This standard specifies the technical specifications for cigar paper. This standard applies to cigar-shaped cigarettes and half-leaf cigar paper. QB/T 3525-1999 Cigar paper QB/T3525-1999 Standard download decompression password:
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Light Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China Cigar Paper Subject Content and Scope of Application This standard specifies the technical specifications for cigar paper. This standard applies to cigar-shaped cigarettes and half-leaf cigar paper. Reference Standards GB/T450 Paper and paperboard sample collection GB/T451.1 Determination of paper and paperboard size and deflection Determination of paper and paperboard quantitative determination GB/T 451.2 GB/T 453 GB/T 458 GB/T 462 Determination of tensile strength of paper and paperboard (constant rate loading method) Determination of air permeability of paper and paperboard (Schober method) Determination of moisture content of paper and paperboard GB/T 2828 Batch inspection counting sampling procedures and sampling tables (applicable to continuous batch inspection) GB/T10342 Paper packaging and marking GB/T10739 Standard atmosphere for handling and testing of pulp, paper and paperboard samples 3 Product classification QB/T3525-1999 Replaces ZBY32027--1990 Cigar paper is divided into three types: off-machine coated cigar paper, on-machine coated cigar paper and ordinary cigar paper. 3.1 3.2 Cigar paper is roll paper, and the length of each roll is (2000±10)m. (2500±15)m. 3.3 The width of each roll is 24, 26.5, 27.5, 29mm, etc., or as specified in the order contract. The size deviation shall not exceed ±0.25mm. 4 Technical requirements The technical indicators of cigar paper must comply with the provisions of Table 1. Table 1 Indicator name Tensile strength longitudinal Elongation longitudinal Not less than Not less than Approved by the State Bureau of Light Industry on April 21, 1999 (kgf/15mm) Off-machine coated cigar paperOn-machine coated cigar paper42.0±2.0 40.0±2.0 Ordinary cigar paper 28.0±1.4 Implemented on March 1, 1999 Air permeability |(Schober) Indicator name Not less than Not greater than Not less than QB/T3525—1999 Continued Table 1 In-machine coated cigar paper Out-machine coated cigar paper μm/Pa·s (mL/min) (40) Ordinary cigar paper Cigar paper has no odor when burning. When burning cigarettes, the burning speed of the paper is consistent with the tobacco without flameout. It is gray and tight. 4.2 The coating should be evenly coated, without spots and severe powdering. The color of the same batch of paper is basically consistent, and there should be no obvious difference. 4.4 4.5 The cut edges of the reel should be neat and clean, the end surface should be flat, the tightness should be consistent, and there should be no looseness. 4.6 The paper surface should not have dead folds, wrinkles, holes, sand, cracks and mechanical damage. 4.7 The number of joints per reel: no more than 5 for ordinary paper and in-machine coated paper, and no more than 8 for off-machine coated paper. The joints must be carefully glued with glue, the joints must be neat, and the upper and lower layers must not be adhered. 4.8 The following conditions may be classified as second-class products, but no more than two items at the same time. 4.8.1 The quantitative deviation exceeds the specified deviation within ±2.0g/m2. 4.8.2 The tensile strength is lower than the specified 10%. 4.8.3 The air permeability is lower than the specified 0.085um/(Pa·s). 5 Test method 5.1 The quantitative determination shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T451.2. 5.2 The tensile strength shall be measured in accordance with GB/T453. 5.3 The air permeability shall be measured in accordance with GB/T458. 5.4 The ash content shall be measured in accordance with Appendix A. 5.5 The moisture content shall be measured in accordance with GB/T 462. 6 Inspection rules 6.1 The manufacturer shall ensure that the cigar paper produced meets the requirements of this standard, and each piece of paper shall be accompanied by a quality inspection certificate. 6.2 The quantity delivered at one time shall be considered as a batch, but shall not exceed 40t. 6.3 The sampling for delivery inspection shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T2828, and the sample unit shall be a small package. 