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Human/human surrogate impact (single shock) testing and evaluation—Guidance on technical aspects

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 36038-2018

Standard Name:Human/human surrogate impact (single shock) testing and evaluation—Guidance on technical aspects

Chinese Name: 人体人替身冲击(单向冲击)测试和评价 技术指南

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2018-03-15

Date of Implementation:2018-10-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Environmental protection, health and safety >> 13.160 Vibration and shock (related to people)

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Standards>>A25 Ergonomics

associated standards

Procurement status:ISO 10227:1996

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2018-03-01

other information

drafter:Zheng Songlin, Feng Jinzhi, Zhao Lihui

Drafting unit:University of Shanghai for Science and Technology

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Mechanical Vibration, Shock and Condition Monitoring (SAC/TC 53)

Proposing unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Mechanical Vibration, Shock and Condition Monitoring (SAC/TC 53)

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 36038-2018 Technical Guide for Testing and Evaluation of Human Body Substitute Impact (Unidirectional Impact) GB/T36038-2018 |tt||Standard compression package decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the procedures for testing the impact response of humans or human substitutes and the collection and reporting of related biomechanical data. The standard provides recommended operating procedures related to measurement, test equipment and test report writing. These recommended operating procedures provide guidance for the interpretation and comparison of data between different organizations. This standard is limited to testing of indirect (inertial) impacts and does not include direct impacts on vehicle surfaces (vehicle barrier impacts, rear collisions, test impacts, etc.) and the use of active suppression devices such as airbags.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T36038—2018/ISO10227:1996 Human/human surrogate impact (single shock) testing and evaluation-Guidance on technical aspects(ISO102271996,IDT)
Published on March 15, 2018
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Administration of Standardization of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on October 1, 2018
Normative references
Terms and definitions
Measurement requirements
Initial conditions
4 .2 Input variables
Test subject parameters
5 Measurement equipment
Displacement tracking
5.3 Data acquisition
6 Data acquisition and processing
Filtering and recording
Data processing
7 Reporting of results
Inertial response
Transmission of force
Physiological data
Subjective data
Medical findings
South China.
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. GB/T36038-2018/IS010227:1996. This standard uses the translation method and is equivalent to ISO10227:1996 "Human body/human substitute impact (unidirectional impact) test and evaluation". The Chinese documents that have a consistent correspondence with the international documents normatively referenced in this standard are as follows: GB/T15619-2005
Mechanical vibration and shock human exposure vocabulary (ISO5805: 1997.IDT); Technical index
Mechanical vibration and shock
Human exposure
Biodynamic coordinate system (ISO8727: 1997 This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Mechanical Vibration, Shock and Condition Monitoring (SAC/TC53). Drafting unit of this standard: Shanghai University of Technology. Main drafters of this standard: Zheng Songlin, Feng Jinzhi, Zhao Lihui. 1
GB/T36038—2018/IS010227: 1996 Introduction
Vehicles should not only provide comfortable and effective operation and transportation methods for drivers and passengers, but also minimize the impact force in a collision. Injury caused to occupants. The development of design, test and evaluation standards for vehicle safety performance requires an understanding of the mechanical response of the human body and human substitutes to vibration and acceleration forces. This response is a composite function of the vehicle's driving force and the force transmission effects of the seat system and restraint system, as well as the initial position and orientation of the research object. The study of this response involves impact tests on humans and human substitutes. In the tests, the responses of the human body and human substitutes/simulants are related to specific component structures and easily recognizable landmarks, and are generally not limited to simple linear motion. This requires sophisticated testing instruments and sound data analysis techniques to achieve a sufficiently comprehensive analytical description. Another complex technical issue is to ensure that the performance of the sensors used to monitor the response matches the mechanical properties of the monitored biological structure. In addition, the monitoring process may change The measured response value causes the dose-effect curve to shift. The conclusions or interpretations obtained from the study of the response mechanism, damage form and transmission frequency should cover the above technical factors. This standard provides guidance for the development of test plans and test reports to facilitate comparisons between different studies. This standard does not limit the scope of the test plan and the vibration exposure level of the human body or human substitute, nor does it limit and (or) recommend the acceleration environment because it involves issues such as comfort, proficiency of operation, health and safety. 1
