Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Visual-frequency coaxial connectors-Generic specification
GB 9020-88
This standard specifies the general requirements for video connectors with a frequency lower than 300MHz. Video connectors are used to connect frequency circuits for telecommunications, electronic and similar equipment. This standard is the basis for the design, production and use of video connectors and the formulation of corresponding detailed specifications. If there is a conflict between this general specification and the detailed specification, the detailed specification shall prevail. 1 General
1.1 Environmental level
1.1.1 Ambient temperature
Low temperature: -40℃, -55℃;
Commercial temperature, +55℃, +70℃.+85℃, +100℃.+125℃, 155℃. 1.1.2 Steady-state damp heat
Temperature: 40 ± 2 degrees
Relative humidity: 90% ~ 95%,
Test time: 48 h96 h, 21 d.
1. 1. 3 Atmospheric pressure
70 kPa.47 kPa.8.5 kPa, 4. 4 kPa.2. 0 kPa.1. 0 kPa.1.1.4 Vibration
Frequency range (Hz)
1.1.5 Collision
Acceleration (g)
Acceleration: 10 g, 25 g40 g;
Pulse duration): 16 ms.8 ms, 6 mst
Number of collisions: 1 000 times, 2 000 times, 4 000 times. 1.1.6 Shock
Acceleration: 30g, 50g, 100g, 200g; Pulse duration: 18 ms, 11 ms, 6 ms, 3 ms. 1.2 Rated value
1.2.1 Rated voltage
The rated voltage value of each product shall be specified in the detailed specification. 1.3 No.
Specific provisions in the detailed specification shall be made in accordance with SJ498. Approved by the Ministry of Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China on March 2, 1988 Amplitude (mim)
0.35, 0.75
0. 75, 1. 5
0. 75, 1. 5
1988-10-01 implementation
1.4 Marking
GB 9020-88
The manufacturer's trademark, product model and year of production should be marked on each product. 2 Reference standards
GB2123.1 Basic environmental test regulations for electrical and electronic products Test A: Low temperature test method GB2423.2 Basic environmental test regulations for electrical and electronic products GB2423.3 Basic environmental test regulations for electrical and electronic products Test B: High temperature test method
Test Ca: Constant humidity and heat test method
GB2423.5 Basic environmental test regulations for electrical and electronic products Test Ea: Impact test method
GB2423.6: Basic environmental test regulations for electrical and electronic products Test Eb: Collision avoidance test method
Basic environmental test regulations for electrical and electronic products Test Fc: Vibration (sinusoidal) test method GB 2423.10
Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic productsTest Ka; Salt spray test method
GB 2423.21
Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic productsBasic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic productsGB 2423. 22
G 2423.23
Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic productsGB 2828
Test M, Low pressure test method
Test N; Temperature change test method
Test household: Sealing
Batch inspection counting sampling procedures and sampling tables (applicable to inspection of continuous batches) Periodic inspection counting sampling procedures and sampling tables (applicable to inspection of production process stability SJ 498
RF connector model naming method
3 Technical requirements and test methods
3.1 Test conditions
In the technical requirements, when the test conditions are not specified, all measurements and tests shall be carried out under the following normal atmospheric conditions. Temperature: 15~35℃;
Relative humidity: 45%~75%,
Weather pressure: 86~106 kPa.
The time the sample is exposed to the test climate conditions before the test should be enough to allow the sample to reach temperature equilibrium. The contact parts should never be cleaned or otherwise treated before the test.
3.2 Appearance
3.2.1 Requirements
The surface of the product should be clean and free of rust, cracks or other mechanical damage. The marking should be clear and durable. 3.2.2 Inspection method
. Check visually or with the help of a three-fold magnifying glass; b. Check the durability of the marking by rubbing lightly with an alcohol cotton ball three times. Note: If necessary, some parts of the connector can be disassembled for inspection. 3.3 Size
3.3.1 Requirements
The appearance, fit and installation dimensions of the product should comply with the provisions of the product detailed specifications or the corresponding drawing requirements. 3.3.2 Inspection method
Inspect with a measuring tool that can ensure the dimensional accuracy requirements. 3.4 Interchangeability
3.4.1 Requirements
In the same series, various types of pin connectors and socket connectors should be interchangeable. 3.4.2 Inspection method
Inspect the interchangeability in accordance with one of the following methods; GB 9020--88
: Inspect with a connector product that can be matched and connected; b, Inspect with a standard inspection sample.
3.5 Contact resistance
3.5.1 Requirements
The contact resistance between the inner conductors and the outer conductors of the connector shall not be greater than the specified value of the detailed specification. 3-5-2 Test method Measurement requirements
Measure with direct current.
The accuracy of the measuring instrument shall ensure that the total measurement error does not exceed ±10%. Measurement details
Usually, the voltage drop between the specified relay connection points is measured to calculate the contact resistance! After the measurement voltage is added, the contact should not move again. During the measurement process, avoid applying abnormal pressure to the contact under test: b.
