title>JB/T 7511-1994 Calculation of selection of mechanical couplings - JB/T 7511-1994 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 7511-1994 Calculation of selection of mechanical couplings

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 7511-1994

Standard Name: Calculation of selection of mechanical couplings

Chinese Name: 机械式联轴器选用计算

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1994-10-25

Date of Implementation:1995-10-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Parts>>J19 Couplings, Brakes and Transmissions

associated standards

Procurement status:neq DIN 740 AGM A514.02

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:Machinery Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the calculation method for selecting mechanical couplings and the relevant coefficients for the selection calculation. JB/T 7511-1994 Mechanical coupling selection calculation JB/T7511-1994 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Selection and Calculation of Mechanical Couplings
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
JB/T 7511- 94
This standard specifies the calculation method for the widely used mechanical couplings (referred to as couplings), as well as the relevant coefficients when selecting and calculating. This standard applies to the selection and calculation of rigid couplings, flexible couplings and elastic couplings. 2 Reference Standards
GB3931 Glossary of Mechanical Couplings
3 Glossary
3.1 Flexible Coupling
A coupling with no relative sliding between the driving and driven ends during the transmission of torque and with compensation performance for the offset of the centers of both ends. 3.2 Alternating Fatigue Torque Tk
Torque that changes periodically over a long period of time.
3.3 Driving end impact torque TAS
The instantaneous maximum torque generated by the driving end during starting or speed change. 3.4 Driven end impact torque TLs
The instantaneous maximum torque generated by the driven end during load change or braking. 3.5 Driving end exciting torque TAi
The torque when the driving end produces periodic amplitude. 3.6 Driven end exciting torque TL
The torque when the driven end produces periodic amplitude. 3.7 Power machine coefficient K
The additional load coefficient caused by different power machine types. 3.8 Starting coefficient Kz
The additional load coefficient caused by the starting frequency. 3.9 Temperature coefficient K.
Consider the strength reduction coefficient of non-metallic elastic element materials under the influence of temperature. 3.10 Frequency coefficient K,
Influence coefficient due to alternating fatigue torque frequency, 3.11 Amplification coefficient K,
When using elastic coupling in vibration system, the coefficient of increasing exciting torque is considered. 3.72 Driving end impact coefficient KAs
Increase coefficient caused by driving end impact torque. 3.13 Driven end impact coefficient KLs
Increase coefficient caused by driven end impact torque. Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China on October 25, 1994 54
Implemented on October 1, 1995
3.14 Moment of inertia of driving end J
JB/T 7511- 94
The sum of the moments of inertia of driving end related to the coupling speed. 3.15 Moment of inertia of driven end
The sum of the moments of inertia of driven end related to the coupling speed. 3.16 Active end mass coefficient KA)
Active end moment of inertia distribution influence coefficient during impact and vibration. 3.17 Driven end mass coefficient KL
Driven end moment of inertia distribution influence coefficient during impact and vibration. 4 Coupling selection and calculation
4.1 Coupling torque
The main parameter of the coupling is the nominal torque T, and other coupling torques shall comply with the provisions of GB3931. When selecting, the torques shall meet the following relationship:
Where: T--theoretical torque, N·m
Tc\calculated torque.N·m;
Tnominal torque, N·m;
ETmax ]-
Allowable torque, N·m;
Allowable maximum torque, N·m;
Maximum torque, Nm.
4.2 Calculation of the theoretical torque of the coupling
The theoretical torque of the coupling is calculated from the power and the working speed, that is: T= 9 550
Wherein; Pw driving power, kw;
working speed, r/min.
4.3 Calculation of the calculated torque of the coupling
The calculated torque of the coupling is calculated from the theoretical torque and the power machine coefficient, working condition coefficient and other related coefficients, that is: power machine coefficient (see Table 1);
Wu Zhong: Kw
working condition coefficient (see Table 3);
starting coefficient (see Table 4);
temperature coefficient (see Table 5).