1 Scope
GB/T36038—2018/IS010227:1996 Technical Guide for Testing and Evaluation of Human Body/Human Substitute Impact (Unidirectional Impact)
This standard specifies the human Procedures for impact response testing of human surrogates and related biomechanical data collection and reporting. The standard provides recommended operating procedures for measurement, test equipment and test report writing. These recommended operating procedures provide guidance for the interpretation and comparison of data between different organizations.
This standard is limited to tests for indirect (inertial) impacts and does not include direct impacts on the vehicle surface (vehicle barrier impact, rear collision, test impact, etc.) and the use of active suppression devices such as airbags. 2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated referenced document, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. ISO5805 Mechanical vibration and shock—Human exposure—Vocabulary
ISO8727 Mechanical vibration and shock—Human exposure—Biodynamic coordinate systems 3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions defined in IS05805 and the following apply to this document. 3.1
Test subject
A person or a human surrogate (such as a body, animal, or dummy) used to test a vehicle test occupant. 3.2
Test subject coordinate systemTest subject coordinate systemThe right-hand rule orthogonal coordinate system (x,,) defined in ISO8727. This coordinate system is used to locate the test structure of the test subject. 3.3
Structure used to transmit driving forces and impact forces. The structure includes all system components (including integrated support/seat and restraint systems) that can transmit forces to the test subject. 3.4
Vehicle coordinate system vehicle coordinate system right-hand rule orthogonal coordinate system (,, &). This coordinate system is used to locate the test object position and the constraint or impact surface. Its coordinate origin should be set on the rigid structure of the vehicle (no significant deformation will occur during the test).
indirect (inertial) impact
indirect (inertial) impact
The impact on an object due to inertial motion under non-direct impact conditions. 4 Measurement requirements
4.1 Initial conditions
All position and direction measurements should be convertible to the vehicle coordinate system 4.1.1 Record the number of all sensors and camera targets, and detect the position, direction, installation and matching characteristics. 4.1.2 The initial position, restraint, support or seat structure of the test object should be described as detailed as possible during the measurement. The description of the restraint system should include the following aspects:
Location and orientation of the fixing point;
Angle of the seat belt relative to the contact point and fixing point of the test object: c)
Distance from the seat belt fixing point to the contact point between the seat belt and the test object: Characteristics of the webbing, size and fabric material type; Webbing pull characteristics;
Webbing connection characteristics;
Preload of the restraint component;
Force-extension characteristics of the webbing.
The description of the fixing device of the support/seat should include: a)
Geometric and material characteristics sufficient to describe the deformation and friction characteristics of the support/seat surface: Size and orientation based on the vehicle coordinate system; If available, the deformation or energy absorption characteristics of the support structure between the origin of the vehicle coordinate system and the test object should also be given; The location of the impact point.
4.1.3 Record the surrounding environmental factors that affect the test results. 4.2
Input variables
include the time history of displacement, velocity, acceleration and force. The measurements of all variables should be transformable to the vehicle coordinate system and the number of degrees of freedom should be consistent with the response measurement results. It is required to use the terminology of the typical amplitude-time input history. Otherwise, the measurement method should be described.4.3
3 Subject Parameters
