GB 8897.4-2002 Primary batteries Part 4: Safety requirements for lithium batteries
Some standard content:
GB 8897.4—2002
This standard is a mandatory standard.
This standard is equivalent to the International Electrochemical Commission Standard IF:66086-1:2000 Primary Batteries Part 4: Safety Requirements for Lithium Batteries, 2nd Edition.
The lithium ion battery has won wide popularity among users with its excellent performance. Its specific energy base and excellent temperature performance are unmatched by other electrochemical system batteries. At the same time, the safety of potassium batteries has also attracted the attention of manufacturers and users. This standard has established a national standard for (primary) leakage safety in my country, and has made specific provisions on the performance requirements and detection methods of potassium batteries under normal use and reasonably foreseeable misuse. The purpose is to ensure the safety of lithium batteries in production and use. The 6th intention of this standard is the mandatory requirements that each type of lithium battery must meet. Safety is relative. This standard cannot stipulate all the abuses of lithium batteries. However, as long as the provisions of this standard are strictly implemented in the design, production, use and handling of lithium batteries, the safety of lithium batteries is guaranteed. This standard is the same as 1FC60086-4 in content and indentation, and only differs in the following aspects: 1. The marking of the battery production year and shelf life or expiration date is slightly changed to comply with the provisions of the "National Quality Law". 2. In the heat shock test of 6.2 and 2.5, it is added that during the test, appropriate protective measures should be taken to protect the battery from the influence of condensed water during the low temperature storage process. Appendix A, Appendix B and Appendix of this standard are all supplementary appendices. This standard is proposed by China Light Industry Federation, and the Chemical Technology Committee of this standard is responsible for the formulation of this standard by Shandong Light Industry Chemical Research Institute. The main drafters of the technical standard are: Liang Xiangyuan, Lin Wu-jiu, Yu Zhanghua, Xu Pingguo, and Zhu Hua. GB8897.4—2002
IEC front
1) IEC (International Electrotechnical Committee) is a world standardization organization composed of national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The purpose of IEC is to promote international cooperation on various standardization issues in the fields of electricity and electronics. To this end, in addition to other activities, IFC also publishes international standards. The formulation of standards is entrusted to various technical committees. Any TIFC or national committee interested in the project involved can participate in the formulation work, and international, governmental and non-governmental organizations cooperating with HC can also participate in the formulation work. IEC and the International Organization for Standardization (IS) will work closely together under the terms determined by the agreement reached between the two organizations.
2) Because each technical committee brings together representatives of all national committees interested in the technical issues involved, the official decisions or approvals of the committees will reflect the international majority opinion on the issues involved as far as possible. 3) These formal decisions or approvals are recommended for international application in the form of published standards, technical reports, and guidelines. In this sense, they are accepted by the national committees.
4) In order to promote international unification, the IEC national committees explicitly commit to adopt IFC standards to the greatest extent possible in their respective national or local standards. Any differences between IEC standards and corresponding national or local standards should be clearly indicated in the latter. 5) IEC has never provided a marking method to indicate its recognition and is not responsible for any equipment claiming to comply with an IFC standard. 6) It should be noted that some units in this international standard may be subject to patent content. IEC does not assume responsibility for determining any or all such patent rights.
IEC introduces
The concept of safety is closely related to protecting people's lives and property from damage. This standard specifies the performance requirements and test methods of lithium batteries. This standard is formulated based on ISO/IEC guidelines and reference to relevant applicable national standards and international standards. The difference between lithium batteries and other ordinary primary batteries using aqueous electrolytes is that they contain flammable substances. Therefore, it is very necessary to take careful precautions when designing, producing, transporting, using and handling lithium batteries. Based on this particularity, at first, civilian lithium batteries were mainly small in size and low in output power; there were also high-output lithium batteries, which were mainly used for special industrial applications and required technicians to replace the batteries. The first edition of IEC60086-4 was drafted based on the above situation. However, since the 1980s, lithium batteries with high output power have been widely used in the civilian battery market, mainly as camera power sources.