4.4 Calculation of flexible or elastic coupling
.......( 3)
When vibration reduction, buffering, and improvement of the centering performance of the transmission system are required, flexible or elastic couplings should be used, and the coupling is the only elastic component in the unit system. The master and slave machines can be simplified into two mass systems. In this case, the following calculation can be used. In other cases, vibration calculations need to be introduced. 4.4.1 Under uniform load, the theoretical torque T is calculated by formula (2). Under various working temperatures, the calculated torque TAc (active end) of the power machine shall not be less than the calculated torque TLc (driven end) of the working machine, that is: calculated torque of the power machine, N·m;
Wu Zhong: TAc-
calculated torque of the working machine, N·m;
K,--temperature coefficient (see Table 5.
Ta: 2 TLeK,
4.4.2 Under impact load, JB/T 7511 -- 94
Under various working temperatures and frequent impact loads, the maximum torque Tma of the elastic coupling shall not be less than the impact torque Ts during operation. That is,
impact on the active end
impact on the driven end
impact on both ends
Timx 2 TisKt.KisK,K
T'mx 2 (TAsKAKAs +
~driving end impact torque, N·m;
wherein: TAS
driven end impact torque, N·m;
KAj—-driving end quality coefficient, Ka-
driven end quality coefficient, KI-
KAs-—driving end impact coefficient (generally 1.8); KLs——driven end impact coefficient (--generally 1.8); K,——temperature coefficient (see Table 5):
Kz——starting coefficient (see Table 4).
++++++++++++++++++ ++(6)
The above calculation is applicable to all kinds of couplings without torsional clearance. For couplings with torsional clearance, overload factors caused by vibration and impact must also be considered.
4.4.3 When the load is periodically alternating Rapidly passing through the resonance zone
When the resonance zone is passed quickly within the operating speed, only a small resonance peak value appears. Therefore, the alternating torque at resonance can be compared with the maximum torque of the coupling.
a. Active end excitation
Driven end excitation
Tama ≥ TAKAKvrKzK.
Where: Tai---exciting torque at the active end. N·m; TLexciting torque at the driven end, N·m;
resonance coefficient, Kvk,
--relative damping,
TLmx 2 Ti.K.KvrKzK.
damping work within a vibration cycle;
elastic deformation work within a vibration cycle. There is a continuous alternating torque
within the working frequency, and the alternating torque must be compared with the alternating fatigue torque T< of the coupling. a. Excitation at the active end
b. Excitation at the driven end
Wherein: Tak-alternating fatigue torque of the driving end, N·m; 5k
....( 10 )
JB/T 7511 - 94
alternating fatigue torque of the driven end, N·m;
exciting torque of the driving end, N·m;
Tliexciting torque of the driven end, N·m
Frequency coefficient: /(Hz)≤10,K=1:f(Hz)≥10,K,-amplification coefficient, K,
is near the resonance point. When
is attached outside the resonance point:
Wu Zhong: n
Where: i-
When the system natural frequency is consistent with the vibration frequency, the resonant speed, o.
Number of vibrations per revolution;
Natural frequency, if the coupling is elastic, for the mass system, it can be: CA+
Wu Zhong: (-Dynamic torsional stiffness of coupling
4.4.4. Loads caused by axial offset
When axial offset only produces static load on the coupling, radial and angular displacements produce alternating loads. This alternating load is related to the frequency coefficient. Therefore, the alternating torque should meet the following conditions: AX 2 AXnaxK.
Aa ≥ AamaxK,K.
formula rft;AX
allowable axial compensation of coupling;
-allowable radial compensation of coupling;
△α——·allowable angular compensation of coupling;△Xmx—·maximum axial compensation of the shaft system;AYmax
-maximum radial compensation of the shaft system;
maximum angular compensation of the shaft system.
**( 13)
The restoring forces and torques caused by shaft misalignment are functions of the coupling's axial stiffness Cx, radial stiffness C, and torsional stiffness C. These forces and torques increase the loads on adjacent components (shafts, bearings). Axial restoring force
Radial restoring force
Angular restoring torque
Where: (y-
Radial dynamic stiffness;
Axial dynamic stiffness:
(Angular dynamic stiffness.