Measurement of human dimensions is extremely important for describing the subject and estimating its mass distribution characteristics. The mass distribution characteristics of the entire human body and the anatomy can be obtained from studies of human bodies, but they should be estimated parameters of living bodies. Biomechanical parameters, including anatomical mass, center of gravity, moment of inertia, etc., can be used to extrapolate the results for the target population. 4.3.1 Human body measurements Human body measurements should include, but are not limited to, the following parameters: a) mass; b) height; sitting height; shoulder height; head height; head width; head length; h) head circumference; neck circumference; shoulder width; shoulder to elbow length; elbow height; m) elbow to fingertips length; chest circumference; chest thickness; hip to knee length; sitting knee height.
4.3.2 Status and background
GB/T36038—2018/IS010227:1996 For live subjects, a complete medical history of the live subject, including age, sex and any abnormalities, should be recorded; similar information should be provided for human subjects. Test specimens should be protected from damage or other abnormalities that may interfere with the conclusions of the test or the report description. Human subjects should be kept as fresh as possible, and the preservation process and the storage environment of the human subjects up to the start of the test should be fully recorded. Any additional processing should also be fully recorded, including vascular injections and human chest volume control. For all types of tests (live subjects or human substitutes), anatomy landmarks should be identified, marked and measured in a specified anatomical coordinate system (consistent with ISO8727). If possible, a radiographic record should be made with information on the installation position of the instrument and the measurement scale. Anatomy landmarks with insufficient clarity should be enhanced by a radiation shielding spheroid. If no radiographic record is available, photographs or diagrams containing dimensional information should be retained.
5 Measurement Equipment
5.1 Sensors
Sensors are mounted on the test subject, as well as in the seat, restraints or other force transmission mechanisms, to collect data from the subject where they are mounted. They are used, like physiological sensors, to quantify the severity of the impact and impact of the dissipative structure and its local response to the impact and impact. They are also used to describe the transmission characteristics and transmission functions of the anatomical structure. The characteristics that the sensors must have are listed in 5.1.1 to 5.1.6. 5.1.1 In order to reduce the impact on the response of the monitored anatomical structure, the mass of the sensors and other major sensing devices mounted on the test subject should be as small as possible.
5.1.2 In order to accurately reflect the response of the anatomical structure relative to the skeletal system, the sensors mounted on the test subject should be as stable as possible to avoid the measurement data being affected by relative motion. If the sensors cannot be firmly mounted (in the case of testing living subjects), the connection method of the sensors should be fully described.
5.1.3 Considering the frequency characteristics of the measured signal, the sensor should have reasonable frequency response characteristics. In the case of unknown frequency characteristics of body structures, it is advisable to try to use broadband frequency measurement methods, and then analyze and identify useful signal frequency components. 5.1.4 All sensor measurements should be made in the local coordinate system of the specific anatomical structure. If transfer to other points is allowed, both linear and angular responses should be monitored.
5.1.5 Sensor measurements installed in seats, restraint systems and other force-transmitting structures should be made in the vehicle coordinate system. 5.1.6 Sensors should be calibrated in their current state. Each data channel should be calibrated to evaluate the impact of environmental factors, such as signal drift.
GB/T36038—2018/ISO10227:19965.2 Displacement Tracking
Data transmitted from surface-mounted targets are used to quantify the displacement response of anatomical structures to collision and impact forces. Cameras or video cameras and targets can be used as solid-state target tracking systems. Requirements for displacement tracking are listed in 5.2.1 to 5.2.5. 5.2.1 The requirements for the target are the same as those in 5.1.1, 5.1.2 and 5.1.4, with the substitution of "sensor" for "target". 5.2.2 If the motion is confined to a plane, only one camera is required, fixed to an axis perpendicular to that plane. Otherwise, at least two cameras are required.
5.2.3 The position and orientation of the camera should be measured in the vehicle coordinate system with reference to the target and other cameras. 5.2.4 If the time history of displacement is measured, an accurate timing source should be precisely synchronized with the displacement recording system, and the accuracy of the timing signal and the measurement technique of the bit rate should be recorded.
5.2.5 If practicable, the type, focal length and aperture opening of the lens used in the test should be recorded and calibrated. 5.3 Data Acquisition
The data path includes all signal paths from the sensor to the recording instrument. All procedures for implementing the requirements of 5.3.1 to 5.3.6 should be documented.
