GB/T 8484-2002 Classification and testing methods for thermal insulation performance of building exterior windows
Some standard content:
ICS_91. 060. 50
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Gradualion and test method for thermal insulating properties of windows2002-04-28Published
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on 2002-12-01
This standard is a revision of GB/T8484--1987 "Gradualion and test method for thermal insulating properties of windows of buildings". The main changes to this standard are as follows:
1. The name of the standard "Classification and Test Method of Thermal Insulation Performance of External Windows of Buildings" was changed to "Classification and Test Method of Thermal Insulation Performance of External Windows of Buildings" 2. The grading order of thermal insulation performance of windows was adjusted and increased to ten levels; 3. The effective digits of heat transfer coefficient of external windows, calibration of heat flux coefficient and number of thermocouples arranged were modified and supplemented; 4. The relevant contents of C-constantan thermocouple calibration and weighted average temperature calculation were added. This standard replaces GB/T8484-1987 from the date of this standard. Appendix A, Appendix B and Appendix C of this standard are all standard appendices, and Appendix D is a suggested appendix. This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Construction.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Technical Committee for Standardization of Building Products and Components of the Ministry of Construction. The drafting units of this standard are China Academy of Building Research, Dalian Shidewang Rubber Industry Co., Ltd., and Shanghai Academy of Building Research. The main drafters of this standard are Zhang Jiayu, Feng Jinqiu, Liu Yueli, Huang Yingsheng and Liu Mingming. This standard is entrusted to the Institute of Building Physics of China Academy of Building Research for interpretation. This standard was first issued in December 1987. 1 Scope
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Graduation and test method for thermal insulating properties of windows
Graduation and test method for thermal insulating properties of windows This standard specifies the grading and test method for thermal insulating properties of windows. GB/T 8484--2002
Generation GE/T8484--198?
This standard is applicable to the test and grading of thermal insulating properties of building exterior windows (including skylights and the glass-inlaid parts of the upper part of balcony doors, excluding the opaque parts of the lower part of balcony doors).
2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through the reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards are subject to subscription, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GI/T4132-1996 Insulation materials and mechanisms (eg VIS 7345:1987) GI/T13475-92 Standard for determination of heat transfer properties of building interior parts and protective heat method (eg VISO/DIS8990) JJG115-1999 Standard steel-copper thermocouple verification specification 3 Definitions
In addition to the definitions of GB/T4132-1996, this standard also adopts the following definitions. 3.1 Thermal transmittance (K) Under stable heat transfer conditions, the air temperature difference on both sides of the outer window is 1K. The amount of heat transferred per unit area per unit time is expressed in W/(m2.K).
3.2 Thermal resistance (R) Thermal resistance Under stable conditions, the temperature difference between the two surfaces of an object perpendicular to the direction of heat flow is divided by the heat flux density, expressed in n·K/W. 3.3 Thermal conductivity (A) thermal conductance The heat flux density through an object divided by the difference between the two surfaces of the object in a steady state, measured in W/(m·K). 3.4 Total hemispherical emissivity (e) total hemispherical emissivity The ratio of the total hemispherical emissivity density of a surface to the total flat spherical emissivity density of a body with the same irradiance. Synonym: Illuminance.
4 Grading
4.1 The thermal insulation performance of exterior windows is divided into ten grades according to the value of the heat transfer coefficient K of the exterior windows. 4.2 The thermal insulation performance classification of exterior windows is shown in Table 1.
Approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China on April 28, 2002, and implemented on December 1, 2002
Classification index value
Grading index value
5Testing method
3.5>K3. 0
GB/T 8484—2002
Table 1 Classification of external window protection performance
5. 5>K25. 0
3.0>K22. 5
5.0>K24. 5
2. 5>K22. 0
2. 0>K21. 5
W/(m2 .K)
4.0>K23. 5
5.1 Principle
This standard is based on the principle of stable heat transfer and uses the calibrated hot box method to test the thermal insulation performance of windows. One side of the test piece is a hot box to simulate the indoor climate conditions of a heating building in winter, and the other side is a cold box to simulate the outdoor climate conditions in winter. When the joints of the test piece are sealed and the air temperature, air flow velocity and thermal radiation on both sides of the test piece are kept stable, the heat generated by the electric heater in the hot box is measured, and the heat loss through the hot box exterior and the test piece frame is subtracted [both are determined by calibration tests, see Appendix A (Appendix of the standard), divided by the product of the test piece area and the air overflow difference on both sides, the heat transfer coefficient K value of the test piece can be calculated. 5.2 Detection device
The detection device is mainly composed of a hot box, a cold box, a test piece frame and an environmental space, as shown in Figure 1. 5-2.1 Heat box The opening size of the heat box should not be less than 2100mm×2400mm (width×height). The depth should not be less than 2000mm.
The external structure of the heat box should be a thermally uniform body, and its thermal resistance value should not be less than 3.5m·K/W. 10
1—Hot box 2—Cold box: 3—Test piece frame 14—Electric heater: 5 Test piece; 6—Two wind panels: 7—Fan 8—Radiator; 9—Heater: 10—Environmental space: 11—Air conditioner: 12—Refrigerator Figure 1 Schematic diagram of the test device The total hemispherical emissivity of the hot box surface should be greater than 0.85. 5.2.2 Cold box The opening size of the cold box should be opposite to the outer edge size of the test piece frame, and the depth should be able to accommodate refrigeration, heating and air flow organization equipment. The outer wall of the cold box should be made of airtight insulation material. The total thermal attachment value shall not be less than 3.5m, K/W, and the inner surface should be made of non-absorbent and corrosion-resistant materials. The cold box is cooled by the radiator installed in the cold box or by introducing cold air. Use wind baffles and fans to conduct strong side convection to form uniform airflow from top to bottom along the surface of the specimen. The distance between the wind baffles and the cold side surface of the specimen frame should be adjustable.
GB/T 8484—2002
5:2.2.5 The wind baffles should be made of plates with a heat index not less than 1.0m·K/W. The total hemispherical emissivity e value of the wind baffles facing the surface of the specimen should be greater than 0.85. The width of the wind baffles should be the same as the net width in the cold box. 5.2.2-6 Drain holes or water trays should be set at the bottom of the evaporator. 5.2.3 Specimen frame The outer edge size of the specimen frame should not be less than the inner edge size at the opening of the hot box. The specimen frame shall be made of airtight and well-structured insulation material, with a thermal resistance value of not less than 7.0m2-K/W and a bulk density of about 20 kg/m. The size of the test piece installation opening shall not be less than 1500mm×1500mm. A clearance of not less than 600mm shall be left at the bottom of the opening. The window sill and the surrounding area of the opening shall be made of non-water-resistant materials with a thermal conductivity of less than 0.25W/(m·K). 5.2.4 Environmental space The detection device shall be placed in a test room equipped with an air conditioner to ensure that the weighted average temperature difference between the inner and outer surfaces of the heat box outer wall is less than 1.0K. The fluctuation of the air temperature in the test room shall not exceed 0.5K. The enclosure structure of the test room shall have good flow retention performance and thermal stability. Sunlight shall be prevented from entering the room through the windows, and the inner surface of the test room shall be insulated. There should be at least 500 mtm of space between the outer wall of the heat box and the surrounding wall box. 5.3 Arrangement of temperature sensing elements
5.3.1 Temperature sensing components The annual uncertainty of the temperature sensing element should be less than Copper-container steel thermocouples must be made of copper wire and container wire from the same batch with a focal diameter of 0.2mm~0:4mm. Steel wire and container copper wire should have an insulating sheath. The induction head of the steel-container steel thermocouple should be treated. The container steel thermocouple should be periodically retrograde calibrated. See Appendix BC for the Appendix Ting. 5-3.2 Arrangement of thermocouples Air temperature measurement points
