Some standard content:
GB/T 3191---1998
This standard is revised on the basis of GB3191--82 "Aluminum and aluminum alloy extruded bars" and GB3192--82 "High-strength aluminum alloy extruded bars", combined with GB10572-89 "High-quality aluminum and aluminum alloy extruded bars", and with reference to the American ASTMB221 "Aluminum and aluminum alloy extruded bars, strips, wires, profiles and pipes" and the Japanese JISH4040 "Aluminum and aluminum alloy bars and wires". Compared with GB3191-82 and GB3192-82, this standard has major changes in the following contents. This standard adopts the grades in GB/T3190-1996 "Chemical composition of deformed aluminum and aluminum alloys" and the states in GB/T16475-1996 "Deformed aluminum and aluminum alloy state code", and provides a comparison table of new and old grades and states in the appendix. This standard adds four alloys: 6061, 6063, 5052, and 3003. The "F" state is added to the supply state. The mechanical properties of this standard are based on GB3191-82 and GB3192-82. The mechanical properties of aluminum and aluminum alloy bars with international four-digit grades adopt ASTMB221 or JISH4040 standard indicators. This standard is written in accordance with the requirements of GB/T1.1-1993. Add "Foreword", add "Scope", "Cited Standards" and "Contract Contents". The first chapter "Varieties" in the original standard is cancelled according to the requirements of GB/T1.1, and the contents of each article are merged into the articles in the fourth chapter "Requirements" of this standard.
The diameter of the bars in this standard is continuous within the specified range, which changes the disadvantage of discontinuous diameter size in the original standard. This standard adds high-precision requirements for bending, twisting, etc., and adjusts the size classification to make it more reasonable, and regulates the maximum value of the full-length bending.
This standard adds the provisions for the maximum fillet radius of square bars and hexagonal bars. In the chapter on packaging, transportation and storage, this standard changes the specifications of the packed T4, T5, and T6 bars from less than 50mm in diameter to less than 30mm, and add the provision of "bundling first and then packing". Appendices A and B of this standard are indicative appendices. From the date of entry into force of this standard, it will replace GB3191--82, GB3192-82 and GB10572--89. This standard is proposed by China National Nonferrous Metals Industry Corporation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Standardization and Metrology Institute of China National Nonferrous Metals Industry Corporation. The main drafting unit of this standard: Northwest Aluminum Processing Plant. The main drafters of this standard: Wu Shouqun, Feng Yongping, Deng Xiaomin, Zhang Wanjin, Cai Guolan. This standard is interpreted by the Standardization and Metrology Institute of China National Nonferrous Metals Industry Corporation, 570
1 Scope
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Aluminum and aluminum alloy extruded bars
Extrusion Rods and bars of aluminiumand aluminium alloy
GB/T 3191 --1998
Replaces GB3191-82
GB 3192: 82
This standard specifies the contract content, requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation, storage, etc. of aluminium and aluminium alloy extruded bars
This standard applies to aluminium and aluminium alloy extruded round bars, square bars (referred to as square bars) and regular hexagonal bars (referred to as hexagonal bars). 2 Cited standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should consider using the latest versions of the following standards Possibility, GB/T228--87 Metal tensile test method
Chemical composition of deformed aluminum and aluminum alloys
GB/T3199--1996 Packaging, marking, transportation and storage of aluminum and aluminum alloy processed products GB/T3246--82 Microstructure inspection method of aluminum and aluminum alloy processed products GB/T3247--82 Macrostructure inspection method of aluminum and aluminum alloy processed products GB/T6395--86 Metal high temperature tensile endurance test method Aluminum and aluminum alloy chemical analysis method
GB/T 6987--87
GB/T 16865---1997
Specimens for tensile test of wrought aluminium, magnesium and their alloy products GB/T17432—1998
3 Contents of order contract
Sampling method for chemical composition analysis of wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys The order contract for the products listed in this standard shall include the following contents: a) Product name;
b) Brand;
c) Supply status;
d) Dimension specifications:
e) Permissible dimensional deviation (if not specified, the lowest level will be supplied); f) Weight;
g) Number of this standard;
h) Optional items (such as whether high strength is required? Is high temperature endurance test required? Is stratification not allowed? Are there any requirements for coarse rings? If not specified, it shall be supplied as ordinary bars); i) The result of negotiation when adding content other than standard bars. Approved by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision on July 15, 1998 and implemented on February 1, 1999
4 Requirements
4.1 Product classification
4.1.1 Brand, state, specification
GB/T 31911998
The brand, state and specification of bars shall comply with the provisions of Table 1. Table 1 Brand, state, specification
4.1.2 Marking example
Supply status
Round rod diameter
Ordinary rod
Grid, mm
Square rod, hexagonal rod inscribed circle diameter
High strength rod
a) Grade B round bars made of 2A12 alloy, in T4 state and with a diameter of 30 mm are marked as: Bar 2A12—T4B Grade $30GB/T3191—1998 Ordinary material
High-strength bar
20 ~100
b) A grade high strength square bar made of 2A12 alloy, H112 state, and 30mm inscribed circle diameter is marked as: Bar 2A12--H112 high strength A grade square 30GB/T3191--1998c) A grade D round bar made of 3A21 alloy, 0 state, 30mm diameter, and 2000mm fixed length is marked as: Bar 3A21-0$30×2000GB/T3191-19984.2 Chemical composition
The chemical composition of the bar shall comply with the provisions of GB/T3190. 4.3 Dimensions and allowable deviations
4.3.1 The diameter of the bar (square bar, hexagonal bar refers to the inscribed circle diameter) and its allowable deviation shall comply with the provisions of Table 2. 572
>18 -~28
GB/T 3191
Rod diameter and its allowable deviation
Diameter allowable deviation
Rod curvature. For rods with a diameter not exceeding 10 mm, a curvature that can be eliminated by light pressure by hand is allowed. For other specifications of rods 4.3.2
The material shall comply with the provisions of Table 3.