4.4.5 Selection example
JB/T 7511—94
Example 1: The power machine is an electric motor. An example of selecting an elastic coupling under uniform load. 1. Given the power machine parameters
a, 160M three-phase AC motor, power Pw=11kW, speed n=1450r/min, Pe=9 5501450
h. Theoretical torque of the driving end T = 9550
72.5 N-m;
Rotor moment of inertia JA = 0.0736kg·m; c.
d, starting times z = 150 times/h;
e, ambient temperature t = 40℃;
The impact torque of the driving end, i.e. the starting torque Tas = 2Ta = 145N·m. f,
2. Known working machine parameters
a, load average torque Ti-68N·m;
b. Load moment of inertia small = 0.0883kg·m2. 3. Select a coupling with natural rubber elastic elements. When the load is uniform, the calculated torque T should meet the requirements of formula (4): TA ≥ TLK 68 × 1.1 75 N ·m4. Preliminary selection of TI.5 type T.-125N·m elastic sleeve pin coupling in GB4323, the elastic sleeve is natural rubber. Maximum torque Tmax=2Th=250N·m;
half coupling moment of inertia J,=Ja=0.015kg·m\; starting coefficient Kz (obtained from Table 4)=1.3
temperature coefficient K (obtained from Table 5)=1.1; impact coefficient KAs-1.8;
quality coefficient KA—+/=0.0886+0.10330.1033
impact torque of the active end during impact load should meet the requirements of formula (5): Tamax≥TasKaKAsK,Kz=14.5X0.54×1.8X1.3×1.1
=202 Nm<250 N- m
The impact torque of the active end is less than the maximum torque of the elastic coupling, so it is safe and can be selected. When selecting a coupling, the allowable offset under given working conditions should also be checked. Example 2: The power machine is a diesel engine, and an example of selecting an elastic coupling under periodic alternating loads. 1. Known power machine parameters
a. 4-cylinder four-stroke in-line diesel engine, power P=28kW, speed n=1500r/nin; b.
Theoretical torque T-9 550% of the active end = 168 N·m; 28
Second harmonic periodic alternating torque Taz一±536N·m; number of starts Z≤60 times/h;
Ambient temperature t=40℃:
Engine moment of inertia JA=2.36kg·m. f.
2. The working machine parameters are known: a. load average torque T = 148 N·m; b. load moment of inertia J = 1.01 kg·m°. 3. Select a coupling with natural rubber elastic elements. When the load is uniform, the calculated torque T should meet the requirements of formula (4): T^≥TiK, = 148 × 1.1 = 162 N·m. 4. Preliminary selection of TL6 type T, = 250 N·m elastic sleeve pin coupling in GB4323, the elastic sleeve is natural rubber. Maximum torque Tmax=2T,=500 N·m;
Alternating fatigue torque Tk=±100 N·m;58
JB/T 7511 -- 94
Dynamic torsional stiffness C=2900N·m/rad; Amplification factor K,=6;
Moment of inertia J,-0.0294kgm2;
Jz=0.007 85 kg · m2;
Starting coefficient (obtained from Table 4) Kz-1
Temperature coefficient (obtained from Table 5) K.=1.1;
-+J:-2. 389 4+1.017 8-0. 298Mass coefficient KA
When considering the resonant speed, it should meet the requirements of formula (8):TAmax≥TA2KAlK,KK,536×0.298×6×1×1.1
-- 1 055 N-m
From the above calculation, it can be seen that the initial TL6 coupling is too small, and the TL8 type with two specifications should be selected, T=710N·m, its main parameter torque Tmax=2T=1 420N*rn:
Alternating fatigue torque Ts=150N·m:
Dynamic torsional stiffness C=5500N·m/rad; amplification factor K,=6
Moment of inertia J,=0.053kgm2;
Jz 0. 023 6 kg ·m*;
The quality coefficient KAI-J+J\
is given by the new parameters:
Through resonance Tamax=536X0.3×6×1X1.1~1061N-mThe natural frequency is.
2 yuan V5500×
Resonance speed n=f.
=417 r/min
Alternating fatigue torque T=TAzKAKK,K
536×0.3X0.0833X1.1×2.24=33Nm Where: K.