a) Two layers of thermocouples should be set up in the hot box space as gas overflow measurement points, with 4 points evenly distributed in each layer: b) The air temperature measurement points of the cold box should be arranged in the plane specified in GB/T13475, and 9 points should be evenly distributed corresponding to the installation hole of the test piece:
e) The thermocouple induction heads for measuring air temperature should all be shielded from thermal radiation; d) Thermocouples for measuring the air temperature of hot and cold boxes can be connected in parallel respectively. Surface temperature measurement points
a) Six temperature measurement points are distributed on the inner and outer surfaces of each outer wall of the hot box; b) The surface temperature measurement points on the hot side of the test piece should not be less than 20. The number of temperature measuring points on the cold side of the test piece frame should not be less than 14 points. c) Thermocouples at each temperature measuring point on the outer wall of the hot box and the test piece frame can be connected in parallel respectively; d) The thermocouple induction head for measuring the surface temperature should be closely attached to the test surface together with the copper and constantan leads of at least 100mm in length. The total hemispherical emissivity value of the material pasted should be close to the electrical value of the measured surface. For all thermocouples connected in parallel, the resistance of each thermocouple lead must be equal. The area represented by each point should be the same. 5.4 Hot box heating device
5.4.1 The hot box is heated by a heater powered by an AC regulated power supply. The window sill should be at least 50mm higher than the top of the electric heater. 5.4.2 The accuracy level of the power meter for measuring the heating power Q shall not be lower than level 0.5. The range should be converted according to the value to be measured so that the instrument value is above 70% of the full range.
5.5 Wind speed
5.5.1 The wind speed of the cold box can be measured by using a hot-bulb wind speed meter. The measuring point is the same as the measuring point of the cold box air temperature. 5.5.2 It is not necessary to measure the wind speed of the cold box every time the test is performed. When the model, installation position, number of loads and wind baffle position of the small fan are changed, the test should be repeated.
GB/T 84842002
5.6 Installation of test pieces
5.6.1 The test piece to be tested is one piece. The size and structure of the test piece shall comply with the product design and assembly requirements, and no extra accessories or special assembly process shall be added.
5.6.2 Installation position of the test piece: The outer surface of the single-layer and double-layer windows shall be located 50mm away from the cold test surface of the test piece frame: The inner surface of the double-layer inner window shall not be less than 50mm away from the hot test surface of the test piece, and the distance between the two glass panes shall be consistent with the calibration. 5.6.3 The gap between the specimen and the periphery of the specimen cavity shall be filled and sealed with polystyrene foam strips. 5.6.4 The opening of the specimen shall be sealed with plastic glue. 5.6.5 When the specimen area is smaller than the specimen opening area, a polystyrene foam board with a known thermal conductivity value and a thickness similar to that of the specimen shall be used for plugging. A proper amount of constantan thermocouples shall be pasted on both sides of the polystyrene foam board to measure the average temperature difference between the two surfaces and calculate the heat loss through the board.
5.6.6 Some thermocouples shall be appropriately placed on the hot side surface of the specimen. 5.7 Test conditions
5.7.1 The temperature setting range of the hot box air is 18C~20C, and the temperature fluctuation amplitude should not be greater than 0.1K. 5.7.2 The hot box air is natural convection, and its relative humidity should be controlled at about 30%. 5.7.3 The air temperature of the cold box is set in the range of -19°C-21°C, and the temperature fluctuation range should not be greater than 0.3K. In the "hot summer and cold winter areas" in the "building thermal design zoning", as well as the hot winter and warm areas and the mild areas, the air temperature of the cold box can be set to -9°C-11°C, and the temperature fluctuation range should not be greater than 0.2K.
5.7.4 The average wind speed in the plane with a distance from the cold side surface of the test piece in accordance with the provisions of G/T13475 is set to 3.0m/s. Note: The air flow velocity refers to the cumulative constant value near the set value. 5.8 Inspection procedure