Bending degree of bar
Bending degree shall not exceed
On each meter of length
Ordinary grade
Total length L, m
3.0×, but the maximum is 15
6.0×L, but the maximum is 25
10.0×L, but the maximum is 40
14.0×L, but the maximum is 50
The curvature values in the table are the curvatures that still exist after the bar is placed on the platform and balanced by its own weight. The curvature of the material less than 1m is calculated as 1m. 2
4.3.3 The twist of square bars and hexagonal bars shall comply with the provisions of Table 4. Table 4 Twist of square bars and hexagonal bars
Ordinary grade
Inscribed circle diameter of square bars and hexagonal bars, mm
1m length
Note: For bars less than 1m, the twist is calculated as 1m. The length of the bars delivered in fixed length or multiple lengths is allowed to deviate. 4.3.4
Twist degree per meter
not more than
high precision
full length L,m
2.0×L, but the maximum is 10
5.0×L, but the maximum is 20
7.0×L, but the maximum is 30
10.0×L, but the maximum is 40
1m length
Total length L, m
Total length L, m
For bars delivered in fixed length or multiple lengths, the fixed length shall be negotiated by the supplier and the buyer, and the length tolerance shall be +20mm. For bars delivered in multiple lengths, a 5mm sawing allowance shall be left for each sawing cut. If the contract does not specify the fixed length, the delivery shall be based on the random length. When the diameter is less than or equal to 50mm, the delivery length shall be 1000~6000mm, and when the diameter is greater than 50mm, the delivery length shall be 500~6000mm. 4.3.5 The end faces of the bars shall be cut flush.
4.3.6 The maximum fillet radius of square bars and hexagonal bars shall comply with the provisions of Table 5. Table 5 Maximum fillet radius and inscribed circle diameter of square bars and hexagonal bars
4.4 Mechanical properties
The room temperature longitudinal mechanical properties of bars shall comply with the requirements of Table 6 4.4.1
Maximum fillet radius
Table 6 Room temperature longitudinal mechanical properties of materials
Bar diameter
Supply status
Specimen status
(square bars, hexagonal bars
tangent circle diameter), mm
Tensile strength
Specification Non-proportional
Elongation stress po.2
Not less than
Elongation 6
Supply status
Sample status
Table 6 (end)
Bar diameter
(inner diameter of square bar and hexagonal bar), mm
>12. 5~25. 0
Tensile strength
Specified non-proportional
Elongation stress po.2
Not less than
Required for non-heat-treated strengthened aluminum alloy bars delivered in annealed state, if the performance in hot extrusion state meets the performance in annealed state, annealing is not required. 2
The performance of bars with a diameter greater than 150mm and alloy bars not listed in the table is attached with the measured results. The room temperature longitudinal mechanical properties of high-strength aluminum alloy bars shall meet the requirements of Table 7. Table 7 Longitudinal mechanical properties of high-strength aluminum alloy bars at room temperature Bar diameter
Supply status
Specimen status
(Inner diameter of the cut circle of square bars and hexagonal bars), mm
Tensile strength
Specified non-proportional
Elongation stress cpo.2
4.4.3 For 2A02 and 2A16 alloy bars, when it is specified in the contract that a high-temperature endurance test is to be carried out, the high-temperature endurance longitudinal mechanical properties shall conform to the provisions of Table 575
Table 8 High-temperature rupture longitudinal mechanical properties of bars
Temperature, ℃
Stress, MPa
Holding time.h
Note: For 2A02 alloy bars, if the stress is 78MPa, 50h and the test result is unqualified, the final basis is the test result of 64MPa, 100h. 4.5 Macrostructure
4.5.1 Cracks and shrinkage tails are not allowed on the macrostructure test piece of the bar. Compound segregation aggregation and non-metallic inclusions are not allowed in other alloys except 5A05 and 5A06.
