title>HG/T 20563-1994 Provisions for calculating the number of freight vehicles in chemical enterprises - HG/T 20563-1994 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 20563-1994 Provisions for calculating the number of freight vehicles in chemical enterprises

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 20563-1994

Standard Name: Provisions for calculating the number of freight vehicles in chemical enterprises

Chinese Name: 化工企业货运汽车数量计算规定

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)


Date of Implementation:1996-03-01

Date of Expiration:2004-08-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Comprehensive Chemical Industry>>G08 Marking, Packaging, Transportation, Storage

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaces CD 30 A5-1984 HGJ 11-1988

Publication information

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HG/T 20563-1994 Chemical Enterprise Freight Truck Quantity Calculation Regulations HG/T20563-1994 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Regulations on the Calculation of the Number of Freight Cars in Chemical Enterprises HG/T20563-94
Main Editor: Jilin Chemical Industry Company Design Institute Approving Department: Ministry of Chemical Industry
Effective Date: March 1, 1995
Editing Center of Engineering Construction Standards of Ministry of Chemical Industry
1995 Beijing
1 General Provisions
1.0.1 In order to unify the calculation method, calculation formula and selection parameters of the number of freight cars in chemical enterprises, this regulation is specially formulated
1.0.2 This regulation is applicable to the calculation of the number of freight cars in newly built, rebuilt and expanded chemical enterprises, and is not applicable to the calculation of vehicles used for factory management. 1.0.3 The number of vehicles that chemical enterprises need to provide their own vehicles for long-distance and short-distance transportation of raw materials, fuels, materials, finished products, intermediate products, waste residues and waste materials during the production process, as well as the internal cargo transportation of enterprises, shall be calculated in accordance with this regulation. 1.0.4 The operation shifts and annual working days of self-owned freight trucks can be determined according to the length of freight journeys, the volume of freight, and the needs of freight materials. 41
2 Terms, symbols, and codes
2.0.1 Gross weight coefficient α
The ratio of gross weight to net weight.
2.0.2 Total number of freight trucks N
The total number of freight trucks of this enterprise is the sum of all types of long-distance and short-distance freight trucks of this enterprise.
The total number of short-distance freight trucks Nshort
The total number of short-distance freight trucks of this enterprise.
2.0.4 The total number of long-distance freight trucks Nlong
The total number of long-distance freight trucks of this enterprise.
2.0.5 Annual freight transportation volume Q
The annual transportation volume of a single item of freight or the total amount of freight of this enterprise. 2.0.6 Annual effective working days of freight trucks A
The average effective working days of freight trucks in annual operation. 2.0.7 Daily average transport capacity G
The average tonnage transported by a freight truck every day. Maintenance parking days B
The average annual parking days required for maintenance and repair of a freight truck. 2.0.9 Parking days due to reasons C
The number of days a freight truck cannot be used due to reasons. 2.0.10 Number of working round trips n
The number of round trips per day for a short-distance freight truck,
The number of working days in transit for a round trip n
The number of working days required for a long-distance freight truck to make a round trip. 42
2.0.12 Truck load g
The rated load of a freight truck.
2.0.13 Transportation distance L
The one-way transportation distance of a freight truck.
2.0.14 Calculation of driving speed
The average driving speed of a freight truck during its driving process. 2.0.15 Loading time t1
Time for loading goods onto a freight truck.
2.0.16 Unloading time t2
Time for loading and unloading goods by a freight truck.
2.0.17 Auxiliary time t3
Time for the preparation work required for loading and unloading goods and transportation by a freight truck. 2.0.18 Effective working time of a long-distance freight truck Gan The effective working time of a long-distance freight truck in one working day. 2.0.19 Annual transportation days of a long-distance freight truck M
Number of working days for a long-distance freight truck to carry out freight throughout the year. 2.0.20 Length of a freight truck box a
Length of the freight truck box for loading goods. 2.0.21 Width of a freight truck box 6
Width of the freight truck box for loading goods. 2.0.22 Height of cargo stacking h
