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GB 11562-1994 Requirements and measurement methods for driver’s forward vision

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 11562-1994

Standard Name: Requirements and measurement methods for driver’s forward vision

Chinese Name: 汽车驾驶员前方视野要求及测量方法

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release1994-05-31

Date of Implementation:1995-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Road Vehicle Engineering>>43.020 Road Vehicle Comprehensive

Standard Classification Number:Vehicles>>Car chassis and body>>T26 body (cab) and accessories

associated standards

alternative situation:GB 11562-1989

Procurement status:EQV EEC 77/649

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press


Publication date:2004-04-24

other information

Release date:1989-08-10

Review date:2004-10-14

Drafting unit:Changchun Automotive Research Institute

Focal point unit:National Automotive Standardization Technical Committee

Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision

competent authority:National Development and Reform Commission

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the requirements and measurement methods for direct vision within 180° in front of the driver. This standard applies to M1 category vehicles. GB 11562-1994 Requirements and measurement methods for driver’s front vision GB11562-1994 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Motor vehicles-Forward visibility for drivers-Requirements and measurement methods1Subject content and scope of application
This standard is difficult to specify 180 degrees in front of the driver Requirements and measurement methods for direct field of view within ° range. This standard applies to M, category vehicles.
2 cited standards
GB11556 Performance requirements and test methods for automobile windshield defrosting systems GB/T11563 Automobile H-point determination procedure
GB/T11559 Three-dimensional H point for automobile interior size measurement Point device 3 term
3.1 Three-dimensional coordinate system
GB 11562-94
replaces GB11562-89
refers to the three-dimensional coordinate system determined by the automobile manufacturer in the initial design stage The coordinate system composed of the intersection datum plane is shown in Appendix A (Supplement) Figure A1]. These three reference planes are:
Plane; the Z base plane is perpendicular to the horizontal plane of the Y and X datum planes. The three-dimensional coordinate system is used to determine the dimensional relationship between the positions of design points on the drawing and the positions of these points on the actual vehicle. 3.2 Main reference marks
refer to the holes on the vehicle body and the marking symbols on the surface. The X, Y, Z coordinates of the used reference marks in the three-dimensional coordinate system and their positions relative to the design ground plane are specified by the automobile manufacturer. These fiducial marks can be used as control points for the body assembly. 3.3 Car measurement status
refers to the position of the car determined by the coordinates of each marker point in the three-dimensional coordinate system. 3.4 Seat back angle
refers to the angle between the seat back and the plumb line.
3.4.1 Design seat back angle
Refers to the angle between the plumb line passing through point R and the trunk line of the three-dimensional H-point device at the backrest position specified by the automobile manufacturer. 3.4.2 The actual seat back angle
refers to the angle formed between the plumb line passing through the H point and the torso line of the three-dimensional H point device when the seat is in the lowest and rearmost position. The actual backrest angle is theoretically equivalent to the design backrest angle. 3.5 coordinate reference point
3.5.1V point
approved by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision on 1994-05-31 for regional research
implemented on 1995-01-01
437 | |tt | This point is used to check whether the car's field of view meets the requirements. Usually V,, V are used to represent the different positions of the V point (see Figure 1).
3.5.2 The definition of H point and R point and the procedure for determining H point are in accordance with GB/T11563. The equipment used complies with GB/T11559. 3.5.3 Windshield glass reference point
refers to the intersection point of the forward ray from point V and the outer surface of the windshield glass (see Figure 1). 3.5.4P point
refers to the center point of the head at the height of the driver's eyes. Usually P1 and P2 represent the different positions of the P point when the driver observes objects horizontally (see Figure 2 and Figure 3).
3.5.5 Pm point
refers to the intersection point of the longitudinal vertical plane passing through point R and the line connecting PI and P2 (see Figure 2 and Figure 3). 3.5.6E point
refers to the center of the driver's eyes (referred to as "eye point"). E: E (EE) are respectively the left and right eye points when the center point P of the head is at the position P, (P). , they are used to evaluate the visual obstruction of the A-pillar (see Figure 3). 3.6 Transparent area