4.5.2 For 5A05 alloy bars, non-metallic inclusions and intermetallic compounds with a diameter of 0.4-0.5 mm are allowed, but no more than 5 points are allowed. Such substances with a diameter greater than 0.5 mm are not allowed to exist. A small amount of dispersed non-metallic inclusions and compounds with a length less than 0.4 mm are allowed.
For 5A06 alloy bars, a small amount of dispersed non-metallic inclusions and intermetallic compounds with a length less than 0.1 mm are allowed. 4.5.3 The stratification depth on the macroscopic test piece of the bar is not allowed to exceed half of the negative deviation of the bar, but the minimum diameter must be guaranteed. For bars for die forging, when the diameter is less than 120 mm, if stratification is not allowed, it can be indicated in the contract. Bars without stratification of 120-300 mm can also be supplied after negotiation between the supply and demand parties.
4.5.4 Bars with a diameter less than 20 mm are not subject to macroscopic inspection. 4.5.5 When there is a requirement for a coarse grain ring and it is specified in the contract, the depth of the coarse grain ring on the low-magnification test piece shall comply with the provisions of Table 9. When the depth of the coarse grain ring exceeds the provisions of Table 9, the room temperature longitudinal mechanical properties of the coarse grain zone may be checked. When the properties meet the performance requirements of the contract, the coarse grain ring is allowed to exist.
Table 9 Maximum allowable depth of coarse grain ring for bars
Ordinary grade
Depth of coarse grain ring
High precision grade
Note: High precision grade is limited to round bars with a diameter of 20~120mm and square bars and hexagonal bars with an inscribed circle diameter of 20~100mm. 4.6 Microstructure
The microstructure of bars is not allowed to be overburned.
4.7 Surface quality
4.7.1 Cracks, bubbles and corrosion spots are not allowed on the surface of the bar. mm
4.7.2 The surface of the bar is allowed to have pressure pits, abrasions, scratches, oxidation colors, non-rough black and white spots and spiral bright stripes caused by straightening, etc., the depth of which does not exceed the allowable negative deviation of the diameter. Other defects, such as peeling, can be removed by scraping, but the minimum diameter of the bar should be ensured to be within the allowable deviation range.
5 Test method
5.1 Arbitration analysis method of chemical composition
The arbitration analysis method of chemical composition of bars shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T6987. 5.2 Mechanical property test method
The room temperature longitudinal tensile test of bars shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T228. 576
5.3 High temperature endurance performance test method
GB/T 3191—1998
The high temperature endurance performance test of bars shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T6395. 5.4 Macrostructure inspection method
The macrostructure inspection of bars shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T3247. 5.5 Microstructure inspection method
The microstructure inspection of bars shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T3246. 5.6 Dimension measurement method
The diameter of bars shall be measured with a measuring tool with an accuracy of not less than 0.02mm, and the length shall be measured with a ruler. 5.7 Surface quality inspection method
The surface quality of bars shall be inspected visually. When the defect depth is difficult to determine, it can be measured after grinding. 6 Inspection rules
6.1 Inspection and acceptance
6.1.1 The bar should be inspected by the supplier's technical supervision department to ensure that the product quality meets the requirements of this standard (or order contract) and fill in the quality certificate.
6.1.2 The buyer should inspect the received products according to the provisions of this standard. If the inspection results do not meet the requirements of this standard (or order contract), it should be reported to the supplier in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB/T3199 and the supplier and buyer should negotiate to resolve the problem. If arbitration is required, arbitration sampling will be conducted jointly by the supplier and buyer at the buyer's side.