K---2. 24
All the torque values ​​calculated above are within the allowable torque value range of the coupling, so it is safe and can be selected. The allowable offset of the selected elastic coupling should be checked according to the given working conditions. 5 Coefficients related to the selection of couplings
When selecting a coupling, the power machine coefficient K and the working condition coefficient K should be considered: when a flexible or elastic coupling is selected for working conditions with impact, vibration and axis compensation, the starting coefficient Kz, temperature coefficient K, frequency coefficient K, amplification coefficient K, and impact coefficient K should be considered. The comprehensive influence factors of other coefficients on the transmission system. 5.1 Power machine coefficient K,
According to different power machine categories, its power machine coefficient K is shown in Table 1.5
Power machine category code
5.2 Coupling load category
JB/T 7511- 94
Table 1 Power machine coefficient Kw
Power machine name
Electric motor, turbine
Four-cylinder and above internal combustion engine
Two-cylinder internal combustion engine
Single-cylinder internal combustion engine
According to the working state of the transmission system, the load is divided into four categories as shown in Table 2. Table 2 Coupling load category
Load category code
Load classification
5.3 Condition coefficient K
Uniform load
Medium impact load
The load category and condition coefficient K of different working machines are shown in Table 3. Heavy impact load
Power machine coefficient K
Extra heavy impact load
5.3.1 The K value listed in Table 3 is the average value of the transmission system under different working conditions, and can be appropriately increased according to actual conditions. 5.3.2 The K values ​​listed in Table 3 are for motors and turbines. For other power machines, the power machine coefficient K5.3.3 should be considered in the transmission system equipped with a brake, when the theoretical torque of the brake exceeds the theoretical torque of the power machine, the coupling should be selected based on the theoretical torque of the brake.
Table 3 Coupling working condition coefficient K
Working machine name
Steering mechanism
Canning machinery
Axial flow
Axial flow
Centrifugal pump
Rotary pump (gear pump
Screw pump, vane pump, vane pump)
Axial flow
Pure liquid
Mixing equipment
Brewery and
Distillation equipment
|Liquid plus solid
Variable density of body
Bottling machinery
Filter barrel
Load category code "\condition coefficient K
Working machine name
Assembly conveyor
Belt conveyor
Bucket conveyor
Uniform loading
Plate conveyor
Conveyor factory
Chain conveyor
Chain plate conveyor
Box conveyor
Screw conveyor
Assembly conveyor|| tt||Belt conveyor
Bucket conveyor
Chain conveyor
Chain plate conveyor
Box conveyor
Plate feeder
Belt feeder
Disc feeder
Screw feeder
Load category code
Working condition coefficient code
Working machine name
Lifting machinery
Processing equipment
Textile machine
Automatic lift
Gravity unloading lift
Chemical processing equipment
Annular dust collector
Dehydration Screen
Sand dust collector
Waste slag crusher
Fast and slow mixer
Sludge collector
Vacuum filter
Opening and cleaning machine
Quantitative feeder
Printing machine
Sizing machine
Dyeing machine
Raising machine
Pressing machine
Yellowing machine
Can steamer
Cardling machine
Cotton finishing machine (slip
JB/T 7511 --. 94
Continued Table 3
Load category code Working condition coefficient K
Washing, stenting, rolling machine
Bleaching machine
Papermaking equipment
Leveling machine
Reeling machine
Cleaning machine
Flowing water feed screen filter
Other machine tools
Auxiliary transmission device
Main transmission device
Working machine name
Food machinery
Bottle and canning machinery
Grain thresher
Petroleum machinery Cold packing
Printing machinery
Cooling tower type
Draught fan
(without damper control)
To cylinder or multi-mouse
Single-acting piston pump||t t||Double-acting pump
Single-cylinder or double-signal
Single-acting piston pump
Reciprocating multi-cylinder compressor
Uneven hook
Lifting machinery
Drum mixer
Concrete mixer
Plate conveyor
Screw conveyor