Allowed height of cargo stacking by a freight truck.
2.0.23Cargo bulk density V
Cargo stacking bulk density.
2.0.24Liquid specific gravity?
Liquid specific gravity.
2.0.25Number of freight vehicle types
Number of freight vehicle types.
3Calculation and statistics of the volume of freight transported by chemical enterprises 3.0.1In order to make the result of the calculation of the number of freight vehicles conform to the actual situation, the statistics of the volume of freight transport should be complete and accurate.
3.0.2The volume of freight transport should be calculated and counted according to the format and requirements of Appendix A and Appendix B for various raw materials, fuels, materials, finished products, intermediate products, waste residues, waste materials, etc. that the enterprise needs to transport by car.
3.0.3The volume of packaging materials used for goods, such as bags, barrels, cans and boxes, should be counted by weight.
3.0.4 The collected cargo transportation data, if the weight is net weight and needs to be converted into gross weight, can be calculated as follows:
Gross weight = α·net weight
Where: α gross weight coefficient.
Gross weight coefficient α should be determined according to the cargo status, packaging method, packaging material and shape with reference to Table 3.0.4.
Gross weight coefficient
Name of packaging
Bakelite barrel
Goods status
Unit weight
(net weight)
Gross weight coefficient
Name of packaging
Paper-lined woven bag
Linen, cloth, paper bag
Plastic barrel
Acid jar (this frame box)
Glass bottle
Goods status
Liquid in glass bottle
Liquefied gas|| tt||Piece weight
(net weight)
Continued Table 3.0.4
Gross weight coefficient
3.0.5In order to improve the statistical quality of freight transportation volume and avoid omissions and errors, a schematic diagram of the flow of goods can be made
3.0.6When counting the freight transportation volume, miscellaneous goods with an annual transportation volume of less than 5 tons can be included in the unforeseen transportation volume, and its amount is about 1%~3% of the total annual transportation volume.3.0.7The statistical unit of annual freight transportation volume is tons, calculated to the integer. The calculation unit of freight distance is kilometers, calculated to one decimal place.3.0.8Except for in-plant transshipment, slag discharge, railway LTL and special circumstances, freight transportation volume is counted according to the pickup system.
Calculation of the number of freight trucks in chemical enterprises
Calculation of the number of short-distance freight trucks
The transportation distance does not exceed the round trip of one-shift system (i.e. 306 working days per year, 8-hour daily working system).
4.1.2 Calculation formula for the number of freight trucks:
N Short EN
Total number of short-distance freight trucks of various types in an enterprise (vehicles): Where. N Short—
Number of freight trucks of a certain type (vehicles):
Number of types of freight trucks. Calculation formula for the number of freight trucks of a certain type: N
Annual transportation volume of a certain single item or total of goods (tons/year) Where: Q—
A—Effective working days per year of freight trucks (days/truck/year), G
—Average daily transportation capacity of a certain type of freight trucks (tons/day). The effective working days A of a freight truck in a year shall be calculated as follows: A=306-BC
3--The average annual maintenance parking days of a freight truck (days/car year), see Table 4.3.1 where B-
C The average annual parking days for reasons of a freight truck (days/car year), see 4.3.2 of these regulations
The average daily transport capacity G of a certain type of freight truck shall be calculated as follows:
Where: n
Number of round trips on working days (times/day)
The capacity of a freight truck Weight (tons), see 4.3.6 of these Regulations. The number of round trips n on a working day is calculated as follows: 7
Wherein: 7
Effective working hours of a shift day (i.e. 8×0.88=7) (hours/day); One-way distance of transportation (km)
3--Calculation of driving speed of a freight truck (km/h) See Table 4.3.3 for ti—loading time (min), see Table 4.3.4 for t2—vehicle time (min), see Table 4.3.4 for ts—auxiliary time (min), see Table 4.3.4 for ts. 4.2 Calculation of the number of long-distance freight trucks
For transport distances that exceed the one-shift system and require shift work, the formula for calculating the number of freight trucks is: Nlong = EN
Where: Nlong =
Total number of long-distance freight trucks of various types in an enterprise (units): N-Number of freight trucks of a certain type (units): -Number of types of freight trucks. The calculation formula for the number of a certain type of freight trucks is: N.