In recent years, due to the significant increase in the demand for high-power lithium batteries, many countries have begun to produce this type of lithium battery. Considering the above situation, the first edition was revised, and the "Safety Standard for High-Power Lithium Batteries" was added, and the 1:60086-1 Second Edition was formulated to achieve a balance between safety and avoiding injury risks and requiring product performance to meet other conditions. There is no absolute safety. Even the products with the highest safety level can only be relatively safe. Therefore, the safety of the product must be determined based on the risk assessment and safety judgment.
Since safety may cause different problems, it is impossible to propose a set of strict precautions and suggestions applicable to all situations. However, when carefully based on "fitness for use", the technical standard will be a reasonably applicable safety standard. 1 Scope
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Primary Batteries Part 4: Safety Requirements for Lithium Batteries GB 8897.4--2002
Idt 1EC 60086-4: 2000
This standard specifies the inspection methods and performance requirements for lithium batteries in industrial batteries to ensure that lithium batteries can work safely under normal use and reasonable and realistic conditions of use.
2 Referenced Standards
The provisions contained in the following standards shall constitute the provisions of this standard by reference in this standard. The standards shown are valid at the time of publication of this standard. All standards are subject to revision, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. IC60086-1:1996 Primary battery Part 1: General 3 Definitions
This standard adopts the definitions in IEC 60086-1 and the following definitions (for ease of reference, some definitions in IEC 60186-1 are excerpted below:
3.1 (Primary) battery battery (primary)
A battery consisting of one or more single primary cells, including casing, terminals and markings. 3.2 Hutton battery
A small round battery with a total height less than the diameter that conforms to Figures 2, 3 and 4 of IEC600861. 3.3 Single (primary) battery cell (primary)... a source that converts chemical energy directly into electricity and cannot be charged by other sources. 3.4 Civilian battery consumer battery
Batteries available on the commercial market. This type of battery can be replaced by the user, that is, no special tools are required to replace the battery. 3.5 Cylindrical battery cylindrical battery The appearance of the battery conforms to Figure 1A and Figure 1B in IEC G0086.T4.3. The total height is equal to or greater than the diameter and the battery is cylindrical in shape. 3.6 Depth of discharge (DOD) depth of dischaige The percentage of the capacity discharged by a battery to the rated capacity. 3.7 Deformation distortion
The size of the battery changes by more than 10%,
3.8 Explosion (battery explosion) explossion (lnitry explosion) Any part of the battery decomposes and sprays the material and is pushed 25cm away from the battery. 3.9 If fire
batteries or battery components are accompanied by flames: 3.10 harm
damage and/or harm to persons or property. 3.11 hazard
potential source of harm.
Approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China on February 22, 2002 and implemented on March 1, 2003
3.12 high power battery highpwIa11t:ryCB 8897.4-2002
batteries that can deliver most of their energy in a short time at room temperature. 3.13 industrial batteries incustrial batteries are usually not suitable for civilian use. Due to the skill requirements for use and installation, batteries must usually be replaced by technicians. 3.14 intended use intended usc
use, handle and maintain the battery in accordance with the conditions specified in the specifications and instructions (including verbal materials) provided by the supplier. 3.15 leakage leakagegc
accidental escape of electrolyte, gas or other materials from the battery. 3.16 low power battery low power battery a battery that cannot deliver most of its energy in a short period of time at room temperature. 3.17 nominal voltage nominalvaltage
an appropriate approximate voltage used to determine the voltage of the primary battery. 3.18 open circuit voltage (OCV) opcn circuit voltage the voltage between the two ends of a battery when there is no current in its external circuit. 3.19 overheating
the temperature of the battery exceeds the temperature range specified by the manufacturer. 3.20 prismatic battery prismatic battery appearance does not conform to the non-circular battery specified in 1F60086-1+4.3. 3.21 Rated capacity
The capacity of a battery that is obtained and manufactured or supplied under the conditions specified in the relevant (applicable) standard, sometimes also called the nominal capacity.