Reciprocating conveyor
Centrifugal unloader
Bucket elevator
Ordinary truck elevator
Winding machine
: Mixer and crusher
Laminating machine
Roll package
Drying machine
Suction rolling machine
Hydraulic peeling machine
Papermaking equipment
Mechanical peeling Leather machine
Calendar machine
Cutting machine
Log hauler
Leather roller
Load category code Working condition coefficient K
Working machine name
Beet cutter
Food machinery
Noodle mixer
Meat grinder
Gansu cutter
Break conveyor
Planer feeding device
Planer transmission device
Shearing machine feeding device
Processing machinery
Debarker (cylindrical)
Drive roller device
Log hauler (inclined)
Drag machine (vertical)
Feeding device|| tt||Bending machine
Machine tool
Petroleum machinery
Rolling equipment
Pressing machine
(gear drive device)
Tapping machine
Paraffin filter
Oil well pump
Rotary kiln
Slitting shear
Winding machine
Drawing machine trolley
Drawing machine main drive
Forming machine
Wire drawing machine and calender
Irreversible conveyor roller
Cement kiln
Dryer and cooler
Sand and gravel crusher
Rod crusher
Load category code
JB/T 7511—94
Continued Table 3
Working Condition Coefficient K
Working Machine Name
Rubber Machinery
And Winches
Roller Crusher
Ball Mill
Rubber Calender
Tablet Press
Rubber Crusher
Enclosed Freezer
Tire Forming Machine
Slope Winches
Bucket Crane
Hook Crane
Bridge Crane
Main Winches
Reversible Winches
Winch (Textile Winches)
Clay Processing Machinery||tt| |Pelletizer (crushing machine)
Towed unloader (intermittent load)
Universal winch
Cable drum device
Motorized winch
Screen drive
Cutting head drive
Clamp drive cover
Washing machine
Reversible washing machine
Drum washing machine
Hammer mill
Rotary stone screen
Swing conveyor
Reciprocating feeder
Reversible conveyor roller
Load category code丨Working condition factor K3 In the transmission system equipped with brakes, when the theoretical torque of the brake exceeds the theoretical torque of the power machine, the coupling should be selected based on the theoretical torque of the brake.
Table 3 Coupling working condition coefficient K
Working machine name
Steering mechanism
Canning machinery
Axial flow
Axial flow
Centrifugal pump
Rotary pump (gear pump
screw pump, vane pump, vane pump)
Axial flow
Pure liquid
Mixing equipment
Brewery and
Distillation equipment||tt| |Liquid plus solid
Variable density of body
Bottling machinery
Filter barrel
Load category code "\condition coefficient K
Working machine name
Assembly conveyor
Belt conveyor
Bucket conveyor
Uniform loading
Plate conveyor
Conveyor factory
Chain conveyor
Chain plate conveyor
Box conveyor
Screw conveyor
Assembly conveyor|| tt||Belt conveyor
Bucket conveyor
Chain conveyor
Chain plate conveyor
Box conveyor
Plate feeder
Belt feeder
Disc feeder
Screw feeder
Load category code
Working condition coefficient code
Working machine name
Lifting machinery
Processing equipment
Textile machine
Automatic lift
Gravity unloading lift
Chemical processing equipment
Annular dust collector
Dehydration Screen
Sand dust collector
Waste slag crusher
Fast and slow mixer
Sludge collector
Vacuum filter
Opening and cleaning machine
Quantitative feeder
Printing machine
Sizing machine
Dyeing machine
Raising machine
Pressing machine
Yellowing machine
Can steamer
Cardling machine
Cotton finishing machine (slip
JB/T 7511 --. 94
Continued Table 3
Load category code Working condition coefficient K
Washing, stenting, rolling machine
Bleaching machine
Papermaking equipment
Leveling machine
Reeling machine
Cleaning machine
Flowing water feed screen filter
Other machine tools
Auxiliary transmission device
Main transmission device
Working machine name
Food machinery
Bottle and canning machinery
Grain thresher
Petroleum machinery Cold charging
Printing machinery
Cooling tower type
Draught fan
(without damper control)
To cylinder or multi-mouse
Single-acting piston pump||t t||Double-acting pump
Single cylinder or double sign
Single-acting piston pump
Reciprocating multi-cylinder compressor
Uneven hook
Lifting machinery
Drum mixer
Concrete mixer
Plate conveyor
Screw conveyor
Reciprocating conveyor
Centrifugal unloader
Bucket elevator
Ordinary truck elevator
Winding machine
: Mixer and crusher
Laminating machine
