title>HG/T 20701.7-2000 Format and preparation instructions for data sheets for containers and heat exchangers - HG/T 20701.7-2000 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 20701.7-2000 Format and preparation instructions for data sheets for containers and heat exchangers

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 20701.7-2000

Standard Name: Format and preparation instructions for data sheets for containers and heat exchangers

Chinese Name: 容器、换热器专业设备数据表的格式与编制说明

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release2000-11-22

Date of Implementation:2001-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:71.010

Standard Classification Number:Engineering Construction>>Raw Materials Industry, Communications, Broadcasting Engineering>>P72 Petrochemical, Chemical Engineering

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HG/T 20701.7-2000 Format and preparation instructions for data sheets for specialized equipment for containers and heat exchangers HG/T20701.7-2000 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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Format and preparation instructions for the data sheet of container and heat exchanger professional equipment HG/T20701.7-2000
1 Subject content and scope of application
1.0.1 This standard specifies the format, content and preparation requirements of the data sheet of container and heat exchanger professional equipment, which is applicable to design technology management and quality management.
1.0.2. The equipment data sheet is an important design document for basic engineering design. This document is an important basis for the detailed design work of various disciplines in engineering design. When the project requires it, it can also be directly used for equipment inquiry and ordering. 1.0.3 The equipment data sheet is an important design product of basic engineering design. For engineering projects where the company (institute) only undertakes basic engineering design and/or uses the process package provided by the patentee for engineering design, it is required to prepare a separate equipment data sheet. For equipment where the company (institute) undertakes all engineering design and has drawn equipment diagrams (equipment engineering drawings) for the equipment, if the patentee or user does not require the basic engineering design to be reviewed, the equipment data sheet does not need to be prepared separately. 1.0.4 Equipment data sheets can generally be divided into four versions: review version, inquiry version, order version and final version. Review version - produced in the early stage of basic engineering design and after receiving the process package from the patentee. This version is only required when the patentee and the user require review.
Inquiry version - produced in the basic engineering design process and after receiving the review opinions of the patentee and/or the user on the review version of the equipment data sheet. It is an important basis for equipment inquiry (when the project stipulates that the equipment data sheet is used for inquiry (ordering)), and it is also the basis for the relevant professionals to carry out detailed design in the engineering design stage. Order version - produced after receiving the manufacturer's quotation and before signing the equipment contract. It is the basis for equipment ordering and detailed design work of various professionals in engineering design. Final version - produced after receiving the final drawings and materials from the manufacturer and no further modifications are expected. It is one of the final design documents provided by the company (institute) to the user. 49bzxZ.net
2 Format and content of equipment data sheet
2.0.1 Equipment data sheet is a written document that describes the equipment structure, operating conditions and design, material selection, manufacturing, inspection and other requirements of the equipment in the form of tables and graphics. It is usually prepared using A4 drawings. 2.0.2 The format and content of the equipment data sheet are shown in Appendix A, B, C, D and E respectively. Among them: Appendix A "Container Data Sheet" is applicable to pressure vessels for gas-liquid separation, chemical reaction and gas-liquid storage in production equipment. Appendix B "Tower Data Sheet" is applicable to tower vessels of various tower types (sieve plates, float valves, bubble caps, packing) in chemical processes. Appendix C "Atmospheric pressure storage tank data sheet" is applicable to various flat-top, conical-top, dome-top and floating-top atmospheric pressure storage tanks. Appendix D "Shell and tube heat exchanger data sheet" is applicable to various types of shell and tube heat exchangers, and can also be used for shell-and-tube heat exchangers.
Appendix E "Plate (surface) heat exchanger data sheet" is applicable to plate and spiral plate heat exchangers. 2.0.3 In addition to the above, other types of containers and heat exchanger equipment may be separately formulated according to the characteristics and requirements of the equipment with reference to the above table format.
3 Instructions for writing equipment data sheets
3.0.1 Equipment data sheets usually consist of a homepage and several continuation pages. The homepage should be filled with engineering indexes, process operating conditions, structural parameters, design conditions and specifications, structural materials and manufacturing requirements, and pipe connection design related to the equipment. The continuation pages are usually drawings and necessary instructions for related equipment. When the number of actual pipe opening numbers of the equipment exceeds the number of rows reserved in the pipe opening table on the homepage and cannot be fully represented on the homepage, the pipe opening table can also be listed separately on the continuation page immediately following the homepage. At this time, it should be noted in the pipe opening table on the homepage that "Pipe opening table is on page 2".
