: 6h Sample size and Qualified judgment number|| tt||(See Note ③) Performance requirements (See Note ①) No visible damage AR<±(0.1%R No visible damage, clear marking AR≤±(0.1%R No visible damage AR≤±(0.1%R No visible damage AR≤±(0.1%R Clause number and test items (See Note ①) C1 group C1A and CIB group samples combined together 4.23 Gas fast sequence One cycle of wet Heat, test Db, First cycle -Cold -Low pressure One cycle of damp heat, test Db, The rest of the cycles DC load C2 group 4.25.170℃ durability C3 group 4.8 Change of resistance with temperature SJ/T10572—94 Continued Table 2 Test conditions (See Note ①) Appearance inspection 8.5kPa (85mbar) Appearance inspection Insulation resistance Duration, 1000h At 48500 and 1000h Inspection: Appearance inspection Inspection at 1000h: Insulation resistance -55℃/20℃ 20℃/125℃ Sample size and Qualified number (See Note) Performance requirements (See Note ①) No visible damage AR≤±(0.1%R No visible damage, clear marking AR±(0.5%R R≥1 00MQ No visible damage, AR<±(0.5%R R≥1Gn ±25×10-/℃ ±15×10-/℃ ±25×10-*/ ±15×10-/℃ Clause number and test items (See Note ①) D group inspection (cycle) D1 group 4.24 Steady state damp heat D2 group 4.4.3 Dimensions (Detailed) 4.25.3 Upper category temperature Durability| |tt||Additional instructions: SJ/T10572--94 Continued Table 2 Test conditions (See Note ①) Group 1: 10 samples Group 2: 10 samples Appearance inspection Insulation resistance Duration: 1000h At 48, 500 and 1000h Inspection: Appearance inspection Inspection at 1000h: Insulation resistance This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Electronics Industry. This standard was drafted by the Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Electronics Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Liu Kuan and He Delong. Sample size and Qualified judgment number (see Note ③) This standard was first issued on February 18, 1986 and revised in August 1994. 8 Performance requirements (see Note) No visible damage, clear marking AR≤±(0.5%R R≥100Mn According to Table 1 of this specification No visible damage AR≤±(0.5%R R≥1GQ23 Gas fast sequence One cycle of damp heat, test Db, First cycle One cold One low pressure One cycle of damp heat, test Db, The rest of the cycles DC load C2 group 4.25.170℃ durability C3 group 4.8 Resistance change with temperature SJ/T10572—94 Continued Table 2 Test conditions (See Note ①) Appearance inspection 8.5kPa (85mbar) Appearance inspection Insulation resistance Duration, 1 000h At 48500 and 1000h Inspection: Appearance inspection Inspection at 1000h: Insulation resistance -55℃/20℃ 20℃/125℃ Sample size and Qualified number (See Note) Performance requirements (See Note ①) No visible damage AR≤±(0.1%R No visible damage, clear marking AR±(0.5%R R≥100MQ No visible damage, AR<±(0.5%R R≥1 Gn ±25×10-/℃ ±15×10-/℃ ±25×10-*/ ±15×10-/℃ Clause number and test items (See Note ①) D group test (cycle) D1 group 4.24 Steady state damp heat D2 group 4.4.3 Dimensions (Detailed) 4.25.3 Upper limit category temperature Durability Additional remarks: SJ/T10572--94 Continued Table 2 Test conditions (See Note ①) 4.24. 2.2 Group 1: 10 samples Group 2: 10 samples Appearance inspection Insulation resistance Duration: 1000h Inspection at 48, 500 and 1000h: Appearance inspection Inspection at 1000h: Insulation resistance This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Electronics Industry. This standard was drafted by the Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Electronics Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Liu Kuan and He Delong. Sample size and Qualified judgment number (see Note ③) This standard was first issued on February 18, 1986 and revised in August 1994. 8 Performance requirements (See Note) No visible damage, clear marking AR≤±(0.5%R R≥100Mn According to Table 1 of this specification No visible damage AR≤±(0.5%R R≥1GQ23 Gas fast sequence One cycle of damp heat, test Db, First cycle One cold One low pressure One cycle of damp heat, test Db, The rest of the cycles DC load C2 group 4.25.170℃ durability C3 group 4.8 Resistance change with temperature SJ/T10572—94 Continued Table 2 Test conditions (See Note ①) Appearance inspection 8.5kPa (85mbar) Appearance inspection Insulation resistance Duration, 1 000h At 48500 and 1000h Inspection: Appearance inspection Inspection at 1000h: Insulation resistance -55℃/20℃ 20℃/125℃ Sample size and Qualified number (See Note) Performance requirements (See Note ①) No visible damage AR≤±(0.1%R No visible damage, clear marking AR±(0.5%R R≥100MQ No visible damage, AR<±(0.5%R R≥1 Gn ±25×10-/℃ ±15×10-/℃ ±25×10-*/ ±15×10-/℃ Clause number and test items (See Note ①) D group test (cycle) D1 group 4.24 Steady state damp heat D2 group 4.4.3 Dimensions (Detailed) 4.25.3 Upper limit category temperature Durability Additional remarks: SJ/T10572--94 Continued Table 2 Test conditions (See Note ①) 4.24. 2.2 Group 1: 10 samples Group 2: 10 samples Appearance inspection Insulation resistance Duration: 1000h Inspection at 48, 500 and 1000h: Appearance inspection Inspection at 1000h: Insulation resistance This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Electronics Industry. This standard was drafted by the Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Electronics Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Liu Kuan and He Delong. Sample size and Qualified judgment number (see Note ③) This standard was first issued on February 18, 1986 and revised in August 1994. 8 Performance requirements (See Note) No visible damage, clear marking AR≤±(0.5%R R≥100Mn According to Table 1 of this specification No visible damage AR≤±(0.5%R R≥1GQ Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.