6.2 Batching
Bars should be submitted for acceptance in batches. Each batch should consist of the same alloy grade, state and specification. Each batch of 2A02, 2A16 and 2A70 alloys must also consist of the same melting time. The weight of each batch can be determined by the supplier. 6.3 Inspection Items
Each batch of bars shall be inspected for shape, dimensional deviation, mechanical properties and surface quality. Bars with a diameter of not less than 20mm shall be inspected for macrostructure; flammable products shall be inspected for microstructure. Bars that require ultrasonic testing shall be specified in the contract after consultation between the supply and demand parties. 6.4 Sampling
6.4.1 Chemical composition sampling shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T17432. 6.4.2 Sampling of longitudinal mechanical properties at room temperature The longitudinal mechanical properties specimens at room temperature shall comply with the provisions of GB/T16865. Take one specimen for each bar. The number of samples for longitudinal mechanical properties of bars at room temperature shall be in accordance with the provisions in Table 10. Table 10 Room temperature longitudinal mechanical properties of bars Sample number Brand
1070A,1060,1050A,1035, 1200,
Bar diameter (internal cutting diameter), mm
Number of samples (pieces/batch or pieces/heat treatment furnace) % (number of pieces)
Note: For bars with specified non-proportional elongation stress requirements, 2% of the number of pieces in each batch shall be taken, but not less than 2 pieces. Minimum number For the high temperature endurance test, two bars shall be taken for each melting, and one sample shall be taken for each piece. The sample should be cut from the front end of the bar extrusion 577
GB/T 3191—1998
6.4.3 Macrostructure sample, cut from the end of the bar in batches, one for each bar, the number of samples to be taken is as specified in Table 11. Table 11 Number of samples for macrostructure samples of bars
5A02,5A03,5A05,5A06,5052.5A12 All other alloys
% (number of roots)
Number of samples
Minimum number
6.4.4 Microstructure sampling, take 2% of the number of roots in each batch (heat treatment furnace), but not less than two. 6.5 Determination of test results
6.5.1 If the chemical composition and microstructure are unqualified, the whole batch (furnace) is unqualified, and if the external dimensions and appearance quality are unqualified, a single root is unqualified. 6.5.2 When any sample fails the room temperature longitudinal mechanical property test, double the number of samples (excluding unqualified bars) should be taken from the batch (furnace) of bars for repeated testing. If the repeated test is qualified, the whole batch (furnace) (excluding bars that did not pass the first test) is qualified. If there are still unqualified samples, the batch (furnace) is judged as unqualified. However, the supplier is allowed to test each bar one by one, and the qualified ones are delivered. The bars that fail the first sampling are either picked out and scrapped, or re-sampled and tested, and the qualified ones are delivered. 6.5.3 When the high temperature endurance performance is unqualified, the unqualified bars are picked out and scrapped, and double the number of samples are allowed to be taken from other bars of the same batch for repeated testing. If the re-test is qualified, the bars of the same batch are judged as qualified. If there are still unqualified samples among the double, the bars of this batch are judged as unqualified, but the supplier is allowed to test each batch and each bar one by one, and the qualified ones are delivered. 6.5.4 For unqualified bars with tail shrinkage, coarse grain rings and stratification in macrostructure, it is allowed to cut off a certain length of the unqualified bars and repeat the inspection until they are qualified. The remaining bars are either inspected one by one and delivered if they are qualified, or they are cut off according to the maximum tail length of the bars that have been re-inspected and qualified before delivery. When other defects occur, the batch of bars shall be handled by negotiation between the supplier and the buyer. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Marking
7.1.1 The following marks (or signs with the following marks) shall be stamped on the bars that have passed the inspection: a) Inspection stamp of the supplier's technical supervision department;
b) Alloy grade;
c) Supply status;
d) Batch number.
7.1.2 For bars with a diameter greater than 35mm, the contents in a), b), c), and d) shall be stamped on the front end; for bars with a diameter greater than 20mm and less than or equal to 35mm, the contents in b) and c) shall be stamped on the front end, and the contents in d) and a) shall only be stamped on the label; for bars with a diameter less than or equal to 20mm, the contents in a), b), c), and d) shall be stamped on the metal plate; for bars with a diameter greater than or equal to 20mm, the word \W\ shall be stamped on the rear end. 7.1.3 The packaging box markings for bars shall comply with the provisions of GB/T3199. 7.2 Packaging, transportation and storage
Rods with a diameter less than 50mm (less than 30mm in T4, T5 and T6 states) should be bundled and then packed in boxes lined with waterproof and moisture-proof materials. The weight of each wooden box is generally not more than 300kg, and the weight of an iron box can exceed 300kg, but not more than 1000kg; rods with a diameter greater than or equal to 50mm (greater than or equal to 30mm in T4, T5 and T6 states) are all packaged as bare pieces. If oil-coated packaging or other requirements are required, they should be indicated in the contract. Other requirements should comply with the provisions of GB/T3199. 7.3 Quality Certificate
Each batch of bars shall be accompanied by a product quality certificate, which shall indicate: a) name of supplier;
b) product name;
c) alloy grade;
d) specification and precision;
e) supply status;
f) batch number;
g) net weight and number of pieces;
h) mechanical properties test results and stamp of the technical supervision department: i) number of this standard;
j) packaging date.
