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HG 3031-1989 Determination of ash content in poly(alkyl terephthalate)

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG 3031-1989

Standard Name: Determination of ash content in poly(alkyl terephthalate)

Chinese Name: 聚对苯二甲酸烃酯中灰分测定方法

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Implementation:1990-11-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Chemicals>>Synthetic Materials>>G32 Synthetic Resins, Plastics

associated standards

alternative situation:GB 11995-89

Procurement status:idt ISO 3451/2-1984

Publication information

other information

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HG 3031-1989 Determination of ash content in poly(alkyl terephthalate) HG3031-1989 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB 11995-89
Adjusted to: HG/h 3031-89
Determination of ash of polyalkylene terephthalates198912-25Promulgated
State Administration of Technical Supervision
Implementation on 11-01-1990
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Determination of ash of polyalkykene terephthalatesGB 11995—89
This standard is equivalent to the international standard ISO3451/2—1984 "Plastics—Determination of ash content—Part 2: Polyalkyl terephthalates".
1 Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the method for determining the ash content in polyalkyl terephthalates. The general method has been described in GB9345. When there is no additive, the C method in GB 9345 can be used. For glass fiber reinforced materials containing additives, the A method in GR 9315 can be used. 2 Reference standards
GB9345 General determination method for ash content of plastics
3 Principle
3.1 Without additives
After acidification, calcination is carried out. Before combustion, it is treated with sulfuric acid first, so that the organic matter and concentrated sulfuric acid are heated to the smoking temperature, and then the organic matter is burned. Finally, treat the residue at high temperature until constant weight. 3.2 Containing additives and glass fiber reinforcement, it is calcined. That is, the organic matter is burned and the residue is treated at high temperature until constant weight. 4 Reagents (only for ℃ method)
During analysis, use analytical reagents, distilled water or water of the same purity. 4.1 Anhydrous ammonium carbonate.
4.2 Ammonium nitrate: about 10% (m/m) solution. 4.3 Sulfuric acid: density of 1.84 μm/mL.
4.4 Hydrochloric acid: 32% (m/m) hydrogen chloride solution. 5 Instruments
5.1 Quartz, porcelain or platinum crucible: diameter (surface part) 50~-60mm, height equal to diameter. 5.2 Gas lamp or other appropriate heat source
5.3 Muffle furnace, capable of controlling constant temperature at 600±25℃, 750±50℃, 5.4 Analytical balance: accurate to 0.1mg.
5.5 Pipette: of appropriate capacity (only for C method). 5.6 Desiccant: containing high-efficiency desiccant that does not react with ash. 5.7 Weighing bottlewwW.bzxz.Net
National Technical Supervision Kitchen 198 9-12-25 Approved 1990-11-01 Implementation
6 Steps
6.1 Sample
Take a sample sufficient to produce 5--50mg ash. If the rough ash content is unknown, a preliminary determination should be made. According to the rough ash content, it is recommended to select the sample amount from the following table
About content
0. 01 ~- 0. 05
-0. 05~0. 1
>0.1~0. 2
Sample amount
At least 200
At most 10
Ash content obtained
For samples with very little ash content, a large amount of sample must be used. When the sample cannot be burned out at one time, weigh the required amount in a suitable weighing bottle, and then pour the appropriate amount of sample into the crucible in batches to continuously burn until all the samples are burned out. 6.2 Without additives
According to GB9345 C method, the applicable sintering temperature is 750±50℃. 6.3 Containing additives and reinforced glass fiber materials According to GB9345 A method, the applicable sintering temperature is 750±50℃. If the glass fiber begins to melt at this temperature, thus hindering the further burning of the polymer, the burning temperature should be reduced to 600 ± 25 ° C. 6.4 Glass fiber reinforced flame retardant material
Follow the steps of 5.3.1, 5.3.2 and 5.3.3 of Method A in GB9345. Then cool the residue and treat it with an excess of hydrochloric acid solution (1.4) (add 0.5mL for each gram of sample). Heat slowly with a Bunsen burner until no smoke is emitted. Continue to treat directly according to Method A in GB9345.
7 Number of tests
Carry out one measurement, and the difference between the results of two consecutive measurements shall not exceed 10% of their arithmetic mean. 8 Expression of results
The mass percentage of ash or sulfate ash is calculated by the following formula: m1×100
9 Test report
Sample mass, 8:
Ash mass + name.
The test report shall include the following items:
According to this national standard;
Complete identification of the sample, including type, manufacturer number, source, registration, name, etc.; c
The calcination temperature used;
If the sample is treated before the test, it should be stated; The separate results and arithmetic mean of the secondary determination of ash or sulfate ash; The quality of the sample used:
Tester, test date.
Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China and is under the jurisdiction of the Chemical Method Branch of the National Plastic Standardization Technical Committee. This standard was drafted by Hangzhou Magnetic Tape Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Ying Daozong and Zhang Hongan. National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Determination of Ash Content in Polyalkyl Terephthalate G 11995—89
Published by China Standards Press
(Beijing Fuwai Sanlihe)
Printed by Beijing Printing Factory of China Standards Press Distributed by Xinhua Bookstore, Beijing Distribution Office Sold by Xinhua Bookstores in all regions Copyright reserved Reproduction prohibited
Format 880×12301/16
Printing Sheet 1/2 Number 6 000
First Edition September 1990 First Printing September 1990 Number of Prints 1—2 000
Book Number: 155066·1-7404 Price RMB 0.50★
Heading 144—33
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