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Rules for wholesale of fishery products

Basic Information

Standard ID: SB/T 10523-2009

Standard Name:Rules for wholesale of fishery products

Chinese Name: 水产品批发交易规程

Standard category:Business Industry Standard (SB)

state:in force

Date of Release2009-04-02

Date of Implementation:2009-12-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, Services, Organization and Management of Companies (Enterprises), Administration, Transport>>Organization and Management of Companies (Enterprises)>>03.100.20 Trade, Commercial Activities, Marketing

Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A10 Commerce, Trade, Contract

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2009-12-01

other information

drafter:Zhu Yumei, Hou Yangbiao, Pang Huahai, etc.

Drafting unit:National Urban Agricultural Trade Center Federation, Zhanjiang Zhongxin Co., Ltd.

Focal point unit:Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China

Proposing unit:Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China

Publishing department:Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China

competent authority:Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the overall requirements for wholesale transactions of aquatic products, as well as the basic requirements for vehicle (vessel) entry, product testing, product display and storage, trading, settlement and delivery of goods, and vehicle (vessel) exit. This standard applies to spot wholesale transactions of fresh, live and frozen aquatic products. SB/T 10523-2009 Regulations for wholesale transactions of aquatic productsSB/T10523-2009 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the overall requirements for wholesale transactions of aquatic products, as well as the basic requirements for vehicle (vessel) entry, product testing, product display and storage, trading, settlement and delivery of goods, and vehicle (vessel) exit. This standard applies to spot wholesale transactions of fresh, live and frozen aquatic products.

Some standard content:

