Drafting unit:Tianjin Institute of Inspection and Quarantine, Jiangnan University, Sinochem Chemical Standardization Institute, etc.
Focal point unit:National Technical Committee on Hazardous Chemicals Management Standardization
Proposing unit:National Technical Committee on Hazardous Chemicals Management Standardization
Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China, Standardization Administration of China
This standard is published for the first time. This standard specifies the test equipment, sample quantity, sample preparation, test procedures and test report for the overturning test of flexible intermediate bulk containers for dangerous goods. This standard is applicable to the overturning test of flexible intermediate bulk containers for dangerous goods. This standard corresponds to the United Nations "Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Model Regulations" and is not equivalent to it. Its relevant technical content is completely consistent with the above manual, and the standard text format has been edited according to GB/T1.1-2000. GB/T 21592-2008 Overturning test method for intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) of dangerous goods GB/T21592-2008 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard is published for the first time. This standard specifies the test equipment, sample quantity, sample preparation, test procedures and test report for the overturning test of flexible intermediate bulk containers for dangerous goods. This standard is applicable to the overturning test of flexible intermediate bulk containers for dangerous goods. This standard corresponds to the United Nations "Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Model Regulations", and its consistency is not equivalent. Its relevant technical content is completely consistent with the above manual, and the standard text format has been edited according to GB/T1.1-2000.
This standard corresponds to the United Nations "Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Model Regulations", and its consistency is not equivalent. Its relevant technical content is completely consistent with the above manual, and the standard text format has been edited according to GB/T1.1-2000.
This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Dangerous Chemicals Management (SAC/TC251).
The responsible drafting unit of this standard: Tianjin Institute of Inspection and Quarantine Science and Technology.
Participating drafting units of this standard: Jiangnan University, Sinochem Chemical Standardization Research Institute, Tianjin Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau.
Main drafters of this standard: Wang Libing, Feng Zhiwei, Zhao Lihua, Lu Gang, Wang Xiaobing, Xu Chuanlai.
This standard is published for the first time. The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For any dated referenced document, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, parties that reach an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated referenced document, the latest version applies to this standard.
GB/T 4122.1 Fundamentals of packaging terminology
GB 19270.1 General safety regulations for inspection of packaging of dangerous goods for water transport
GB 19434.1 General safety regulations for inspection of intermediate bulk containers for dangerous goods
Some standard content:
1CS13.300 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T21592—2008 Dangerous goods Topple test method for intermediate bulk containers(IBCs)2008-04-01Promulgated General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of ChinaStandardization Administration of the People's Republic of China 2008-09-01Implementation GB/T21592—2008 This standard corresponds to the United Nations "Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Model Regulations", and its consistency is non-equivalent. Its relevant technical contents are completely consistent with the above-mentioned book. In terms of the standard text format, editorial modifications have been made according to GB/T1.1-2000. This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for the Administration of Dangerous Chemicals (SAC/TC251). The responsible drafting unit of this standard: Tianjin Institute of Inspection and Quarantine Science and Technology. The participating drafting units of this standard: Jiangnan University, Sinochem Chemical Standardization Research Institute, Tianjin Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau. The main drafters of this standard: Wang Libing, Feng Zhimeng, Zhao Lihua, Lu Gang, Wang Xiaobing, Xu Chuanlai. This standard is published for the first time. 1 Scope GB/T21592—2008 Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs) Overturning Test Method Dangerous Goods This standard specifies the test equipment, sample quantity, sample preparation, test steps and test report for the overturning test of intermediate bulk containers for infectious dangerous goods. wwW.bzxz.Net This standard is applicable to the overturning test of flexible intermediate bulk containers for dangerous goods. 2 Normative References The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For any dated referenced document, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, parties reaching an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any referenced document without a date, the latest version shall apply to this standard. GB/T4122.1 Fundamentals of packaging terms GB19270.1 General safety regulations for inspection of packaging of dangerous goods for water transport GB19434.1 General safety regulations for inspection of medium-sized containers for dangerous goods 3 Terms and definitions GB/T4122.1 and GB19434.1 established. The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 3.1 Intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) are also called intermediate bulk containers. They refer to rigid or flexible transportable containers outside the scope specified in GB 19270.1. These containers: a) have the following capacities: - not more than 3.0m2 for Class U packaging boxes or Class III packaging bodies and liquids; - not more than 1.5m2 for Class I packaging solids in flexible, rigid plastic, composite, fiberboard and wooden intermediate bulk containers; - not more than 3.0m2 for Class I packaging solids in metal intermediate bulk containers; b) designed for mechanical loading and unloading; c) able to withstand the stresses generated during loading and unloading and transportation, which are determined by tests. 