When the connection points specified in the detailed specifications cannot be measured directly, it is allowed to connect a section of cable or wire for measurement. The resistance of the cable or wire used should be subtracted from the measured value
d. The contact resistance measured by DC should be the average of the two readings when the current passes through the positive and negative directions. e. For each type of connector, two types of contact resistance must be measured, the contact resistance between the outer conductors of the plugged connector and the contact resistance between the inner conductors of the plugged connector. 3. 5.2.3 Test current and voltage
In order to prevent the insulation film on the contact from being broken down, the DC peak value of the open circuit electromotive force of the test circuit should not be greater than 20mV, and the DC test current should not be greater than 100 mA. Measurement circuit
The circuit diagram for measuring contact resistance is as follows:
T', T-the lead-out terminal of the test converter pair, K-a switch; R1-a variable resistor, adjust the reading of the voltmeter to 20 mV, R:-a variable resistor, adjust the reading of the circuit current (A) to 100 mA
3.5-2.5 Measurement cycle
The composition of a measurement cycle is as follows:
Plug in the contacts;
b, apply voltage:
Measure by passing current in one direction:Measure by passing current in the opposite direction:e.
Cut off the power supply,
f. Separate the contacts.
When measuring multiple cycles, they should be carried out immediately. GB 9020—88 Measurement of the inner and outer conductors of the plugged connector. The inner and outer conductors of the plugged connector are measured 5 times respectively, and the arithmetic average of the measured values is taken as the contact resistance of the plugged connector contact. And any single measurement value shall not exceed twice the average value. 3.6 Contact resistance stability
3.6.1 Requirements
In the specified vibration, hard collision and impact tests, the electrical contact instability time of the connector shall comply with the specified values of the detailed specifications. The values are selected from the values in Table 1.
Test level
3. 6.2 Measurement method Measurement requirements
The test connection shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of the detailed specifications: the change of contact resistance shall be determined under dynamic conditions; b.
The change of contact resistance shall not be greater than the value specified in the detailed specification. Measuring equipment
Use a special instrument that can detect the change of contact resistance in the order of microseconds. 3.7 Insulation resistance
3.7.1 Requirements
The insulation resistance between the inner and outer conductors of the connector shall not be lower than the value specified in the detailed specification. 3.7.2 Test method Measurement requirements
The DC voltage of the measuring circuit is 500±50V, and the non-stable time is 9
When measuring insulation resistance, the reading must be taken when the instrument pointer is stable. If it has not reached stability, the reading should be taken when the voltage is applied for 60±5s. If it is still unstable after 60±5s, it should be stated in the test report. Measurement method
The insulation resistance measurement should be measured by applying the specified test voltage between the inner and outer conductors. 3.8 Dielectric Strength
3.8.1 Requirements
The dielectric strength of the insulation between the inner and outer conductors of the connector shall be able to withstand the AC test voltage (50 Hz effective value) specified in the detailed specification for 1 min without breakdown or flying.
3.8.2 Test Method Measurement Requirements
a. Connectors with a working voltage of 1 kV or higher shall be measured in the plugged state; b. Install the sample in accordance with the provisions of the detailed specification; GB 9020--88
c. The test voltage shall be increased from 0 to the specified value, and then decreased to 0, with a rate of increase or decrease of no more than 500 V/s; d. The accuracy of the measuring instrument shall be such that the total measurement error does not exceed ±10%. Measurement Method
When measuring, apply the test voltage between the measured terminals, gradually increase the voltage to the specified value, maintain 60±55, then gradually reduce the voltage, and disconnect the power supply.
3.9 Low temperature
3.9.1 Requirements
After the connector has been tested for 2 h under the specified extreme low temperature conditions without electrical load, its insulation resistance and appearance quality shall comply with the provisions of the detailed specifications.
3.9.2 Test method
Perform according to Test Aa in GB 2423.1. 3.9.3 Inspection items
a. Insulation resistance (see 3.7), measured in the box; b. Appearance, see 3.2.
3.10 High temperature
3.10.1 Requirements
After the connector has been tested for 4 h under the specified extreme high temperature conditions without electrical load, its insulation resistance, dielectric strength and appearance quality shall comply with the provisions of the detailed specifications.
3.10.2 Test method
Perform according to Test Ba in GB2423.2.
3.10.3 Inspection items
. Insulation resistance (see 3.7) is measured in the box, b. Dielectric strength (see 3.8) is measured in the box, appearance, see 3.2.
3. 11 Temperature cycle
3.11-1 Requirements
The connector is subjected to 3 cycles of temperature cycles of extreme low temperature, room temperature and extreme high temperature, and its temperature change rate is 3 + 0.6℃/min. The exposure duration of low temperature and high temperature is 30min. After the test, the appearance quality should meet the requirements of the detailed specification. 3.11.2 Test method
Perform according to test Nb in GB 2423. 22. 3.11. 3 Inspection items
Appearance, see 3.2.
3.12 Temperature shock
3.12.1 Requirements
The connector is kept in the specified extreme high temperature and extreme low temperature environment for 1 h each. The transfer time is 2 min. After 5 cycles, the insulation resistance, dielectric strength and appearance shall comply with the provisions of the detailed specifications. 3.12.2 Test method
Perform according to Test Na in GB 2423. 22. 3.12.3 Inspection items
8 Insulation resistance, see 3.7;
Dielectric strength, see 3.8,
c, appearance, see 3.2.
