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JB/T 7168-1993 Outrigger hydraulic rock drill

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 7168-1993

Standard Name: Outrigger hydraulic rock drill

Chinese Name: 支腿式液压凿岩机

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)


Date of Release1993-11-21

Date of Implementation:1994-03-01

Date of Expiration:2005-04-15

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Machinery and Equipment>>J84 Rock Drilling Machine

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Publication information

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Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the type, basic parameters, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation and storage of outrigger hydraulic rock drills. This standard applies to outrigger hydraulic rock drills. JB/T 7168-1993 Outrigger hydraulic rock drill JB/T7168-1993 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
JB/T 7168-93
Outrigger Hydraulic Rock Drill
Published on November 21, 1993
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on March 1, 1994
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Outrigger Hydraulic Rock Drill
I Subject Content and Scope of Application
JB/T .716893
This standard specifies the type, basic parameters, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and markings, packaging, transportation and storage of outrigger hydraulic rock drills.
This standard applies to outrigger hydraulic rock drills. 2
Referenced standards
GB 3452.1
JB/T 7161
3 Types and basic parameters
3.1 Product types
Remote batch inspection counting sampling procedures and sampling tables (applicable to continuous batch inspection) Dimension series and tolerances of O-type rubber seals for hydraulic and pneumatic use Rock drilling machinery and pneumatic tools
Performance test methods
Drilling machinery and pneumatic tools
Noise measurement method-engineering method
General technical conditions for hydraulic components
Rock drilling machinery and pneumatic tools
Rock drilling machinery and pneumatic tools
Rock drilling machinery and pneumatic tools
Rock drilling machinery and pneumatic tools
Rock drilling machinery and pneumatic tools
Rock drilling machinery and pneumatic tools
Rock drilling machinery and pneumatic tools
Rock drilling machinery and pneumatic tools
Rock drilling machinery and pneumatic tools
Rock drilling machinery and pneumatic tools
The types of products are divided into:
Internal rotary type;
Independent rotary type.
Product model compilation method
General technical conditions for rust prevention
General technical conditions for heat-treated parts
General technical conditions for structural steel investment castings
General technical conditions for steel forgings
General technical conditions for machined partswww.bzxz.net
Technical conditions for product packaging
General technical conditions for painting
3.2 The main parameter of the product is weight, and the method for compiling its product model should be in accordance with the provisions of JB1590. 3.3 The basic parameters and dimensions of the product are shown in the table below. Item
Impact energy
Impact particle rate
Idle speed
Noise (sound pressure level)
Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on November 21, 1993
Implemented on March 1, 1994
Working oil pressure
Cyclic oil consumption
Diameter of hole
Drilling depth
4 Technical requirements
JB/T7168 -93
25×108 or 22×108
4.1 The product shall comply with the requirements of this standard and be manufactured according to the drawings and technical documents approved by the prescribed procedures. 4.2 The product must operate under normal lubrication conditions. The water pressure during operation is 0.3~0.5MPa. The air pressure is 0.6~0.7MPa. The gas consumption is less than 6.7L/s, the working oil temperature (tank temperature) is not greater than 60C, and the charging pressure of the accumulator is 5.2~7.5MPa. 4.3 The product shall work with the help of the thrust of the outriggers. The outriggers shall ensure that the product works reliably under normal conditions. The outriggers can be air legs or oil legs.
4.4 The connection parts of the product shall be tight and there shall be no oil leakage. Under the specified working pressure, the product shall be able to start and operate normally. 4.5
The parts of the same model product shall be interchangeable. The service life of the main parts of the product shall be calculated based on the cumulative extended meters of rock drilling. 4. 6.1
The service life of the piston shall be greater than 5000m.
The service life of the diaphragm shall be greater than 1500m.
When there are no special requirements in the product drawings and technical documents, the machined parts shall comply with the provisions of JB/T7164. The quality of structural steel investment parts shall comply with the provisions of JB/T7162. The quality of steel die forgings shall comply with the provisions of JB/T7163. 4.10