3.22 Reasonably foreseeable misuse
Reasonably foresceable misuse
The possible occurrence of a harmful injury and the severity of the injury. 3.24 Safety
No unacceptable risk of injury,
3.25 Venting
The designed way to release the excessive internal pressure of the battery to prevent explosion. 4 Safety requirements
4.1 Design
Potassium batteries are classified according to their chemical composition (anode, cathode, electrolyte), internal structure (magnetic wrap, winding), and actual shape (cylindrical, button/neck coin, and core cylinder). Different lithium battery systems, rated capacities and cell structures may have significant differences in safety. It is necessary to consider all aspects of safety during the battery design stage. The following safety design concepts apply to all lithium batteries: a) Prevent abnormal temperature rise exceeding the critical value specified in the production. b) Limit the current to control the temperature rise in the battery c) Release excessive internal pressure (not applicable to low-power industrial batteries). See Appendix A, Safety Guide for Lithium Batteries.
4.2 Quality Procedures
Manufacturers should formulate quality procedures to specify the inspection procedures for materials, spare parts, single cells and finished batteries during the production process, and implement them throughout the production process of each type of battery. Sampling
GB 8897.4—2002
In accordance with the approved quality control procedures, samples are randomly selected from the production batches. Many of the tests in this standard require pre-conditioning of the samples, such as pre-discharge or storage at room temperature. The sample size and test conditions for each type of battery are shown in Chapter 6 of this standard. 6 Inspection and Requirements
6.1 General
6.1.1 Safety Precautions
Warning: The methods used in these tests may cause personal injury if appropriate protective measures are not taken. In formulating these tests, it is assumed that the tests are carried out by qualified and experienced technicians taking appropriate protective measures.
6.1.2 Ambient Temperature
Unless otherwise specified, the tests shall be carried out under (20 ± 5) °C. 6.1.3 Explosion Specification
The explosion defined in 3.8 shall be determined by the following method. The test battery is placed on a steel plate as shown in Figure 1 and covered with a mesh sheet with the center of the mesh sheet above the battery. Then the test battery is subjected to the relevant tests and the test results are determined by the following two levels: NE: The battery did not explode;
VE2: The battery exploded, but the solid material ejected did not pass through the mesh sheet specified in 1. Note: Avoid short circuit. The mesh cover should be placed in a place separated from the tester to ensure safety. 0.6m
Note: The mesh cover (2) in the figure is an octahedron, placed on the pin plate (1). The diameter of the lead wire is 0.25m, and the density of the aluminum wire is 1E~1R per 2!4mm. Figure 1 mesh
6.1.4 Determination of mass loss
Use the following formula to calculate the mass loss defined in Table 2: Mass loss
Mass before test:
W~ Test mass
Mass loss does not exceed the value specified in Table 1. It is considered that there is no maximum mass loss. Qiu 1
Mass limit
Battery mass W
Mass loss limit
6.1.5 Pre-discharge||t t||GB8897.4—2002
When the test requires battery pre-discharge (25% 50%, 75% or 100%), the test battery should be discharged to the corresponding depth with a resistive load. The rated capacity of the battery can be determined by the load or the current specified by the manufacturer. 6.1.6 Additional batteries
When the test requires additional batteries, the additional batteries should have the same bottle number as the test battery. When the test requires additional batteries, the total number of batteries in series, including the test battery, can be calculated as follows: n - 12V/l.
