title>GB/T 3435-1987 Semiconductor integrated CMOS circuit series and varieties 4000 series varieties - GB/T 3435-1987 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
Home > GB > GB/T 3435-1987 Semiconductor integrated CMOS circuit series and varieties 4000 series varieties
GB/T 3435-1987 Semiconductor integrated CMOS circuit series and varieties 4000 series varieties
Basic Information
Standard ID:
GB/T 3435-1987
Standard Name: Semiconductor integrated CMOS circuit series and varieties 4000 series varieties
This standard specifies the logical functions, terminal arrangement and main electrical parameters of the 4000 series of semiconductor integrated CMOS circuits. The identification and quality assessment of the device shall comply with the provisions of the device detailed specification. GB/T 3435-1987 Semiconductor integrated CMOS circuit series and varieties 4000 series varieties GB/T3435-1987 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China Series and Varieties of CMOS Circuits for Semiconductor Products of families 4000 UDC 621,38,048 GB 3435—87 Replaces GB3435--82 This standard specifies the logic functions, hole terminal arrangement and main electrical parameters of semiconductor integrated CMOS circuits of family 400 (hereinafter referred to as devices). The identification and quality assessment of devices shall comply with the provisions of the device detailed paper specifications. When producing (developing) or selecting devices, the provisions of this standard shall be met. Unless otherwise specified, the logic involved in this standard is positive logic. 1 Symbols and Codes 1.1 The meanings of the logic graphic symbols used in this standard are shown in Appendix A (Supplement), and the meanings of the text symbols used are shown in Appendix (Supplement). 1.2 The device types, series and variety codes listed in this standard are the first, second and third parts of the device model. 2 Variety Device name Gate circuit Six inverters Four 2-input NAND gate Three 3-input UFG gate Dual 4-input NAND gate Six inverters (with Schmitt trigger) Four 2-input NAND gate" (with Schmitt trigger) Four 2-input NOR gate Three 3-input NOR gate Dual 4-input NOR gate Four 2-input AND gate Two 3-input AND gate Dual 4-input AND gate Four 2-input OR gate! Triple 3-input OR gate Dual 4-input OR gate Approved by the National Bureau of Standards on January 21, 1987 Type, series and variety code CC 4069 CC4011 CC4012 CC10106 cc4093 CC4001 CC4025 CC4002 CC4081 CC4073 CC4082 CC4075 CC4072 Implemented on August 1, 1987 8 Input NAND/AND Gate 8-input NOR/OR Gate! Device Name GB 3435-87 4-way 2-2-2-2 input AND/NOR Gate (Extensible) Dual 2-2 input AND/NOR Gate 8-input Multi-function Gate《3S, Extensible〉 Dual Five-complement Pair and Inverter Dual 3-input NOR Gate Inverter Dual 4-input NAND Gate and 2 Input NOR/OR gate Six inverters/buffers (3S, with select terminal) Six buffers (3S) Current converter Six reverse buffers/level converters Six buffers/level converters Six TTL/CMOS-CMOS current converters Four low-high level converters (3S) Flip-flops and latches Gate input, three slave-K flip-flops (with, K input terminals) Double L rising edge K flip-flops Dual master rising edge D flip-flops| |tt||Large rising edge D trigger Quad RS latch (3S) Quad R-5 latch (3S, NAND) Quad D latch 8-bit ground latch 8-bit bidirectional addressable latch Monostable trigger Dual retriggerable monostable trigger (with clear terminal) Dual retriggerable monostable trigger Dual precision monostable trigger Monostable/astable