ICS 03. 100. 20
Registration No.: 26088—2009
People's Republic of China Domestic Trade Industry Standard SB/T10523—2009
Rules for wholesale of fishery products2009-04-02 Issued
Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China
2009-12-01 Implementation
SB/T 10523—2009
Normative references
General requirements
Entry of vehicles (vessels)
Product testing
Product display and storage
Settlement and delivery of goods
Exit of vehicles (vessels)
This standard is proposed and managed by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China. The main drafting units of this standard are: National Federation of Urban Agricultural Trade Centers, Zhanjiang Zhongxin Co., Ltd. SB/T10523—2009
The main drafters of this standard are Ma Zengjun, Long Tujin, Zhang Jie, Zhu Yumei, Hou Yangbiao, Pang Huahai, Chen Kanru, and Long Yufeng. http://foodmate.netScope
Regulations for Wholesale Trading of Aquatic Products
SB/T 10523—2009
This standard specifies the general requirements for wholesale trading of aquatic products, as well as basic requirements for the handling (ship) of the market, product testing, product display and storage, trading, settlement and delivery of goods, and vehicle (ship) exit. This standard applies to spot wholesale trading of fresh, live and frozen aquatic products. 2 Normative ReferencesbZxz.net
The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For all dated referenced documents, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties to the agreement reached based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For all undated referenced documents, the latest versions shall apply to this standard. GB7718 General Rules for Labeling of Prepackaged Foods
GB18406.1 Safety Quality of Agricultural Products Safety Requirements for Non-polluted Aquatic Products GB/T19575 Technical Specifications for Management of Agricultural Products Wholesale Markets NY5051 Water Quality for Micro-aquaculture of Non-polluted Foods NY5052 Water Quality for Marine Aquaculture of Non-polluted Foods SC/T 9001 Artificial Ice
Food Safety Operation Specifications for Wholesale Markets of Agricultural Products Shang Yun Zi [2008] No. 43 3 General Requirements
3.1 Trading Principles
3.1.1 National and local laws and regulations prohibit the listing of aquatic products and illegally caught aquatic products from entering the market for trading. 3.1.2 Market transactions should be open, fair and equitable. 3.1.3 The market should formulate and improve the transaction management mechanism to promote efficient logistics. Markets are encouraged to pass industry credit rating assessments 3.1.4 The market should formulate and effectively implement various management systems in accordance with the relevant requirements of the "Food Safety Operation Specifications for Wholesale Markets of Agricultural Products". 3.2 Basic trading requirements
3.2.1 The market should set up trading areas according to the major categories of aquatic products, and display them in different areas. Freshwater products and marine products should be divided into different areas, dried aquatic products and non-dried aquatic products should be divided into different areas, live aquatic products, chilled aquatic products, and frozen aquatic products should be divided into different areas. It is encouraged to operate fish, shrimp, shellfish, algae, etc. in different areas.
3.2.2 The equipment and management of market facilities and equipment should comply with the relevant requirements of GB/T19575. The market is encouraged to unify weighing and electronic settlement.
3.2.3 The market should set up a trading administrator to maintain the order of the trading site and ensure that the transaction information on the product purchase and sales order is detailed. 3.2.4 Product quality requirements The quality of aquatic products should comply with the relevant requirements of GB18406.4. Aquatic products should be divided into different specifications and grades for trading. The packaging should be able to meet the requirements of product preservation and liveliness, and the size, strength, weight and capacity of the packaging container should meet the requirements of relevant national standards. The packaging label should meet the relevant requirements of GB7718. The product packaging should clearly indicate the product name, variety, grade specification, net weight, origin (fishing area), production unit (fishing unit), production (capture) date and other related information. 3.2.5 Requirements for dealers and buyers
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SB/T10523—2009 Dealers entering the market should have legal business qualifications and hang business licenses, tax registration certificates and other certificates in a prominent position at the business premises. The market shall sign an entry and operation contract with the dealers, and shall clearly stipulate the management methods of the market for dealers to request certificates and invoices, quality inspection and handling of unqualified products, and clarify the dealers' responsibilities for product safety, dispute resolution methods and other related matters. The market shall establish a purchaser admission system according to the needs of transaction management, and enter the market to purchase after being reviewed and qualified. 3.2.6 Information management requirements
The market shall establish a traceability system for aquatic product transactions and quality information, and timely record the information of all links of aquatic product wholesale. The relevant records shall be kept for at least two years.
4 Vehicle (ship) entry
4.1 The market shall check the business qualification certification materials of the dealers, request the aquatic product inspection and quarantine certificate, origin certificate and other tickets and file them for record. Those without relevant tickets are prohibited from entering the market for trading. 4.2 The market should do a good job of registration for entry, and record in detail the supplier's name, contact information, vehicle (vessel) license plate number, product name, quantity, origin (fishing area) and other information.
5 Product testing
5.1 If there is no valid product inspection and quarantine certificate, the market should conduct testing by itself or entrust a testing agency with legal qualifications, and trading can only be carried out after the test is qualified.
5.2 The market should do a good job of inspection and conduct regular or irregular sampling and testing of products. 5.3 Product testing items and the processing of test results should comply with the "Food Safety Operation Specifications for Product Wholesale Markets" and the requirements of relevant national standards.
6 Product display and storage
6.1 After entering the market, dealers should display products in the designated trading area of ​​the market or store frozen products in designated cold storage. 6.2 Products should be displayed with signs indicating their product name, variety, specification grade, origin (fishing area) and other information. 6.3 The display and storage conditions of products should meet the requirements of preservation and quality assurance. The fresh water used should meet the requirements of NY 5051, the sea water should meet the requirements of NY5052, and the artificial ice should meet the requirements of SC/T9001. 6.4 The market or dealers should do a good job in inventory management, record the name, quantity, specification grade, origin (fishing area), storage conditions, storage time and other information of aquatic products in detail and submit them to the market for filing. 7 Transactions
7.1 The buyer and seller should strictly follow the market transaction process to conduct transactions. 7.2 The market should formulate and clearly indicate the corresponding measurement or weighing methods according to different aquatic products to ensure effective implementation. The measurement or weighing methods should comply with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations of the country.
7.3 The market should record and promptly publish the arrival of products on the day (including the name, variety, specification grade, quantity and supplier of various goods), transaction price and other information. The market is encouraged to establish a credit risk management system for both buyers and sellers. 7.4 Buyers should check the certificates of origin, quality inspection certificates and other documents of aquatic products, negotiate prices after verifying the quality of the products, and request the documents for record.
8 Settlement and delivery of goods
8.1 The market should issue purchase and sales orders in a unified format. The purchase and sales order should include the names, contact information, product names, grade specifications, transaction volume, transaction price, and fund payment status of both buyers and sellers. 8.2 The relevant settlement matters of both buyers and sellers should be agreed upon in a contract or other written form. 2
3 When the products are handed over, both buyers and sellers should carefully check to ensure that the orders and goods are consistent. 8.3
Vehicle (vessel) exit
The market should do a good job of exit registration.
SB/T 10523-2009
Domestic Trade of the People's Republic of China
Industry Standard
Regulations on Wholesale Trading of Aquatic Products
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
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Printed by China Standard Publishing House Dutai Huangdao Printing Factory Distributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various places
Format 880×1230 1/16 Printing sheet 0.5 Words 7 Flat characters First edition in August 2009 First printing in August 2009*
Book number: 155066-2-19796
Price 14,00 yuan
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