5.8.1 Check whether the thermoelectric set is intact.
5.8.2 Start the inspection device and set the temperature control of the cold and hot boxes and the ambient room. 5.8.3 When the temperature of the hot and hot boxes and the ambient air reaches the set value, monitor the temperature of each temperature control point to keep the temperature of the cold and hot boxes and the ambient air stable. After 4 hours, if the absolute value of the hourly change of the average humidity and t of the air in the hot box and the cold box is not greater than 0.1C and 0.3C respectively, and the absolute value of the hourly change of the temperature difference 40°C (see 5.9.2) and △0 (see 5.9.2) is not greater than 0.1K and 0.3K respectively, and the change of the above temperature and humidity difference is not a one-way change, it means that the heat transfer process has stabilized. 5.8.4 After the heat transfer process is stable, measure the parameters %, t, A0, A02, 201.Q at 30min intervals, for a total of six measurements. 5.8.5 After the test is completed, record the relative humidity of the hot box air, the condensation and frost conditions on the hot side of the test piece and the glass interlayer. 5.9 Data processing
5.9.1 Take the average value of six measurements for each parameter. 5.9.2 The heat transfer coefficient K value W/(m2.K) of the specimen is calculated according to the following formula: K = Q - M · A8, - M.A0. - SA 40,AA
Wherein: Q
Electric heater heating power, W;
Heat flow coefficient of the outer wall of the heat box determined by the calibration test, W/K (see Appendix A); M—Heat flow coefficient of the specimen frame determined by the calibration test, W/K (see Appendix A); A&
Difference between the weighted average temperature of the inner and outer surfaces of the outer wall of the heat box, K; Difference between the average humidity of the hot side and the cold side of the specimen, K; A8.
s —Area of filling board, m\;
A—Thermal conductivity of filling board. W/(m2.K)
A——Average overflow difference between the two surfaces of filling board, K, ()
Area of specimen, m, calculated according to the outer edge size of specimen, if the specimen is a daylighting device, the north area is calculated according to the horizontal projection area of daylighting accumulation: A
The difference between the average temperature of air in the hot box and the average temperature of air in the hot box, K. 46, A8, for calculation, see Appendix C (Appendix of the standard). If the specimen area is smaller than the specimen opening area and the time, the numerator S·4.A9 in formula (1) is the heat loss of polystyrene foam filling board. 5.9.3 The heat transfer coefficient K value of the specimen shall be taken to two significant figures. 6 Test report
The test report should include the following contents:
a) Commissioning and production unit;
b) Work name, number, specification, glass type, glass and double glass air layer thickness, window frame area and drawing simulation ratio;c) Test basis, test equipment, test items, test category and test time;) Test conditions: hot box air temperature and air relative mixing, cold box air density and air flow velocity;e) Test results: test piece heat transfer coefficient K value and thermal insulation performance grade; test piece thermal test surface temperature, condensation and frost conditions;f) Tester, reviewer and person in charge signature;g) Testing unit.
A1 Calibration content
GB/T 8484—2002
Appendix A
(Appendix to the standard)
Calibration of heat flux coefficient
Heat flux coefficient of outer wall M and heat flux coefficient of specimen frame M2.A2 Standard specimen
A2.1 Standard specimens should be made of materials with uniform texture, airtightness, no air layer inside and stable thermal performance. It is advisable to use polyethylene foam plastic board with a thickness of about 50mm after long-term storage, and its density should not be less than 18kg/m2. A2.2 The thermal conductivity of the standard specimen AEW/(m2, K value, shall be measured under the temperature difference condition close to the calibration test temperature using a single-pane protective hot plate.
A3 Calibration method
A3.1 Single-layer window (including single-glazed window and double-glazed window) A3.1.1 Installation of standard components
A standard specimen with the same opening area as the specimen shall be installed on the opening, and the position shall be the same as that of the single-glazed window. The gap between the periphery of the standard specimen and the opening shall be plugged with a styrofoam strip and sealed. Nine copper-constantan thermoelectrics are evenly arranged on both surfaces of the hard plate.
A3.1.2 Standard
The calibration test is carried out once in two different working conditions with the air temperature of the cold box being -10C±1K and -20C±1K respectively, and other test conditions are similar to the test conditions of the thermal insulation performance of the gear. When the heat transfer process reaches stability, the relevant parameters are measured every 30 minutes for a total of 6 times, and the average value of each measured parameter is taken. The heat flow coefficient M and M2 are calculated by the following two equations. FQM,+,-M0, - S,A-
Q - Mr 4eN - M2·A0 = St - A - A0 Where: Q, Q are the heating power of the hot box electric heater in the two calibration tests, W, 0, 8 are the average difference of the inner and outer surface areas of the hot box outer wall in the two calibration tests, K; 4, 4e! - are the weighted average temperature difference of the hot side and the cold side of the specimen frame in the two calibration tests, K, 40, 0 are the average temperature difference between the two surfaces of the standard specimen in the two calibration tests, K, A is the thermal conductivity of the standard specimen, W/(mK); S is the area of the standard specimen, m2.
