This standard specifies the terms and types of plastic packaging bags for industrial packaging. This standard applies to single-layer or multi-layer industrial packaging bags made of thermoplastic soft film, and does not apply to retail commodity packaging bags. GB/T 17858.2-1999 Packaging terms Industrial packaging bags Thermoplastic soft film bags GB/T17858.2-1999 Standard download decompression password:
This standard specifies the terms and types of plastic packaging bags for industrial packaging. This standard applies to single-layer or multi-layer industrial packaging bags made of thermoplastic soft film, and does not apply to retail commodity packaging bags.
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GB/T17858.2—1999 Terms and types Part 2: Thermoplastic flexible film This standard is equivalent to IS06590-2:1986 "Packaging bags bags". The Chinese name of this standard is not directly translated according to ISO6590-2:1986, but is determined as "Packaging terms industrial packaging bags Thermoplastic flexible film bags". Appendix A and Appendix B of this standard are both indicative appendices. This standard was proposed by China Packaging Corporation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Packaging Standardization Technical Committee Bag Technical Committee (CSBTS/TC49/SC2). The drafting units of this standard are: Standardization Research Institute of the State Building Materials Industry Bureau, Fuzhou Hongyu Packaging Industry Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are: Li Jinping, Wang Qiaoyun, Fang Derui, Gan Xiangchen, Lin Owen, Wei Zhihua. This standard is entrusted to the National Packaging Standardization Technical Committee Bag Technical Committee for interpretation. 159 GB/T17858.2—1999 ISO Foreword ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standard organizations (ISO member states). The work of formulating international standards is usually carried out by ISO technical committees. For the professions for which technical committees have been established, each member country has the right to participate in the technical committee if it is interested in it. Official and unofficial international organizations that cooperate with ISO can also participate in its work. The draft international standards voted by each technical committee shall be circulated among the members for approval before being formally accepted as international standards by the ISO committee. According to ISO working procedures, at least 75% of the member countries must express approval in the vote before the international standard can be approved. International standard ISO6590-2 was formulated by ISO/TC122 Packaging Technical Committee. All international standards may be revised at any time. Unless otherwise specified, the relevant international standards cited in this standard refer to their latest versions. 1 Scope National Standard of the People's Republic of China Industrial Packaging Bags Packaging Terminology Thermoplastic Flexible Film Bags Packaging—Sacks--Vocabulary and types-Sacks made from thermoplastic flexible film This standard specifies the terminology and types of plastic packaging bags for industrial packaging. GB/T17858.2—1999 idt ISO 6590-2:1986 This standard applies to single-layer or multi-layer industrial packaging bags made from thermoplastic flexible film, and does not apply to retail commodity packaging bags. Note: GB/T17858.1 specifies the terms related to paper bags. 2 General terms 2.1 Thermoplastic flexible film sack A packaging container that is basically made of one or more layers of thermoplastic flexible film flat tubes with at least one end closed. It can also be compounded with other tough materials to achieve the performance required for filling and goods circulation. Note 1 Hereinafter referred to as "bag" or "plastic bag". 2 In order to meet certain specific requirements, it is necessary to limit the size of plastic bags. The circumference of the bag tube should not be less than 550mm. 2.2 Ply A layer of thermoplastic plastic film or other tough material film that constitutes the bag wall, or a composite film of these materials. 2.3 Gusset A folded part sandwiched in the longitudinal edge of the bag tube or bag. 2.4 Tube A flat tube with one or more layers cut into a predetermined length. 2.4.1 Flat tube A bag tube consisting only of a flat tube without a folded part sandwiched in. 2.4.2 Gusseted tube A bag with a folded part sandwiched in the longitudinal edge. 2.5 Heat sealing; welding A method of fusing the surfaces of several layers of packaging materials together under a certain temperature and pressure over a certain period of time. 2.5.1 Longitudinal heat sealing A method of bonding the longitudinal overlapping parts of each layer (see 2.7.1) together by heating. 2.5.2 Transverse heat sealing A method of sealing one or both ends of the bag tube by heating. 2.6 Adhesive bonding; pasting Use adhesive to bond together. Approved by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision on September 7, 1999, implemented on February 1, 2000 2.6.1 Longitudinal seam GB/T 17858.2--1999 Use adhesive to bond the longitudinal overlapping parts of each layer (see 2.7.1) together. Note: This bonding may be continuous or discontinuous. 