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HG/T 2530-1993 Polyester film base for printing plate film

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 2530-1993

Standard Name: Polyester film base for printing plate film

Chinese Name: 印刷制版软片用聚酯片基

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)


Date of Implementation:1994-07-01

Date of Expiration:2004-08-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Chemicals>>Information Chemicals>>G81 Photosensitive Materials

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HG/T 2530-1993 Polyester film base for printing plate film HG/T2530-1993 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
HG/T 2530—93
Polyester film base for printing plate film
Published on September 6, 1993
Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on July 1, 1994
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Polyester film base for printing plate film
Subject content and scope of application
This standard It specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, packaging, marking, storage and transportation conditions for polyester film bases for printing platemaking films. This standard applies to roll polyester film bases for printing platemaking films. Reference standards: GB/T6844 Method for determination of film base surface resistance GB/T6845 Method for determination of film base thickness GB12683 Method for determination of tensile properties of film base and film Method for determination of anti-adhesion properties of film base ZGB 800021 ZBG 80003 Method for determination of moisture content of film base Method for determination of adhesion fastness of film base layer ZBG 80004
3 Product Specifications
The main specifications of the printing film base should comply with the provisions of Table 1: Table 1
Base thickness (mm)
Base width (mm)
Base length (m)
It can also be produced according to other specifications agreed upon by the supplier and the buyer. 4 Technical Requirements
4.1 Physical Properties
The physical properties of the base should meet the indicators specified in Table 2, approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China on September 6, 1993
1190, 1260
320, 630
1250, 1860
Implemented on July 1, 1994
Limit deviation of length, m
Limit deviation of width, mm
Limit deviation of thickness, mm
Embossed edge size
Surface resistance of back side, α
Optical density of film base after processing
Tensile strength at break, MPa
Elongation at break, %
Heat shrinkage, %
Dry fastness of emulsion bottom layer (grade)
Wet fastness of emulsion bottom layer (grade)
Anti-halation layer in year (grade)
Mixed fastness of anti-halation layer (grade)
Adhesion rate. %
4.2 Apparent quality
HG/ T 2530 —93
Uniform thickness limit deviation, %
Inner thick spot limit deviation, %
Depth, mm
Width, mm
Margin, mm
The film base should be smooth and clean, without bubbles, crystal points, fish scales and lotus leaves. The film base should not be mechanically damaged, and there should be no broken edges, scratches and folds.
4.3 Coating quality
All kinds of coatings should be uniform, without delamination, and without wire drawing, stripes, blooming and other defects. The film base should not stick together during storage under specified conditions. 4.4 Effect on the photographic properties of film
The film base should have no adverse effect on the photographic properties of film. 2
5 Test methods
5.1 Test conditions and sampling
HG/T 2530-93
The tests of each item of this standard, unless otherwise specified, shall be conducted under the environmental conditions of temperature 23±2 and relative humidity 45%~55%. Except for the length measuring plate, the sampling of other items shall be conducted according to the following method. Remove the packaging of the entire film base, discard the outer layer: 2~3 turns of the film base, and then cut the entire film base about 50cm long as the test sample. 5.2 Length
The length of each film base is measured by a counter in meters. 5.3. Width
Put the sample to be tested on a horizontal platform and measure the width of the entire film base with a steel ruler with an accuracy of 1mm in sideways. 5.4 Thickness limit deviation
According to the provisions of GB/T6845, take a sample from the head and tail of the coaxial film base, measure the thickness of the two samples at a total of 24 points, and use the arithmetic mean of the thickness of the 24 points to represent the average thickness of the axis film base. The percentage of the difference between the nominal thickness and the average thickness relative to the nominal thickness is the average thickness deviation, and the percentage of the difference between the maximum or minimum thickness of the 24 points and the average thickness relative to the average thickness is the coaxial internal thickness deviation.
5.5 Embossed edge size
Embossing edge width and edging distance, using a steel plate ruler with an accuracy of 1 period, in millimeters, embossed edge depth refers to the relevant method of thickness determination in GB/T6845, respectively measure the thickness of the lace-free area and lace on both sides of the wide film, and the lace depth is represented by the difference between the lace thickness and the film base thickness, and measure once every 5cm along the longitudinal direction of the film base, and measure 6 times on each side. The depth of lace at each place should meet the requirements.
5.6 Back surface resistance
Measured according to the method specified in GB/T 6844.
5.7 Optical density after substrate processing
Use the selected printing film processing kit and process to process the substrate. Use a transmission densitometer to measure the diffuse density of 10 points at equal distances along the transverse direction of the substrate. The arithmetic average of the density of the 10 points is the optical density after substrate processing. 5.8 Tensile strength and elongation at break
According to GB 12683 The specified method is used,
5.9 Heat shrinkage
Bake at 70±2℃ for 6 hours, cut five 120mm×120mm samples from the middle of the sample to be tested, use a stylus or a blade to lightly carve parallel marking lines along the edge of the sample at 20mm from the edge, and then lightly carve a line in the middle of the two parallel lines to indicate the direction of the base, and measure the distance between each two parallel lines on an A-sheet comparator with an accuracy of 1m. Move the sample into a constant temperature drying oven, bake at, then take out the sample to balance to room temperature, and then measure the distance between the two parallel lines of each sample. 1. The heat shrinkage is calculated by the following formula: Heat shrinkage (%)-
