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HG 29803-1991 Calculation method for comprehensive energy consumption and energy saving of yellow phosphorus products

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG 29803-1991

Standard Name: Calculation method for comprehensive energy consumption and energy saving of yellow phosphorus products

Chinese Name: 黄磷产品综合能耗和节约量的计算方法

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1991-01-01

Date of Implementation:1991-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:71.010

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Comprehensive Chemical Industry>>G01 Technical Management

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HG 29803-1991 Calculation method for comprehensive energy consumption and energy saving of yellow phosphorus products HG29803-1991 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Calculation method of comprehensive energy consumption and energy saving of yellow phosphorus products Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the calculation method of comprehensive energy consumption and energy saving of yellow phosphorus products. 975411
(HG 29803-—91)
This standard is applicable to the statistics and assessment of energy consumption of yellow phosphorus produced by electric furnace method, but not to the energy consumption assessment of yellow phosphorus produced as a by-product of iron and metal furnace.
The calculation method of total comprehensive energy consumption of yellow phosphorus, comprehensive energy consumption per unit product and energy saving specified in this standard is applicable to the energy consumption assessment of yellow phosphorus production enterprises by energy management departments; the comparable comprehensive energy consumption per unit product of yellow phosphorus is used for the assessment of the same industry evaluation and enterprise upgrading and grading indicators.
2 Reference standards
GB2589 General rules for calculating comprehensive energy consumption
GB7816 Industrial yellow phosphorus
ZBGD1001 General rules for calculating energy consumption and savings of industrial enterprises 3 Total comprehensive energy consumption of yellow phosphorus products
3.1 The total comprehensive energy consumption of yellow phosphorus products is the total energy consumption record obtained after comprehensive calculation of the primary energy, secondary energy and energy-consuming working fluids consumed in the production of yellow phosphorus during the reporting period. 3.1.1 The energy consumed in the production of yellow phosphorus includes the energy consumption and loss of the post-production system, auxiliary production system and subsidiary production system.
The yellow phosphorus production system refers to the whole process from raw material processing, electric furnace batching to product packaging and phosphorus mud recycling. The auxiliary production system refers to the "three wastes" treatment, water supply, electricity and car workshop. The auxiliary production system refers to the machine repair, electrical instrumentation, production command and other departments that serve the production. 3.1.2 The energy consumption and loss of auxiliary and auxiliary production systems are calculated by the consumption ratio allocation method. 3.1.3 The total comprehensive energy consumption of yellow phosphorus products does not include energy consumption for living purposes, energy consumption for capital construction and energy consumption exported to the outside world.
3.2 The total comprehensive energy consumption of yellow phosphorus products is calculated according to formula (1): E-(ess-K)+
Wherein: E, — total comprehensive energy consumption of yellow phosphorus products, tons of standard coal; i- — the physical amount of a certain energy consumed by the yellow phosphorus production system; K, — the standard coal conversion coefficient of a certain energy;
! The energy consumption of auxiliary and ancillary systems and energy losses of yellow phosphorus consumption;
— the total amount of energy.
3.2.1 The calorific value of various energy consumed by the enterprise shall be based on the measured calorific value. If there is no actual measurement condition, the winter energy in the appendix of ZBG01:001332
shall be adopted. And the reference coefficient of standard coal conversion of energy-consuming working fluids. 3.2.2 The consumption of graphite electrodes, electrode paste, carbon bricks and lubricating oil is not included in the total comprehensive energy consumption of the product. 3.2.3 Coke consumption is calculated by adding the actual amount of coke into the furnace and the loss. The coke powder leaving the factory should not be included in the total energy consumption. The coke powder supplied to auxiliary and ancillary systems is included in the total energy consumption according to the consumption ratio allocation method. 4 Comprehensive energy consumption per unit product of yellow phosphorus
4.1 The comprehensive energy consumption per unit product of yellow phosphorus is the total amount of various energy consumed in the production of one ton of yellow phosphorus during the reporting period. 4.2 The comprehensive energy consumption per unit product of yellow phosphorus is calculated according to formula (2): E,
