title>Food containers of glass fiber reinforced unsaturated polyester resin - GB/T 14354-1993 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Food containers of glass fiber reinforced unsaturated polyester resin

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 14354-1993

Standard Name:Food containers of glass fiber reinforced unsaturated polyester resin

Chinese Name: 玻璃纤维增强不饱和聚酯树脂食品容器

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release1993-04-29

Date of Implementation:1993-01-02

Date of Expiration:2009-04-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Packaging and transportation of goods>>55.140 Barrels, barrels, cans, etc. 67 Food technology

Standard Classification Number:General>>Marking, packaging, transportation, storage>>A82 Packaging materials and containers

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by GB/T 14354-2008

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:1993-01-02

other information

Release date:1993-04-29

Review date:2004-10-14

drafter:Hu Zhenzhe, Gu Zhenhua

Drafting unit:Shanghai Fiberglass Research Institute, Shanghai Food Hygiene Supervision and Inspection Institute

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Fiber Reinforced Plastics

Proposing unit:State Bureau of Building Materials Industry

Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision

competent authority:China Building Materials Industry Association

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the technical requirements and inspection rules for hand lay-up glass fiber reinforced unsaturated polyester resin food containers. This standard applies to food containers, storage tanks and cold storage made of polyester fiberglass. Products such as water supply pipes and drinking water tanks and polyester fiberglass food containers made by other molding methods can also be used as a reference. GB/T 14354-1993 Glass fiber reinforced unsaturated polyester resin food container GB/T14354-1993 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the technical requirements and inspection rules for hand lay-up glass fiber reinforced unsaturated polyester resin food containers. This standard applies to food containers, storage tanks and cold storage made of polyester fiberglass. Products such as water supply pipes and drinking water tanks and polyester fiberglass food containers made by other molding methods can also be used as a reference.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of ChinawwW.bzxz.Net
Food containers made of glass fiber reinforced unsaturated polyester resinFood containers nf glass fiber reinforced unsaturated polyester resin
1 Subject content and scope of application
GB/T 14354-93
This standard specifies the technical requirements and inspection rules for hand lay-up glass fiber reinforced unsaturated polyester resin food containers (referred to as polyester FRP food containers).
This standard applies to containers, cans and cold storages made of polyester FRP for food (meat, vegetables, aquatic products and beverages, etc.). Products such as water supply pipes and drinking water tanks and other FRP food containers made of other molding methods can also be used as a reference. 2 Reference standards
Test method for bending properties of glass fiber reinforced plastics GB 1449
GH 2576
Test method for insoluble content of fiber reinforced plastic resins Test method for resin content of glass fiber reinforced plastics GB 2577
GB3854 Test method for Barcol hardness of fiber reinforced plastics GB 8237
GB 9685
Hygienic standard for the use of liquid unsaturated polyester resins for glass fiber reinforced plastics (FRP) Food containers and packaging materials Additives for accelerated water resistance test method of glass fiber reinforced plastics GB 10703
Hygienic standard for unsaturated polyester resins and FRP products for food containers and packaging materials GB 13115
Hygienic standard for unsaturated polyester resins and FRP products for food containers and packaging materials Analysis method GB 13117
3 Technical requirements
3.1 Raw materials
3.1.1 Unsaturated polyester resin and gel coat resin: must meet the hygienic requirements specified in GB13115 and be approved by the health department1, and meet the technical requirements of general TG type resin specified in GB 8237. 3.1.2 Reinforcement materials: Alkali-free or medium-alkali glass fiber products with reinforcing sizing agents, such as veiled felt, glass fiber felt, roving and gingham cloth.
3.1.3 Auxiliary materials: The cross-linking agent, initiator, accelerator and pigment used must meet the requirements specified in GB 9685. 3.2 Hygienic requirements
3.2.1 According to the provisions of GR 13115, the hygienic requirements of polyglass food containers are shown in Table 1. Approved by the National Technical Supervision Bureau on April 29, 1993 and implemented on December 1, 1993
Potassium permanganate consumption, mg/!
Water.G℃.2 h
Gelating agent, mg/L
3% acetic acid, 60C.2h
G5 ethanol, room temperature, 2 h
n-hexane, air temperature +2 1
Medium gold shoe (in Ph).mg/l.
4% 2 acid fC℃, 2 h
Residual styrene, %
GB/T 14354-93
3.2.2 The production workshop shall not produce other toxic chemicals at the same time. Index
3.3 Structure
3.3.1 The structure of each layer of polyester glass steel food container for liquid food, beverage and drinking water shall comply with the requirements of Table 2. Table 2
Structural layer
Coating layer or resin-rich
Anti-penetration layer
Carrying layer
Thickness, mm
0. 3~0. 7
Combined design thickness
Food grade gel coat resin
or food grade unsaturated
polyester resin
Food grade unsaturated
vinyl resin
see 3.3.3
Reinforcement material
Glass fiber surface felt
Glass fiber salt or glass
Glass fiber cobalt plus grid
Grid cloth, glass fiber| |tt||Felt and roving, etc.
Thin cloth or glass fiber
Resin content, %
3.3.2 The structure of the fiberglass food container for solid food can appropriately reduce the structural layers according to the use conditions. 3.3.3 For the fiberglass food container with a wall thickness greater than 10mm, the part exceeding 10mm from the inside to the outside can also use general-purpose unsaturated and polyurethane resin.
