title>GB 15967-1995 1:500, 1:1 000, 1:2 000 topographic map aerial photogrammetry digital mapping specifications - GB 15967-1995 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB 15967-1995 1:500, 1:1 000, 1:2 000 topographic map aerial photogrammetry digital mapping specifications

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 15967-1995

Standard Name:Specifications for aerial photogrammetric digital mapping of 1:500 1:1000 1:2000 topographic maps

Chinese Name: 1:500,1:1 000, 1:2 000地形图航空摄影测量数字化测图规范

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release1995-12-29

Date of Implementation:1996-10-01

Date of Expiration:2008-12-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mathematics, Natural Sciences>>07.040 Astronomy, Geodesy, Geography

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Surveying>>A77 Photography and Remote Sensing Mapping

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by GB/T 15967-2008

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press

Publication date:1996-10-01

other information

Release date:1995-12-29

Review date:2004-10-14

drafter:Lin Dingrong, Jiang Xiangying, Yang Kejian, Ma Congli

Drafting unit:National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping Standardization Institute of Surveying and Mapping

Focal point unit:National Geographic Information Standardization Technical Committee

Proposing unit:State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping

Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision

competent authority:State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the basic requirements and accuracy for digital mapping operations of 1:500, 1:1000, and 1:2000 topographic maps using aerial photogrammetry methods. This standard applies to aerial photogrammetry methods for digital mapping operations of 1:500, 1:1000, and 1:2000 topographic maps. GB 15967-1995 1:500, 1:1 000, 1:2 000 topographic map digital mapping specification for aerial photogrammetry GB15967-1995 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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This standard is formulated for the first time in my country. This standard is formulated based on the actual technical level that can be achieved by digital mapping operations of topographic aerial photogrammetry at the current stage and in the future, as well as the requirements of various relevant professional departments for the use of digital mapping results of topographic aerial photogrammetry. of.
Appendix A of this standard is a reminder appendix.
This standard is proposed and administered by the State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping. This standard was drafted by: Institute of Standardization of Surveying and Mapping, State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping. The main drafters of this standard: Lin Dingrong, Jiang Xiangluan, Yang Kejian, Ma Congli. 822 | | tt | of 1 : 500,1 : 1 000,1 : 2 000topographic maps | Basic requirements and accuracy of digital mapping operations.
This standard is applicable to the aerial photogrammetry method for digital mapping operations of 1:500, 1:1000, and 1:2000 topographic maps. 2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute provisions of this standard by being quoted in this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the standard listed below. G36962-861: 5001: 10001: 2000 scale topographic map aerial photography specification GB7929-941: 500, 1: 1000, 1: 2000 topographic map schema (G137931-871: 500, 1: 1000, 12000 scale topographic map aerial photogrammetry Field specification GB7930-871500, 1:1000, 1:2000 scale topographic map aerial photogrammetry internal industry specification Gl314804-931: 500, 1:1000, 1:2000 topographic map element classification and code (H/T8015-94HHS90-B /120-B CNC plotter 3 General principles
3.1 Specifications of digital topographic maps
3.1.1 Plane coordinates, elevation system and projection The plane coordinate system adopts the 1980 Xi'an coordinate system, and can also be used 1954 Huabei coordinate system or independent coordinate system: The elevation system adopts the 1985 national elevation datum. The 1956 Yellow Sea elevation system or independent elevation system can also be used. When an independent elevation system is used, it should be jointly measured with the 1985 national elevation datum. || tt|| Gauss-Krüger projection is used for plane control, and the plane rectangular coordinates are calculated according to 3° zones. When there are special requirements for the control network, any longitude can be used as the independent coordinate system of the central meridian, and the projection plane is also used. The local elevation reference surface can be used. 3.1.2 Framing and numbering The framing pattern of the digital topographic map should be square or rectangular, and its specifications can generally be 50cm×50cm or 40cm×50cmc||tt || The numbering of the map sheets can generally be based on the coordinates of the southwest corner of the map in kilometers (two decimal places), with [Districts or small area survey areas can be numbered in a unified sequence. Approved by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision on 1995-12-29 and implemented on 1996-10-01