Wherein: Q is the annual transportation volume of a certain single item or total cargo (tons/year); A is the annual effective working days of freight trucks (days/truck, year); ww.bzsos.com(4.2.2)
(4. 2.2.1)
G is the average daily transportation capacity of a certain type of freight truck (tons/day). The annual effective working days A of a freight truck shall be calculated according to the following formula: AMBC
Wherein: M - annual transport days of a freight truck (days/truck·year), see 4.3.9 of these Regulations B - annual average maintenance parking days of a freight truck (days/truck·year), see Table 4.3.1-2
C - annual average parking days of a freight truck due to reasons (days/truck·year), see 4.3.2 of these Regulations.
The daily average transport capacity G of a certain type of freight truck shall be calculated according to the following formula:
Wherein, n
Wherein: L
Number of working days in transit for a round trip (days): Freight truck load (tons), see 4.3.6 of these Regulations. The number of working days n for a round trip is calculated as follows: (丝+t+t+)/Twww.bzxz.net
One-way distance of transportation (km);
Freight truck driving speed (km/h), as shown in Table 4.3.3: Loading time (min), see Table 4.3.4; Unloading time (min), see Table 4.3.4; Auxiliary time (min), see Table 4.3.4; T Effective working hours on a two- or three-shift day (hours/day), see 4.3.8 of these regulations. 4.3 Unified regulations on calculation parameters for freight trucks 4.3.1 The average maintenance parking day (B) of a vehicle shall be determined based on the transportation itinerary, the level of maintenance facilities and cooperation conditions, according to Tables 4.3.11 and 4.3.1-2, and based on the long and short-distance maintenance operation cycles, the number of each maintenance journey and the selected shutdown time. 48
Warranty level
Warranty interval mileage
(thousand kilometers)
Suspension time
Warranty interval and suspension days for short-distance loan vehicles-Level maintenance
Level 2 maintenance
Level 3 maintenance
Table 4. 3. 1 - 1
Note: ① Minor repairs generally do not occupy working vehicle days. If necessary, they can be calculated at 0.2 day/thousand kilometers. ② The maintenance levels and interval mileages in the table can be implemented according to local regulations if the local transportation department has special requirements.
③ Determine whether to increase the inspection time for the second maintenance and overhaul according to local specific conditions. The second maintenance is 4 times a year, each time for 1~3 days, and the inspection time for overhaul is 3~6 days each time. Long-distance freight truck warranty end interval and stop date warranty level
Warranty interval mileage
(thousand kilometers)
Stop time
First-level maintenance
Second-level maintenance
Third-level maintenance
Table 4. 3. 1-2
Note: ① Minor repairs generally do not occupy working vehicle days. If necessary, they can be calculated at 0.25 days/thousand kilometers. ② The maintenance level and interval mileage in the table can be implemented according to local regulations if the local transportation department has special requirements.
③ Determine whether to increase the inspection time for the second maintenance and overhaul according to local specific conditions. The second maintenance is 4 times a year, each time is 1~~3 days, and the overhaul inspection is 3~~6 days each time. 4.3.2 The average annual parking days for reasons (C) of vehicles include the total number of days that vehicles cannot be used or are idle due to unbalanced freight transportation, scheduling errors, natural factors, annual vehicle inspections, and safety inspections. Generally, it can be selected within the range of 25 to 30 days according to the actual situation. 4.3.3 The calculated driving speed of vehicles (v) is selected according to the road grade and driving area of ​​the vehicle, according to Table 4.3.3.
Road grade
Calculated driving speed of transport vehicles (km/h) Region
Asphalt road, cement road
Clay, gravel road
Road outside the factory
Road inside the factory
Note: D takes the lower limit when the transport distance is 5 to 10 kilometers.
Plains, hills
Cities and
Industrial areas
②The upper and lower limits or actual survey values ​​of off-site roads can be taken according to the road conditions in each region. 4.3.4 Loading, unloading and auxiliary time (t), (t2), (ts) can be selected according to Table 4.3.4-1, Table 4.3.4-2, Table 4.3.4-3 and Table 4.3.4-4 based on the loading and unloading methods and the nature of the goods.
Manual loading and unloading t and t (min)
Vehicle load
Cargo types
Dry soil, sand, slag, coal lumps,
Powdered coal, empty barrels, wooden barrels, garbage, goods in barrels, bags and rolls
Coke powder, coke lumps, limestone, crushed stone, bricks, blocks, wood,
Steel and goods in boxes, baskets and bundles