3.13 Low pressure
3.13. 1 Requirements
GB 9020-88
After the connector is subjected to the specified low pressure conditions for 5 min, its dielectric strength shall comply with the provisions of the detailed specifications. 3.13.2 Test method
The test method in GB2423.21 shall be followed. 3. 13. 3 Test items
Electric strength, see 3.8.
3.14 Sealing
3.14.1 Requirements
When the connector has air tightness or waterproofness requirements, its leakage rate or waterproofness shall comply with the provisions of the detailed specifications. 3.14.2 Test method
According to the provisions of GB2423.23, air tightness and waterproofness shall be carried out according to the leakage test method (method 1 or method 4 as needed) and waterproof test method respectively.
3.15 Steady damp heat
3.15.1 Requirements
After the connector with a certain length of relay is subjected to a temperature of 40±2℃ and a relative humidity of 90% to 95% for a specified period of time, the insulation resistance, dielectric strength and appearance shall comply with the provisions of the detailed specifications. 3.15.2 Test method
Perform in accordance with GB 2423.3.
3.15.3 Inspection items
a. Insulation resistance, see 3.7, measured in the box; dielectric strength, see 3.8, measured in the box; b.
c Appearance, see 3.2.
3.16 Salt spray
3.16.1 Requirements
When a salt spray test is required for connectors in equipment under salt spray atmosphere, the test shall be carried out under the protection and installation position under actual use conditions to determine the connector's ability to resist salt spray corrosion and comply with the provisions of the product detailed specifications. 3. 16.2 Test method
Perform in accordance with GR2423.17.
3.17 Vibration
3.17.1 Requirements
Connectors equipped with a certain length of cable shall be able to withstand the vibration of the rated frequency and acceleration specified in the detailed specifications in three mutually perpendicular installation directions without electrical contact damage and mechanical damage. 3.17.2 Test method
Perform in accordance with the sweep frequency test method of GB 2423.10. The product detailed specifications shall specify the model, length and terminal fixing method of the equipped cable. 3.17.3 Inspection items
8. Contact resistance stability, see 3.6;
b. Appearance, see 3.2.
3.18 Collision
3.18.1 Requirements
Connectors with a certain length of relays should be able to withstand the collision conditions specified in the detailed specifications in three mutually perpendicular installation directions without electrical contact damage and mechanical damage. 3.18-2. Test method
Perform in accordance with GB2423.6.
3.1B.3 Inspection items
a. Contact resistance stability, see 3.6; h. Appearance, see 3.2.
3.19 Impact
3.19.1 Requirements
GB 9020-88
Connectors connected with a certain length of cable shall be able to withstand the impact conditions specified in the detailed specifications in three mutually perpendicular installation directions without electrical contact damage and mechanical damage. 3.19.2 Test method
Perform in accordance with GB2423.5.
The detailed specification shall specify the type, length and end fixing method of the matching cable. 3.19.3 Inspection items
U: Contact resistance stability, see 3.6 b. Appearance, see 3.2
3.20 Separation
3.20.1 Requirements
The separation force of the mating connector shall comply with the provisions of the detailed specification. Note: The separation force value does not include the force of the locking device or similar mechanism. 3.20.2 Test method Measuring equipment
The error of the measuring code or tensile gauge shall not exceed ±10% Standard pin (hole) for measurement;
Surface roughness, Ra=0.4 μm(max):
Hardness:HRC 5565#
Dimensions: The basic size of the standard pin for measuring the most plug hole shall be the minimum limit size of the pin, and its tolerance is the standard pin for stabilizing the plug hole size. The basic size shall be the maximum limit size of the pin, and its tolerance is +0.005mm: The basic size of the standard plug hole for measuring the pin shall be the maximum limit size of the plug hole, and its tolerance is +0.005 mm; The basic size of the standard hole for stabilizing the pin size shall be the minimum limit size of the plug hole, and its tolerance is 0.005mm. Measurement method
a. One half of the mating connector should be securely installed in the proper position. Then, fully insert the other half of the connector or the standard pin (hole) according to the normal operation method. Attention should be paid to ensure correct alignment and correct plugging and pulling direction:
When measuring, pre-insert the sample once with a standard pin (hole) of stable size, and then measure it continuously for 5 times with a standard socket or needle for measuring the pin or hole, and take the arithmetic mean as the separation force of the elastic socket (needle). 3.21 Mechanical strength of cable clamping device
3.21.1 Requirements
For connectors with cable clamping devices, the cable clamp and cable should not be damaged after being subjected to the tests specified in the detailed specifications. The fixation of the cable should comply with the provisions of the detailed product specifications. 3.21.2 Test purpose
The test purpose is to determine:
ugh, whether the outer surface of the cable may be damaged due to poor shape of the cable entry or rough surface; whether the clamping device is suitable when force is applied to the connected cable from different directions. b.