3.1.3 Terrain categories|| tt||GB 15967—1995
Flat land: most areas with a ground slope below 2°; hilly land: most areas with a ground slope between 2° and 6°; mountainous land: most areas Areas with ground slopes between 6° and 25°; alpine areas: most areas with ground slopes above 25°. 3.1.4 Basic contour distance
Contour distance is based on the terrain type and use of the survey area. According to the requirements of the map, only one basic contour distance is used in a map. When the basic contour distance cannot show the landform features, half-distance contour lines should be drawn according to the needs of the map. , it is not necessary to draw contour lines, only use elevation note points to express. Table 1
Basic contour distance
One terrain category
Mapping scale
Flat land, hilly land
Note : The brackets indicate the contour distance that needs to be selected according to the drawing (the same below). 3.1.5 Elevation note points
1.0||tt ||2.0
Elevation note points are generally selected on obvious feature points and terrain points. According to the terrain category and the location of the feature points and terrain points, How many, the density is 5 to 20 per 100cm in the picture.
3.1.6 Symbols and Notes
Follow the provisions of GB7929.
3.2 Accuracy of digital topographic maps
3.2.1 Error in plane position
Internal industry encryption points and feature points, the error in the position of the nearest field control point on the map must not be allowed Greater than specified in Table 2. Table 2 | |tt | tt||Flat land, hilly land
0. 4
Mountain, high mountain land
Internal industry encryption The errors in elevation of points, elevation note points and contour lines to the nearest field control point shall not be greater than those specified in Table 3. mm | The line elevation accuracy can be calculated using the following formula: a+b?tga
Wuzhong: u
The mid-elevation error of the elevation note point, m;
b—the plane of the ground object point Error in position, m;
Ground slope near a check point, (), 824
Terrain category
Basic contour distance
Encryption point
Note point
Contour line
Flat land,
1: 500
3.2.3 Accuracy requirements in difficult areas
Alpine Ground
Terrain transformation point
Table 3|| tt||1:1000
Flat land,
hilly land
mountainous land
1.5| |tt||2.0
Terrain transformation point
Flat land,
hilly land
Topography transformation point Terrain transformation point
The plane and elevation errors in difficult areas (such as forest areas, shadow-covered areas, etc.) can be relaxed by 1/2 as specified in Table 2 and Table 3. 3.2 .4 Regulation of maximum error Twice the error in
is the maximum error. || tt | , a digital photogrammetry system can also be used. 3.4 Requirements for aerial photography data
should comply with the relevant provisions of GB6962.
3.5 Basic requirements for aerial survey field results
Aerial survey field results should comply with the requirements of GB7931 and technical design documents. The aerial survey field professional technical design document, editing instructions and inspection and acceptance report will be sent to the next process along with the field results and drawing materials. 3.6 Technical design
3.6.1 Collect aerial photography data (aerial photography appraisal form, acceptance report and various parameters); aerial photogrammetry field data (control, mapping results, various calculation notebooks, computer floppy disks and sketches, etc.); comprehensive technical design documents prepared by superior business departments; aerial photogrammetry field professional technical design documents; existing topographic maps and geographical data, etc. When necessary, designers and editors should conduct on-site inspections. 3.6.2 Analyze whether the data provided by the outside industry can meet the requirements of each process in the internal industry. Methods for estimating the expected accuracy of mapping and handling special problems. 3.6.3 Compile technical design documents (including editing instructions) in accordance with relevant regulations 4 Photographic processing