2.6.2 Transverse pasting The use of adhesive to bond the layers together at one or both ends of the bag tube. Note: Transverse pasting helps the front and back panels of the bag tube to be easily opened during processing and final use, and can increase the strength of certain types of bags. 2.6.3 Bottom pasting The use of adhesive to close one or both ends of the bag tube. Note: The ends should be folded and/or formed into appropriate shapes before the bag tube is closed. 2.7 Overlap The part where the bag tube or layers overlap. 2.7.1 Longitudinal overlap The part where the longitudinal edges of each layer overlap. 2.7.2 Bottom overlap The part where the transverse edges of the bag tube overlap when forming the bottom. 2.8 Valve: An opening for filling the bag and preventing the contents from flowing back after filling. It is usually located at a corner of the bag. 3 Bag type: Bag type classification: Heat-sealed bag, adhesive bag, open bag, flat bag (see Figure 1), gusset bag (see Figure 2), pleated bag with heat-sealed corners (see Figure 3), hexagonal flat bag (see Figure 4), rectangular gusset bag (see Figure 5), valve bag; closed bag. t||Flat sack (see Figure 6) Flat side valve sack (see Figure 7) Gusset sack (see Figure 8) Gusset side valve sack (see Figure 9) Hexagonal end flat sack1) (see Figure 10) 1): The various types of sacks also include various combinations of ends that are both glued and heat-sealed. This type is not listed in the above table. Please refer to 3.6.6. Flat sack A sack made from a flat sack. Gusseted sack A sack made from a gusseted sack. Heat sealed sack A sack closed at one or both ends by continuous transverse heat sealing. Pasted sack A sack closed at one or both ends by gluing. 3.5 Open-mouth sack A sack that is processed to have only one end closed. Open-mouth heat sealed flat sack 3.5.1 Flat heat-sealed open sack A flat sack tube with one end closed by continuous transverse heat sealing (see Figure 1). Open-mouth heat sealed gusseted sack 3.5.2 Gathered heat-sealed open sack GB/T 17858.2.---.1999 A gusseted sack tube with one end closed by continuous transverse heat sealing (see Figure 2). Open-mouth heat sealed gusseted sack with corner seals 3.5.3 Gathered heat-sealed open sack with corner seals A gusseted sack tube with one end closed by continuous transverse heat sealing and with the top and bottom corners of the gusset sealed (see Figure 3). Fig.1 Flat edge heat-sealed open Fig.2 Gathered heat-sealed open sack Fig.3 Gathered heat-sealed open sack with corner sealsOpen-mouth pasted flat hexagonal bottom sack3.5.4 Hexagonal bottom flat edge glued open sack Flat edge bag tube with hexagonal bottom that is folded and glued to close one end (see Figure 4). 3.5.5 Rectangular bottom pleated open sack Open-mouth pasted gusseted rectangular bottom sack A pleated bag tube with rectangular bottom that is folded and glued to close one end (usually called self-opening bag, see Figure 5). 3.6 Valved sack A bag tube with closed ends except for the valve. 3.6.1 Valved heat sealed flat sack A flat edge bag tube with closed ends through continuous transverse heat sealing (see Figure 6). Figure 4 Hexagonal bottom flat edge bonded open bag Figure 5 Rectangular bottom pleated bonded open bag 3.6.2 Flat heat sealed side valve bag sidevalved heat sealed flat sack Flat heat sealed valve bag Flat edge bag tube with side valves closed at both ends by continuous transverse heat sealing (see Figure 7). Valved heat sealed gusseted sack3.6.3 Valved heat sealed gusseted sack with side valves closed at both ends by continuous transverse heat sealing (see Figure 8). Valved heat sealed gusseted sack sidevalved heat sealed gusseted sack3.6.4 Valved heat sealed gusseted sack with side valves closed at both ends by continuous transverse heat sealing (see Figure 9). Valve Figure 7 Flat heat sealed side valve bag Figure 8 Gleam heat sealed side valve bag Figure 9 Gleam heat sealed side valve bag 3.6.5 Hexagonal end flat bonded valve bag Valved pasted flat hexagonal ends The sack is folded and bonded to close the two ends and form a flat bag tube with a hexagonal bottom (see Figure 10). 3.6.6 Combinations of ends Various types of ends can be produced by combining bonding and heat sealing, for example: Valved pasted heat sealed flat sack with one hexagonal end: one end is closed by continuous transverse heat sealing, and the other end containing the valve port is folded and bonded to form a hexagonal flat bag tube (see Figure 11). GB/T 17858.2--1999 Figure 10 Hexagonal flat-edge adhesive valve bag 4 Structural description 4.1 Adhesive closure and auxiliary materials 4.1.1 Bottom cap Plastic tape glued to the bottom of the bag. 4.2 Valve type Valve sleeve Figure 11 Heat-sealed valve bag with hexagonal flat edge at one end A sleeve made of soft thermoplastic film inserted into the valve can improve its performance. 