3.21.3 Test of the clamping device for cable pull-out resistance Test without connection to the inner conductor of the cable GB 9020--88
A cable of a specified length is connected to the connector, and the inner conductor of the cable is not connected to the inner conductor of the connector. After ignition, a force is applied to the free end of the cable in the direction parallel to the cable axis and the cable entry. After the test, the cable has no relative movement with respect to the clamping device. The product detailed specification shall specify the magnitude, speed and point of application of the force, etc. Test with connection to the inner conductor of the cable This test method is similar to, except that the inner conductor of the cable shall be connected to the inner conductor of the connector. 3.21.4 A cable of a specified length is fitted to the clamping device for the test connector for the resistance to torsion of the relay, the connector is fixed and a specified torque is applied. During the test, there shall be no relative sliding or rotation between the cable and the clamping device. The cable length, the twist and the point of action shall be specified in the detailed specification. 3.21.5 A cable of an effective length shall be equal to three times the minimum bending radius specified in the detailed specification for the test connector for the resistance to torsion of the relay. The free end of the cable is then bent to the minimum bending radius and the free end of the cable is rotated around the main yoke of the cable outlet on the connector for the number of times specified in the detailed specification. During the test, the cable shall not rotate about its own axis. After the test, the cable shall not show any signs of deformation due to friction. 3.21.6 A cable of a specified length is fitted to the clamping device for the test connector for the resistance to bending of the cable. The connector is clamped in a horizontal position and a specified force is applied at a specified distance from the cable inlet to produce a bending torque. The force is then released and the cable is returned to its original position. Such a process is regarded as one bending. After the test, the cable should not have relative movement to the central tensioning device. The detailed specification shall specify the number of bending and the position of the point of action, etc. 3.22 Mechanical life
3.22.1 Requirements
When there is no electrical load, the connector shall be able to withstand the number of engagements and separations specified in the product detailed specifications. The contact resistance and appearance shall comply with the provisions of the product detailed specifications. The number of engagements and separations shall comply with the provisions of the detailed specifications. 3-22.2 Test method
The test shall be carried out using special equipment or artificial simulation of the mechanical action in actual use. During the test, the plugging and unplugging speed shall be 810 times/rmin. 3.22.3 Inspection items
A. Contact resistance, see 3.5,
b. Separation force, see 3.20,
c. Appearance, see 3.2.
4 Acceptance rules
4.1 Acceptance categories
Connectors shall be inspected by the specified quality inspection department. The inspection is divided into batch inspection and periodic inspection. 4.2 Batch inspection
4.2. Sampling
Perform in accordance with GB 2828. The sampling plan, inspection level and qualified quality level shall be specified in the detailed specifications. : 4.2.2 Procedure
Perform in accordance with the test items and sequence specified in Table 2. Test items
Separation force
Contact resistance
Insulation resistance
Electric strength
Gradual sealing
4.2.3 Sample processing
GB 9020—88
Article number
For sealing products
All samples that have passed the inspection in Table 2 can be delivered according to the contract or order, but samples damaged during the inspection cannot be delivered as genuine products. 4.2.4 Rejected batches
Batches that are judged as unqualified in batch inspection shall be rejected. The manufacturing unit shall conduct 100% inspection according to the unqualified items, and after eliminating the unqualified products, they can be submitted for re-inspection. The re-inspected batches shall be subject to stricter inspection. 4.3 Periodic inspection
4.3-1 Period
The inspection period is -- years. It is also necessary to carry out when the product structure, process and materials are changed. 4.3.2 Sampling
It is carried out in accordance with GB 2829. The sampling plan, unqualified quality level, discrimination level and judgment array are specified by the detailed specifications. 4.3.3 Procedure
The samples shall be tested according to the inspection items and sequence specified in Table 3. Before the group test, all samples shall be divided into four groups for testing after they are qualified according to the batch inspection items. The number of groups, the allocation of sample days and the specific test items shall be specified by the detailed specifications. The test items may be different from Table 3. All samples shall be checked according to the batch inspection items. If there are unqualified products, they shall be replaced with qualified products. At the same time, the reasons shall be analyzed and recorded in the test report, but they shall not be used as the basis for the test result identification. Group
4.3.4 Acceptance
GB 9020-88
Test items
Mechanical strength of electric tightening device
Mechanical life
Temperature cycle
High-speed shock
Air pressure
Standard heat
Clause number
If the periodic inspection is judged as unqualified, the product should be stopped from acceptance, and the reasons should be analyzed and measures should be taken to eliminate the defects until the new periodic inspection is qualified, and then the acceptance can be resumed. 4.3.5 Sample processing
Samples after periodic inspection shall not be delivered to the user as qualified products. 4.3.6 Test report
According to the requirements of the ordering party, the manufacturer shall provide a copy of the test report. 5 Packaging, Storage and Transportation
5.1 Packaging
5. 1. 1 The finished products shall be packed with moisture-proof materials or plastic bags and placed in cardboard boxes or plastic boxes. The certificate of conformity shall be placed in the basin, on which shall be marked the trademark, model, code of the packer, packaging date and stamp of the inspection department. 5.1.2 The cardboard box containing the connector shall be placed in a dry packaging box and shall be tightly packed and not be moved. The box shall be placed with a packing list, on which shall be marked: trademark, model, number of boxes and total number of connectors, code of the packer, packing date and stamp of the inspection department. 5.1.3 The weight, serial number and words such as "moisture-proof" and "handle with care" should be marked on the packing box. 5.2 Storage
The packaged finished products should be stored in a warehouse with a temperature of -10~+85℃, a relative humidity below 80%, and no acidic, alkaline or other corrosive gases in the open air.