Glass containers, jars and goods that are inconvenient to load and unload and require attention and caution
Below 2.5
Total unloading
|Total unloading
Table 4.3.4-1
Total unloading
Cargo type
Bulk cargo
Boxed, bagged,
Barreled cargo
Steel, bricks and tiles
Mechanical loading and unloading speed (min/ton)
Machinery type
High cargo unloading port
Loading truck grab bucket
Tape transport
With pallet
Loading truck
Without pallet
Note: * The speed may be increased as appropriate for goods that stick to the truck seriously. Liquid cargo loading and unloading and t (mn)
(calculated by 1m2 tank truck)
Liquid filling pipe diameter
Automobile tank truck self-provided pipe
Note: For liquids with low viscosity, take the lower value, and for liquids with high viscosity, take the higher value. Unloading
Table 4.3.4-2
"Self-controlled truck
m is the grab bucket per
Drinking grab loading weight
Equipped with 2 to 3
Table 4.3.4-3
1-2 And according to the long-distance and short-distance maintenance operation cycle and the number of each repair and the selected downtime, it is determined by calculation. 48
Warranty level
Warranty interval mileage
(thousand kilometers)
Short-distance loan vehicle warranty interval and downtime days-level maintenance
Second-level maintenance
Third-level maintenance
Table 4. 3. 1 - 1
Note: ① Minor repairs generally do not occupy working vehicle days. If necessary, they can be calculated at 0.2 days/thousand kilometers. ② The maintenance level and interval mileage in the table can be implemented according to local regulations if the local transportation department has special requirements.
③Determine whether to increase the time for the second maintenance and overhaul inspection according to the specific local conditions. The second maintenance is 4 times a year, 1~3 days each time, and the overhaul inspection is 3~6 days each time. Long-distance freight truck warranty end interval and suspension day warranty level
Warranty interval mileage
(thousand kilometers)
Suspension time
First-level maintenance
Second-level maintenance
Third-level maintenance
Table 4. 3. 1-2
Note: ①Minor repairs generally do not occupy working vehicle days. If necessary, they can be calculated at 0.25 days/thousand kilometers. ②The maintenance level and interval mileage in the table can be implemented according to local regulations if the local transportation department has special requirements.
③Determine whether to increase the time for the second maintenance and overhaul inspection according to the specific local conditions. The second maintenance is carried out 4 times a year, each time for 1~~3 days, and the overhaul inspection is carried out for 3~~6 days each time. 4.3.2 The average annual parking days for automobiles due to reasons (C) include the total number of days that the automobile cannot be driven or is idle due to unbalanced cargo transportation, scheduling errors, natural factors, annual vehicle inspections, and safety inspections. Generally, it can be selected within the range of 25 to 30 days according to the actual situation. 4.3.3 The calculated driving speed of the automobile (v) depends on the grade of the road the automobile is traveling on and the conditions of the driving area, and is selected according to Table 4.3.3.
Road grade
Calculated driving speed of the transported automobile (km/h) Area
Asphalt road, cement road
Clay, gravel road
Road outside the factory
Road inside the factory
Note: D takes the lower limit for a transportation distance of 5~10 kilometers.
Plains, hills
Cities and
Industrial areas
②The upper and lower limits or actual survey values ​​of off-site roads can be taken according to the road conditions in each region. 4.3.4 Loading, unloading and auxiliary time (t), (t2), (ts) can be selected according to Table 4.3.4-1, Table 4.3.4-2, Table 4.3.4-3 and Table 4.3.4-4 based on the loading and unloading methods and the nature of the goods.
Manual loading and unloading t and t (min)
Vehicle load
Cargo types
Dry soil, sand, slag, coal lumps,
Powdered coal, empty barrels, wooden barrels, garbage, goods in barrels, bags and rolls
Coke powder, coke lumps, limestone, crushed stone, bricks, blocks, wood,
Steel and goods in boxes, baskets and bundles
Glass containers, jars and goods that are inconvenient to load and unload and require attention and caution
Below 2.5
Total unloading
|Total unloading
Table 4.3.4-1
Total unloading
Cargo type
Bulk cargo
Boxed, bagged,
Barreled cargo
Steel, bricks and tiles
Mechanical loading and unloading speed (min/ton)
Machinery type
High cargo unloading port
Loading truck grab bucket
Tape transport
With pallet
Loading truck
Without pallet
Note: * The speed may be increased as appropriate for goods that stick to the truck seriously. Liquid cargo loading and unloading and t (mn)
(calculated by 1m2 tank truck)