5.3.1 Each data channel should be calibrated against a reference signal traceable to a national reference. 5.3.2 All data channels should be calibrated as a whole. As a less desirable alternative, each subsystem in the data channel should be calibrated individually and the overall accuracy of the channel calculated from these results. 5.3.3 If used in data analysis, the linearity error of each data channel should be determined. 5.3.4 The amplitude-frequency response, phase-frequency response, damping, decay rate and phase lag should be determined and recorded for each channel. The cut-off frequency should be consistent with the expected frequency response of the monitored decomposition structure. 5.3.5 The transverse sensitivity of each sensor should be determined. 5.3.6 The sensitivity coefficient of each sensor should be determined. It is recommended that the sensor sensitivity coefficient be determined using the linear least squares method based on the calibration data.
6 Data Acquisition and Processing
This chapter addresses the storage, acquisition and processing of data and gives the minimum requirements that should be considered. 6.1 Filtering and recording
Data channel (see 5.3.4) Filtering can avoid saturation of high frequency signals in the recorder or avoid aliasing errors during the digitization process. It should be matched to the dynamic range of the recorder.
6.2 Digitization
6.2.1 When digitizing analog signals, the amplitude resolution should be at least 10 bits. In the analog/digital conversion, a resolution of 12 bits or even higher should be selected to reduce digitization errors. 6.2.2 The sampling frequency should be consistent with the cut-off frequency and attenuation rate to minimize aliasing errors associated with non-limited bandwidth signals. 6.3 Data processing
The amplitude response, cut-off frequency, attenuation characteristics and phase shift of the data filter should be recorded. The cut-off frequency should be compatible with the expected frequency response of the monitored decomposition structure.
7 Result Report
7.1 Inertial Response
GB/T36038—2018/IS010227:1996 Inertial response is used to quantify the severity of the test and the local response and transfer characteristics of the anatomical structure to collision and impact forces. It should include the results described in 7.1.1~7.1.5. In order to provide a comparative benchmark for different test subjects, the results should be converted to anatomically based reference measurement points.
7.1.1 Inertial Response of the Head
The results should include:
a) The orthogonal components of the linear acceleration along the axis of the anatomical coordinate system of the head at the center of gravity of the head; b) The angular acceleration or angular velocity about the anatomical axis of the head 7.1.2 Inertial Response of the Neck
The neck response characteristics can be reflected by the relationship between the measured acceleration at T1 (first thoracic vertebra) and the acceleration of the occipital point calculated based on the inertial response of the head. Shear and axial forces and occipital equivalent moments can be calculated from the following results: a) linear and angular accelerations of the head transformed to the occipital point; b) orthogonal components of linear acceleration at the origin along the axis of the T1 anatomical coordinate system; c) angular acceleration or angular velocity about the T1 anatomical axis. 7.1.3 Inertial response of the chest
For the living human body, the chest is not rigid and it is not easy to arrange instruments, resulting in inaccurate measurements. Invasive methods are used when using human substitutes to improve the coupling characteristics between sensors and skeletal anatomic landmarks. Because the properties of soft tissue and bone may be affected, the data obtained may not be as valid as those obtained from rigid anatomical structures such as the head. Procedures should be documented to reduce this effect. The results should include orthogonal components of linear acceleration of selected anatomical sites. 7.1.4 Inertial response of the pelvis
Although the pelvis is rigid, the inertial response of the sensor presents unique challenges due to the complexity of its interactions with the seat and restraint system. These interactions can severely reduce the mechanical coupling between the sensor and the skeletal structure, leading to measurement errors. A documented procedure should be developed to minimize this effect. Intrusive methods (i.e., rigidly mounted sensors at bony anatomical features) should be used for testing of human surrogates. Results should include: a) orthogonal components of linear acceleration at the origin along well-defined anatomical coordinate axes; b) angular acceleration or angular velocity about axes that define seat belt interactions at the pelvis (possible crushing, etc.). 7.1.5 Inertial response of other parts of the body