The storage period shall be in accordance with the provisions of the detailed specifications.
5.3 Transportation
GB 9020—88
The packaged products can be transported by any means of transportation without the direct influence of rain and snow. Additional remarks:
This standard was drafted by the Electronic Technology Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics and Hefei Radio Factory No. 2. The main drafters of this standard are Zhang Jingyuan and Weng Renzan.1 Test without connection to the inner conductor of the cable GB 9020--88
A cable of a specified length is connected to the connector, and the inner conductor of the cable is not connected to the inner conductor of the connector. After the test, a force is applied to the free end of the cable in a direction parallel to the cable axis and the cable entrance. After the test, the cable shall not move relative to the clamping device. The product detailed specification shall specify the magnitude, speed and point of application of the force, etc. Test with connection to the inner conductor of the cable This test method is similar to, except that the inner conductor of the cable shall be connected to the inner conductor of the connector. 3.21.4 Test of the clamping device for torsion resistance of the electric relay A cable of a specified length is connected to the connector, the connector is fixed and a specified torque is applied. During the test, there shall be no relative sliding or rotation between the cable and the clamping device.
The detailed specification shall specify the cable length, torque and point of application, etc. 3.21.5 Test of the clamping device for resistance to electrical relay rotation A section of cable is fitted to the connector, the effective length of which shall be equal to three times the minimum bending radius specified. The free end of the cable is then bent to a degree that minimizes the bending radius. In this position, the free end of the cable is rotated around the main yoke of the cable outlet on the connector for the number of times specified in the detailed specification. During the test, the cable shall not rotate around its own axis. After the test, the cable shall not show any signs of deformation due to friction. 3.21.6 Test of the clamping device for resistance to cable bending A section of cable of a specified length is fitted to the connector. The connector is clamped in a horizontal position and a specified force is applied at a specified distance from the cable inlet to generate a bending torque. The force is then released and the cable is returned to its original position. This process is considered one bending. After the test, the cable shall not move relative to the clamping device. The detailed specification shall specify the number of bends and the location of the point of application. 3.22 Mechanical life
3.22.1 Requirements
When there is no electrical load, the connector shall be able to withstand the number of engagements and separations specified in the product detailed specifications, and the contact resistance and appearance shall comply with the provisions of the product detailed specifications. The number of engagements and separations shall comply with the provisions of the detailed specifications. 3-22.2 Test method
The test shall be carried out using special equipment or artificial simulation of the mechanical actions in actual use. During the test, the plugging and unplugging speed shall be 810 times/rmin. 3.22.3 Inspection items
A. Contact resistance, see 3.5,
b. Separation force, see 3.20,
c. Appearance, see 3.2.
4 Acceptance rules
4.1 Acceptance types
Connectors shall be inspected by the specified quality inspection department, and the inspection is divided into batch inspection and periodic inspection. 4.2 Batch inspection
4.2. Sampling
Perform according to GB 2828. The sample throwing plan, inspection level and qualified quality level are specified by the detailed specifications. : 4.2.2 Procedure
Perform according to the test items and sequence specified in Table 2. Test items
Separation force
Contact resistance
Insulation resistance
Electric strength
4.2.3 Sample processing
GB 9020—88
Clause number
For sealing products
All samples that pass the inspection in Table 2 can be delivered according to the contract or order, but samples damaged during inspection cannot be delivered as genuine products. 4.2.4 Rejection of batches
Batches judged as unqualified in batch inspection should be rejected. The manufacturing unit shall conduct 100% inspection according to the unqualified items. After the unqualified products are eliminated, they can be submitted for re-inspection. The re-inspection batch shall be subject to strict inspection. 4.3 Periodic inspection
4.3-1 Periodic
The inspection cycle is -- years. It is also required when the product structure, process and materials are changed. 4.3.2 Sampling
It shall be carried out in accordance with GB 2829. Its sampling plan, unqualified quality level, discrimination level and judgment array shall be specified by the detailed specifications. 4.3.3 Procedure
The samples shall be inspected according to the inspection items and sequence specified in Table 3. Before the group test, all samples shall be inspected according to the batch inspection items and qualified, and then all samples shall be divided into four groups for testing. The number of groups, the allocation of sample days and the specific test items shall be specified by the detailed specifications. The test items may be different from Table 3. All samples shall be inspected according to the batch inspection items. If there are unqualified products, they shall be replaced with qualified products. At the same time, the reasons should be analyzed and recorded in the test report, but they shall not be used as the basis for the test result appraisal. Group
4.3.4 Acceptance
GB 9020-88
Test items
Mechanical strength of electric tightening device
Mechanical life
Temperature cycle
High-speed shock
Air pressure
Constant heat
Clause number
If the periodic inspection is judged as unqualified, the product shall be stopped from acceptance, and the reasons shall be analyzed and measures shall be taken to eliminate the defects until the new periodic inspection is qualified, and then the acceptance can be resumed. 4.3.5 Sample processing
Samples after periodic inspection shall not be delivered to the user as qualified products. 4.3.6 Test report
According to the requirements of the ordering party, the manufacturer shall provide a copy of the test report. 5 Packaging, Storage and Transportation
5.1 Packaging
5. 1. 1 The finished products shall be packed with moisture-proof materials or plastic bags and placed in cardboard boxes or plastic boxes. The certificate of conformity shall be placed in the basin, on which shall be marked the trademark, model, code of the packer, packaging date and stamp of the inspection department. 5.1.2 The cardboard box containing the connector shall be placed in a dry packaging box and shall be tightly packed and not be moved. The box shall be placed with a packing list, on which shall be marked: trademark, model, number of boxes and total number of connectors, code of the packer, packing date and stamp of the inspection department. 5.1.3 The weight, serial number and words such as "moisture-proof" and "handle with care" should be marked on the packing box. 5.2 Storage
The packaged finished products should be stored in a warehouse with a temperature of -10~+85℃, a relative humidity below 80%, and no acidic, alkaline or other corrosive gases in the open air.
