Drafting unit:Nanjing Institute of Comprehensive Utilization of Wild Plants, All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives
Focal point unit:All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives
Proposing unit:All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives
Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China
competent authority:All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives
This part of GB/T 12729 specifies the determination method for alcohol-soluble extracts of spices and condiments. This part is applicable to the determination of alcohol-soluble extracts of spices and condiments. GB/T 12729.10-2008 Determination of alcohol-soluble extracts of spices and condiments GB/T12729.10-2008 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This part of GB/T 12729 specifies the determination method for alcohol-soluble extracts of spices and condiments.
This part is applicable to the determination of alcohol-soluble extracts of spices and condiments.
GB/T 12729.2 Sampling methods for spices and condiments
GB/T 12729.3 Preparation of powder samples for analysis of spices and condiments
Some standard content:
ICS 67.220. 10 National Standard of the People's Republic of China CB/T12729.10—2008 Generation Police (G13/12729.101991 Spices and condinents-Determinatio of etnanol-soluble extract(1S0940:1979,MOD) Published on July 16, 2008 General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Administration of Standardization of the People's Republic of China Implementation on November 1, 2008 GB/T 12729 Spices and condiments" consists of the following parts: GB/T 12729. 1 GB/T 12729.2 GB/T 12729. 3 GB/[ 12729.4 GB/T 12729.5 GB/T 12729. G G13/[ 12729.7 ----GB/T 12729. 8 -GB /T 12729. 9 Name of spices and condiments Spices and condimentsbzxZ.net Spices and condiments Spices and condiments Spices and condiments Spices and condiments Spices and condiments Spices and condiments Spices and condiments Sampling methods Preparation of powder samples for analysis Determination of grinding fineness (hand sieving method) Determination of foreign matter content Determination of water content (distillation method) Determination of total ingredients Determination of water-insoluble ash Determination of acid-insoluble ash G3/T 12729. 10 Spices and condiments ---CB/T 12729. 11 Spices and condiments G3/T 12729. 12 Spices and condiments GB/T 12739.13 Determination of soluble extracts Determination of cold water soluble extracts Determination of non-volatile acetaldehyde extracts Determination of pollutants in spices and condiments This part is Part 10 of GB/T 12729 This part amends GB/T 150910:\979 "Spices and condiments GB/F12729.10-2008 Determination of soluble extracts" (English version), the main differences are: 2 "Repeatability"; This part stipulates the test precision and adds "9.2 This part does not regulate the test report. This part is a revision of GB3T 1272910--1991 "Determination of alcohol-soluble extracts of spices and condiments". Compared with (F13/T12729.1.0-1S91), the specific technical content has not changed. The format and text have been modified. Chapter 0 is divided into two parts,, and the content of Chapter 10 "Allowance" is moved to 9.2 of the supplementary version. This part is proposed by G3/112729.101991 This part is proposed and managed by the China Enterprise Supply and Marketing Cooperatives. The originating units of this part are: Nanjing Wild Plant Comprehensive Utilization Research Institute of China Enterprise Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Wood Department The main drafters: Chen Shirong, Zhang Weiming. The latest version replaced by this part is: CB/T12729,10-1991, 1 Scope Spices and condiments Determination of alcohol-soluble extracts This part of GI3/T12721 specifies the determination method of alcohol-soluble extracts of spices and condiments. This part is applicable to the determination of alcohol-soluble extracts of spices and condiments. 2. Normative references GB/T 12729.10—2008 The clauses in the listed documents become the clauses of this part through the reference of this part of CB/T12729. For all dated referenceable documents, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this part. However, the parties who have reached an agreement on this part are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For undated referenced documents, the latest versions apply to this part. GB/T 12729/2 Sampling methods for spices and condiments (GB/T12729.2-2008, ISO948:1980, NEQ) GB/T12729. Spices and condiments 1981, M0D) Terms and definitions The following terms and Alcohol-soluble extracts Preparation of powder samples for analysis (GB/T12729. Definitions apply to (This part of 13/T12729 ethanol-soluble extract The sum of ethanol extracts under the conditions specified in this section. 4 Principle Use the gel sample to filter, dry the extract, and weigh 5 Reagents Ethanol, 95% (volume fraction Main instruments Vacuum bottle: capacity 100ml., 6.2 Pipette: capacity 50ml.. 6.3 Surface blood, 6.4 Shanghai paper; medium speed 6.5 Oven: 103℃±2℃. 6.6 Water bath. 6.7 Desiccator. 6.8 Analytical balance: sensitivity 1mg. 7 Sampling Sampling is carried out according to the method specified in GB/I12729.2. -2008, ISO 2825: GB/T:12729.10—2008 8 Analysis steps 8.1 Preparation of sample Prepare sample 8 according to the method specified in GB/T12729.3.2 Sample Weigh about 2g of sample (8.1) to the nearest 1mg.8.3 Determination Use 7-ethanol to transfer all the sample to a [0rml.] volumetric flask, add ethanol to the scale, shake every 30 minutes, and then stand for 16 hours, filter, absorb 50 mL of the filtrate and put it into a pre-dried and constant-weighted table III, evaporate to dryness on water, and dry in an oven at 103℃±2℃ for 1 hour, cool in a desiccator, and weigh. Repeat the drying, cooling, and weighing process until the oxygen difference between two consecutive weighings does not exceed 2 mg, and record the final mass. 9. Expression of analytical results 9.1 Calculation method The alcohol-soluble extract is expressed as mass fraction and the value is expressed as %. Calculate according to (1): 100 X = (ma-m) × Alcohol-soluble extract, %; Mass of alcohol-soluble extract and surface dish, in grams (g); 1— Mass of surface dish, in grams (g); --Mass of sample and surface dish, in grams (g); H—Water content of sample, %. 100— If the repeatability meets the requirements of 9.2, the average value of the measured results is taken as the result and the values are expressed as the last two digits of the minimum effective point. 9.2 Repeatability The difference between the results of two measurements performed simultaneously or successively by the same analyst shall not exceed 0.20%. 2 GB/T 12729. 10-2008 China People's Cooperative National Standard Determination of alcohol-soluble extracts of spices and condiments GB/T 12729.10--2008 Published and distributed by China Standard Press No. 16, Sanlihebei Street, Fuxingmenwai, Beijing Postal Code: 100045 Website: spc. net. cu Tel: 6852394668517548 China Standard Press, Taifudao Jiguang Printing Co., Ltd. Distributed by new and hot bookstores in various places Format: 880×1230 1/16 Printing Sheet: 0.5 Words: 6 The following is the ·th edition in September 2008. The ·th printing in October 2008. Book number: 155066-1-33807. If there is any printing error, the distribution center of our company will replace it. The copyright is exclusive and will be investigated. Report telephone: (010) 68533533. 800162 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.