Roll simple package
Drying machine
Suction rolling machine
Hydraulic peeling machine
Papermaking equipment
Mechanical peeling Leather machine
Calendar machine
Cutting machine
Log hauler
Leather roller
Load category code Working condition coefficient K
Working machine name
Beet cutter
Food machinery
Noodle mixer
Meat grinder
Gansu cutter
Break conveyor
Planer feeding device
Planer transmission device
Shearing machine feeding device
Processing machinery
Debarker (cylindrical)
Drive roller device
Log hauler (inclined)
Drag machine (vertical)
Feeding device|| tt||Bending machine
Machine tool
Petroleum machinery
Rolling equipment
Pressing machine
(gear drive device)
Tapping machine
Paraffin filter
Oil well pump
Rotary kiln
Slitting shear
Winding machine
Drawing machine trolley
Drawing machine main drive
Forming machine
Wire drawing machine and calender
Irreversible conveyor roller
Cement kiln
Dryer and cooler
Sand and gravel crusher
Rod crusher
Load category code
JB/T 7511—94
Continued Table 3
Working Condition Coefficient K
Working Machine Name
Rubber Machinery
And Winches
Roller Crusher
Ball Mill
Rubber Calender
Tablet Press
Rubber Crusher
Enclosed Freezer
Tire Forming Machine
Slope Winches
Bucket Crane
Hook Crane
Bridge Crane
Main Winches
Reversible Winches
Winch (Textile Winches)
Clay Processing Machinery||tt| |Pelletizer (crushing machine)
Towed unloader (intermittent load)
Universal winch
Cable drum device
Motorized winch
Screen drive
Cutting head drive
Clamp drive cover
Washing machine
Reversible washing machine
Drum washing machine
Hammer mill
Rotary stone screen
Swing conveyor
Reciprocating feeder
Reversible conveyor roller
Load category code丨Working condition factor K3 In the transmission system equipped with brakes, when the theoretical torque of the brake exceeds the theoretical torque of the power machine, the coupling should be selected based on the theoretical torque of the brake.
Table 3 Coupling working condition coefficient K
Working machine name
Steering mechanism
Canning machinery
Axial flow
Axial flow
Centrifugal pump
Rotary pump (gear pump
screw pump, vane pump, vane pump)
Axial flow
Pure liquid
Mixing equipment
Brewery and
Distillation equipment||tt| |Liquid plus solid
Variable density of body
Bottling machinery
Filter barrel
Load category code "\condition coefficient K
Working machine name
Assembly conveyor
Belt conveyor
Bucket conveyor
Uniform loading
Plate conveyor
Conveyor factory
Chain conveyor
Chain plate conveyor
Box conveyor
Screw conveyor
Assembly conveyor|| tt||Belt conveyor
Bucket conveyor
Chain conveyor
Chain plate conveyor
Box conveyor
Plate feeder
Belt feeder
Disc feeder
Screw feeder
Load category code
Working condition coefficient code
Working machine name
Lifting machinery
Processing equipment
Textile machine
Automatic lift
Gravity unloading lift
Chemical processing equipment
Annular dust collector
Dehydration Screen
Sand dust collector
Waste slag crusher
Fast and slow mixer
Sludge collector
Vacuum filter
Opening and cleaning machine
Quantitative feeder
Printing machine
Sizing machine
Dyeing machine
Raising machine
Pressing machine
Yellowing machine
Can steamer
Cardling machine
Cotton finishing machine (slip
JB/T 7511 --. 94
Continued Table 3
Load category code Working condition coefficient K
Washing, stenting, rolling machine
Bleaching machine
Papermaking equipment
Leveling machine
Reeling machine
Cleaning machine
Flowing water feed screen filter
Other machine tools
Auxiliary transmission device
Main transmission device
Working machine name
Food machinery
Bottle and canning machinery
Grain thresher
Petroleum machinery Cold charging
Printing machinery
Cooling tower type
Draught fan
(without damper control)
To cylinder or multi-mouse
Single-acting piston pump||t t||Double-acting pump
Single cylinder or double sign
Single-acting piston pump
Reciprocating multi-cylinder compressor
Uneven hook
Lifting machinery
Drum mixer
Concrete mixer
Plate conveyor
Screw conveyor
Reciprocating conveyor
Centrifugal unloader
Bucket elevator
Ordinary truck elevator
Winding machine
: Mixer and crusher
Laminating machine
Roll simple package
Drying machine
Suction rolling machine
Hydraulic peeling machine
Papermaking equipment