The storage period shall be in accordance with the provisions of the detailed specifications.
5.3 Transportation
GB 9020—88
The packaged products can be transported by any means of transportation without the direct influence of rain and snow. Additional remarks:
This standard was drafted by the Electronic Technology Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics and Hefei Radio Factory No. 2. The main drafters of this standard are Zhang Jingyuan and Weng Renzan.1 Test without connection to the inner conductor of the cable GB 9020--88
A cable of a specified length is connected to the connector, and the inner conductor of the cable is not connected to the inner conductor of the connector. After the test, a force is applied to the free end of the cable in a direction parallel to the cable axis and the cable entrance. After the test, the cable shall not move relative to the clamping device. The product detailed specification shall specify the magnitude, speed and point of application of the force, etc. Test with connection to the inner conductor of the cable This test method is similar to, except that the inner conductor of the cable shall be connected to the inner conductor of the connector. 3.21.4 Test of the clamping device for torsion resistance of the electric relay A cable of a specified length is connected to the connector, the connector is fixed and a specified torque is applied. During the test, there shall be no relative sliding or rotation between the cable and the clamping device.
The detailed specification shall specify the cable length, torque and point of application, etc. 3.21.5 Test of the clamping device for resistance to electrical relay rotation A section of cable is fitted to the connector, the effective length of which shall be equal to three times the minimum bending radius specified. The free end of the cable is then bent to a degree that minimizes the bending radius. In this position, the free end of the cable is rotated around the main yoke of the cable outlet on the connector for the number of times specified in the detailed specification. During the test, the cable shall not rotate around its own axis. After the test, the cable shall not show any signs of deformation due to friction. 3.21.6 Test of the clamping device for resistance to cable bending A section of cable of a specified length is fitted to the connector. The connector is clamped in a horizontal position and a specified force is applied at a specified distance from the cable inlet to generate a bending torque. The force is then released and the cable is returned to its original position. This process is considered one bending. After the test, the cable shall not move relative to the clamping device. The detailed specification shall specify the number of bends and the location of the point of application. 3.22 Mechanical life
3.22.1 Requirements
When there is no electrical load, the connector shall be able to withstand the number of engagements and separations specified in the product detailed specifications, and the contact resistance and appearance shall comply with the provisions of the product detailed specifications. The number of engagements and separations shall comply with the provisions of the detailed specifications. 3-22.2 Test method
The test shall be carried out using special equipment or artificial simulation of the mechanical actions in actual use. During the test, the plugging and unplugging speed shall be 810 times/rmin. 3.22.3 Inspection items
A. Contact resistance, see 3.5,
b. Separation force, see 3.20,
c. Appearance, see 3.2.