6.4 The grouping, sequence and inspection level of the items sampled for delivery inspection, sampling plan and acceptable quality level (AQL) shall be as specified in Table 2. Table 2 Sampling plan Batch, small package 51~500 501~3200 3201~3500 Normal one-time sampling plan Sample size Inspection level S-3 Class B nonconforming products AQL- 6. 5 Class C nonconforming products Classification of nonconforming Nonconforming Tensile strength Elongation Nonconforming Air permeability QB/T 3525-1999 6.5 The samples are taken from the sample units in accordance with the provisions of GB/T450. The sample processing and testing are carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T10739. 6.6 The user has the right to inspect and accept according to this standard. If there is any objection to the quality of the batch of products, the manufacturer should be notified within three months after arrival for joint re-inspection. If it does not meet the requirements of this standard, the batch will be judged as unqualified and the manufacturer will be responsible for handling it. If it is a qualified product, the sampling loss and expenses shall be borne by the receiving unit. 6.7 If the storage and transportation do not meet the requirements of this standard, the paper roll will deteriorate or the quality will decline. If it does not meet the requirements of this standard, the relevant parties shall be responsible. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage 7.1 It shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T10342, and the following supplements shall be made. 7.2 The width of the roll core is equal to the width of the required cigar paper, and the inner diameter is 75mm. 7.3 Every five rolls of paper are a small package, and three or four small packages are a piece. They are packaged with a layer of moisture-proof paper and a layer of kraft paper of not less than 80g/m2, tied with straw ropes, and covered at both ends with round wooden boards. The diameter of the wooden board should be roughly the same as the diameter of the roll paper after the straw ropes are tied. Then use iron wire to tie it in a cross shape and use saddle nails to nail the iron wire. 7.4 The two ends of the roll should be affixed with a certificate of conformity. It should have the product name, specification, grade, weight, inspector code, production date and batch number. 7.5 Papers should be properly kept to prevent the influence of rain, snow and ground moisture. 7.6 When transporting, a canopy and clean transportation vehicle should be used. 7.7 Papers are not allowed to be dropped from a height. QB/T3525—1999 Appendix A Method for determining the ash content of cigar paper (Supplement) Ash content refers to the ratio of the weight of the residue after burning cigar paper to the weight of the absolutely dry sample, expressed as a percentage. A1 Instrument A1.1 Porcelain crucible. A1.2 Dryer. A7.3 High temperature furnace: can control (900 ± 25)°C. A1.4 Balance: precision 0.0001g. A2 Sampling and processing A2.1 Sampling: according to GB/T450. A2.2 Processing: cut or tear the paper sample into 5mm×5mm paper pieces and store them in a wide-mouth bottle with a ground glass stopper. A2.3 Determination of moisture: according to GB/T462. A3 Test steps Weigh 2g of sample (accurate to 0.001g), put it into a crucible that has been burned to constant weight in advance, carbonize it, then move it into a high temperature furnace, burn it at a temperature of (900 ± 25)°C until there is no black carbon in the ash, take out the crucible, put it in the air for 5min, then cool it in a desiccator for 30min and weigh it, repeat the burning until the difference between the two weighings is no more than 0.5mg. A4 Calculation Ash content X(%) is calculated according to formula (A1): Where: G,--mass of empty crucible, g; G2--mass of empty crucible and ash, g; G--mass of air-dried sample·g; (G2-G)X100 G(100-W) (A1) W--water content of sample8. The average value of two simultaneous determinations is taken as the ash content. The error between the two results shall not exceed 2% of the average value. The ash percentage shall be reported to three significant figures. Additional remarks: This standard was proposed by the Paper Industry Department of the Ministry of Light Industry. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Paper Standardization Center. This standard was drafted by Sichuan Qingcheng Paper Mill and Sichuan Paper Industry Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are Ni Xianghuai and Li Jingyun. 584 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.