When there are no special requirements in the product drawings and technical documents, the heat-treated parts shall comply with the provisions of JB/T7161. For welded parts that directly bear high pressure, welding quality requirements shall be put forward in the product drawings and technical documents. The surface coating of the product shall comply with the provisions of 2BJ84014. The anti-rust of the product shall comply with the provisions of JB3576. The O-rings used in the product shall comply with the provisions of GB3452.1 if there are no special requirements for the structural dimensions. All parts (including outsourced parts) must be inspected and qualified by the factory quality inspection department. Outsourced parts must have qualified certificates before they can be assembled. Outsourced hydraulic components must comply with the provisions of GB7935. There should be obvious and permanent functional marks at the joints of the oil inlet and return ports of the product; P is the oil inlet port, and T is the oil return port. 4.16
The pressure oil entering the product must be filtered, and its solid dirt code should meet the design requirements, but shall not be less than 19/16 (see Appendix C4.17
4.18 When the product is damaged or cannot work normally due to poor manufacturing quality, the manufacturer shall be responsible for repairing or replacing it for the user. 5 Test methods and inspection rules
5.1 The pressure test of parts shall be in accordance with the provisions of Articles 5.1.1 to 5.1.3. 5.1.1 The test pressure shall not be less than 1.5 times the working pressure. 5.1.2 The pressure test time shall not be less than 1min.
5.1.3 The pressure test shall be carried out after the parts are completed but before assembly. 5.2 Each product must be inspected and qualified by the factory quality inspection department before it can be shipped, and the shipped products shall be accompanied by a certificate Documents proving that the product is of qualified quality. 5.3 Product strict tests are divided into mandatory tests and random tests. 2
5.3.1 The mandatory test items are the no-load impact frequency and cyclic fuel consumption (flow) under the rated working pressure. The mandatory test items shall be carried out one by one. The random test items are impact energy, idling speed and noise. 5.3.2
The random test shall be carried out after the mandatory test.
The sampling plan, sampling procedure and judgment rules of the random test shall comply with the provisions of GB2828. 5.3.43
5.4 Before the test, the product shall be idling at 1/2 of the working pressure. The time for the internal rotary type shall not be less than 3 minutes, and the independent rotary type shall not be less than 2 minutes.
5.5 The product performance test method shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB5621 . 5.6 The product noise measurement method shall comply with the provisions of GB5898. 5.7 The detection method of hydraulic oil cleanliness shall be carried out according to the particle counting method. The particle counting method is shown in Appendix A (supplement). 5.8 The detection method of product cleanliness shall be carried out according to the weighing method. The weighing method is shown in Appendix B (supplement). 5.9 The measuring instrument for circulating oil consumption (flow) shall be able to withstand an oil pressure of 1.2 times the working pressure of the product, and its internal structure shall be able to withstand the impact of pulsating oil pressure. Its accuracy shall not be less than 2%. 5.10 In principle, the flow measurement point should be placed on the high-pressure side of the product being tested. The factory test can also place the measurement point on the low-pressure side of the product being tested, but it must be calibrated with the high-pressure side.
6 Type test
Type test refers to a test that comprehensively inspects product performance and quality. 6.2
Items of type test It should include the performance parameters listed in the previous table and the service life of the main parts. 6.3 In any of the following cases, the product should be subjected to type test: a.
new products (including products produced by transferred factories); when there are major changes in the structure, process or materials used; when production is resumed after being stopped for more than 2 years for some reason; products produced in normal batches should be tested every 3 to 5 years. 6.4 The type test shall be conducted on no less than 2 prototypes. If one of them fails in one item, the test shall be doubled. If one of them still fails in one item, it shall be considered as unqualified.
7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Each product shall be clearly marked with:
Product model and name:
Manufacturer's mark or factory name:
Product number:
Date of production.
7.2 Before packing each product, all interfaces (oil, gas, water) should be sealed with plastic or steel plugs. Cotton yarn, plastic cloth, paper and other materials are not allowed to be used.
7.3 Product packaging should comply with the provisions of ZBJ84013. 7.4 The following documents should be attached when packing the product: a.
Packing list:
Product certificate of conformity;
Product instruction manual.
7.5 The product shall not be exposed to rain during transportation and storage. The product shall be stored in a cool and dry warehouse and shall not be stored in the open air. 3
JB/T 716893
Appendix A
Hydraulic oil cleanliness test method - particle counting method (supplement)
This appendix refers to the "Test method for internal cleanliness of hydraulic components of the General Bureau of the National Machinery Commission - Part 1 - Particle counting method". A1 Principle
