Digital products of fundamental geographic information naming rules for data files
Some standard content:
CH/T 1005 -2000
This standard is compiled based on GB/T1.1~1993 "Guidelines for Standardization Work Unit 1: Rules for Drafting and Presentation of Standards Part 1: Basic Provisions for Standard Compilation". This standard is formulated to meet the needs of distributing digital raster maps, digital orthophotos, digital elevation models, and digital line drawings, based on the current technical level.
This standard is published in China for the first time.
Appendix A of this standard is a reminder appendix.
This standard is proposed and attributed by the State Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation. The drafting unit of this standard is the National Surveying and Mapping Standardization Research Institute, and the main drafter of this standard is Ma Xiaoping.
1 Scope
Surveying and Mapping Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Digital products of fundamental geographic informationNaming rules for data files
This standard specifies the naming rules for data files of digital products of fundamental geographic information CH/T 1005--2000
This standard applies to the naming of digital raster maps, digital orthophotos, digital elevation models, and digital line maps, and the distribution of products. It can be used as a reference for the naming of files in digital surveying and mapping, updating and building databases of fundamental geographic information, and other digital products. 2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are all valid. All standards are subject to revision. Parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards GB/T13989--1992 National Basic Scale Topographic Map Tiling and Numbering 3 Data File Directory Structure
Basic geographic information is generally stored in units of topographic map sheets, that is, a topographic map consists of various data files (or directories) stored in a data file directory. Each data file (or directory) includes metadata, data body, and related files such as decoration. Its structure is shown in Figure 1. A data file directory includes: various information within the scope of a topographic map sheet (see 4.1 for naming rules), · Data body file is the basic geographic information within the scope of the topographic map; data body file can also be a complete file: composed of various sub-element data files such as landforms, water systems, settlements, and transportation (see 4.2 and 4.3 for naming rules). ● Metadata file is a description of various information and data within the scope of the map sheet, that is, it stores information on data sources, data stratification, product ownership, spatial reference system, data quality (data accuracy, evaluation), data update, map sheet borders, etc. (see 4.2 for naming rules). ●Related files include the name annotation files of various product decoration information (such as square grid, slope scale), as well as related elevation information, thematic information files, etc. (see 4.2 for naming rules). The decoration information of digital line drawings can also be placed in the data body file directory in the form of layers. According to needs, basic geographic information can also be stored in separate files according to million map sheets, scales, product types, etc. Its structure is shown in Figure ?.
Data file (directory name)
Data body file (or directory)
■Layered data file
Approved by the National Administration of Surveying and Mapping on 2000-07-21
Metadata file
Related files!
Data file directory structure (…)
Related files 2
2000-09-01 implementation
Secondary directory 1
Data body file (or directory)
Hierarchical data file
CH/T 1005
First-level directory name
Second-level monthly record 2
Metadata file
Related files!
Figure 2 Data file directory structure (II))
Related files 2
The first-level directory is the data information of a certain scale within the range of 1:1000000 map (see 5.1 for naming rules). The second-level directory is various information within the range of each map of the same scale (see 5.2 for naming rules). ·Data body, metadata and other files (or directories) are the same as the data file directory structure (I). 4 Data file directory structure (-) Naming rules 4.1 Data file directory name naming rules
The data file (or diary) name consists of three parts: product type identifier, product classification code and topographic map sheet number. A total of 16 characters. Its format is shown in Figure 3:
4.1.1 Sheet number composition rules
Figure 3 Data file directory name format
Sheet numbering is implemented in accordance with the provisions of GB/T13989-1992, a total of 10 characters. Sheet column number: occupies three characters, when less than three characters, add 0 to the left; Sheet row number: occupies three characters, when less than three characters, add 0 to the left; ×x×
Sheet number
Product classification code
Product type identifier
Sheet scale code: B, C, D, E, F, G, H represent 1:500000, 1:250000, 1:100000, 1:50000, 1:25000, 1:100001:5000 scale respectively; 1:1000000 Sheet column number: 01 to 60 in sequence, occupies two characters, when less than two characters, add 0 to the left; 11000000 Sheet row number: A to V in sequence, occupies one character. 4.1.2 Product classification code
Product classification code is shown in Table 1.