Where: 1. -Measure the distance between the two parallel lines before heating,; -Measure the distance between the two parallel lines after heating, um. Calculate the arithmetic mean of the five samples
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The heat shrinkage rate in the direction of film base winding is the longitudinal heat shrinkage rate, and the heat shrinkage rate perpendicular to the film base winding direction is the transverse heat shrinkage rate. 5.10 The dry fastness and wet fastness of emulsion base layer and anti-halation layer shall be tested in accordance with the method specified in ZBG 80004.
5.11 Anti-adhesion properties
Test according to the method specified in ZBG80002.
5.12 Surface quality and coating quality
HG / T 2530 — 93
Under white light, visually inspect the surface of the film base and the coating. The quality shall comply with the relevant provisions of 4.2 and 4.3. 5.13 Effect on photographic properties of film
Cut samples, apply photographic emulsion for the intended use, and then test the photographic properties in accordance with the film product standards. The test results shall comply with the provisions of the product standards.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Factory inspection
The film base should be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer according to the various provisions of this standard and the inspection rate specified in Table 3. Only qualified products can be shipped.
Tensile strength at break
Elongation at break
Heat shrinkage
Optical density after processing and the influence on the film properties Surface resistance
Layer bond
Adhesion rate
6. 2 Type inspection
Inspection batch
The base of each batch of resin is one batch
The base of each batch of coating solution is one batch
The base of each batch of coating solution is one batch
The output of each equipment per shift is one batch
Inspection rate
One test per batch
One test per batch
One test per spot
One test per axis
This product should be type inspected when any of the following conditions occur. Type inspection should include all items specified in this standard, when there are major changes in product structure, raw materials, and processes; when the product is resumed after a long period of suspension; b.
Periodic inspection should be carried out for long-term normal production; d. When the factory inspection results are significantly different from the last type inspection, 6.3 Acceptance inspection
6.3.1 After receiving the film base, the user unit has the right to conduct inspection and acceptance in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 6.3.2 The number of random inspections shall be 5% of the total number of shafts received, but shall not be less than one shaft. If the inspection is qualified, the batch of film bases shall be accepted. If there are items that are unqualified, a second sampling inspection shall be conducted on 10% of the total number of shafts of the batch of film bases. If the inspection samples meet the index requirements, the batch of film bases shall be accepted.
6.3.3 If the above regulations are not met after inspection, the user department has the right to return the batch of film bases. 6.4 Quality Assurance Clauses
The user department shall follow 6.3. If the film base that has been accepted is found to have problems during use under the storage conditions specified in this standard, it can be returned after verification.
6.5 Arbitration
If the supply and demand parties cannot reach a consensus on the quality of the film base, the arbitration unit shall arbitrate. The arbitration unit shall be selected by the manufacturer and the user unit through consultation. The arbitration determination shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 4
7 Packaging and Marking
HG/ T 2530 -- 93
7.1 The film base shall be neatly packed and shall not be loose or flared before packaging. 7.2 The inner and outer packaging of the film base must be firm and complete, and must be sealed to prevent moisture and pressure. Each axis of the film base must be fixed in the packaging box to prevent loosening and damage.
7.3 The inner packaging of the product shall be accompanied by a product certificate. The certificate of conformity shall indicate the product name, length, width, thickness, rewinding method, axis number, production date and inspection date, etc. 7.4 The outer packaging box of the product shall indicate the manufacturer's name, product name, specifications, registered trademark, overall dimensions, weight, as well as words and logos such as moisture-proof, sun-proof, shock-proof, and placement direction. 8 Storage and transportation
8.1 The film base shall be handled and loaded and unloaded with care to prevent collision and pressure. It shall not be exposed to the sun or rain during transportation. 8.2 The product must be stored in a ventilated and cool place. The indoor temperature should be controlled at 20±5℃ and the relative humidity should not exceed 65%. The warranty period for storage and transportation under such conditions is 6 months.
83 The film base shall remain in its original packaging, and unused films shall be restored to their original packaging for storage. Additional Notes: This standard was proposed by the Technical Supervision Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the First Film Factory of China Lucky Film Company. This standard was drafted by the Second Film Factory of the Ministry of Chemical Industry and participated in by Tianjin Photosensitive Film Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Wang Lei, Shen Houfang and Gao Yingxiu. The People's Republic of China Chemical Industry Standard Polyester Film Base for Printing Plate Film HG/T2530-93 is edited by the Editorial Department of Chemical Industry Standard (Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry) Postal Code: 100013 Printing Chemical Industry Standardization Research Institute Copyright, Reproduction is prohibited 880×1230. 1 / 16
Printing sheet 7/16 Word count 10000
First edition in May 1994
First printing in June 1994
Print run 1-500
Cost 2.40 yuan
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