3.0.2 When the equipment data sheet is first published, the relevant content and requirements should be filled in as completely and accurately as possible. For some data that can only be obtained through equipment inquiry, such as some data related to equipment calculation and plate surface structure of plate heat exchangers and spiral plate heat exchangers, they will be filled in before the order version is published after receiving the technical quotation from the manufacturer and verifying and confirming it. 3.0.3 The equipment data sheet shown in the appendix is ​​a general form. The items with the symbol "口" in the table are optional. When filling in the form, according to the specific situation and requirements of the equipment, the "口" of the relevant items should be blackened and the required data should be filled in the corresponding column. Columns that are not directly related to this equipment or columns that lack data should not be filled in. 3.0.4 In principle, there should be one table and one figure for the equipment data sheet of chemical equipment such as containers, towers, storage tanks, shell and tube heat exchangers. When the process requires two or more equipment with different position numbers to be assembled into one, and only by drawing them together can the installation relationship between them be clearly shown, the equipment diagrams of several position numbers can be drawn together and placed on the data sheet of one of the position number equipment. The data sheets of other position number equipment do not need to be attached with diagrams, but the description column on the first page of the data sheet should indicate: Equipment diagrams are shown on page × of file number ×××x. 3.0.5 The equipment diagrams in the data sheets of containers and heat exchangers used for basic engineering design should be drawn in proportion as much as possible, and the main structural dimensions and design requirements should be clearly shown. In addition to local detailed drawings, single-line diagrams can generally be used for representation. Examples of filling in the data sheets of various types of equipment and attaching diagrams for this major are shown in Appendix F, G, H, J, K, L, and M respectively. 4 Others
4.0.1 In order to facilitate management and ensure that the design work is carried out in an orderly manner, at the beginning of the basic engineering design, the person in charge of this profession should uniformly number the equipment table according to the equipment category and position number sequence of the equipment table according to the relevant regulations of the company (institute) or the project, and report it to the design manager for summary. When starting to compile the equipment data sheet, the number table of the equipment data sheet summarized by the design manager should be sent to each compiler for use.
4.0.2 In principle, each version of the equipment data sheet should be modified on the same document. The modified or supplemented parts should be marked with the same number as the version in the signature column in the first cell of the row (i.e. the modification mark column) for easy identification and search. When the modification of the file is carried out on the computer, in addition to the above provisions, the signature of the previous version can be changed to computer typing, and the latest version should be signed by the modifier in person. 4.0.3 The equipment data sheet shall be prepared in accordance with the procedures and requirements specified in Chapter 5 "Container, heat exchanger equipment diagram (equipment engineering drawing) and/or data sheet" of the professional design quality assurance procedure. After passing the review, it shall be signed by the relevant professionals and finally signed by the design manager.
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix ℃
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H
Appendix J
Appendix K
Appendix L
Appendix M
Container data sheet (format)
Tower data sheet (format)
Atmospheric pressure storage tank data sheet (format)
Shell and tube heat exchanger data sheet (format) )
Plate (surface) heat exchanger data sheet (format)Container data sheet (example)
Container data sheet (example 2)
Tower data sheet (example 1)
Tower data sheet (example 2)
Atmospheric pressure storage tank data sheet (example)
Shell and tube heat exchanger data sheet (example)
Shell and tube heat exchanger data sheet (example 2)
Repair equipment name:
Type: vertical
Volume: V
Design pressure| |tt||Design temperature
Working pressure
Working temperature
Media name
Corrosion allowance
Weld coefficient
Full volume
Hydraulic pressure test pressure
Airtight test pressure
Design wind pressure
Earthquake intensity
Site category
Thickness of insulation layer
Container type
Separation component type:
Number of bed layers:
Storage capacity:
Appendix A
Container data sheet
Position number:
Number of units:
Overall dimensions:
Project number
File number
Factory address:
Device name:
Support type: Saddle type; Skirt type; Ear typeNet weight of equipment:Container category:
mLoading factor:
Flange typeConnection surface
Connection standard
Design specification||tt| |Weight during water pressure test:
Design, manufacturing, inspection requirements
Technical regulations for manufacturing and inspection
Safety supervision
Welding process assessment and regulations
Weld detection
Post-weld heat treatment
Other inspection requirements
Painting, packaging, transportation