3.3.4 Except for the gas-phase silicon monoxide used as a thixotropic agent, no other inorganic fillers shall be added to the gel coat layer and the resin-rich layer. 3.3.5 The part of the fiberglass food container that contacts food shall not have a exposed cross section. 3.4 Specific process requirements
3.4.1 The curing system of food-grade unsaturated polyresin shall use methyl ethyl ketone peroxide as the initiator and cobalt cyclohexane acid as the accelerator. The amount of methyl ethyl peroxide with an active oxygen content of (9±0.5)% shall not exceed 2% of the resin; the amount of cyclohexane acid solution with a solid content of (20±1)% shall not exceed 1.5% of the resin.
3.4.2 During hand lay-up molding, the molding temperature should be between 15~32℃ and the relative humidity should be less than 80%. After molding for 24 hours, it needs to be post-cured. 3.4.3 For the products that have been post-treated, the surfaces that come into contact with food must be washed with water vapor (temperature 80~120℃) or 80℃ water for more than two times.
3.4.4 If other processes are used, they must be re-approved. 3.5 Appearance and physical properties
GB/T 14354-93
3.5.1 The surface is flat, without obvious bubbles, cracks, fiber exposure and delamination. 3.5.2 The container should be odorless and leak-free. 3.5.3 The resin content shall be in accordance with the requirements of Table 2.
3.5.4 The degree of curing shall not be less than 90%.
3.5. 5 The Barcol hardness shall not be less than 40.
3.5.6 The bending strength of the bearing layer shall not be less than 150MPa. 3.5.7
The retention rate of the bending strength of the bearing layer after immersion in boiling water shall not be less than 80%. 4 Test methods
4.1 Hygienic index inspection
The consumption of potassium permanganate, evaporation residue, heavy metal and styrene residues shall be determined in accordance with GB13117. 4.2 Appearance and physical property inspection
4.2.1 The appearance shall be observed with the naked eye.
Odor: 3 out of 5 people or more do not feel the odor as no odor. 4. 2. 2
4.2.3 Leakage inspection: The container is filled with water and there is no leakage after being placed for 24 hours. 4.2.4
Resin content: Determined according to GB 2577.
Degree of curing: Determined according to GB2576.
Barcol hardness: Determined according to GB3854.
Flexural strength: Determined in accordance with GB1449
Bending strength of bearing layer immersed in boiling water: Determined in accordance with Article 4.3 of GB10703. 5 Hygiene and quality approval
5.1 Before the product is put into production, the production unit shall apply for approval in accordance with the prescribed food hygiene standard approval procedures. 5.2 When the raw materials or processes are changed, it is necessary to re-apply for approval in accordance with the prescribed food hygiene standard approval procedures. 5.3 The competent department of FRP production is responsible for organizing the approval of special production and manufacturing processes. 6 Inspection rules
6.1 Final inspection
6.1. 1 Each product must be inspected in accordance with Articles 3.5. 1, 3. 5.2 and 3.5.5. 6.1.2 According to the actual production batch of the manufacturer, the sampling rules specified in Table 3 shall be followed for the product or the furnace sample, and the potassium permanganate consumption, 4% acetic acid evaporation residue and 3. 5. 4 in Table 1 shall be used. Table 3
Batch range
Sample size
GB/T 14354—93
6.2 Type inspection
6.2.1 When the first product or raw material is changed, it should be inspected according to 3.2.1, 3.5.1, 3.5.2, 3.5.4 and 3.5.6. If necessary, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5.3 and 3.5.7 should also be inspected. 6.2.2 Every six months or less, when the product production reaches 500 pieces, the product or furnace sample should be inspected according to 3.2.1, 3.5.1, 3.5.2, 3.5.4 and 3.5.6. 5.6 Inspection.
6.2.3 When the quality supervision agency makes a request or a dispute occurs between the supply and demand parties, the inspection shall be carried out in accordance with Articles 3.2.1 and 3.5. If necessary, Article 3.3 shall also be inspected.
6.3 Judgment rules
6.3.1 If the appearance of the product does not meet the requirements of Article 3.5.1, it can be repaired.If it still does not meet the requirements, it is judged as unqualified. If 3.5.2 is unqualified, the product is judged as unqualified. If 3.5.5 is unqualified, it can be re-inspected after post-processing. If it is still unqualified, the product is judged as unqualified. 6.3.2 If one of the items in 3.2.1 is unqualified, or one of the items in, 3.5.6 and 3.5.7 is unqualified, double sampling can be taken to re-inspect the unqualified indicators. If it is still unqualified, the product is judged as unqualified. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Product marking
Products leaving the factory must be marked with the "food packaging grade" logo, trademark, specifications, manufacturer name and date of manufacture. 7.2 Packaging
7.2.1Containers are generally not packaged, but the container mouth should be packaged to prevent contamination. 7.2.2 Products should be accompanied by a certificate of conformity, including: a. Certificate of conformity and date of issue;
b. Product specifications, application range and production date, manufacturer name, location Address and signature of the inspector. 7.3 Transportation and storage
Whether food containers or raw materials, they should be protected from damage and contamination by toxic chemicals during production, storage and transportation. Food containers should be placed separately from industrial products. Additional remarks;
This standard is proposed by the State Bureau of Building Materials Industry. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Fiber Reinforced Plastics. This standard was drafted by Shanghai Fiberglass Research Institute and Shanghai Food Hygiene Supervision and Inspection Institute. The ten main drafters of this standard are Hu Zhenzhe and Gu Zhenhua.
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