Aerial photographic reproductions used for digital aerial surveying and mapping generally use polyester photosensitive films, which must ensure clear images, moderate contrast, and normal tones , frame labels and other display data are clear and complete. During the photographic processing process, the irregular deformation of the polyester photosensitive film should be less than 3/10000. 5 Analytical aerial triangulation
The relevant provisions of Chapter 3 of GB7930-87 should be implemented. 6 Online data collection
The basic computer hardware and software configuration, data format, and operating procedures of the online data collection system are stipulated as follows. When the collection system used is inconsistent with these regulations, there should be corresponding substitute methods. to ensure functional completeness. 825 | | tt | The instrument
shall comply with the operation requirements and instrument calibration requirements specified in GB7930-87. 6.1.2 The microcomputer
should use current mainstream models as much as possible. Its processing speed and internal and external memory capacity should ensure that the instrument system can perform real-time data collection, real-time graphic display, online editing, data storage and output. 6.2 System software configuration
The software of the aerial survey digital surveying and mapping online data collection system should consist of the following parts: 6.2.1 Photo alignment software
Measure coordinates and control points based on the photo ground coordinates, determine the orientation elements of the photo pair, obtain the ground coordinates of any photo point in real time, establish the correspondence between the measuring points on the instrument and the cursor on the computer screen, and finally print out the orientation accuracy . 6.2.2 Online data collection software and symbol library According to the needs of mapping, select point mode or flow mode to collect data on landforms, attribute attributes of elements, and perform monthly mark coding according to user requirements, and automatically extract the corresponding data from the symbol library Symbols of features and displayed graphically in real time on the screen. In addition, in order to improve work efficiency, it can also be equipped with functions such as automatic elevation annotation and parallel line drawing. 6.2.3 Online editing software
According to the needs of the job, set up to delete or modify point by point or element by element, move and scale the graphics, and complete the edge connection between photo pairs and picture frames, etc. Function.
6.2.4 Graphic file generation software
can generate graphic files in the specified file format according to the requirements of the graphics editing software package used. 6.3 Data format of digital surveying
In order to facilitate data sharing and communication between different systems, the following data exchange format is specified. 6.3.1 Technical regulations for data format Divide topographic map digital information into the following five file records: Map basic information file: *MAP
Point file:
Arc segment file:
Circle file:
Note file:
Appendix A (prompt appendix) is an example of documentation. The coordinates and lengths in the data are expressed in meters, with 3 significant digits after the decimal point, and the angle is expressed in 60 degrees. Data files are recorded in ASCII text files. The attribute encoding in the format shall comply with the provisions of GB14804. 6.3.2 Data format Basic information file *MAP) Table 4
Ins-mode| |tt||Map-name
Measurement unit name
Instrument model
Picture name
Ming|| tt||item
X2, Y2
No num
Node code 1 code 2-..
No num
Node rode I code 2...
xyz||tt ||xyz
GB 15967—1995
Table 4 (End)
Figure number
Name of the plane coordinate system
The name of the elevation system
the name of the terrain feature classification and coding system
aerial photography scale
aerial photography date
map scale
Expiration date of current data
Coordinates with numbers, without numbers are 0
First number of X coordinates
First number of Y coordinates
Coordinates of the lower left corner gallery point||tt ||Coordinates of the upper left corner of the figure
Coordinates of the upper right corner of the figure
Coordinates of the lower right corner of the figure
Table 5
Formula|| tt||11011
F10.3 F10.3 F10.3
F10.3F10.3F10.3| |tt||F10.3 F10.3
Serial number, coordinate points
Ming||tt| |Entity attribute item number classification code 1
classification code 2
serial number
end of file mark
a point
none Directionality
Note: For directional point-like feature symbols, two point coordinates are recorded in the point file, and the first point is the point the reference position, and the second point is the direction point for calculating the rotation angle. 827
Arc file (*IIN)
Data element
No num
Node: code I code 2...| |tt||xyz
No num
Node code 1