New brand
New state
Old brand
Appendix A
(Suggestive appendix)
Comparison table of new and old brands
New brand
Old brand
Appendix B
(Suggestive appendix)
Comparison table of new and old states
Old state
New state
New brand
Note: For products originally delivered in R state and providing CZ and CS sample performance, their states can correspond to the new codes T42 and T62 respectively. 580
Old brand
Old state2 batches
Bars should be submitted for inspection in batches. Each batch should consist of the same alloy grade, state and specification. Each batch of 2A02, 2A16 and 2A70 alloys must also consist of the same melting time. The weight of each batch can be determined by the supplier. 6.3 Inspection items
Each batch of bars should be inspected for shape, dimensional deviation, mechanical properties and surface quality. Bars with a diameter of not less than 20mm should be inspected for macrostructure; molten steel products should be inspected for microstructure. Bars that need to be inspected for ultrasonic flaw detection shall be indicated in the contract after consultation between the supplier and the buyer. 6.4 Sampling
6.4.1 Chemical composition sampling shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T17432. 6.4.2 Sampling of longitudinal mechanical properties at room temperature The longitudinal mechanical properties test specimens at room temperature shall comply with the provisions of GB/T16865. Take one sample for each bar. The number of samples for longitudinal mechanical properties of bars at room temperature shall be as specified in Table 10. Table 10 Number of samples for longitudinal mechanical properties of bars at room temperature
1070A,1060,1050A,1035, 1200,
Bar diameter (internal cutting diameter), mm
Number of samples (pieces/batch or pieces/heat treatment furnace) % (number of pieces)
Note: For bars with specified non-proportional elongation stress requirements, 2% of the number of pieces in each batch shall be taken, but not less than 2 pieces. Minimum number For the high temperature endurance test, two bars shall be taken for each melting, and one sample shall be taken for each piece. The sample should be cut from the front end of the bar extrusion 577
GB/T 3191—1998
6.4.3 Macrostructure sample, cut from the end of the bar in batches, one for each bar, the number of samples to be taken is as specified in Table 11. Table 11 Number of samples for macrostructure samples of bars
5A02,5A03,5A05,5A06,5052.5A12 All other alloys
% (number of roots)
Number of samples
Minimum number
6.4.4 Microstructure sampling, take 2% of the number of roots in each batch (heat treatment furnace), but not less than two. 6.5 Determination of test results
6.5.1 If the chemical composition and microstructure are unqualified, the whole batch (furnace) is unqualified, and if the external dimensions and appearance quality are unqualified, a single root is unqualified. 6.5.2 When any sample fails the room temperature longitudinal mechanical property test, double the number of samples (excluding unqualified bars) should be taken from the batch (furnace) of bars for repeated testing. If the repeated test is qualified, the whole batch (furnace) (excluding bars that did not pass the first test) is qualified. If there are still unqualified samples, the batch (furnace) is judged as unqualified. However, the supplier is allowed to test each bar one by one, and the qualified ones are delivered. The bars that fail the first sampling are either picked out and scrapped, or re-sampled and tested, and the qualified ones are delivered. 6.5.3 When the high temperature endurance performance is unqualified, the unqualified bars are picked out and scrapped, and double the number of samples are allowed to be taken from other bars of the same batch for repeated testing. If the re-test is qualified, the bars of the same batch are judged as qualified. If there are still unqualified samples among the double, the bars of this batch are judged as unqualified, but the supplier is allowed to test each batch and each bar one by one, and the qualified ones are delivered. 6.5.4 For unqualified bars with tail shrinkage, coarse grain rings and stratification in macrostructure, it is allowed to cut off a certain length of the unqualified bars and repeat the inspection until they are qualified. The remaining bars are either inspected one by one and delivered if they are qualified, or they are cut off according to the maximum tail length of the bars that have been re-inspected and qualified before delivery. When other defects occur, the batch of bars shall be handled by negotiation between the supplier and the buyer. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Marking
7.1.1 The following marks (or signs with the following marks) shall be stamped on the bars that have passed the inspection: a) Inspection stamp of the supplier's technical supervision department;
b) Alloy grade;
c) Supply status;
d) Batch number.
7.1.2 For bars with a diameter greater than 35mm, the contents in a), b), c), and d) shall be stamped on the front end; for bars with a diameter greater than 20mm and less than or equal to 35mm, the contents in b) and c) shall be stamped on the front end, and the contents in d) and a) shall only be stamped on the label; for bars with a diameter less than or equal to 20mm, the contents in a), b), c), and d) shall be stamped on the metal plate; for bars with a diameter greater than or equal to 20mm, the word \W\ shall be stamped on the rear end. 7.1.3 The packaging box markings for bars shall comply with the provisions of GB/T3199. 7.2 Packaging, transportation and storage
Rods with a diameter less than 50mm (less than 30mm in T4, T5 and T6 states) should be bundled and then packed in boxes lined with waterproof and moisture-proof materials. The weight of each wooden box is generally not more than 300kg, and the weight of an iron box can exceed 300kg, but not more than 1000kg; rods with a diameter greater than or equal to 50mm (greater than or equal to 30mm in T4, T5 and T6 states) are all packaged as bare pieces. If oil-coated packaging or other requirements are required, they should be indicated in the contract. Other requirements should comply with the provisions of GB/T3199. 7.3 Quality Certificate
Each batch of bars shall be accompanied by a product quality certificate, which shall indicate: a) name of supplier;
b) product name;
c) alloy grade;
d) specification and precision;
e) supply status;
f) batch number;
g) net weight and number of pieces;
h) mechanical properties test results and stamp of the technical supervision department: i) number of this standard;
j) packaging date.
