title>HG/T 21634-1988 Forged steel socket welding pipe fittings - HG/T 21634-1988 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 21634-1988 Forged steel socket welding pipe fittings

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 21634-1988

Standard Name: Forged steel socket welding pipe fittings

Chinese Name: 锻钢承插焊管件

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1988-02-01

Date of Implementation:1988-05-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Chemical Technology>>71.120 Chemical Equipment

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Chemical Machinery and Equipment>>G91 Chemical Machinery and Equipment Parts

associated standards

alternative situation:Original standard number HGJ 10-1988

Publication information

other information

Publishing department:Ministry of Chemical Industry

Introduction to standards:

Original standard number HGJ 10-1988 HG/T 21634-1988 Forged steel socket welding pipe fittings HG/T21634-1988 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China
Design Standard
Forged Steel Socket Weld Pipe Fittings
(HG 2 1634-88 ~
Ministry of Chemical Industry
(88) Chemical Foundation No. 298
Notice on the Issuance of the "Design Standard for Forged Steel Socket Weld Pipe Fittings" To meet the needs of large-scale chemical plant construction, make piping engineering construction factory-based and prefabricated, and solve the problem of introducing spare parts for the equipment, the chemical industry departments (bureaus) of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government, and relevant design units, in accordance with the arrangement of the Ministry of Infrastructure Bureau (87) Chemical Foundation No. 073, the Process Piping Design Technology Center of the Ministry of Chemical Industry organized China Saiqiu Chemical Engineering Company to compile the "Design Standard for Forged Steel Socket Weld Pipe Fittings" based on reference to international standards and combined with my country's specific conditions. This design standard has been reviewed by relevant units and is now approved as a ministerial standard with the number HGJ10-88. From the first It will be implemented from May 1, 1988. The publication and distribution of this standard shall be the responsibility of the Chemical Industry Design Standard Publishing Group. Specific interpretation and other work shall be the responsibility of the Process Piping Design Technology Center of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China
April 11, 1988
Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China
Design Standards
Forged Steel Socket Weld Fittings
China Global Chemical Engineering Corporation
"Forged Steel Socket Weld Fittings" is a departmental design standard approved and promulgated by the Ministry of Chemical Industry. The contents of this standard include: General Principles, Socket Weld 90° Elbow (90°SWE); Socket Weld 45° Elbow (45°SWE), Socket Weld Tee (SWT), Socket Weld Socket weld reducing tee (SWRT), processing size table and technical conditions for forged steel socket weld fittings with metric pipes. This standard was proposed by the Process Piping Design Technology Center of the Ministry of Chemical Industry and edited by China Global Chemical Engineering Corporation. The editor-in-chief is Comrade Yang Zixiu, the reviewer is Comrade Feng Shuyuan, and the auditor is Comrade Xia Dekai. 1
Socket weld 90° elbow (90°SWE)
Socket weld 45° elbow (45°SWE)
Socket weld tee (SWT)
Socket weld reducing tee (SWRT)
Socket weld pipe joint (SWC)
7·Socket weld reducing pipe joint (SWRC) ..8
Socket weld half pipe joint (SWHC)
Socket weld pipe cap (SWP)
Socket welding union (SWU)
Forged steel socket welding pipe fittings for metric pipes Processing size table Technical conditions
Ministry of Chemical Industry
Forged steel socket welding pipe fittings
Editor-in-chief China Huanqiu Chemical Engineering Corporation|Approved|Ministry of Chemical Industry Implemented
1 Overview
Design standard
May 1988
Page 1
Total 18 pages
1.1 This socket welding pipe fitting is compiled with reference to the American ANSIB16·11-80, MSSSP-83-1976 and Japanese JISB2316-82 standards, and combined with the actual situation in my country. 1.2 The nominal diameter of this pipe fitting is 1
, 1, 11
inch, and the pipe connected to it is an imperial pipe. The socket hole and flow hole diameter of this pipe fitting can be processed according to the metric pipe size and can be used for metric pipes of DN15, 20, 25, 32, 40.
1.3 The pressure grades of this pipe fitting are divided into 3000 and 6000 pound grades, but the union instrument is used for 3000 pound grade. The reference pipe used to calculate its pressure rating is as follows:
Pipe fitting pressure grade
3000 pounds
Reference code①
The nominal thickness of the pipe represented by Sch80, Sch80S, Sch160 is as follows: Nominal pipe diameter
14 The material of this pipe fitting is 20, 16Mn, 15CrMo and 1Cr18Ni9Ti, 1Cr18Ni9Ti, which is only used for 3000 pound grade.
Note: ① The pipes connected to the pipe fittings are not subject to this restriction, and their wall thickness can be thinner or thicker. If the connected pipe is thinner, the pressure rating should be controlled by the strength of the pipe. If the connected pipe is thicker, the pressure rating should be controlled by the strength of the pipe fittings, and the pressure bearing values ​​of Sch80, Sch80S, and Sch160 pipes listed in the table should also be considered. 1
1:5The written name of this pipe fitting is a combination of English abbreviations. Chinese name
Socket welding 90° elbow
Socket welding 45° elbow
Socket welding tee
Socket welding pipe joint
English abbreviation
Chinese name
Socket welding reducing pipe joint
Socket welding half pipe joint
Socket welding pipe
Socket welding flexible joint
English Luosheng
Nominal diameter
2' socket welding 90° elbow [90°SWE from center to socket bottom
Socket wall cover
Socket hole diameter
Pressure rating
6000 pounds
Pressure rating
Flow hole Diameter
Pressure level
Shell thickness
Pressure level
Socket depth
Nominal diameter
Socket weld 45° elbow (45°SWE)
Center to socket flat
Pressure level
3000 pounds||t t||6000 pounds
Socket wall original
Pressure level
3000 pounds
6000 poundsbZxz.net
Shell wall thickness
Pressure level
3000 pounds
6000 pounds
Flow hole diameter
Pressure level
3600 pounds
6000 pounds| |tt||Socket hole diameter Socket dish
Nominal diameter
Socket welding tee (SWT)
Socket hole diameter center to socket bottom
Pressure rating
6000 pounds
Socket wall thickness
Pressure rating
Flow channel hole diameter| |tt||Power level
Shell friction
G minimum
Pressure level
Socket depth
5 Socket welding reducing tee (SWRT)
Core edge
0009000||tt| |912092.80x9287
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