Liquid filling pipe diameter
Automobile tank truck self-provided pipe
Note: For liquids with low viscosity, take the lower value, and for liquids with high viscosity, take the higher value. Unloading
Table 4.3.4-2
"Self-controlled truck
m is the grab bucket per
Drinking grab loading weight
Equipped with 2 to 3
Table 4.3.4-3
1-2 And according to the long-distance and short-distance maintenance operation cycle and the number of each repair and the selected downtime, it is determined by calculation. 48
Warranty level
Warranty interval mileage
(thousand kilometers)
Short-distance loan vehicle warranty interval and downtime days-level maintenance
Second-level maintenance
Third-level maintenance
Table 4. 3. 1 - 1
Note: ① Minor repairs generally do not occupy working vehicle days. If necessary, they can be calculated at 0.2 days/thousand kilometers. ② The maintenance level and interval mileage in the table can be implemented according to local regulations if the local transportation department has special requirements.
③Determine whether to increase the inspection time for the second maintenance and overhaul according to the specific local conditions. The second maintenance is 4 times a year, 1~3 days each time, and the overhaul inspection is 3~6 days each time. Long-distance freight truck warranty end interval and suspension day warranty level
Warranty interval mileage
(thousand kilometers)
Suspension time
First-level maintenance
Second-level maintenance
Third-level maintenance
Table 4. 3. 1-2
Note: ①Minor repairs generally do not occupy working vehicle days. If necessary, they can be calculated at 0.25 days/thousand kilometers. ②The maintenance level and interval mileage in the table can be implemented according to local regulations if the local transportation department has special requirements.
③Determine whether to increase the time for the second maintenance and overhaul inspection according to the specific local conditions. The second maintenance is carried out 4 times a year, each time for 1~~3 days, and the overhaul inspection is carried out for 3~~6 days each time. 4.3.2 The average annual parking days for reasons (C) of the automobile includes the total number of days that the automobile cannot be driven or is idle due to unbalanced cargo transportation, scheduling errors, natural factors, annual vehicle inspections, and safety inspections. Generally, it can be selected within the range of 25 to 30 days according to the actual situation. 4.3.3 The calculated driving speed of the automobile (v) depends on the grade of the road the automobile is traveling on and the conditions of the driving area, and is selected according to Table 4.3.3.
Road grade
Calculated driving speed of the transported automobile (km/h) Area
Asphalt road, cement road
Soil, gravel road
Road outside the factory
Road inside the factory
Note: D takes the lower limit for a transportation distance of 5~10 kilometers.
Plains, hills
Cities and
Industrial areas
②The upper and lower limits or actual survey values ​​of the roads outside the factory can be taken according to the road conditions in each region. 4.3.4 Loading, unloading and auxiliary time (t), (t2), (ts) can be selected according to Table 4.3.4-1, Table 4.3.4-2, Table 4.3.4-3 and Table 4.3.4-4 based on the loading and unloading methods and the nature of the goods.
Manual loading and unloading t and t (min)
Vehicle load
Cargo types
Dry soil, sand, slag, coal lumps,
Powdered coal, empty barrels, wooden barrels, garbage, goods in barrels, bags and rolls
Coke powder, coke lumps, limestone, crushed stone, bricks, blocks, wood,
Steel and goods in boxes, baskets and bundles
Glass containers, jars and goods that are inconvenient to load and unload and require attention and caution
Below 2.5
Total unloading
|Total unloading
Table 4.3.4-1
Total unloading
Cargo type
Bulk cargo
Boxed, bagged,
Barreled cargo
Steel, bricks and tiles
Mechanical loading and unloading speed (min/ton)
Machinery type
High cargo unloading port
Loading truck grab bucket
Tape transport
With pallet
Loading truck
Without pallet
Note: * The speed may be increased as appropriate for goods that stick to the truck seriously. Liquid cargo loading and unloading and t (mn)
(calculated by 1m2 tank truck)
Liquid filling pipe diameter
Automobile tank truck self-provided pipe
Note: For liquids with low viscosity, take the lower value, and for liquids with high viscosity, take the higher value. Unloading
Table 4.3.4-2
"Self-controlled truck
m is the grab bucket per
Drinking grab loading weight
Equipped with 2 to 3
Table 4.3.4-3
"Self-driving car
m is the weight of each grab bucket
drinking and grabbing
equipped with 2 to 3 people
Table 4.3.4-3
"Self-driving car
m is the weight of each grab bucket
drinking and grabbing
equipped with 2 to 3 people
Table 4.3.4-3
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