Where: E—comprehensive energy consumption per unit product of yellow phosphorus, tons of standard coal/ton of yellow Phosphorus; L. Total yellow phosphorus output is tonnes.
4.2.1 Total yellow phosphorus output includes the total output of industrial yellow phosphorus produced by crude phosphorus refining and phosphorus sludge produced by the factory during the reporting period, which is produced by methods such as phosphorus evaporation, vacuum filtration, chemical treatment, etc. and meets the quality requirements of GB7816: it does not include the yellow phosphorus output recovered from the sold phosphorus sludge and purchased phosphorus sludge.
4.22 In formula (2), E. and L must be within the same reporting period. 5 Comprehensive energy consumption of comparable unit products of yellow phosphorus
5.1 The comprehensive energy consumption of comparable unit products of yellow phosphorus is the comprehensive energy consumption calculated for the convenience of comparison with the same industry. 5.2 The total comprehensive energy consumption of comparable yellow phosphorus products is the total comprehensive energy consumption of yellow phosphorus products after deducting auxiliary energy. , and the energy consumption and energy loss of the production system and the energy consumption affected by the different quality of raw materials in the furnace. 5.2.1 The impact of raw material quality on energy consumption is quite complex. The total comprehensive energy consumption of comparable products only deducts the impact of different contents of phosphorus pentoxide (P2Os), ferric oxide (FeO2), and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the batch on power consumption. The mixture of phosphate ore and silica is called batch. The impact of phosphate ore grade on power consumption is based on the comparison base of 24% content of phosphorus pentoxide (P0) in the batch. The impact of raw material quality on power consumption per ton of yellow phosphorus product is calculated using formula (3): - 76)N: + (3200
N,-- 0.5 (N,-8
Wherein: ——Comparable power consumption impact, kilowatt-hour/ton yellow phosphorus; N—average content of P,O in batch, %; Nz—average content of FezO in batch, %; N——average content of CO in batch, %.
5.2.2 The total comprehensive energy consumption of comparable yellow phosphorus products is calculated using formula (4): W — 3.5wwW.bzxz.Net
Z(ete - K.) - 0.404 × 10-cr - L,Epte
'Wherein: E,——Total comprehensive energy consumption of comparable yellow phosphorus products, ton of standard coal; Other symbols are as in formula (1), formula (2) and formula (3). 5-3: Comparable yellow phosphorus production is the relative yellow phosphorus production calculated for industry comparability. 5.3.1. The yellow phosphorus production can be calculated by using the phosphorus sludge produced as a by-product in the reporting period to produce phosphoric acid, using formula (5): .
L. - 0.333N,L, -- L.
Wherein: L, -- yellow phosphorus production converted from phosphoric acid produced from phosphorus sludge, tons; L -- actual production of phosphoric acid produced from phosphorus sludge, tons; N. -- concentration of phosphoric acid produced from phosphorus sludge, %;
L additional yellow phosphorus, tons The phosphoric acid produced from phosphorus sludge sold or purchased shall not be converted into yellow phosphorus production. The amount of additional yellow phosphorus refers to the amount of yellow phosphorus produced by the enterprise itself and whose production has been counted in the enterprise's production and the amount of purchased yellow phosphorus used to produce phosphoric acid mixed in the phosphorus sludge.
5.3.2 Comparable yellow phosphorus production is calculated using formula (6): Lk - Le
Where: L is the comparable yellow phosphorus production, tons;
The other symbols are as in formula (2) and formula (5).
5.4 The comprehensive energy consumption per unit of comparable yellow phosphorus product is calculated using formula (7): Epra
Where: E-
is the comprehensive energy consumption per unit of comparable yellow phosphorus product, tons of standard coal/ton of yellow phosphorus; The other symbols are as in formula (4) and formula (6).
6 Calculation of energy saving of yellow phosphorus products
6.1 The definition of energy saving of yellow phosphorus products is the energy consumption reduction of producing the same amount of yellow phosphorus. 6.2 The energy saving of yellow phosphorus is calculated by formula (8): E - (Epi - Ed). Lpb
Where: Edi - yellow phosphorus energy saving, tons of standard coal; Edi - comprehensive energy consumption per unit of yellow phosphorus product in the base period, tons of standard coal/ton of yellow phosphorus; E - comprehensive energy consumption per unit of yellow phosphorus product in the reporting period, tons of standard coal/ton of yellow phosphorus; L - yellow phosphorus output in the reporting period, tons.
6.2.1 In formula (8), L refers to the total output of yellow phosphorus in the reporting period that meets the requirements of Article 4.2.1 of this standard. (6)
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