4 Acceptance rules
4.1 Acceptance types
Connectors shall be inspected by the specified quality inspection department, and the inspection is divided into batch inspection and periodic inspection. 4.2 Batch inspection
4.2. Sampling
Perform according to GB 2828. The sample throwing plan, inspection level and qualified quality level are specified by the detailed specifications. : 4.2.2 Procedure
Perform according to the test items and sequence specified in Table 2. Test items
Separation force
Contact resistance
Insulation resistance
Electric strength
4.2.3 Sample processing
GB 9020—88
Clause number
For sealing products
All samples that pass the inspection in Table 2 can be delivered according to the contract or order, but samples damaged during inspection cannot be delivered as genuine products. 4.2.4 Rejection of batches
Batches judged as unqualified in batch inspection should be rejected. The manufacturing unit shall conduct 100% inspection according to the unqualified items. After the unqualified products are eliminated, they can be submitted for re-inspection. The re-inspection batch shall be subject to strict inspection. 4.3 Periodic inspection
4.3-1 Periodic
The inspection cycle is -- years. It is also required when the product structure, process and materials are changed. 4.3.2 Sampling
It shall be carried out in accordance with GB 2829. Its sampling plan, unqualified quality level, discrimination level and judgment array shall be specified by the detailed specifications. 4.3.3 Procedure
The samples shall be inspected according to the inspection items and sequence specified in Table 3. Before the group test, all samples shall be inspected according to the batch inspection items and qualified, and then all samples shall be divided into four groups for testing. The number of groups, the allocation of sample days and the specific test items shall be specified by the detailed specifications. The test items may be different from Table 3. All samples shall be inspected according to the batch inspection items. If there are unqualified products, they shall be replaced with qualified products. At the same time, the reasons should be analyzed and recorded in the test report, but they shall not be used as the basis for the test result appraisal.
4.3.4 Acceptance
GB 9020-88
Test items
Mechanical strength of electric tightening device
Mechanical life
Temperature cycle
High-speed shock
Air pressure
Constant heat
Clause number
If the periodic inspection is judged as unqualified, the product shall be stopped from acceptance, and the reasons shall be analyzed and measures shall be taken to eliminate the defects until the new periodic inspection is qualified, and then the acceptance can be resumed. 4.3.5 Sample processing
Samples after periodic inspection shall not be delivered to the user as qualified products. 4.3.6 Test report
According to the requirements of the ordering party, the manufacturer shall provide a copy of the test report. 5 Packaging, Storage and Transportation
5.1 Packaging
5. 1. 1 The finished products shall be packed with moisture-proof materials or plastic bags and placed in cardboard boxes or plastic boxes. The certificate of conformity shall be placed in the basin, on which shall be marked the trademark, model, code of the packer, packaging date and stamp of the inspection department. 5.1.2 The cardboard box containing the connector shall be placed in a dry packaging box and shall be tightly packed and not be moved. The box shall be placed with a packing list, on which shall be marked: trademark, model, number of boxes and total number of connectors, code of the packer, packing date and stamp of the inspection department. 5.1.3 The weight, serial number and words such as "moisture-proof" and "handle with care" should be marked on the packing box. 5.2 Storage
The packaged finished products should be stored in a warehouse with a temperature of -10~+85℃, a relative humidity below 80%, and no acidic, alkaline or other corrosive gases in the open air.
The storage period shall be in accordance with the provisions of the detailed specifications.
5.3 Transportation
GB 9020—88
The packaged products can be transported by any means of transportation without the direct influence of rain and snow. Additional remarks:
This standard was drafted by the Electronic Technology Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics and Hefei Radio Factory No. 2. The main drafters of this standard are Zhang Jingyuan and Weng Renzan.1 Acceptance Type
Connectors shall be inspected by the specified quality inspection department. The inspection is divided into batch inspection and periodic inspection. 4.2 Batch inspection
4.2. Sampling
It shall be carried out in accordance with GB 2828. The sampling plan, inspection level and qualified quality level shall be specified by the detailed specification. : 4.2.2 Procedure
It shall be carried out in accordance with the test items and sequence specified in Table 2. Test Items
Separation force
Contact resistance
Insulation resistance
Electric strength
4.2.3 Sample treatment
GB 9020—88
Clause number
For sealed products
All samples that have passed the inspection in Table 2 can be delivered according to the contract or order, but samples damaged during inspection cannot be delivered as genuine products. 4.2.4 Rejected batches
Batches judged as unqualified by batch inspection shall be rejected. The manufacturer shall conduct 100% inspection according to the unqualified items. After the unqualified products are eliminated, they can be submitted for re-inspection. The re-inspected batches shall be subject to stricter inspection. 4.3 Periodic inspection
4.3-1 Periodic inspection
The inspection cycle is one year. It is also required when the product structure, process and materials are changed. 4.3.2 Sampling
It shall be carried out in accordance with GB 2829. Its sampling plan, unqualified quality level, discrimination level and judgment array shall be specified by the detailed specifications. 4.3.3 Procedure
The samples shall be inspected according to the inspection items and sequence specified in Table 3. Before the group test, all samples shall be divided into four groups for testing after they are qualified according to the batch inspection items. The number of groups, the allocation of sample days and the specific test items shall be specified by the detailed specifications. The test items may be different from Table 3. All samples shall be checked according to the batch inspection items. If there are unqualified products, they shall be replaced with qualified products. At the same time, the reasons shall be analyzed and recorded in the test report, but shall not be used as the basis for the test result appraisal. Group
4.3.4 Acceptance
GB 9020-88
Test items
Mechanical strength of electric tightening device
Mechanical life
Temperature cycle
Degree shock
Air pressure
Constant heat
Clause number
If the periodic inspection is judged as unqualified, the product shall be stopped from acceptance, and the reasons shall be analyzed and measures shall be taken to eliminate the defects until the new periodic inspection is qualified, and then the acceptance can be resumed. 4.3.5 Sample processing
Samples after periodic inspection shall not be delivered to the user as qualified products. 4.3.6 Test report
According to the requirements of the ordering party, the manufacturer shall provide a copy of the test report. 5 Packaging, Storage and Transportation
5.1 Packaging
5. 1. 1 The finished products shall be packed with moisture-proof materials or plastic bags and placed in cardboard boxes or plastic boxes. The certificate of conformity shall be placed in the basin, on which shall be marked the trademark, model, code of the packer, packaging date and stamp of the inspection department. 5.1.2 The cardboard box containing the connector shall be placed in a dry packaging box and shall be tightly packed and not be moved. The box shall be placed with a packing list, on which shall be marked: trademark, model, number of boxes and total number of connectors, code of the packer, packing date and stamp of the inspection department. 5.1.3 The weight, serial number and words such as "moisture-proof" and "handle with care" should be marked on the packing box. 5.2 Storage
The packaged finished products should be stored in a warehouse with a temperature of -10~+85℃, a relative humidity below 80%, and no acidic, alkaline or other corrosive gases in the open air.