When n is 1, round it to the nearest integer. In the above formula, the nominal voltage of a battery is given; the total number of batteries is given: the minimum number of batteries required in the test of heat in-phase excitation. Example 1: Let the number of small batteries be = 2. The nominal voltage of the test battery is [, 1.t V, calculated as w3. 35, then n = 1: Example 2: Let the minimum number of batteries be nm. = 3, the nominal voltage series of the test battery is U, [ V. Calculated as - 1. 2. Then s-3. 6.2 Specified use test
6.2. 1 Samples, test sequence and requirements
Figure 2 lists the sequence and required samples for the specified use test, and Table 2 gives the requirements. Table 2 Specified use tests and requirements
Electrical performance test A
Electrical test L-[
Environmental test (:-)
Additional requirements
Specified use simulation
Microelectric 2
High altitude simulation
Deformation; The deformation that occurs first should be reported as the cause of the attached low power battery
Civilian battery
High power battery
Single battery
Leakage effect: If the electrolyte leaks at the discharge port without being connected, it should be judged as leakage*: Not applicable
NW: No quality base camera (system e.,1)
N: No deformation
NI; No drowning
NV. No discharge
NF No explosion
NF: Fire
Battery pack
Industrial battery
Table 2
Government electricity 1
Given sensitivity, 20℃
6. 2. 2. 2. 2 Discharge 2 hours, high filtration rate, 2 hours, 6. 2. 2. 6 5h, 100 hours, 30 days, 60 days, final inspection according to Table 2 Note: Different types of batteries are not shown. a - single cell; b - battery pack. GB 8897.4—2002 Test battery High power single cell 2. 2. 3 10FIz--55H2 6. 2. 2. 4
31s average filter, 75x9.8m/s
Test end
Maximum 11.6kPa+6h
Hot shock
Effect Table 2
Figure 2 specifies the number of samples and test sequence used to discharge the pool External melting
Full External short
6.2.2 Test method
6. 2. 2. 1 Electrical performance test A -E---discharge 1a) month
GB 8897.4—2002
This test simulates the actual application of the battery. The resistance value of the current limiting resistor should be specified for each type of battery. 6) Test method
The battery that has not been discharged is discharged by the current limiting resistor. The discharge time is T. T+= C. X R./U.
Where: T---effective time;
C.--nominal capacity;
tnominal voltage:
Electrical load, the value of which should be selected as: through which the discharge current is discharged to the cabinet, the average current is equal to the maximum discharge current specified by the manufacturer.
The maximum discharge current specified by the manufacturer should be: During the test, any protective device equipped in the battery should not be activated and operated.
This test should be carried out at (20+2)C: until the discharge is complete: In addition, an independent test should be carried out at (60±2)C until the discharge is complete. Requirements
Yao Table 2
6. 2. 2. 2 Electrical properties test A-2
a) 100%
Discharge 2
This test simulates the battery used in camera and similar applications. It is usually specified that in the camera application test, a pulse current of about 1 A is conducted. When the film drive motor is installed, a continuous current flows. b) Test method
Select the cathode R from Table 3:- Make the undischarged battery discharge continuously. 3 Resistor R
Battery type
Note: After the standardization of other types of batteries, this table may be modified or expanded. The test should be carried out at (20±2) and (60±2)C for 24h respectively. ) Requirements.
See Table.
6.22.3 Mechanical tests.-1-Vibration
#) day
Electric R/a
This test simulates the vibrations that occur during transportation. The test conditions are specified in UN (1995) [14 and other documents. b1 Test method
The test cell shall be subjected to a simple resonance with an amplitude of 0.8 mm [maximum displacement 1.6 mm]. The frequency shall be varied in the range of 10 Hz to 55 Hz at a rate of 1 Hz/min. After 90 min-100 min, the test cell shall be tested in one of the mutually perpendicular axes of the cell. For test cells with only two equal axes, the test shall be carried out in one of the perpendicular axes of the cell. Both undischarged and fully discharged cells shall be tested. e) Requirements
The numbers in square brackets indicate references. See Table 2. 2. 2. Mechanical test B-2—Shock test (GB 8897.4-2002) This test simulates the collision and rough handling during transportation. The test conditions are specified in GB (1995) [14 and other documents. ) Test method The test battery is fixed on the test machine with a fixing frame that can fix all surfaces of the test battery. Each test battery shall be subjected to three shocks of alternating magnitudes, one on each of two perpendicular axes. Each shock is applied to one surface of the test battery. During the shock process, the test battery is accelerated in such a way that within the first 3 m, the minimum horizontal acceleration is 75×9.8 m/s and the maximum acceleration should be between 125×9.8 m/s* and 175×9.8 m/g*. All undischarged and fully discharged filters shall be tested. The shock test is conducted on the battery that has been subjected to the dynamic test. c) Requirements
See Table 2. Environmental test 1—Thermal shock
a) Purpose
This test is used to evaluate the overall performance of the battery under conditions of rapid temperature changes. b) Test method
The battery under test is placed at a temperature of [75±2)°C for 48 hours, then at a temperature of (-20°C for 6 hours) and then at room temperature for at least 24 hours. The maximum time between each changeover is 5 minutes. During the test, appropriate protective measures are taken to protect the battery from the influence of condensed water during the process of returning to room temperature after low temperature storage. The thermal shock test is conducted on the battery that has been subjected to high altitude simulation. Requirements
See Table 2. Environmental test C-2 - high temperature
This test simulates:
1) The situation when the overheat protection device cannot be activated in time; 2) The battery is exposed to high temperature for a long time.