refers to the light transmittance of the car windshield or other transparent surface (when the light is measured at right angles to the surface), which is not less than 70%. area. 3.7A pillar
refers to any roof support (opaque parts) located 68mm in front of the V point, such as door frames, windshield glass trim, support accessories, etc. ||tt. ||3.8 The front and rear adjustment range of the seat
refers to the range of adjustment of the driver's seat along the X-axis direction specified by the automobile manufacturer. 4 Technical requirements
The front view of the car driver must meet the following requirements. . 4.1 The transparent area of ??the windshield should at least include the area enclosed by the reference points of the windshield: a. The reference point a is 17° forward and to the left; b. The reference point b;c. , they are relative to the three reference points a, b, c.
4.2 Measured according to the provisions of 6.4, the binocular obstruction angle of each A-pillar shall not exceed 6° (see Figure 3. ; Below the horizontal plane passing through V, and above the three planes passing through V. (the three planes are all at an angle of 4° downward to the horizontal plane, one plane is perpendicular to the Y datum plane, and the other two planes are perpendicular to the X datum plane) Within the scope, there must be no other obstacles except those caused by A-pillars, triangular window dividers, exterior radio antennas, rearview mirrors and windshield wipers (see Figure 4), except for the following circumstances: a. Embedded antennas with a diameter less than 0.5mm, or printed antennas less than 1.0mm, are not considered obstructions to vision; b. Radio antenna wires are generally not allowed to enter area A specified in 5.4, but when the wire diameter is less than 0.5mm, three wires are allowed. When wires enter, this situation is not considered to be a visual obstruction. c. The maximum diameter is 0.03mm, the wires are vertical, and the minimum spacing is 1.25mm, or the wires are horizontal and the minimum spacing is 2.0mm for defrosting and defogging wires. It is not considered to be a visual obstruction. 4.5 A plane passing through V that is perpendicular to the Y reference plane and tangent to the upper edge of the steering wheel, if the plane is inclined backward and downward by at least 1° relative to the horizontal plane 438
GB 11562-94||tt| |, the obstacle formed by the instrument panel below the upper edge of the steering wheel is allowed. 5 Measurement conditions
5.1 Point V position
The position of point V relative to point R is determined by X of the three-dimensional coordinate system. , Y, Z coordinates are determined, as shown in Table 1. Table 1
V point
68||tt| |68
Table 1 gives the basic coordinates when the design backrest angle is 25°. The positive direction of the coordinates is shown in Figure 1. If the designed seat back angle is not 25°, correct the X and Z coordinates according to Table 4. 5.2 Point P position
The position of point P relative to point R is determined by the X, Y, Z coordinates of the three-dimensional coordinate system, as shown in Table 2 and Table 3. Table 2
P point
-- 20
627||tt| |627
Table 2 gives the basic coordinates when the seat back angle is designed to be 25°. The positive direction of the coordinates is shown in Figure 1. Table 3 gives the correction value of point P when the seat horizontal adjustment range exceeds 108mm. When the designed seat back angle is not 25°, the X and Z coordinates of each P point must be corrected according to Table 4.
Table 3
Seat horizontal adjustment range
146~158| |tt||Above 158
Quasi carry style
- 22
- 32||tt ||—42
Backrest angle (°)
15|| tt||16
5.3E point position| |tt||Horizontal coordinates
-147||tt| |-137
-72| |tt||-62
Point E and point P are in the same horizontal plane.
GB 11562-—94
Table 4
Vertical coordinates
27|| tt||27
20||tt| |18
Backrest angle (°)|| tt||23
30||tt| |31
5.3.1E, and E. are 104mm away from Pi, and E is 65mm away from E2 (see Figure 5). 5.3.2E, and E. The distance from P2 is 104mm, and the distance from E is 65mm (see Figure 5). Determination of 5.4A zone
shall be in accordance with the provisions of 5.1 in GB11556.
6 Measurement method of driver’s field of view
Horizontal coordinates
9| |tt||17
76||tt ||84
6.1 The main base marks of the car are in the three-dimensional base mark system The dimensional relationship is determined according to the procedures specified in Appendix A (Supplement). Vertical coordinates
-- 3
18||tt| |-11
-35|| tt||39
6.2 Use the R point represented by the three-dimensional coordinate system to determine the position of the V point (V,, V.), Then find the reference point of the windshield glass according to the provisions of 4.1. 6.3 Use the R point represented by the three-dimensional coordinate system to determine the P point (P1, Pz), as shown in Table 2 and Table 3. Correction values ??for design backrest angles other than 25° are shown in Table 4.