New brand
New state
Old brand
Appendix A
(Suggestive appendix)
Comparison table of new and old brands
New brand
Old brand
Appendix B
(Suggestive appendix)
Comparison table of new and old states
Old state
New state
New brand
Note: For products originally delivered in R state and providing CZ and CS sample performance, their states can correspond to the new codes T42 and T62 respectively. 580
Old brand
Old state2 batches
Bars should be submitted for inspection in batches. Each batch should consist of the same alloy grade, state and specification. Each batch of 2A02, 2A16 and 2A70 alloys must also consist of the same melting time. The weight of each batch can be determined by the supplier. 6.3 Inspection items
Each batch of bars should be inspected for shape, dimensional deviation, mechanical properties and surface quality. Bars with a diameter of not less than 20mm should be inspected for macrostructure; molten steel products should be inspected for microstructure. Bars that need to be inspected for ultrasonic flaw detection shall be indicated in the contract after consultation between the supplier and the buyer. 6.4 Sampling
6.4.1 Chemical composition sampling shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T17432. 6.4.2 Sampling of longitudinal mechanical properties at room temperature The longitudinal mechanical properties test specimens at room temperature shall comply with the provisions of GB/T16865. Take one sample for each bar. The number of samples for longitudinal mechanical properties of bars at room temperature shall be as specified in Table 10. Table 10 Number of samples for longitudinal mechanical properties of bars at room temperature
1070A,1060,1050A,1035, 1200,
Bar diameter (internal cutting diameter), mm
Number of samples (pieces/batch or pieces/heat treatment furnace) % (number of pieces)
Note: For bars with specified non-proportional elongation stress requirements, 2% of the number of pieces in each batch shall be taken, but not less than 2 pieces. Minimum number For the high temperature endurance test, two bars shall be taken for each melting, and one sample shall be taken for each piece. The sample should be cut from the front end of the bar extrusion 577
GB/T 3191—1998
6.4.3 Macrostructure sample, cut from the end of the bar in batches, one for each bar, the number of samples to be taken is as specified in Table 11. Table 11 Number of samples for macrostructure samples of bars
5A02,5A03,5A05,5A06,5052.5A12 All other alloys
% (number of roots)
Number of samples
Minimum number
6.4.4 Microstructure sampling, take 2% of the number of roots in each batch (heat treatment furnace), but not less than two. 6.5 Determination of test results
6.5.1 If the chemical composition and microstructure are unqualified, the whole batch (furnace) is unqualified, and if the external dimensions and appearance quality are unqualified, a single root is unqualified. 6.5.2 When any sample fails the room temperature longitudinal mechanical property test, double the number of samples (excluding unqualified bars) should be taken from the batch (furnace) of bars for repeated testing. If the repeated test is qualified, the whole batch (furnace) (excluding bars that did not pass the first test) is qualified. If there are still unqualified samples, the batch (furnace) is judged as unqualified. However, the supplier is allowed to test each bar one by one, and the qualified ones are delivered. The bars that fail the first sampling are either picked out and scrapped, or re-sampled and tested, and the qualified ones are delivered. 6.5.3 When the high temperature endurance performance is unqualified, the unqualified bars are picked out and scrapped, and double the number of samples are allowed to be taken from other bars of the same batch for repeated testing. If the re-test is qualified, the bars of the same batch are judged as qualified. If there are still unqualified samples among the double, the bars of this batch are judged as unqualified, but the supplier is allowed to test each batch and each bar one by one, and the qualified ones are delivered. 6.5.4 For unqualified bars with tail shrinkage, coarse grain rings and stratification in macrostructure, it is allowed to cut off a certain length of the unqualified bars and repeat the inspection until they are qualified. The remaining bars are either inspected one by one and delivered if they are qualified, or they are cut off according to the maximum tail length of the bars that have been re-inspected and qualified before delivery. When other defects occur, the batch of bars shall be handled by negotiation between the supplier and the buyer. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Marking
7.1.1 The following marks (or signs with the following marks) shall be stamped on the bars that have passed the inspection: a) Inspection stamp of the supplier's technical supervision department;
b) Alloy grade;
c) Supply status;
d) Batch number.