b) Test method
The test battery is placed at (100±2)℃ for 5h, and then placed at (20+2)℃ for 8h.
Another test is: the test battery is placed at (6+2)℃ for 30 days, and then placed at (20±2)℃ for 8h.
e) Requirements
See No. 2. Environmental test C-3 - high temperature
a) H
This test simulates the low pressure environment during air transport. The test conditions are specified in N(1995)1 and other documents. h) Test method
The test cell shall be placed in an environment with a pressure of 11.6a or less and a temperature of (2012) for at least 6 hours. c) Requirements
See Table 2,
6.3 Reasonable foreseeable misuse test
6.3.1 Group product, test sequence and requirements
Figure 2 lists the sequence of reasonable foreseeable misuse tests and the required sample size, and the table gives the requirements. From 6.2.2.b Thermal shock
From device, 2, 2.4 Shock
1. 3. 2. 1
B. 3.2.2 r:=3
Rain resistance R
6. 3.2. 3
No resistance
6. 3. 2. 4
External power supply
6. 3. 2. 8
Free fall
Em sea: 6 change
6. 3. 2. 9
F.3. 2.10
Low dynamic rate
GB 8897.4-·2002
Test battery
Pre-power shortage
Discharge rate corresponding DOD
All test batteries
1Different types of lines represent different types of electric oil. 60
2n2m.=i is the total number of batteries. See 6.1.6
a...single battery; b--battery group.
Domain final inspection
Network plus battery
Commercial power to
Single companion.
5×(: -1)+ 164
Discharge barrier corresponding DD
Figure 3 Number of samples and test sequence for simulating reasonable foreseeable misuse test 75%
6. , 2, 7 =
Over discharge 3
Over discharge 2
Use resistance R
6. 3. 2. 54mm = 2
Over discharge!
Use resistance R.
Electrical performance test D-1
Mechanical test E-1
Environmental test F-!
Attached requirements:
GB B897.4 --2002
Reasonable foreseeable misuse tests and requirements
Misuse test
External short circuit
Charging 1
Charging 2
Charging 3
Over-discharge 1
Over-effective discharge 2
Micro-discharge 3
White due to family
Gas embedded heat misuse
Deformation, the deformation should be non-caused by the cause. Power battery
Civil battery
Commercial power battery
Discharge, if the electrolyte leaks out of the discharge port without opening the discharge port, it should be judged as leakage. * Unsuitable for
NW: No quality first (6.1.4)
ND. No deformation
NL. No filtrate
NV, No discharge
NE: No screw explosion
NE2. See 6.1.3
NF, No fire
6.3.2 Test method Electrical performance test 1D-1-a) External short circuit NV, NE, NI Industrial batteries NE2+NF KE2+NF Simulate the external short circuit that may occur when handling batteries. The test resistance value and temperature are the same as those specified in UN (1995) [117 and other provisions. b) Test method The battery should reach temperature equilibrium in an environment of (55 ± 2) ° C and then be subjected to a short circuit with a total resistance of less than 0.1 at the corresponding temperature. The short circuit continues until the battery external temperature drops to (55 ± 2) ° C and then continues for more than 1 hour. The battery that has undergone the moving test and impact test is also used for this test. In addition, the battery that has undergone the high altitude simulation test and thermal shock test is also used for this test (see Figure 3).
\) Requirements
See Table 4. Electrical performance test - 2 Charging 1
a) Purpose
This test simulates the situation where one battery in a battery pack is inverted. The test conditions are based on UN (1995) [147.
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