Equipment flange
Connecting flange
Bolts (external)
Compilation and verification
Nuts (external)
Lifting column/hanging column Ear
Support (inside)
Bolt (inside)
Nut (inside)
Name of repair equipment
Appendix A
Container data sheet
(Continued page)
Project No.
File No.
Page of
Position No.:
Name of repair equipment:
Volume: V=
Design pressure
Design temperature
Working pressure Force
Working temperature
Medium name
Corrosion allowance
Weld coefficient
Full volume
Hydraulic pressure test pressure
Airtight test pressure
Design wind pressure
Earthquake intensity
Site category
Thickness of insulation layer
Number of plates
Number of plates
Number of plates
Packing port
Separator type:
Appendix B
Tower data Table
Position number:
Number of units:
Overall dimensions:
Support type: Skirt type: Ear type
Container type:
Opening rate
Number of valves per block
Number of blisters per block
Height of each section
Flange type connection surface
Design specification
Project number
File number
Factory address:
Device name:
Net weight of equipment:|| tt||Weight during water pressure test:
Design, manufacturing and inspection requirements
Technical regulations for manufacturing and inspection
Safety supervision
Welding process assessment and regulations
Weld seam inspection
Post-weld heat treatment
Other inspection requirements
Painting, packaging, transportation
Support (skirt) seat
Equipment flange
Float valve specifications
Bubble specifications
Packing specifications
Connection standards
Connecting flange
Floating valve (bubble cap)
Bolt (external)
Nut (external)
Bolt (internal)
Nut (internal)
Preparation, verification and audit
Appendix B
Position number:
Page of
Project number
File number
Tower data sheet
(Continued page)
Name of repair equipment:
Name of repair equipment:
Type: Fixed Fixed roof port
Volume: V=
Installation location:
Storage medium
Storage capacity
Floating roof port
Outdoor port:
Roof port:
Liquid density at
C kg/m2
Liquid viscosity at ℃ mPa·s
Solidification point
Vapor pressure at
Minimum/maximum operating temperature
Operating pressure/vacuum
Liquid level height Min./max.
Suction capacity
Heating load
Heating medium
Appendix C
Atmospheric pressure storage tank data sheet
Position number:
Number of units:
Diameter: mm Shell height:
Basic type:
Flange type Connection surface
Connection standard
Design pressure
Design temperature
Corrosion allowance
Test pressure
Weld Coefficient
Project No.
File No.
Device Name:
Equipment Net Weight:
Weight during Water Pressure Test:
Post-weld Heat Treatment
Design Wind Pressure
Earthquake Intensity
Snow Load
Thickness of Insulation Layer
Structural Design Code
Non-destructive Testing
Connecting Flange
Repair Equipment Name:||tt ||Atmospheric pressure storage tank data sheet
(Continued page)
Project No.
File No.
Position No.:
Repair equipment name:
Heat exchange area
Media name
Total flow
Water vapor
Non-condensable gas
Thermal conductivity
Gas molecular weight
Operating temperature||tt| |Operating pressure
Pressure drop
Fouling coefficient
Condensation/evaporation temperature
Appendix D
Shell and tube heat exchanger data sheet
Position number:
Number of units:
Specification size:
m2Installation method: vertical;
Performance of single device
Heat transfer
Average temperature difference (corrected value)
Transmission Thermal coefficient
Flange type connection surface
Connection standard
Horizontal port
Container category:
Project number
File number
Page of
Factory address:
Device name:
Equipment net weight:
Weight during water pressure test:
Single equipment design data table
Design specification:
Pipe type: Light pipe
Port: finned tube
port; threaded pipe port
Pipe specifications: outer diameter
Number of pipes:
Pipe spacing:
Baffle/support plate:
mm; wall thickness
; pipe length
mm; pipe arrangement→4△port
Type: single arched port; double arched port; ring-disk port: number of grille-shaped ports:||t t||Longitudinal partition:
%Diameter port height
mm: Cutting
Two-way port: Diverter port
Floating head end: With head port; With stuffing box port: With bellows port Heat exchange tube and tube sheet connection form:
Welding port; Expansion port; Welding + expansion port; Casing: External tube specification:
: Internal tube specification:
Design data
Design pressure MPa||t t||Test pressure MPa
Design temperature
Corrosion allowance mm
Weld coefficient
Average metal wall temperature ℃
Thickness of insulation layer mm
Heat exchange tube
Tube box flange/cover
Tube box cylinder/head
Floating head flange/hook ring
Baffle/support plate
Bolts (outside)
Nut (outer)
Partition partition
Longitudinal partition
Bolt (inner)
Nut (inner)
【Equipment name:
Appendix D
Shell and tube heat exchanger data sheet
(Continued page)
Project No.
File No.
Position No.:
Repair equipment name:
Type:| |tt||Heat exchange area: A=
Media name
Total flow rateNormal/maximum
Water vapor
Non-condensable gas
Thermal conductivity
Gas molecular weight
Operation Operating temperature
Operating pressureNormal/maximum
Pressure drop allowable/calculated
Fouling coefficient
Condensation/evaporation temperature
Heat exchange
Average temperature difference (corrected value)
Heat transfer coefficient
Symbol DN
Appendix E
Plate ( Surface) type heat exchanger data sheet
Position number:
Specification size:
Number of units:
m2Installation location: Indoor port;
Flange type connection surface connection standard
Outdoor port
Project number
File number
Factory address:
Device name:
Net weight of equipment:
Weight during water pressure test:
Design, manufacturing and inspection requirements
Design pressure MPa
Test pressure MPa
Design temperature
Corrosion allowance
Plate: Plate type
Single plate area ㎡2
Gasket: Material
Frame: Material
Simplified diagram:
Plate spacing
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