The storage period shall be in accordance with the provisions of the detailed specifications.
5.3 Transportation
GB 9020—88
The packaged products can be transported by any means of transportation without the direct influence of rain and snow. Additional remarks:
This standard was drafted by the Electronic Technology Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics and Hefei Radio Factory No. 2. The main drafters of this standard are Zhang Jingyuan and Weng Renzan.1 Acceptance Type
Connectors shall be inspected by the specified quality inspection department. The inspection is divided into batch inspection and periodic inspection. 4.2 Batch inspection
4.2. Sampling
It shall be carried out in accordance with GB 2828. The sampling plan, inspection level and qualified quality level shall be specified by the detailed specification. : 4.2.2 Procedure
It shall be carried out in accordance with the test items and sequence specified in Table 2. Test Items
Separation force
Contact resistance
Insulation resistance
Electric strength
4.2.3 Sample treatment
GB 9020—88
Clause number
For sealed products
All samples that have passed the inspection in Table 2 can be delivered according to the contract or order, but samples damaged during inspection cannot be delivered as genuine products. 4.2.4 Rejected batches
Batches judged as unqualified by batch inspection shall be rejected. The manufacturer shall conduct 100% inspection according to the unqualified items. After the unqualified products are eliminated, they can be submitted for re-inspection. The re-inspected batches shall be subject to stricter inspection. 4.3 Periodic inspection
4.3-1 Periodic inspection
The inspection cycle is one year. It is also required when the product structure, process and materials are changed. 4.3.2 Sampling
It shall be carried out in accordance with GB 2829. Its sampling plan, unqualified quality level, discrimination level and judgment array shall be specified by the detailed specifications. 4.3.3 Procedure
The samples shall be inspected according to the inspection items and sequence specified in Table 3. Before the group test, all samples shall be divided into four groups for testing after they are qualified according to the batch inspection items. The number of groups, the allocation of sample days and the specific test items shall be specified by the detailed specifications. The test items may be different from Table 3. All samples shall be checked according to the batch inspection items. If there are unqualified products, they shall be replaced with qualified products. At the same time, the reasons shall be analyzed and recorded in the test report, but shall not be used as the basis for the test result appraisal. Group
4.3.4 Acceptance
GB 9020-88
Test items
Mechanical strength of electric tightening device
Mechanical life
Temperature cycle
Degree shock
Air pressure
Constant heat
Clause number
If the periodic inspection is judged as unqualified, the product shall be stopped from acceptance, and the reasons shall be analyzed and measures shall be taken to eliminate the defects until the new periodic inspection is qualified, and then the acceptance can be resumed. 4.3.5 Sample processing
Samples after periodic inspection shall not be delivered to the user as qualified products. 4.3.6 Test report
According to the requirements of the ordering party, the manufacturer shall provide a copy of the test report. 5 Packaging, Storage and Transportation
5.1 Packaging
5. 1. 1 The finished products shall be packed with moisture-proof materials or plastic bags and placed in cardboard boxes or plastic boxes. The certificate of conformity shall be placed in the basin, on which shall be marked the trademark, model, code of the packer, packaging date and stamp of the inspection department. 5.1.2 The cardboard box containing the connector shall be placed in a dry packaging box and shall be tightly packed and not be moved. The box shall be placed with a packing list, on which shall be marked: trademark, model, number of boxes and total number of connectors, code of the packer, packing date and stamp of the inspection department. 5.1.3 The weight, serial number and words such as "moisture-proof" and "handle with care" should be marked on the packing box. 5.2 Storage
The packaged finished products should be stored in a warehouse with a temperature of -10~+85℃, a relative humidity below 80%, and no acidic, alkaline or other corrosive gases in the open air.
The storage period shall be in accordance with the provisions of the detailed specifications.
5.3 Transportation
GB 9020—88
The packaged products can be transported by any means of transportation without the direct influence of rain and snow. Additional remarks:
This standard was drafted by the Electronic Technology Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics and Hefei Radio Factory No. 2. The main drafters of this standard are Zhang Jingyuan and Weng Renzan.
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