7.1.2 For bars with a diameter greater than 35mm, the contents in a), b), c), and d) shall be stamped on the front end; for bars with a diameter greater than 20mm and less than or equal to 35mm, the contents in b) and c) shall be stamped on the front end, and the contents in d) and a) shall only be stamped on the label; for bars with a diameter less than or equal to 20mm, the contents in a), b), c), and d) shall be stamped on the metal plate; for bars with a diameter greater than or equal to 20mm, the word \W\ shall be stamped on the rear end. 7.1.3 The packaging box markings for bars shall comply with the provisions of GB/T3199. 7.2 Packaging, transportation and storage
Rods with a diameter less than 50mm (less than 30mm in T4, T5 and T6 states) should be bundled and then packed in boxes lined with waterproof and moisture-proof materials. The weight of each wooden box is generally not more than 300kg, and the weight of an iron box can exceed 300kg, but not more than 1000kg; rods with a diameter greater than or equal to 50mm (greater than or equal to 30mm in T4, T5 and T6 states) are all packaged as bare pieces. If oil-coated packaging or other requirements are required, they should be indicated in the contract. Other requirements should comply with the provisions of GB/T3199. 7.3 Quality Certificate
Each batch of bars shall be accompanied by a product quality certificate, which shall indicate: a) name of supplier;
b) product name;
c) alloy grade;
d) specification and precision;
e) supply status;
f) batch number;
g) net weight and number of pieces;
h) mechanical properties test results and stamp of the technical supervision department: i) number of this standard;
j) packaging date.
New brand
New state
Old brand
Appendix A
(Suggestive appendix)
Comparison table of new and old brands
New brand
Old brand
Appendix B
(Suggestive appendix)
Comparison table of new and old states
Old state
New state
New brand
Note: For products originally delivered in R state and providing CZ and CS sample performance, their states can correspond to the new codes T42 and T62 respectively. 580
Old brand
Old state5A12 All other alloys
%(number of bars)
Number of samples
Minimum number
6.4.4 Microstructure sampling: 2% of the number of bars in each batch (heat treatment furnace), but not less than two bars. 6.5 Determination of test results
6.5.1 If the chemical composition and microstructure are unqualified, the whole batch (furnace) is unqualified; if the dimensions and appearance quality are unqualified, a single bar is unqualified. 6.5.2 If any sample fails the room temperature longitudinal mechanical property test, double the number of samples (excluding unqualified bars) should be taken from the batch (furnace) of bars for repeated testing. If the repeated test is qualified, the whole batch (furnace) (excluding bars that did not pass the first test) is qualified. If there are still unqualified samples, the batch (furnace) is judged to be unqualified. However, the supplier is allowed to test each bar one by one, and those that pass will be delivered. The bars that fail to meet the standards in the first sampling shall be sorted out and scrapped, or re-sampled and tested, and delivered if they meet the standards. 6.5.3 When the high-temperature endurance performance fails to meet the standards, the unqualified bars shall be sorted out and scrapped, and double samples may be taken from other bars of the same melt for repeated testing. If the re-test is qualified, the bars of the same melt shall be judged as qualified. If there are still unqualified samples among the double samples, the bars of this melt shall be judged as unqualified, but the supplier shall be allowed to inspect them batch by batch and bar by bar, and only those that meet the standards shall be delivered. 6.5.4 For bars with unqualified tail shrinkage, coarse grain rings, and stratification in the macrostructure, it is allowed to cut off a certain length of the unqualified bars and repeat the test until they meet the standards. The remaining bars shall be inspected one by one and delivered if they meet the standards, or they shall be cut off according to the maximum tail cutting length of the bars that have been re-tested to meet the standards and then delivered. When other defects occur, the batch of bars shall be handled by negotiation between the supply and demand parties. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Marking
7.1.1 The following marks (or a sign with the following marks) should be stamped on the bars that have passed the inspection: a) Inspection stamp of the supplier’s technical supervision department;
b) Alloy grade;
c) Supply status;
d) Batch number.
7.1.2 For bars with a diameter greater than 35mm, the contents in a), b), c), and d) shall be stamped on the front end; for bars with a diameter greater than 20mm and less than or equal to 35mm, the contents in b) and c) shall be stamped on the front end, and the contents in d) and a) shall only be stamped on the label; for bars with a diameter less than or equal to 20mm, the contents in a), b), c), and d) shall be stamped on the metal plate; for bars with a diameter greater than or equal to 20mm, the word \W\ shall be stamped on the rear end. 7.1.3 The packaging box markings for bars shall comply with the provisions of GB/T3199. 7.2 Packaging, transportation and storage
Rods with a diameter less than 50mm (less than 30mm in T4, T5 and T6 states) should be bundled and then packed in boxes lined with waterproof and moisture-proof materials. The weight of each wooden box is generally not more than 300kg, and the weight of an iron box can exceed 300kg, but not more than 1000kg; rods with a diameter greater than or equal to 50mm (greater than or equal to 30mm in T4, T5 and T6 states) are all packaged as bare pieces. If oil-coated packaging or other requirements are required, they should be indicated in the contract. Other requirements should comply with the provisions of GB/T3199. 7.3 Quality Certificate
Each batch of bars shall be accompanied by a product quality certificate, which shall indicate: a) name of supplier;
b) product name;
c) alloy grade;
d) specification and precision;
e) supply status;
f) batch number;
g) net weight and number of pieces;
h) mechanical properties test results and stamp of the technical supervision department: i) number of this standard;
j) packaging date.