Q, 0 are the parameters measured in the first calibration test, and the parameters marked with \\ are the parameters measured in the second calibration test. The calculation formulas of 89, 9, 20 are shown in Appendix C. A3.2 Double-layer window
A3.2.1 The heat flux coefficient Ml value of double-layer window is the same as the calibration result of single-layer window. A3.2.2 The heat flux coefficient Ml of double-layer window shall be calibrated as follows: Install two standard test pieces on the test piece opening. The installation position of the first standard test piece shall be alternate with the standard test piece of the single-layer window calibration test, and 9 steel-made thermocouples shall be arranged on both surfaces of the standard test piece. The second standard test piece shall be installed at a position not less than 100 mm from the surface of the first standard test piece. The gap between the periphery of the standard specimen and the specimen opening shall be processed according to the requirements of A3.1, and the calibration test shall be carried out according to the test conditions specified in A3.1. The measured parameters Q, A0,.A, and the heat flux coefficient M of the calibrated single-layer window shall be substituted into formula (A1) to calculate the heat flux coefficient M2 of the double-layer window.6
GB/T 8484—
A3.3 The two calibration tests shall be carried out under the condition that the air temperature difference on both sides of the standard plate is alternate or similar, 29, and the absolute value of △9 shall not be less than 4.5K, H1491-A0 shall be greater than 9.0K, 4020, as similar or similar as possible. A3.4 The heat flux coefficients M, and M, shall be calibrated regularly once a year. If the structure and size of the test box change, it must be recalibrated. A3.5 The calibration error of the heat flux coefficients M, and M. and the detection error of the window heat transfer coefficient K value shall be analyzed for the newly built window thermal insulation performance detection device.
Appendix B
(Standard Appendix)
Calibration of Copper-Constantan Thermocouple
11 Screening of Copper-Constantan Thermocouple
The copper-constantan thermocouple used in the external window thermal insulation performance test device must be screened. Take the screened thermocouple and tie it together with a platinum resistance thermometer with a resolution of 1/100℃, and insert it into a wide-mouth thermos bottle with an oil temperature of 20C. Another thermocouple is inserted into a wide-mouth thermos bottle filled with ice-water mixture as the zero point. The induction head of the thermocouple and the thermometer should be on the same plane. The depth of the induction head inserted into the liquid should not be less than 200mm. After the liquid in the bottle is fully stirred and left for 10 minutes, use a low-resistance DC potentiometer or mathematical multimeter of not less than 0.05 grade to measure the thermoelectric potential e of the thermocouple. If the calibration of 1/B2 copper-constantan thermocouples adopts the comparison test method-4V, the first thermocouple meets the requirements. The copper-constantan thermocouple used in the external gear thermal insulation performance detection device must be subjected to a comparison test. B2-1 Thermocouple comparison test method
B2.1.1 Select one of the screened copper-constantan thermocouples and send it to the design department to establish the relationship between the thermoelectric potential e and the overflow difference A!
A2. 00,≤3. 00
>3. 00.≤4. 00
>5. 00,≤6. 40
Heat transfer resistance R
0. 500,20. 333
<0. 333,≥0. 250
People's Republic of China
National Standard
Classification of thermal insulation performance of building exterior windows
and test methods
GU/T 8484—2002
Published by China Standards Press
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Printed by China Standards Press, Anhuangdao Printing Factory, distributed by Xinhua Bookstore, Beijing Distribution Office, Xinhua Bookstores in various places. Format: 880×12301/16 Printing sheet: 1 word: 19,000 words First edition: August 2002 First printing: August 2002 Print run: 1—3,000
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