title>Public information graphical symbols for use on sign - Part 9: Symbols for accessible facilities - GB/T 10001.9-2008 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Public information graphical symbols for use on sign - Part 9: Symbols for accessible facilities
Basic Information
Standard ID:
GB/T 10001.9-2008
Standard Name:Public information graphical symbols for use on sign - Part 9: Symbols for accessible facilities
drafter:Zhang Liang, Bai Dianyi, Zhang Dongwang, An Yaoshun, Zou Chuanyu, Chen Yongquan
Drafting unit:China National Institute of Standardization, China Disabled Persons’ Federation, Xu Beihong Academy of Fine Arts, Renmin University of China
Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Graphic Symbols
Proposing unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Graphic Symbols
Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China
GB/T10001 "Public Information Graphic Symbols for Signs" is divided into 10 parts, and this part is Part 9 of GB/T10001. This part of GB/T10001 specifies public information graphic symbols for signs of barrier-free facilities for the disabled, the elderly, the injured and other people with special needs. This part is applicable to public places such as airports, stations, docks, shopping malls, hospitals, banks, post offices, schools, parks, various venues, and also to transportation and other service facilities. It is specifically used for the design of location signs, guide signs, plan diagrams, information boards, block guide maps and other guiding elements in public information guidance systems. This part is also applicable to graphic signs with a size greater than 10 mm×10 mm in publications and other information carriers. GB/T 10001.9-2008 Graphic symbols for public information for signs Part 9: Symbols for barrier-free facilities GB/T10001.9-2008 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This part of GB/T10001 specifies the graphic symbols for public information for barrier-free facilities for the disabled, the elderly, the injured and other people with special needs (hereinafter referred to as graphic symbols).
This part is applicable to public places such as airports, stations, docks, shopping malls, hospitals, banks, post offices, schools, parks, various venues, and also to transportation vehicles and other service facilities. Specifically, it is used for the design of location signs, guide signs, floor plans, information boards, block guide maps and other guidance elements in public information guidance systems. This part is also applicable to graphic signs with a size greater than 10 mm × 10 mm in publications and other information carriers.
GB/T10001 "Public Information Graphical Symbols for Signs" is divided into the following parts:
--- Part 1: General symbols;
--- Part 2: Tourism and leisure symbols;
--- Part 3: Passenger and freight symbols;
--- Part 4: Sports and fitness symbols;
--- Part 5: Shopping symbols;
--- Part 6: Medical and health care symbols;
--- Part 9: Barrier-free facility symbols;
--- Part 10: Railway passenger symbols.
This part is Part 9 of GB/T10001.
This part is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Graphical Symbols.
Drafting units of this part: China National Institute of Standardization, China Disabled Persons' Federation, and Xu Beihong Academy of Fine Arts, Renmin University of China.
The main drafters of this part: Zhang Liang, Bai Dianyi, Zhang Dongwang, An Yaoshun, Zou Chuanyu, Chen Yongquan. The clauses in the following documents become clauses of this part through reference in this part of GB/T 10001. For any dated referenced document, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this part. However, parties to an agreement based on this part are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated referenced document, the latest version applies to this part.
GB/T 10001 (the rest of the parts) Graphic symbols for public information for signs
GB/T 15565 (all parts) Terminology of graphic symbols
GB/T 20501 (all parts) Design principles and requirements for elements of public information guidance systems
Some standard content:
ICS 01.080.10 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T10001.9-—2008 Public information graphical symbols for use on sign-Part 9: Symbols for accessible facilities Public information graphical symbols for use on sign-Part 9: Symbols for accessible facilities2008-07-16 Issued General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China 2009-01-01 Implementation GB/T10001 "Public Information Graphical Symbols for Signs" is divided into the following parts: Part 1: General symbols; Part 2: Tourism and leisure symbols; Part 3: Passenger and freight symbols; -Part 4 Sports and fitness symbols; Part 5: Shopping symbols; Part 6: Medical and health care symbols; -Part 9: Barrier-free facility symbols; Part 10: Railway passenger symbols.Www.bzxZ.net This part is Part 9 of GB/T10001. This part is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Graphical Symbols Standardization. GB/T 10001.9-2008 This part was drafted by: China National Institute of Standardization, China Disabled Persons' Federation, Xu Beihong Academy of Fine Arts, Renmin University of China. The main drafters of this part are: Zhang Liang, Bai Dianyi, Zhang Dongwang, An Yaoshun, Zou Chuanyu, Chen Yongquan. 1 Scope Public information graphic symbols for signs Part 9: Barrier-free facility symbols GB/T10001.9——2008 This part of GB/T10001 specifies the public information graphic symbols (hereinafter referred to as graphic symbols) for the signs of barrier-free facilities for the disabled, the elderly, the injured and other people with special needs. This part is applicable to public places such as airports, stations, docks, shopping malls, hospitals, banks, post offices, schools, parks, various venues, and also to transportation and other service facilities. It is specifically used for the design of location signs, guide signs, plan diagrams, information boards, block guide maps and other guidance elements in public information guidance systems. This part also applies to graphic signs with a size greater than 10mm×10mm in publications and other information carriers. 