Mechanical peeling Leather machine
Calendar machine
Cutting machine
Log hauler
Leather roller
Load category code Working condition coefficient K
Working machine name
Beet cutter
Food machinery
Noodle mixer
Meat grinder
Gansu cutter
Break conveyor
Planer feeding device
Planer transmission device
Shearing machine feeding device
Processing machinery
Debarker (cylindrical)
Drive roller device
Log hauler (inclined)
Drag machine (vertical)
Feeding device|| tt||Bending machine
Machine tool
Petroleum machinery
Rolling equipment
Pressing machine
(gear drive device)
Tapping machine
Paraffin filter
Oil well pump
Rotary kiln
Slitting shear
Winding machine
Drawing machine trolley
Drawing machine main drive
Forming machine
Wire drawing machine and calender
Irreversible conveyor roller
Cement kiln
Dryer and cooler
Sand and gravel crusher
Rod crusher
Load category code
JB/T 7511—94
Continued Table 3
Working Condition Coefficient K
Working Machine Name
Rubber Machinery
And Winches
Roller Crusher
Ball Mill
Rubber Calender
Tablet Press
Rubber Crusher
Enclosed Freezer
Tire Forming Machine
Slope Winches
Bucket Crane
Hook Crane
Bridge Crane
Main Winches
Reversible Winches
Winch (Textile Winches)
Clay Processing Machinery||tt| |Pelletizer (crushing machine)
Towed unloader (intermittent load)
Universal winch
Cable drum device
Motorized winch
Screen drive
Cutting head drive
Clamp drive cover
Washing machine
Reversible washing machine
Drum washing machine
Hammer mill
Rotary stone screen
Swing conveyor
Reciprocating feeder
Reversible conveyor roller
Load category code丨Working condition factor K94
Continued Table 3
Load category code Working condition coefficient K
Washing, stenting, rolling machine
Bleaching machine
Papermaking equipment
Leveling machine
Reeling machine
Cleaning machine
Flowing water feed screen filter
Other machine tools
Auxiliary transmission device
Main transmission device
Working machine name
Food machinery
Bottle and canning machinery
Grain thresher
Petroleum machinery Cold packing
Printing machinery
Cooling tower type
Draught fan
(without damper control)
To cylinder or multi-mouse
Single-acting piston pump||t t||Double-acting pumpbzxZ.net
Single-cylinder or double-signal
Single-acting piston pump
Reciprocating multi-cylinder compressor
Uneven hook
Lifting machinery
Drum mixer
Concrete mixer
Plate conveyor
Screw conveyor
Reciprocating conveyor
Centrifugal unloader
Bucket elevator
Ordinary truck elevator
Winding machine
: Mixer and crusher
Laminating machine
Roll package
Drying machine
Suction rolling machine
Hydraulic peeling machine
Papermaking equipment
Mechanical peeling Leather machine
Calendar machine
Cutting machine
Log hauler
Leather roller
Load category code Working condition coefficient K
Working machine name
Beet cutter
Food machinery
Noodle mixer
Meat grinder
Gansu cutter
Break conveyor
Planer feeding device
Planer transmission device
Shearing machine feeding device
Processing machinery
Debarker (cylindrical)
Drive roller device
Log hauler (inclined)
Drag machine (vertical)
Feeding device|| tt||Bending machine
Machine tool
Petroleum machinery
Rolling equipment
Pressing machine
(gear drive device)
Tapping machine
Paraffin filter
Oil well pump
Rotary kiln
Slitting shear
Winding machine
Drawing machine trolley
Drawing machine main drive
Forming machine
Wire drawing machine and calender
Irreversible conveyor roller
Cement kiln
Dryer and cooler
Sand and gravel crusher
Rod crusher
Load category code
JB/T 7511—94
Continued Table 3
Working Condition Coefficient K
Working Machine Name
Rubber Machinery
And Winches
Roller Crusher
Ball Mill
Rubber Calender
Tablet Press
Rubber Crusher
Enclosed Freezer
Tire Forming Machine
Slope Winches
Bucket Crane
Hook Crane
Bridge Crane
Main Winches
Reversible Winches
Winch (Textile Winches)
Clay Processing Machinery||tt| |Pelletizer (crushing machine)
Towed unloader (intermittent load)
Universal winch
Cable drum device
Motorized winch
Screen drive
Cutting head drive
Clamp drive cover
Washing machine
Reversible washing machine
Drum washing machine
Hammer mill
Rotary stone screen
Swing conveyor
Reciprocating feeder
Reversible conveyor roller
Load category code丨Working condition factor K
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