6.4 Make two horizontal sections on the A-pillar as shown in Figure 2, namely: a. A-pillar S1 section: From point Pm forward, draw a plane that is 2° upward from the horizontal plane, and draw a horizontal section through the forward point where this plane intersects with the A-pillar;
b. A-pillar S section: From point Pm forward, draw a plane that is 5° downward from the horizontal plane, and draw a cross-section through the forward point where this plane intersects with the A-pillar.
Project S, and S2 sections in the horizontal plane where point P is located, and the binocular obstruction angle is measured in this plane, as shown in Figure 3. 6.4.1 The connecting line between E, and E2 is rotated around P1, so that the tangent line from E to the outside of the Sz section of the left A pillar is at right angles to the line connecting E, E, from E440
quasi-carrying area
Draw a tangent line to the outside of the cross-section S of the left A-pillar and draw a tangent line from E2 to the inner side of the S cross-section of the left A-pillar. Draw a parallel line to the front tangent line from the E2 point, and the plane field of view formed by the rear tangent line. The angle is the binocular obstruction angle of the A-pillar on the driver's (left) side (see Figure 3). 6.4.2E: The connecting line with E is rotated around P. so that the tangent line from E to the outside of the S. section of the right A pillar is at right angles to the line connecting E3 and E. A tangent line from E to the inside of the S section of the right A pillar and from E to On the right A-pillar S, draw a tangent line on the outside of the section, draw a line parallel to the rear tangent line from point E:, and the plane field of view angle formed by the front tangent line is the binocular obstruction angle on the passenger (right) side (see Figure 3). 6.5 Check the visual field obstruction according to the requirements of 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5. (1) The trace of the longitudinal middle plane of the car
(2) The trace of the longitudinal vertical plane passing through point R (3) The trace of the longitudinal vertical plane passing through points Vi and V. Figure 1 Seat back Determination of the V” point when the angle is 25° 441
Lower accurate search index
Travel consultation material fish fee
GB11562-—94||tt| | s | | tt | ||Front of car
Horizontal plane
Front downward
Left downward 4° plane
Picture 4 driver Evaluation of visual field within 180° ahead (E)E
The relative position of point E and point P in Figure 5
Indicates quasi-search index
quasi-consultation fee
P(R||tt ||443
Appendix A
Method for determining the dimensional relationship between the main reference marks of the automobile and the three-dimensional coordinate system (supplement)
A1·Reference coordinates and the reference mark
The three-dimensional coordinate system (see Figure A1) should be established on a datum plane, with X-X scales and Y--Y scales (see Figure A2) marked on it. This plane should be a horizontal plane. And flat and solid. The two measuring scales are firmly fixed on the surface. The minimum resolution of the scale is mm. The X scale is not less than 4m, and the intersection point of the two scales is the zero point. Check
Measure the level error every 250mm from the zero point along the X and Y coordinate axes, and record the measured data so that it can be corrected when inspecting the vehicle
Y reference plane|| tt|| tt||Lower accuracy
Three-dimensional coordinate system diagram
Measuring measuring tool
GB 11562—94
① The trajectory of the vertical plane passing through the front wheel centerline on the ground ② The basic reference mark on the ground
③ The trajectory of the longitudinal middle plane of the car on the ground ① The X coordinate of point R
|tt|| ③ Keep the front wheels far away from the coordinate ruler, leaving room for work? Ground zero point
③ The coordinate rulers are at an angle of 90° to each other and firmly fixed on the ground ③ Keep the longitudinal middle plane of the car sufficiently far away from the coordinate ruler, leaving space for work Y coordinate ruler
Figure A2 horizontal platform layout
A3 actual test position
When the car is equipped with a height-adjustable suspension When mounting the vehicle, the test shall be conducted under normal usage conditions specified by the automobile manufacturer. Before measurement, effective methods shall be adopted to place the main reference marks at the coordinate positions determined during design, except for the driver. In addition to the mannequin on the seat, add a front-seat passenger whose mass is the mass of the mannequin plus or minus 1% of the tolerance. bzxz.net
In addition, adjust the lateral and longitudinal positions of the car so that the car can be accurately placed. On the corresponding coordinate system. A4 result
When the car has been correctly placed on the coordinate system and is in the designed position, the position of each point required for the front field of view can be accurately determined. The instrument used can be a theodolite. , light source, imaging device or other equipment that can achieve the same effect 445
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