Table 1 Classification code of digital products
Digital product types
Monochrome raster map
Color raster map
Product classification
Line map for spatial information analysis
Map and cartographic data products
Monochrome image map
Color image map arranged at intervals of pixels
Color image map arranged at intervals of rows
Color image map arranged at intervals of bandsProduct classification code
Digital product types
CH/T 1005
Continued Table 1
Product Classification
First-level regular grid digital elevation model
First-level regular grid digital elevation model
Third-level regular grid digital elevation model
First-level irregular grid digital elevation model
Second-level irregular grid digital elevation model
Third-level irregular grid digital elevation model
Product Classification Code
Note: (This table quotes the digital grid map, digital orthophoto map, digital business model, digital line map and other related product standards
4.1.3 Product type identifier
Digital line map
DOM——Digital image map
DRG Digital grid map
DEM---Digital elevation model
4.2 Naming rules for data body files (or diaries), metadata files and related files Data body, metadata and other files are recorded separately and placed in the data file directory. The file name consists of two parts: the map row and column number and the data file type identification code, a total of 10 characters, and its format is shown in Figure 4. xxx
x ××·Xx×
Data file type identification:
Data file type identification (extension)
Map sheet column number digital code (week 4.1.1)
Map sheet row number digital code (same as 4.1.1)
Data body
sk!----DEM product feature points, line file mag
Finishing file
If the data body file is recorded in a commercial software format, the extension name can be the corresponding commercial software extension name, such as DXF, TIF, etc. ②Map sheet row and column number identification
Map sheet column number: occupies three academic symbols If the number is less than three characters, add 0 to the left: Sheet line number: The position of the same character. If the number is less than three characters, add 0 to the left. Figure 4 Naming format of data body, metadata and other files 4.3 Naming space of hierarchical data files under the data body directory When data is stored in layers, the file names of each layer can refer to the hierarchical file naming regulations of the relevant digital line map product standards. 5 Data file directory structure (II) Naming rules 5.1 Naming rules for the first-level monthly directory
The first-level directory consists of the product type identifier, product classification code, and the sheet number and scale code, with a total of 10 characters (including spaces): Its format is shown in Figure 5. 345
5.2 Naming rules for the second-level sales directory
CH/T 1005--2000
Scale code (same as 4.1.1)
1:1000000Map row and column number (same as 1.1.1)Product classification code (4.1.2)
Product type identifier (same as 4.1.3)
Figure 5-level directory name format
The second-level directory is the row and column number of the map sheet of this scale, a total of 6 characters. Its format is shown in Figure 6:XXX
Map column number digital code (see 4.1.1)
Map row number digital code (see 4.1.1)
Figure 6 Second-level directory name format
5.3 Naming rules for data body files (or national records), metadata files and other files The naming of data body files (or directories), metadata files, related files and their hierarchical files under data body files is the same as 4.2 and 4.3.346
CH/T 1005---2000
Appendix A
(Suggested Appendix)
Data File Naming Examples
A11: Naming Examples of 5000-Level Regular Grid Digital Elevation Model Product Type: Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Product Classification Code: Secondary Regular Grid (B)) Sheet Scale: 1:50000 (F)
Sheet Number: K50E002005
Data file directory structure (I) Naming example a. Digital file directory name
Digital volume file, metadata and DEM product
Feature point and line file names are:
C. Schematic diagram of data file storage structure;
B K50E002005
Data file directory structure () Naming example
-level directory
b. =Level directory name
d. Schematic diagram of data file storage structure:
A21:50000 Naming example of line drawing used for spatial information analysis Product type: Digital line drawing (DLG)
Product classification code: Used for spatial information analysis (A) Map scale: 1:50000 (E)
Map number: K50E002005
002005. imat
Data file directory structure () Naming example
Characteristic. The old digital file name
bThe digital volume network record, metadata and decoration file names are:
002005. dat
002003. mat
(The layered data file name under the mathematical volume record is measured control point
water layer
boundary layer
CH/T 1005-2000
Data file directory structure () Naming example
First level directory name
b. Film directory name
(The name of the layered data file shall refer to the provisions of the "Digital Line Drawing") d. Schematic diagram of data file storage structure:
e. Schematic diagram of data file storage structure:
002005 , dal
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