code 2...
y2|| tt||9999
Round File (*CJR)
Data Element
Node code 1
code 2...
annotation file (*ANN)
Data Element
No XYZ Angle Size
GB 15967--1995
Table 6
1218 18.
F10.3 F10.3F10.3||tt| |11016
Table 7
F10.3 F10.3 F10.3
F10.3F10.3F10 .3
F5.1 F5.1| |tt||Note: The noted coordinates are the coordinates of the lower left corner of the first word. F10.3
Table 8
S80||tt| |15
Serial number, number of coordinate points
Number of entity attribute items
Classification code 2
Serial number||tt ||End of file mark
Serial number
Classification code 1
Number of entity attribute items Classification code 1
Category code 2...
Determine the three-point coordinates of the circle
End of file mark
Serial number, coordinates, angle , character height, font, spacing
file end flag
Examples of topographic map data recording files recorded according to Tables 4 to 8 are shown in Appendix A (Appendix of Prompts) . 6.4 Operation procedures
6.4.1 Operation preparation
arc segment
one arc segment
one garden
one note
online The preparation work for data collection includes two parts: traditional photogrammetry preparation and computer hardware and software system entering the normal operating state. The former should implement the relevant provisions of GB7930-87 5.1 and 6.1, and the latter can be based on different system configurations and different conditions. 828
The application software determines it by itself.
6.4.2 Image positioning
GB 15967--1995
No matter what kind of photo measuring instrument is used, whether a computer-aided orientation program is used or not, the relative orientation and absolute orientation The orientation steps and various accuracy requirements should comply with the relevant provisions of 5.2 and 6.2 of GB7930-87. 6.4.3 Data collection operation
Online data collection is basically the same as the traditional precision stereo mapper mapping process. Attention should be paid to maintaining the integrity and correctness of the original record, there should be no breaks, omissions, or shifts, and each element must be given correct attribute coding and target coding. The technical processing principles and various tolerances in collection, edge joining, finishing and other work should comply with the relevant provisions of 5.3 and 7.2 of GB7930--87. 6.4.4 Generate graphics files and drawing files
After online data collection, the stored data needs to be checked for errors, and finally the correct graphics files and drawing files are generated. This part of the work can be carried out according to the requirements of the graphics editing software package and CNC plotter used. 7 Graphic editing and drawing output
7.1 Editing steps of digital topographic maps
The editing of digital topographic maps can be done on a dedicated graphics editing system by viewing the display screen, or you can play back the graphics first After formulating the editing content on the drawing, proceed through the display screen. According to the technical design document, field mapping photos and mapping results, and in accordance with the provisions of GB7929 and the editing principles determined in 7.2 of this specification, the collected data shall be modified, added, deleted, and arranged. After completion, play back the editing inspection chart to find out the existing problems, and continue editing on the computer until the quality requirements are met. You can also take the edited inspection chart to the field for on-site testing and modification, and then go on the computer to insert data and then edit. 7.2 Editing principles of digital topographic maps
7.2.1 Residential areas
a) 0.2mm spacing should be left at the connection between roads and blocks; b) Buildings built on steep ridges and slopes, Draw according to the actual position. When the steep slope cannot be drawn accurately, it can be displayed by shifting and leaving a gap of 0.2 mm:
c) When a house with a suspended building on the water coincides with the waterline, the house will be displayed as usual. Intermittent water line. 7.2.2 Point-like objects
a) When two point-like objects are very close to each other and it is difficult to draw them at the same time, the tall and protruding object can be clearly represented, and the other one can be represented by shifting 0.2mm, and they should remain mutually exclusive. b) When point-like features overlap with other features such as houses, roads, water systems, etc., the symbols of other features can be interrupted with an interval of 0.2mm to maintain the integrity of the independent symbols.
7.2.3 Traffic
a) When the double-lane road coincides with the edge of a building above the ground such as a house or fence, the building edge can be used instead of the road edge, and the road edge is the joint of the building should be spaced 0.2mm apart; b) When railways and roads intersect horizontally, the railway symbols should not be interrupted, and the road symbols should be interrupted. When the roads do not intersect at the same level, the corresponding bridge symbols should be drawn at the intersections of the roads;