The oil wave flowing through the product is filtered through the membrane by vacuum filtration, so that the dirt is collected on the surface of the filter membrane, and then the filter membrane is placed between two glass slides and tested under transmitted light (or incident light) with a microscope. The size is determined according to the maximum diameter of the particles. They are counted to determine the cleanliness level of the oil. A2 Terminology
A2.1 Grid area
The area with a side length of 3.08mm engraved on the filter membrane. A2.2 Effective area||t t||The area of ​​the filter membrane through which the liquid flows when filtering liquid. A2.3 Unit area
The area formed by two adjacent longitudinal filter membrane grid lines on the horizontal plane of the filter membrane and two parallel lines drawn on the vertical plane by the microscope eyepiece micrometer or on the projection screen. The size of the unit area is measured by a pre-calibrated eyepiece micrometer and is approximately 1/6 of the grid area (see Figure A1). A2.4 Subunit area
The definition is the same as in A2.3 and is approximately 1/20 of the grid area (see Figure A1). 3. 08
Unit area
Positive unit area
A2.5 Particle size
If the particle is larger than the first and second lines of the counting range determined by the line width on the eyepiece micrometer but not larger than the first and third lines, it is within the counting range. If it is smaller than the first and second line width or larger than the first and third line width, it is not counted. Note: The first and second lines define the minimum size within the counting range. The first and third lines define The largest size in the counting range, A2.6 Fiber
Length greater than 100μm. Particles with aspect ratio not less than 10+1, A2.7 Calculation coefficient
Ratio of effective area to total counting area.
A2.8 Blank count
The total number of contaminated particles brought by reagents, glassware purification, etc. is called blank count. The blank count is generally not greater than 1000 (size greater than 5um). Before analyzing the sample, liquid The sample must meet this standard. A3 Equipment and instruments
One sand core filter mobile device, including: A3.1
One glass cylindrical funnel with a scale of 250mL: one holder clamp,
One gasket with a glass sand core plate suitable for installing the filter membrane; one conical funnel.
A3.2 One funnel cover (can be replaced by culture medium). A3.3
Two types of filter membranes.
Diameter not less than Φ50mm, white, engraved with squares, pore size 0.8 μm, the diameter of the microporous filter with a square side length of 3.08mm is not less than Φ50mm, and the pore size is 0.45um without squares. A3.3.2
A3.4 A vacuum bottle with a volume of 1L for filtration. A vacuum device with a vacuum degree of 87.72kPa (i.e. 658mm support column) A3.5
A filter solvent distributor (a pressure operating system that discharges solvent through a filter membrane, the pore size of the filter membrane is not greater than 1.2um, and can be replaced by A3.6
A3.7 A stainless steel toothless flat mouth forge. A3.8 Several microscope glass slides,
Several microscope glass cover slips.
A drying oven with a temperature controllable at 80℃. A contamination detection microscope. The recommended commonly used magnifications and optical combinations are shown in Table A1. Table A1 Common magnifications and optical combinations
Effective magnification
Note: It is best to use a microscope with a large eyepiece and a rotating large stand with a projection screen. A3.12 One objective micrometer with a scale of 0.1 mm and 0.01 mm. A3.13
One hand-held counter.
One blood cell differential counter.
Several sampling bottles with a capacity of 250 mL, wide mouth and stopper-shaped bottle caps. A3.15
Several plastic films placed between the bottle cap and the bottle mouth and several suitable lids. A3.16
One 150 mL measuring tube.
A4 Chemicals for cleaning and purification
A4.1 Liquid detergent without solid residues. A4.2 Distilled water or demineralized water.
A4.3 Isopropyl alcohol (without acetone) or anhydrous ethanol. A4.4 Petroleum ether (boiling range is 90~120℃). A5 Procedure for cleaning containers
JB/T 7168-93
Filters, sampling bottles, glass slides, coverslips, measuring cylinders and other instruments should be cleaned according to the following requirements. A5.1 Wash glassware in a mixture of warm water and liquid detergent. Note: If there is oil on the glassware, rinse it with petroleum ether first. A5.2 Rinse with tap water.
A5.3 Rinse with distilled water or demineralized water. A5.4 Rinse with isopropyl alcohol or anhydrous ethanol filtered through a 0.45μm filter membrane to remove moisture. A5.5 Rinse with right-hexane filtered through a 0.45um filter membrane. A5.6 Filter equipment: The filter should be inverted to allow the solvent to evaporate and evaporate. A5.7 Sampling bottle: There should be a small amount of solvent remaining in the bottle. Place a plastic film (cleaned with filtered solvent) or a suitable stopper between the bottle mouth and the lid. The evaporation of the solvent creates a positive pressure in the bottle to prevent contamination when the bottle cap is opened. A6 Sampling