New brand
New state
Old brand
Appendix A
(Suggestive appendix)
Comparison table of new and old brands
New brand
Old brand
Appendix B
(Suggestive appendix)
Comparison table of new and old states
Old state
New state
New brand
Note: For products originally delivered in R state and providing CZ and CS sample performance, their states can correspond to the new codes T42 and T62 respectively. 580
Old brand
Old state5A12 All other alloys
%(number of bars)
Number of samples
Minimum number
6.4.4 Microstructure sampling: 2% of the number of bars in each batch (heat treatment furnace), but not less than two bars. 6.5 Determination of test results
6.5.1 If the chemical composition and microstructure are unqualified, the whole batch (furnace) is unqualified; if the dimensions and appearance quality are unqualified, a single bar is unqualified. 6.5.2 If any sample fails the room temperature longitudinal mechanical property test, double the number of samples (excluding unqualified bars) should be taken from the batch (furnace) of bars for repeated testing. If the repeated test is qualified, the whole batch (furnace) (excluding bars that did not pass the first test) is qualified. If there are still unqualified samples, the batch (furnace) is judged to be unqualified. However, the supplier is allowed to test each bar one by one, and those that pass will be delivered. The bars that fail to meet the standards in the first sampling shall be sorted out and scrapped, or re-sampled and tested, and delivered if they meet the standards. 6.5.3 When the high-temperature endurance performance fails to meet the standards, the unqualified bars shall be sorted out and scrapped, and double samples may be taken from other bars of the same melt for repeated testing. If the re-test is qualified, the bars of the same melt shall be judged as qualified. If there are still unqualified samples among the double samples, the bars of this melt shall be judged as unqualified, but the supplier shall be allowed to inspect them batch by batch and bar by bar, and only those that meet the standards shall be delivered. 6.5.4 For bars with unqualified tail shrinkage, coarse grain rings, and stratification in the macrostructure, it is allowed to cut off a certain length of the unqualified bars and repeat the test until they meet the standards. The remaining bars shall be inspected one by one and delivered if they meet the standards, or they shall be cut off according to the maximum tail cutting length of the bars that have been re-tested to meet the standards and then delivered. When other defects occur, the batch of bars shall be handled by negotiation between the supply and demand parties. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Marking
7.1.1 The following marks (or a sign with the following marks) should be stamped on the bars that have passed the inspection: a) Inspection stamp of the supplier’s technical supervision department;
b) Alloy grade;
c) Supply status;
d) Batch number.
7.1.2 For bars with a diameter greater than 35mm, the contents in a), b), c), and d) shall be stamped on the front end; for bars with a diameter greater than 20mm and less than or equal to 35mm, the contents in b) and c) shall be stamped on the front end, and the contents in d) and a) shall only be stamped on the label; for bars with a diameter less than or equal to 20mm, the contents in a), b), c), and d) shall be stamped on the metal plate; for bars with a diameter greater than or equal to 20mm, the word \W\ shall be stamped on the rear end. 7.1.3 The packaging box markings for bars shall comply with the provisions of GB/T3199. 7.2 Packaging, transportation and storage
Rods with a diameter less than 50mm (less than 30mm in T4, T5 and T6 states) should be bundled and then packed in boxes lined with waterproof and moisture-proof materials. The weight of each wooden box is generally not more than 300kg, and the weight of an iron box can exceed 300kg, but not more than 1000kg; rods with a diameter greater than or equal to 50mm (greater than or equal to 30mm in T4, T5 and T6 states) are all packaged as bare pieces. If oil-coated packaging or other requirements are required, they should be indicated in the contract. Other requirements should comply with the provisions of GB/T3199. 7.3 Quality Certificate
Each batch of bars shall be accompanied by a product quality certificate, which shall indicate: a) name of supplier;
b) product name;
c) alloy grade;
d) specification and precision;
e) supply status;
f) batch number;
g) net weight and number of pieces;
h) mechanical properties test results and stamp of the technical supervision department: i) number of this standard;
j) packaging date.
New brand
New state
Old brand
Appendix A
(Suggestive appendix)
Comparison table of new and old brands
New brand
Old brand
Appendix B
(Suggestive appendix)
Comparison table of new and old states
Old state
New state
New brand
Note: For products originally delivered in R state and providing CZ and CS sample performance, their states can correspond to the new codes T42 and T62 respectively. 580
Old brand
Old state
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