) The roadside line and the embankment (cut) edge line should be drawn separately for the highway embankment (view). When the two coincide, one of them can be moved 0.2mm7.2.4 Pipeline
a) Power lines and communication lines in urban construction areas may not be connection, but the direction of the connection should be drawn; b) When there are multiple lines on a pole frame, the main lines are indicated, but the directions of the various lines should be coherent and the line types should be clear. 7.2.5 Water system
dynamic) The river should be interrupted when it encounters bridges, beams, dams, sluices, etc.; b) When the waterline line coincides with the scarp, the scarp edge line can be used instead of the waterline line, and the waterline line is at the foot of the slope. When overlapping, the waterline should still be drawn at the foot of the slope.
7.2.6 Boundary
GB 15967-1995
a) Any map with national boundaries must be drawn in accordance with relevant national regulations; b) Boundary lines There should be no discontinuity at the corners, and points or curves or straight lines should be drawn on the corners; c) When the boundary line is bounded by one side of the linear feature, it should be drawn 0.2mm away from the linear feature according to the diagram; if the boundary line is drawn on one side of the linear feature, When the center of the feature is the boundary and it cannot be drawn in the center of the linear symbol, 3~~4 sections of symbols can be drawn staggered every 3~~5cm along both sides. However, where the boundaries intersect or have obvious turns and drawings, the boundary symbols should not be Omitted to clarify direction and location. 7.2.7 Contour lines
a) Contour lines encounter houses and other buildings, double-lane roads, embankments, cuttings, potholes, scarps, slopes, lakes, double-line rivers, double-line canals, Reservoirs, ponds, and notes should all be interrupted; b) When the slope direction of the contour line cannot be determined, a slope line should be drawn. 7.2.8 Vegetation
a) The symbols of vegetation within the same land category boundary can be evenly arranged. When there are two or more types of vegetation within the same land category boundary, the symbols can be arranged according to the actual situation; || tt||b) When the earth type boundary coincides with the linear symbol with real objects on the ground, it can be omitted and not drawn; when it overlaps with the linear symbol with no real object on the ground, shift the earth type boundary by 0.2mm and draw it.
7.2.9 Notes
a) Text notes should be clearly identifiable so that the features represented can be clearly interpreted, with the prefix facing north; for road and river names, they can be arranged in the direction of linear bends, The side or bottom of the name should be perpendicular or parallel to the linear object; b) The minimum spacing between characters should be 0.5mm, and the maximum spacing should not exceed 9 times the size of the characters. Elevation notes are generally placed to the right of the point, with an interval of 0.5mm from the point. When annotating, avoid covering up and blocking the main features and terrain features. c) The prefix of the contour annotation should point to the top of the mountain or highland, but the prefix should not point to the bottom of the drawing. In places with complex landforms, attention should be paid to the placement. Maintain the integrity of the landform;
d) The outline decoration notes shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB7929. 7.2.10 Edge connection
The edge connection between picture frames should ensure reasonable, complete and seamless connection of linear elements. 7.3 CNC plotter and drawing output
Graphic file after graphics editing If the output graphics are to be used directly as a topographic map that meets the requirements of the specification, the CNC plotter should comply with the requirements of GB/T8015.
8 Map quality inspection and submitted data
If the output graphics are to be used directly as a topographic map that meets the requirements of the specification, the map quality inspection and submitted data shall comply with the requirements of this regulation.
8.1 Inspection of finished drawings
8.1.1 Requirements for drawing carriers
The carriers for drawings and engravings generally use polyester films and engraving films, and their deformation rate should not exceed 0.2%. When the quality of the original image is not high, a paper base can be used as a carrier.
8.1.2 Inspection of the mathematical basis of the map
The mathematical basis of the map such as outline size, kilometer network, control points and scale should comply with the requirements of this standard and GB7929. 8.1.3 Quality requirements for line symbols
a) Check each element one by one to eliminate errors and omissions; b) Check the specifications and completeness of symbols and lines. 8.1.4 Quality requirements for text annotations
a) Text annotations must be accurate; the handwriting must be clear and there must be no broken or blurred characters; 830
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