multivibrator Arithmetic unit 4 Binary forward full adder Three non-serial state device Serial adder (negative remote control) BCD adder 4-bit arithmetic selection unit/function generator (32 auxiliary functions) type, series variety code CC4068 CC4079 CC4086 CC4085 CC4048| |tt||CC4007 CC4000 CC14501 CC4502 CC4603 CC4049|| tt||CC4050 CC14504 CC40109 CC4096 CC4027 CC4013|| tt||CC40174 CC4043 CC4044 CC4042 CC14099 CC14599| |tt||CC14528 CC4098 CC4538 CC4047 CC4032 CC14560| |tt||CC40181 Carry lookahead generator BCD ratio multiplier Device name 4-bit binary ratio multiplier 4-bit value comparator 12-bit odd-order checker Four XOR gates Four XNOR gates BCD inverter Shift register and register Dual 4 Shift register (serial input, parallel input) Dual 64-bit static shift register 18-bit shift register 8-bit shift register GB3435--87 9-bit shift register (asynchronous parallel input, synchronous serial input/output) 4-bit shift register (complement output, parallel access, JK input) 4-bit bidirectional shift register (parallel access) 4-bit bidirectional shift register (parallel access, "- K input) Quad D register (3S) 8-bit bus register 1×4 multi-port register array (3S) First-in-first-out register (S) Priority encoder 10-line-4-line priority encoder (BCD output)8-line-3-line priority encoder Data selector 16 to 1 analog switch Dual 8 to 1 analog switch 8 to 1 analog switch Dual 4 to 1 analog switch Dual 4 to 1 data selector Triple 2 to 1 analog switch 8 to 1 data selector (3 S) Dual 1 to 1 / 8 to 1 Data selector 4 2 to 1 data selector 4 bidirectional switches Type, series variety code CC40182 CC4527 CC4089 CC14585 CC14531 CC4070 CC4077 CC14561|| tt||Cc4015 CC4517 CC14006 CC4021 CC4035 CC4019 4 CC40195 CC4076 CC4034 CC40208 CC40105 C C4U147 CC4532 CC4067 CC4097 cc4051 CC4052||tt| |CC14539 CC4053 CC14512 CC14529 CC4019 CC4066| |tt||Device name 4-line-16-line decoder (latch input) GB3435--87 4-line-16-line decoder (latch input, inverted code output)4-line-10-line decoder (BCD input) Dual 2-4-line decoder Dual 2-line: 4-line decoder (inverted code output)4-line-seven-segment decoder/driver (BCD input)4-line: t:Segment lock decoder/driver (BCD input) 4-wire seven-segment hexadecimal latch/decoder/driver (BCD input) 4-wire seven-segment decoder (BCD input, drive liquid crystal display) 4-wire seven-segment decoder (HCD input, with latch input, drive liquid crystal display) Counter Dual decimal step counter Dual 4-bit step counter Decimal synchronous + counter (with preset terminal, asynchronous clear) 4-bit synchronous counter (with preset terminal, asynchronous clear) Decimal synchronous counter (Synchronous Clear) 4-bit synchronous counter (synchronous clear) -N-base down counter (with preset terminal): -N-base hexadecimal down counter (with preset terminal) configurable 1N counter "base synchronous up/down counter (with preset terminal) 4-bit single-base counter (with preset terminal) output up/down counter (with preset terminal, dual clock) 1-bit binary synchronous up/down counter (with preset terminal, dual clock) decimal counter/pulse distributor octal counter: pulse distributor (decode output) 7 Binary serial counter 12-bit serial counter 14-bit serial counter 14-bit serial counter 4-bit binary/decimal adder/subtractor (with preset terminal)+decimal adder/detailed code/latch/actuator 2.1 Six inverters 2.1.1 Logic cabinet CC4069 Type, series variety generation| |tt||CC4514 CC4515 CC4028 CC4555 CC4556 CC14547|| tt||CC4511 cC1495 CC4055 CC14543 CC451R CC4520||t t||CCA0ED CC40161 CC40162 