4.2.2 Heat-sealed valve bag Simple valve Fold one corner of the bag into the bag, so that the heat-sealed bag forms a valve [see Figure 12a)]. Internal sleeve valve Valve opening where the sleeve of the valve protrudes into the bag [see Figure 12b)]. External sleeve valve Valve opening where the sleeve of the valve protrudes out of the bag [see Figure 12c)]. Side valve Valve opening formed by the opening left when heat-sealing longitudinally [see Figure 12d)]. a) Simple valve c) Oversleeve valve Various valves in heat-sealed bags in Figure 12 4.2.3 Valves in pasted sacks Note: In some cases, the width of the sleeve should be less than the bottom width. Internal sleeve valve Valve opening where the sleeve of the valve protrudes into the bag [see Figure 13a)]. External sleeve valve4.2.3.2 The valve sleeve protrudes outward from the bag, usually equipped with a small bag [see Figure 13b]. a) Internal sleeve valve Figure 13 Various valves in adhesive bags b) Internal sleeve valve d) Edge valve b) External sleeve valve 4.3 Other structural descriptions 4.3.1 Thumb cut GB/T 17858.2 A small opening that penetrates all layers on the top side of the open bag (or in the external sleeve) to help open the bag before filling. 4.3.2 Closing device A special device set on the bag to help close it after filling. Opening device A special device set on the bag to help open it again after filling and closing. Carrying device Special device on the bag that helps in transportation. 4.3.5 Viewing device; Window A transparent area on the front of the bag that helps in observing the contents. 4.3.6 Perforation A hole that penetrates the bag wall or individual layers to help air escape when the bag is filled. 4.3.7 Anti-slip treatment A treatment measure to increase the friction coefficient between bags by adding a certain material to the film or coating the outer surface of the bag. 5 Materials 5.1 Plastic film Generally refers to a flat and flexible plastic product in the form of a sheet or roll with a thickness of less than 0.25 mm. 5.2 Auxiliary materials 5.2.1 Adhesive Adhesive materials used in bag processing, such as cold-applied polyurethane and hot-melt materials based on polyethylene for hot-applied use. 6 Names of the parts of the bag The following expressions help to identify the various parts of the bag. 6.1 # filling end The end with an opening or a valve. 6.2 closed end The end that is joined together or has no valve. 6.3 face side The side with the front printed mark. 6.4 back side The other side corresponding to the front printed mark. The left and right sides of the bag are defined as: when the front printed mark is upright, looking from the top down. Note: It should be recognized that this provision cannot cover all situations. 165 Back· Gle· Gle bag Gle bag tube… Gle heat-sealed valve bag Gle heat-sealed open bag· Side skirt heat-sealed side valve bag· Side valve port Bottom overlap Bottom bonding End combination type Valve bag· Anti-slip treatment Closed end· Closing device· Viewing window. Viewing device… Horizontal heat sealing Horizontal bonding GB/T 17858.2---1999 Appendix A (Suggested Appendix) Chinese Pinyin Index Simple valve Corner-sealed pleated heat-sealed open-mouth bags. Rectangular bottom pleated bonded open-mouth bags·· Open-mouth bags, Opening devices· Hollow-angle bottom flat-edge bonded open-mouth bags Hexagonal end flat-edge bonded valve bags Inner sleeve valve mouth Adhesion (paste) Adhesive bag Adhesive Flat edge bag Flat edge bag simple· Flat edge heat-sealed valve bag...· Flat edge heat-sealed open bag Heat-sealed fusion)... Heat-sealed bag· Thermoplastic plastic soft film bag· Plastic film ... 3. 5. 3 4. 2.2.2;4,2.3.1 Filling end Outer sleeve valve mouth, Withdrawal· GB/T17858.2—1999 Carrying device Longitudinal overlap 4. 2. 2. 3,4. 2. 3. 2 Flat-edge adhesive-heat-sealed valve bag with hexagonal shape at one end3.6.6 Longitudinal seam Longitudinal heat sealing Appendix B (Suggestive Appendix) English index adhesive adhesove bonding (pasting) anti-slip treatment back side botom cap Guodian Electric Products bottom overlap bottom pasting carrying device. closing device combination of ends exlernal sleevevalve face side flat sack flat tube self-electricity nationally operated special electric heart 4. 2. 2. 3,4. 2. 3. 2 gusset gusseted sack gusseted tube heat sealed sack heat sealing(welding)||t t||internal sleeve valve longitudinal heat sealing longitudinal overlap longitudinal seam opening device open-mouth heat sealed flat sackopen-mouth heat sealed gusseted sackGB/T 17858.2—1999 open-mouth heat sealed gusseted sack with corner sealsopen-mouth pasted flat hexagonal bottom sackopen-mouth pasted gusseted rectangular bottom sackopen-mouth sack overlap pasted sack pasting perforation plastic film side valve 中中国 side valved heat sealed flat sack side valved heat sealed gusseted sacksimple valve||tt ||thermoplastic flexible film sack168 #火电盈 ... 2.3 ...3.3 4. 2. 2. 2,4. 2. 3. 1 | | tt | 858.2--1999 valved pasted heat sealed flat sack with one hexagonal end.valved sack viewing device(window) welding window electric welcome5 thumb cut transverse heat sealing transverse pasting valve sleeve valved heat sealed flat sackvalved heat sealed gusseted sack+++ valved pasted flat hexagonal ends sackGB/T 17858.2--1999 valved pasted heat sealed flat sack with one hexagonal end.valved sack viewing device(window) welding window 电迎电5 thumb cut transverse heat sealing transverse pasting valve sleeve valved heat sealed flat sackvalved heat sealed gusseted sack+++ valved pasted flat hexagonal ends sackGB/T 17858.2--1999 valved pasted heat sealed flat sack with one hexagonal end.valved sack viewing device(window) welding window 电迎电 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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