A6.1 Take a sample at the downstream pressure measuring point of the measured element. If the element has a leak, install a sampling valve at 5d of the leaking pipeline. A6.2 The sampling valve should be permanently installed on the pipeline or replaced by a quick connector. A6.3 Turn on the power, start the test bench, and purify the oil in the test bench system. Note: Do not install the product to be tested at this time, and use a wave plate to form a loop. A6.4 Remove the dust cover at the pressure measuring point and the sampling point of the leaking pipeline, open the sampling bottle, and after at least 200mL of oil flows out, use a sampling bottle to collect 1 bottle of oil sample each. Its volume shall not exceed 75% of the volume of the sampling bottle, but not less than 50%. A6.5 Remove the sampling bottle, close the sampling valve, and cover it with a dust cover. A6.6 Perform a cleanliness test on the test bench oil. The cleanliness level of the test bench oil must be at least one level higher than the cleanliness level of the product being tested. Otherwise, repeat the steps of A6.3 to A6.6 until the requirements are met. A6.7 Remove the transition plate on the test bench and install the product being tested. A6.8 Remove the dust cover, start the test bench, take samples at the downstream pressure measuring point, take one oil sample at 2 to 3 seconds and 5 minutes, and take three more oil samples at random within these 5 minutes. At the same time, take samples at the sampling port of the leaking pipeline, and start taking one bottle of oil sample after 1 second. Among the six bottles of oil samples, the oil sample with the largest particle count value shall be used as the cleanliness level of the product being tested. The volume of each bottle of sample shall not exceed 75% of the volume of the sampling bottle, but not less than 50%.
A6.9 Remove the sampling bottle, close the sampling valve, and cover the dust cover. A7 Oil sample processing
A7.1 Use a clean clamp to pick up a filter membrane with a nominal pore size of 0.8μm and place it in the center of the screen of the funnel seat assembly. With the grid facing up, carefully install the funnel and clamp it in place, and cover the funnel cover. A7.2 Record all the details of the liquid sample. A7.3 Use petroleum aldehyde filtered through a 0.45μm filter membrane as a cleaning liquid to clean the cover of the sample bottle. A7.4 Shake the bottle vigorously for at least 1 minute, remove the bottle cap and the film (if a film is installed). Pour 100mL of oil sample into a 150mL measuring cylinder.
A7.5 Connect the side nozzle of the vacuum bottle to a vacuum source. Pour all the oil in the volumetric cylinder into the filter funnel. Then pour 30-50 mL of filtered petroleum aldehyde into the volumetric cylinder to wash off the oil on the inner wall. Turn on the vacuum pump. When the oil in the funnel is reduced to a small volume, use a syringe to draw 30 mL of filtered petroleum aldehyde to wash along the funnel wall. Be careful not to disturb the distribution of pollutant particles on the filter membrane. Drain the oil sample, cut off the vacuum accumulator power supply, and cover the funnel. A7.6 Loosen the retainer clamp and remove the membrane with a forge.Place it on a glass slide with the contaminated surface facing up, so that the filter grid is parallel to the edge of the glass slide.
Cover the glass cover and fix several points with transparent tape appropriately. Attach identification marks before directly placing it under the microscope for inspection. A8 Microscope Calibration
Use a table micrometer to calibrate the microscope to measure the particle size at the following magnifications: 100×, 200×; 400×
When replacing optical components, the microscope should be re-checked and calibrated. Particle counting and measurement steps
A9.1 Particle classification
Particles are classified according to the following size ranges:>5~15
A9.2 Selection of microscope magnification
Based on the counting size range, refer to Table A2 and select the microscope magnification. Counting size range and magnification
Size range m
Note, if necessary, 5~15μm can be further divided into 5~10μm and 10~15gm. A9.3 Counting
Adjust the eyepiece to the area to be measured. Nominal multiple
A9.3.2 Count the number of particles in a unit area in any square (3.08mm×3.08mm). The unit area is in accordance with the provisions of A2.3, and the number of particles is classified and counted in accordance with A9.1. The statistical area is determined according to the following five situations: a.
If the number of particles is equal to zero, count the particles of the entire effective area; if the number of particles is greater than zero and not greater than 2, count the particles of 20 squares (see Figure A2a); if the number of particles is greater than 2 and not greater than 8, count the particles of 10 squares (see Figure A2b); if the number of particles is greater than 8 and not greater than 50, count the particles of 10 unit areas; if the number of particles is greater than 50, count the particles of 10 sub-unit areas. Counting method: as shown in Figure A2.
The above steps should be repeated for each particle size range measured. A9.4 Calculation of total number
The total number is obtained by multiplying the calculation coefficient CF by the number of all particles in a certain size range on the measured statistical area. The calculation coefficient CF is calculated according to formula (A1) to formula (A3):
When measuring a square grid:
When measuring a unit area:
When measuring a subunit area:
Where: D-diameter of the effective area of ​​the filter membrane, mm.CF-3.1416D
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