2 Normative references The clauses in the following documents become clauses of this part through reference to this part of GB/T10001. For any dated referenced document, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this part. However, parties to an agreement based on this part are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated referenced document, the latest version applies to this part. GB/T10001 (the rest of the parts) Graphic symbols for public information for signs GB/T15565 (all parts) Terminology of graphic symbols GB/T20501 (all parts) Design principles and requirements for elements of public information guidance systems 3 Terms and definitions The terms and definitions established in GB/T15565 apply to this part of GB/T10001. 4 Graphic symbols See Table 1 for symbols for barrier-free facilities. 5 Application 5.1 This part should be used in conjunction with GB/T10001.1. In application, if other symbols are required, they should be selected from other parts of GB/T10001. 5.2 The color of the graphic symbol should comply with the requirements of GB/T20501.1. 5.3 The square edge in the graphic symbol column of Table 1 is not a component of the graphic symbol, but only the basis for making the graphic mark. When applied, the graphic mark formed by this symbol should be used. When using the graphic symbols of this part to design guide elements, the requirements of GB/T20501 should be met. 5.4 The meaning of the graphic symbols in this part is only the general concept of the graphic symbol. When applied, the corresponding name can be given according to the specific object to be expressed. For example, the graphic symbol meaning "guide dog" can be given specific names such as "guide dog facilities", "guide dog passage", "allow guide dogs to enter", etc. At the same time, the English should also be adjusted accordingly according to the specific Chinese name. 1 GB/T 10001.9--2008 Graphic symbols Table 1 Symbols of barrier-free facilities Barrier-free facilities AccessibleFacility AccessibleRoom AccessibleElevator AccessibleTelephone Indicates facilities for the disabled, the elderly, the injured and other people with special needs, such as wheelchairs. Also indicates wheelchair users This symbol or its mirror image should be used according to the actual situation Indicates guest rooms for disabled people This symbol or its mirror image should be used according to the actual situation Indicates elevators for disabled people, the elderly, the injured and other people with limited mobility Indicates telephones for wheelchair users or children Graphic symbols Table 1 (continued) Accessible Toilet Accessible Parking Accessible Parking Space Accessible Ramp Accessible Ramp Accessible Passage GB/T10001.9--2008 Indicates a toilet for disabled people, the elderly, the injured and other people with limited mobility Indicates a parking space exclusively for disabled people Indicates a glass passage for disabled people, the elderly, the injured and other people with limited mobility This symbol or its mirror image should be used according to the actual situation Indicates a horizontal passage for disabled people, the elderly, the injured and other people with limited mobility This symbol should be used according to the actual situation or its mirror image symbol GB/T10001.9—2008 Graphic symbols Table 1 (continued) Walking impairment Facility for Physically Handicapped Hearing impairment Facility for Auditory Handicapped Hearing dog Assistance Dog forAuditory Handicapped Telephone for the hearing impaired Telephone for Auditory Handicapped Indicates a person with a walking disability or a facility for a person with a walking disability This symbol or its mirror image should be used as appropriate Indicates a person with a hearing impairment or a facility for a person with a hearing impairment Indicates a hearing dog or a facility for a hearing dogIndicates a telephone for a person with a hearing impairment Graphic symbols Table 1 (continued) Visually Handicapped Guide dog Assistance Dog forVisually Handicapped Text telephone Text Telephone GB/T10001.9-—2008 Indicates a person with visual impairment or facilities for the use of the visually impaired Indicates a guide dog or facilities for guide dogs. Indicates a telephone that provides text assistance to the hearing-impaired or speech-impaired GB/T10001.9—2008 Chinese Meaning Guide Dog Hearing Dog Visual Impairment Hearing Impairment Telephone for the Hearing Impaired Text Phone Barrier-Free Telephone Barrier-Free Elevator Barrier-Free Room Barrier-Free Ramp Barrier-Free Facilities Barrier-Free Parking Space Barrier-Free Passage Barrier-Free Toilet Walking Impairment English Corresponding Word AccessibleElevator AccessibleFacility AccessibleParkingSpace Accessible Passage AccessibleRamp AccessibleRoom AcccssibleTelephone Accessible Toilet Assistance Dog for Auditory HandicappedAssistance Dog for Visually HandicappedFacilityforAuditoryHandicappedFacility for Physically HandicappedFacility for Visually HandicappedTelephone forAuditory HandicappedTextTelephone GB/T10001.9-2008 People's Republic of China National Standard Public Information Graphic Symbols for Signs Part 9: Barrier-free Facility Symbols GB/T10001.9—2008 Published and distributed by China Standards Press No. 16, Sanlihe North Street, Fuxingmenwai, Beijing Postal Code: 100045 Website:spc.net. cn Tel: 6852394668517548 Printed by Qinhuangdao Printing Factory of China Standard Press Distributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various places Format 880×12301/16 Printing sheet 0.75 Word count 13,000 words First edition in December 2008 First printing in December 2008 Book number: 155066·1-343391 If there is any printing error, our distribution center will replace it. 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