CC40163 CC14522 CC14526 CC4018 CC4510 CC4516 CC40192 CC40193 CC4017 CC:4022 CC4024 CC1040 CC4020 CC4060 CC4029 CC40110 2.1.2 Logical expression 2.1.3 External lead arrangement 2.1.4 Main electrical parameters (typical values) tpd= 30ns (10 V) 2.2 2-input NAND gate 2.2.1 Logic diagram 2.2.2 Logical expression 2.2.a Pin arrangement GB 3435—87 National National National National IpD - 0.QlμA (10V) CC4011 Total points National National National National 0000000 2.2.4 Main current parameters (typical values) f pd = 60ns (10V) IDD -=0.0lμA (10V) CC4023 2. 8 3 Input and NAND gate 2.3.1 Logic diagramwwW.bzxz.Net ZA2B2CA3E3C Logical expression External lead arrangement 2.3.4 Main electrical parameters (typical values) pd = 60 ns (10V) 2.4 Dual 4-input and NAND gate! 2.4.1 Logic diagram 2.4.2 Logic circuit 2.4.3 Lead arrangement GB 8435--8T 国国国国国国 IDD= 0.01μA (10 V) CC4012 LAIBICID 2 A2 2 C 2 D 2Y2D2C2B2A 自国国国 2.4.4 Main electrical parameters (typical values) tpd= 60 ns (10 V) IpD= 0.01μA (10V) CC40106 2.5 Six-inverter (with Schmitt trigger) 2.5.1 Logic diagram Color 2.5.2 Logical expression 2.5.8 External lead arrangement 2.5.4 Main electrical parameters (typical values) tpd=70ns(10V) GB 8A35—B7 Still still ... 2.6.4 Main electrical parameters (typical values) t pd = 90 ns (10 V) 000500 1ABIY2Y IDD = 0.02μA (10V) CC4001 2.7 2-input NOR gate 2.7.1 Logic diagram Logic expression 2.7.3 External lead arrangement 2.7.4 Main electrical parameters (typical estimates) t pd - 60ns (10V) 2.8 Three-input NOR gate 2.8.1 Logic diagram 2.8.2 Logic formula 2.8.3 External lead arrangement GB3435—8T National Day Time display ID=n.01μA(10V) CC4025 2A2B2C Y =A+B+C 3A3B3C a's Shang Shang Shang e store 2.8.4 Card electrical parameters (typical values) tpd - 60 ns (10V) 2.9 Dual 4-input NOR gate 2.8.1 Logic diagram IuD=0.01μA (<10V) CC4002 TAiB 1C ID 2A282C3D 2.9.2 Logical expression Lead arrangement 2.9.4 Main electrical parameters (typical values) tpd=60ns(10V) GB 3435-87 Y =A+B-C+D Shang Tao Yi Yi Yi A IDD= 0.01μA (10V) 2.10 Quad 2-input gate CC4081 2.10.1 Logic diagram Point summary 2.10.2 Logical expression *2.10.3 External lead arrangement 2.10.4 Main electrical parameters (typical values) YA·B Shang Yi Tao Yi Shang Shang Xian ID=0.01 MA(10V) tpd=60ns(10V) 2.11 Triple 3-input AND gate CC4073 2.11.1 Logic diagram (1/3). 2.11.2 Logic expression 2.11.3 External lead arrangement 2.11.4 Main power parameters (typical values) 1p=60ns (10V) GB 3435-87 3¥1¥ 口000日时0 2℃2Y 1B2BZA IDD= 0,01μA (10V) 2.12 Dual 4-input AND gate 1CC4082 2.12.1 Logic diagram IALBICD Logic expression 2.12.3 External lead arrangement 2A2E2 C2D Y=AB.CD aeaoaed OOOG5OG Y1AIA1C GB3435-87 2.12.4 Main electrical parameters (typical values) IDD = 0,01μA (10V) 1 pd=60ms(10V) 2,18 Four 2-input OR gate 2.18.1 Logic diagram 2,1 m.2 Logical expression 2.18.1 External lead arrangement CC4071 Zhongke total point Shang Yi Shang Yi Shang Yi D0b000 2.18.4 Main electrical parameters (typical values) Ip=0.01μA(10V) +pd = 60ns (10 V) 2.14 Triple 3-input OR gate CC4075 2.14.1 Logic diagram (1/3) Logical expression Y=A+B+C External lead arrangement 2.14.4 Main electrical parameters (typical values) tμd=60us (10V) 2.15 Dual 4-input OR gate! 2.15.1 Logic diagram 2.15.2 Logical expression 2.15.3 External lead arrangement GB3435—87 国国国国日司 00团0口 ID = 0.01μA (10V) CC4072 1AIBIC1D 2A2B2C2D Y=A+B+C+D 2.16.4 Electrical parameters (typical values) tpd-60ns(10V) 2.168 Input NAND/AND gate 2.16.1 Logic diagram Ipn=0.01μA(10V CC4068 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.