In addition to the head, neck, chest and pelvis, the inertial response of other parts of the body should include: a) orthogonal components of linear acceleration at the origin along well-defined anatomical coordinate axes; b) angular velocity or angular displacement (when necessary) about well-defined anatomical coordinate axes. 7.2 Force transferwww.bzxz.net
If the force transfer characteristics of restraint systems, seats and other support structures are measured, the recorded data should include the force components in the vehicle coordinate system.
GB/T36038—2018/IS010227:19967.3 Displacement
If displacement results are recorded, the considerations on sensor placement discussed in 7.1.1 to 7.1.4 also apply to the corresponding target placement.
7.3.1 Head displacement
The results should include:
a) the orthogonal components of the linear displacement in the initial position of the head anatomical coordinate system; b) the angular displacement about the initial position of the head anatomical coordinate axes 7.3.2 Neck displacement
The neck displacement can be defined as the relative displacement between T1 and the occipital point. The results should include: a) linear and angular displacements of the head transformed to the occipital point at the initial position of the T1 anatomic coordinate system (see 7.3.1); b) orthogonal components of linear displacement and angular displacement of the origin of the T1 anatomical coordinate system at the initial position of the T1 anatomical coordinate system. 7.3.3 Displacement of the thorax
The results should include orthogonal components of linear displacements of selected anatomical positions at the initial position of the strictly defined anatomic coordinate system. 7.3.4 Displacement of the pelvis
The results should include:
a) orthogonal components of axial linear displacements at the initial position of the strictly defined anatomic coordinate system; b) angular displacements about the initial position of the axis to define the interaction of the seat belt at the pelvis (possible indentation, etc.). 7.3.5 Displacement of other parts of the body
Displacements of parts other than the head, neck, thorax or pelvis should include: a) orthogonal components of axial linear displacements at the initial position of the strictly defined anatomical coordinate system; b) angular displacements (when necessary) about the initial position of the strictly defined anatomical coordinate axes. 7.4 Physiological data
During the test, physiological data of the person or a live human surrogate should be collected and recorded. These data should reflect deviations from the normal measurement range. Other physiological data should be recorded in summary form. 7.5 Subjective data
Data collected from people in written or oral form determine their subjective response to the test variables. These data should be collected to ensure their reliability and consistency so that they can be compared with test data and physiological data. 7.6 Medical findings
Observed injuries, physiological changes or other medically significant symptoms should be recorded and these records should be kept permanently for the person participating in the impact test.
Geometrical orientation and directions of movementsISO 2041:1990
Mechanical vibration and shock-TerminologyBasic listof anthropometric measurementsISO7520
National Standard of the People’s Republic of China
Technical Guide for Human Body/Human Substitute Impact (Unidirectional Impact) Test and Evaluation
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 2A West Hepingli Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing (100029) No. 16 North Sanlihe Street, Xicheng District, Beijing (100045) Website: spc.org.cn
Service Hotline: 400-168-0010
First edition in March 2018
Book Number: 155066: 1-59712
Copyright reserved
Infringements will be prosecuted1990
Mechanical vibration and shock-TerminologyBasic list of anthropometric measurementsISO7520
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Technical Guide for Testing and Evaluation of Human Body/Human Substitute Impact (Unidirectional Impact)||tt| |GB/T36038—2018/1SO10227:1996*
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 2, Hepingli West Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing (100029) No. 16, Sanlihe North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing (100045) Website: spc.org.cn
Service hotline: 400-168-0010
First edition in March 2018
Book number: 155066: 1-59712||tt ||Copyright reserved
Infringements will be prosecuted1990
Mechanical vibration and shock-TerminologyBasic list of anthropometric measurementsISO7520
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Technical Guide for Testing and Evaluation of Human Body/Human Substitute Impact (Unidirectional Impact)||tt| |GB/T36038—2018/1SO10227:1996*
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 2, Hepingli West Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing (100029) No. 16, Sanlihe North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing (100045) Website: spc.org.cn
Service hotline: 400-168-0010
First edition in March 2018
Book number: 155066: 1-59712||tt ||Copyright reserved
Infringements will be prosecuted
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