3.2 Flexible IBCs, also known as flexible intermediate bulk boxes, refer to an intermediate bulk container that meets the definition of intermediate bulk containers in GB19434.1 and is composed of a box body made of film, woven fiber, textile and other flexible materials and their combination, and can be equipped with an inner lining or inner coating as well as auxiliary equipment and loading and unloading devices when necessary. There are several types of flexible intermediate bulk containers: a) 13H1 Woven plastic without coating or lining b) 13H2 Woven plastic with coating Woven plastic with lining c) 13H3 Woven plastic with coating and lining d) 13H4 e) 13H5 f) 13L1 Plastic film Textile without coating or lining Textile with coating GB/T 21592—2008 h) 13L3 Textile with lining i) 13L4 Textile with coating and lining j) 13M1 Multi-layer paper k) 13M2 Waterproof, multi-layer paper Body The container itself, including the opening and its closing device, but excluding auxiliary equipment. Applicable to all types of intermediate bulk containers except composite intermediate bulk containers. Handling device Various lifting rings, loops, hooks and frames fixed to the intermediate bulk container body or extended from the body material. Applicable to flexible intermediate bulk containers. Maximum permissible gross mass The mass of the shell and its auxiliary equipment and structural devices plus the maximum permissible loading mass (applicable to all types of intermediate bulk containers except flexible bulk bags). 4 Test equipment Crane or overhead crane, with a payload of not less than 3t. 5 Test procedure 5.1 Number of specimens The number of test samples shall be 3 at most. 5.2 Sample preparation 5.2.1 According to the design type and the maximum permissible total mass, the intermediate bulk container used for transporting solids shall be filled to not less than 95% of its capacity, and the intermediate bulk container used for transporting liquids shall be filled to not less than 98% of its capacity. 5.2.2 The pressure relief device shall be determined to be in an inoperative state, or the pressure relief device shall be removed and its opening blocked. 5.2.3 When testing rigid plastic intermediate bulk containers, the test shall be carried out when the temperature of the sample and its contents drops to -18°C or lower. If the material of the test sample has sufficient ductility and tensile strength at -18°C or lower, this temperature treatment condition may not be considered. 5.2.4 The test liquid shall remain in liquid state, and antifreeze may be added if necessary. 5.2.5 The intended cargo of the intermediate bulk container may be replaced by other substances, but it shall not affect the test results. In case of solid material, when another material is used instead, the physical properties (mass, particle size, etc.) of the substitute material shall be the same as those of the material to be transported. It is permitted to use additives such as bags of lead shot, etc., so as to achieve the specified total mass of the package, provided that the additives are placed in such a way that the test results are not affected. 5.2.6 Fiberboard intermediate bulk containers and composite intermediate bulk containers with fiberboard outer packaging shall be conditioned for at least 24 hours under atmospheric conditions of controlled temperature and relative humidity. There are three options from which one can be selected. It is recommended that the atmospheric conditions of 23℃±2℃ and 50%±2% be selected as the best. The other two options are 20℃±2℃ and 65%±2% or 27℃±2℃ and 65%±2%. Note: The daytime measurement process allows short-term fluctuations of ±5% in individual relative measurements, but the average value shall be within the above limits and the fluctuation shall have no effect on the re-testing of the test results. 5.3 Test steps 5.3.1 According to the different packaging categories of the flexible intermediate bulk container, according to the provisions of Table 1, push the sample down from different overturning heights so that any part of its top hits a hard, inelastic, smooth, flat and horizontal surface. Package 1 Overturning height Packing category I Note: For the definition of I, II, and blood packaging, see GB 19270.1. Packaging category II 5.3.2 Prepare the intermediate bulk sample to be tested according to the test conditions in 5.2. 5.3.3 The falling method should be such that the most vulnerable part of the bottom of the intermediate bulk container is the impact point. 5.3.4 The same sample is allowed to be subjected to more than two drop tests without affecting the accuracy of the test results. GB/T21592—2008 Unit: meter Packaging Class II and III 5.3.5 Record whether the contents of the test sample are lost. After the impact, if a small amount of the contents leak out from the seal or seam, as long as there is no further leakage, it shall be considered qualified. 6 Test Report Name, quantity and specification of the test sample, Name of the manufacturer: Pretreatment temperature, relative humidity and pretreatment time; test equipment; Overturning height of the intermediate bulk container for dangerous goods;.- Record of test results and any phenomena observed during the test that are helpful in explaining the test results; explanation of the differences between the test method used and this standard; test date, signature of the tester and seal of the testing unit. FE GB/T 21592-2008 National Standard of the People's Republic of China Overturning Test Method for Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs) for Dangerous Goods GB/T 21592—2008 Published and distributed by Zhongzhong Standard Press No. 16, Sanlihebei Street, Fuxingmenwai, Beijing Postal Code: 100045 Website spc, net, cn Tel: 6852394668517548 China Standard Press, King of Fighters Island Printing and Distribution, Xinhua Bookstores in various places Format 880×12301/16 Printing Sheet 0.5 Word count: 7,000 words First edition in June 2008 First printing in June 2008* Book number: 155066131836 Price: 10.00 yuan If there is any printing error The book will be replaced by our publishing center Copyright is exclusive and infringement will be investigated Report phone number: (010) 68533533 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.